BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JustMike's Group - FULL Rss Feed  
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2010-02-05 4:42 PM

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Subject: JustMike's Group - FULL

Group Members


Suggestions for Group Participation

Log your workouts on BT - Keeping a workout log is a really good habit for trending patterns and tracking progress, and it also makes answering questions easier when we can see your logs.

Log your nutrition - Here or somewhere else.  If you are working on a weight loss goal it is very very helpful to log what you eat.  We often eat more or less than we need, unknowingly.  It is hard and a bit time consuming at first but it gets easier and it really helps.  We can't understand what we can't measure.

Ask Questions - That's what we are here for

Friend your fellow group members, and encourage them!

And remember we do this because we enjoy it, so if it isn't fun something is wrong!

NAME: Mike

STORY: Three years ago I was a 380 pound couch potato. Now I’m a triathlete. I’ve lost over 206 pounds and I’m training for an Ironman 70.3 race this year and an Ironman in 2011! I made this change through healthy eating, lots of exercise, and more than a little determination.

FAMILY STATUS: I'm engaged to an amazing woman and I have a 5 year old son.

CURRENT TRAINING: I currently am in training for Ironman 70.3 Steelhead and I work very hard to fit that training in along with being a father, a partner for my fiance, and an IT professional.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: The 2009 race season was my first year doing triathlon.  Before that I mostly did cycling club rides.  My biggest race of the year was the Chicago Triathlon.  In 2010 I'm going to do a 70.3 race, and in 2011 I'll be doing a full ironman with any luck.

2010 RACES:

A bunch of 5k's and:

Sullivan Sprint Triathlon 4/25
Tri-Shark Sprint Triathlon 6/5
Lake Evergreen Olympic Triathlon 7/19
Ironman Steelhead 70.3 7/31
Great Illini Olympic Triathlon 9/4
Indianapolis Marathon

WEIGHTLOSS:  I've made it from 380+ pounds down to 175ish pounds and 8% body fat. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I know what it takes to lose weight.  I know how hard it is, I know how much plateau's suck, and I know how to keep going and drop the pounds.  In addition I also understand that training has to fit around real life, and I have experience making it all fit. 

Edited by JustMike 2010-02-17 1:37 PM

2010-02-05 9:41 PM
in reply to: #2657825

New user

Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Hi Mike,

My name is Ken, I made the decision 2 weeks ago to start training for an upcoming Olympic TRI in August. I feel like I have started something that is going to change my life forever.  Your story is very inspiring, I am at 215 and need to get down to about 175's as well. The weight has been coming off and it feels great.

Anyways I have just joined BT and would love any support/inf. you can provide. I have no idea what to expect or what goes on in a group but would like to get involved.


Ken G 
2010-02-06 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2658241

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Hi Ken, welcome and congrats on the weight loss. 

As the group fills up hopefully we can all continue to inspire each other and work together to figure out how to best use this group.

Until then, please let me know if you have any questions about triathlon in general, training plans, whatever.  I'm here to help!

2010-02-08 10:11 PM
in reply to: #2657825


Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Hi Mike,

My name is David & I decided in December that I was going to train to do a triathlon this year.  I currently am swimming & biking about 3 times per week each.  Not currently running as I have the symptoms of a stress fracture above my left ankle.  Went to the dr. Friday & am waiting on further consultation as to what I actually have.  So I've been letting it heal on my own for about 3 weeks now.

I am currently at about 213 lbs & 6'3", 52 years old.  Have ran in two 1/2 marathons and was training to do a full at the end of this month but the injury is going to prevent me from doing that.  I figure I need to lose about 15 more lbs before the Louisville Triathlon in August which I have already registered for.

A good friend has encouraged me to get an online mentor to maximize my training, so I need any direction I can get.  I have learned in working on my swimming that it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but I'm working to be humble and learn.

Would love to join your group and receive any instruction you can give.


2010-02-09 11:09 AM
in reply to: #2657825

Mobile, AL
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Hi Mike, I'm Paul. I would like to join your mentor group. I am 33 years old and live in Mobile, Al. I am 5'8" and 175 lbs. Currently, I am running about 21% bf. I have completed one super sprint triathlon in September of 09' which capped off about 8 months of weight loss for me. I started my weight loss journey at 220 lbs. I have leveled off at my current weight and can't seem to drop any more. I did slack off the aerobic training during the winter and went to heavier weight programs. I am now back on track with my triathlon training and have several races planned soon.

My planned races include:
*Bold Eagle Triathlon April 25th (Olympic Length)
*Three Mile Bridge Swim May 29th (5K Swim)
*Grandman Triathlon June 5th (Sprint Length)
*Coastal Triathlon September 11th (Olympic Length)
*Several 5K's and a 10K

Currently, I am not a fast biker or runner. I can generally hold my own on swim speed.

My goals are:
*Improve overall speed and distance.
*Complete the races listed. I don't have any set time goals for the first two races. I will set some time goals for the second two races.
*I want to build to a Half Ironman next year and a Full Ironman in 2012.
*I also want to lose enough fat to get below 10% bf.

My biggest obstacle is making myself get out there every day. I have to train early or late because of work, and I train alone. This makes it too easy for me to skip out on training. I am using the training logs and currently following the 12 week Olympic training plan.

I would love to join your group to get a little encouragement, accountability and some tips along the way.

Edited by imbr0gli0 2010-02-09 11:34 AM
2010-02-09 10:07 PM
in reply to: #2662591

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
david rail - 2010-02-08 10:11 PM Hi Mike,

My name is David & I decided in December that I was going to train to do a triathlon this year.  I currently am swimming & biking about 3 times per week each.  Not currently running as I have the symptoms of a stress fracture above my left ankle.  Went to the dr. Friday & am waiting on further consultation as to what I actually have.  So I've been letting it heal on my own for about 3 weeks now.

I am currently at about 213 lbs & 6'3", 52 years old.  Have ran in two 1/2 marathons and was training to do a full at the end of this month but the injury is going to prevent me from doing that.  I figure I need to lose about 15 more lbs before the Louisville Triathlon in August which I have already registered for.

A good friend has encouraged me to get an online mentor to maximize my training, so I need any direction I can get.  I have learned in working on my swimming that it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but I'm working to be humble and learn.

Would love to join your group and receive any instruction you can give.



Hi David, and welcome! 

Good luck on that stress fracture.  Not being able to run can be extremely frustrating.  If it does turn out that you can't run for an extended period of time you may want to talk to your doctor about aqua jogging.  There are some how to videos on youtube and I hear it is a great option for people recovering from injury.

Do you have any ideas on what caused the injury?  Let us know when you know more!  I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 

2010-02-09 10:15 PM
in reply to: #2663412

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
imbr0gli0 - 2010-02-09 11:09 AM Hi Mike, I'm Paul. I would like to join your mentor group. I am 33 years old and live in Mobile, Al. I am 5'8" and 175 lbs. Currently, I am running about 21% bf. I have completed one super sprint triathlon in September of 09' which capped off about 8 months of weight loss for me. I started my weight loss journey at 220 lbs. I have leveled off at my current weight and can't seem to drop any more. I did slack off the aerobic training during the winter and went to heavier weight programs. I am now back on track with my triathlon training and have several races planned soon. My planned races include: *Bold Eagle Triathlon April 25th (Olympic Length) *Three Mile Bridge Swim May 29th (5K Swim) *Grandman Triathlon June 5th (Sprint Length) *Coastal Triathlon September 11th (Olympic Length) *Several 5K's and a 10K Currently, I am not a fast biker or runner. I can generally hold my own on swim speed. My goals are: *Improve overall speed and distance. *Complete the races listed. I don't have any set time goals for the first two races. I will set some time goals for the second two races. *I want to build to a Half Ironman next year and a Full Ironman in 2012. *I also want to lose enough fat to get below 10% bf. My biggest obstacle is making myself get out there every day. I have to train early or late because of work, and I train alone. This makes it too easy for me to skip out on training. I am using the training logs and currently following the 12 week Olympic training plan. I would love to join your group to get a little encouragement, accountability and some tips along the way.

Hey Paul, welcome! 

It can be really difficult to get that training time in.  I've been there.  I'm moving my fiance from Missouri to Illinois this weekend so I had to get my long ride in on the trainer tonight and 2 hours on a trainer after work can be very challenging for me.  It was an opportunity to work on mental toughness, for sure.    I think the hardest part is just getting out there and doing it though.  Once I start a workout I almost never quit, so sometimes I just say "well, just go do it for 10 minutes and then you can stop if you want..."  More times than not I do it all.  

Anyway, I could use some accountability too.  I'll always do the workout, but I need to get some mental toughness and not have such a lousy attitude about it sometimes.    Hopefully you guys can keep me honest.

Edited by JustMike 2010-02-09 10:16 PM
2010-02-10 6:26 PM
in reply to: #2657825

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
NAME: Jason

STORY: The day after the 2009 superbowl, I stepped on the scale and saw 197.5.  I'm only 5'6", and my normal weight has been about 160-170 pounds pretty much my entire adult life.  I'm 28 years old.  So I rededicated myself to working out, and working out hard.  Lost about 40 pounds while training for the Honolulu Marathon (I live in Hawaii) which has always been on my bucket list.  I managed to make my goal of sub 4 hours.  The next thing on my bucket list was a triathlon...but I know now that these goals are no longer just something to check off a list.  It's something I'm addicted to now.  I love waking up early to train, and I don't mind doing 3x as much laundry.  I did put on a few pounds over the holidays, but I'm comfortable at 162 right now, but will strive to get around 155-158 for the upcoming races.


Swimming 3-4 times a week (2 masters class).  I only started swimming since November '09 and need a lot of work.
Cycling about 3 times a week.  I only started cycling in October '09, but am fairly strong.  I can keep up with the front pack of my Saturday group ride, which consists of a lot of triathletes.
Running about 4-5 times a week, 25 mpw.  I have only been running more than 3-5 mpw since June '09.  I peaked at 52 mpw in November, but have settled back down to about 20-25 mpw.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2009 I did a 25k, 30k, Half Marathon, and Marathon (all firsts).  Finished the marathon in 3:58:32

2010 RACES:

Waterfront Sprint Tri - March (first tri...don't drown, finish, and don't get in anyone's way)
Lanikai Sprint Tri - April (build on the first sprint)
Honolulu Tri Olympic - May (A race)
Tinman Tri Olympic hybrid (800m swim) - July (A race)
Norman Tamanaha 15k - August (training race)
Barbers Point 20k - August (training race)
Kailua 25k - September (training race)
Century Ride - September (for fun)
Honolulu 30k - October (training race)
Nolasco HM - November (training race)
Honolulu Marathon - December (A race)

WEIGHTLOSS:  Currently 162 pounds and about 15% body fat.  Want to get down to about 155-158.

I know what it takes to lose weight.  I know how hard it is, I know how much plateau's suck, and I know how to keep going and drop the pounds.  In addition I also understand that training has to fit around real life, and I have experience making it all fit. 

What will make you a good mentor:  I just have tons of questions as far as learning the ropes.  Ettiquette, rules, training in HR zones, avoiding injury, etc.  I'm pretty self motivated...but what motivates me the most is when I learn something new that I can apply to my next race or training session.


Edited by tri808 2010-02-10 6:31 PM
2010-02-10 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2664861


Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
I think what caused the injury was during a run I developed a severe cramp between the calf & ankle.  This caused me to change my gait over a period of a month or so, and I think this put an unusual strain on that area of my leg.
2010-02-10 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2657825

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN

Hey Mike....and everyone else.  I would really like to join up with you all.

My name is Holly, I am 37 and live in Oklahoma City, OK.   This is my 3rd year to do triathlon.  I did a sprint my first year, 2 oly distance races last year and am planning on an Oly, sprint and my first HIM this year.  I absolutely love this sport!!

Family Status:  I am married to a non-triathlete but very supportive man and we have a 10yo son and 2 crazy dogs. 

Current Training:  My first race of the season will be an oly distace in June, then I have a sprint in August & my HIM in September.  I hope to add a duathlon, a couple of road races and one 33 mile bike tour in there as well.  Right now my main training goals are to S/B/R at least 2 times per week and weight train 2-3 times a week.  Once I start on my HIM training plan I will increase my S/B/R to 3 times a week.   It's hard to squeeze everything in but I am lucky to have a husband that supports me and bosses that are in to running and triathlon as well. 

This Years Races:  6/6/10:  Route 66 Olympic; 8/8/10 Lighthouse Sprint; 9/25/10 Redman 70.3 - these are my for sure races.

My goal for this season is to really increase my power on the bike.  I have the endurance and can ride all day long at a nice easy pace but am seriously lacking when it comes to power.  

2010-02-10 9:56 PM
in reply to: #2666800

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
tri808 - 2010-02-10 6:26 PM NAME: Jason

STORY: The day after the 2009 superbowl, I stepped on the scale and saw 197.5.  I'm only 5'6", and my normal weight has been about 160-170 pounds pretty much my entire adult life.  I'm 28 years old.  So I rededicated myself to working out, and working out hard.  Lost about 40 pounds while training for the Honolulu Marathon (I live in Hawaii) which has always been on my bucket list.  I managed to make my goal of sub 4 hours.  The next thing on my bucket list was a triathlon...but I know now that these goals are no longer just something to check off a list.  It's something I'm addicted to now.  I love waking up early to train, and I don't mind doing 3x as much laundry.  I did put on a few pounds over the holidays, but I'm comfortable at 162 right now, but will strive to get around 155-158 for the upcoming races.


Swimming 3-4 times a week (2 masters class).  I only started swimming since November '09 and need a lot of work.
Cycling about 3 times a week.  I only started cycling in October '09, but am fairly strong.  I can keep up with the front pack of my Saturday group ride, which consists of a lot of triathletes.
Running about 4-5 times a week, 25 mpw.  I have only been running more than 3-5 mpw since June '09.  I peaked at 52 mpw in November, but have settled back down to about 20-25 mpw.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2009 I did a 25k, 30k, Half Marathon, and Marathon (all firsts).  Finished the marathon in 3:58:32

2010 RACES:

Waterfront Sprint Tri - March (first tri...don't drown, finish, and don't get in anyone's way)
Lanikai Sprint Tri - April (build on the first sprint)
Honolulu Tri Olympic - May (A race)
Tinman Tri Olympic hybrid (800m swim) - July (A race)
Norman Tamanaha 15k - August (training race)
Barbers Point 20k - August (training race)
Kailua 25k - September (training race)
Century Ride - September (for fun)
Honolulu 30k - October (training race)
Nolasco HM - November (training race)
Honolulu Marathon - December (A race)

WEIGHTLOSS:  Currently 162 pounds and about 15% body fat.  Want to get down to about 155-158.

I know what it takes to lose weight.  I know how hard it is, I know how much plateau's suck, and I know how to keep going and drop the pounds.  In addition I also understand that training has to fit around real life, and I have experience making it all fit. 

What will make you a good mentor:  I just have tons of questions as far as learning the ropes.  Ettiquette, rules, training in HR zones, avoiding injury, etc.  I'm pretty self motivated...but what motivates me the most is when I learn something new that I can apply to my next race or training session.


Hey Jason,

Welcome!  I have to admit I'm pretty darn envious of living in Hawaii.  I'm in illinois where it is currently 10ish degrees and there is a bunch of snow on the ground.  Warm sounds awesome!

It sounds like you're already a pretty advanced cyclist and a great runner!  That's awesome.  I'm sure the swimming will come fast.  Please ask away, I'm sure alot of people have the same questions you do, so don't be shy.  Hopefully we can all figure out the answers. 

2010-02-10 10:04 PM
in reply to: #2667091

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Welcome Holly, nice to have you! 

I agree, it's really difficult to fit it all in. 

So, what are your plans for increasing power on the bike? How did you determine that was a limiter?  It's interesting that you bring this up because power on the bike and the run (quads I think) are both pretty significant limiters for me.  Do you train with a power tap?

I recently went to a college kinesiology lab to have my VO2Max tested along with my body fat, the rate at which i burn calories on the bike, and some other stuff.  The VO2Max test was a max effort test, and my legs were done at around 340ish watts I think, while my heart rate was still only in the 150s.  It was really disappointing.  So, anyway, I'm also very interested in developing leg strength this year.   So far my plan has been anerobic intervals, spending lots of time in power zone 3 on every ride as even that is rather difficult for me, and resistance training (kettlebells).  So far I've made some huge improvements, but I've only been working on this about three weeks. 
2010-02-11 1:35 AM
in reply to: #2657825

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN


I just got my new Timex Race trainer in the mail.  I'm so stoked.  It's the first HRM I've owned, but have no clue how to actually make use of it.  I set up my max HR, my weight, and it automatically preset 5 zones...50-60%, 60-70%...up to 90-100%.  I assumed my max HR is 192 (using 220-age) but will get on the treadmill tomorrow to find a more accurate baseline. 

So right now
Zone 1 = 96-114
Zone 2 = 115-133
Zone 3 = 134-153
Zone 4 = 154-172
Zone 5 = 173-192

Are these correct?  I understand that they are exactly in the % range of my max, but I have seen other HR zone calculators say that Zone 1 should be about 124-135 for me.  In other words, the minimum for zone 1 is much higher, and each zone has a smaller gap all the way up to 192.

So I guess for starters I'm just trying to figure out what each zone is actually supposed to mean.  When someone says they ran for 30 minutes in zone 1, would that be 96-114, or 124-135.  Seems like a big difference to me.

Thanks again 

2010-02-11 1:53 AM
in reply to: #2663412

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
imbr0gli0 - 2010-02-09 7:09 AM Hi Mike, I'm Paul. I would like to join your mentor group. I am 33 years old and live in Mobile, Al. I am 5'8" and 175 lbs. Currently, I am running about 21% bf.  I started my weight loss journey at 220 lbs. I have leveled off at my current weight and can't seem to drop any more.  *I also want to lose enough fat to get below 10% bf.

Hey Paul...I'm Jason.

I noticed that you were trying to really lean down.  Have you read the book "burn the fat, feed the muscle"?  If not, I can send you a electronic pdf copy.  It is by far the most informational book I have read on losing FAT.  It's a no-nonsense guide to how your metabolism works and what we can do to maximize it to burn as much fat as possible.  No gimmicks, no pills, powders, or 15 minute/3x a week magic workouts to give you an 8 pack.  Just the straight truth about how DIFFICULT it is to lose weight, and why diets don't work.  But once you understand that, it makes losing fat SIMPLE...but simple does not mean EASY!!

Good luck.
2010-02-11 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2667236

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
tri808 - 2010-02-11 1:35 AM


I just got my new Timex Race trainer in the mail.  I'm so stoked.  It's the first HRM I've owned, but have no clue how to actually make use of it.  I set up my max HR, my weight, and it automatically preset 5 zones...50-60%, 60-70%...up to 90-100%.  I assumed my max HR is 192 (using 220-age) but will get on the treadmill tomorrow to find a more accurate baseline. 

So right now
Zone 1 = 96-114
Zone 2 = 115-133
Zone 3 = 134-153
Zone 4 = 154-172
Zone 5 = 173-192

Are these correct?  I understand that they are exactly in the % range of my max, but I have seen other HR zone calculators say that Zone 1 should be about 124-135 for me.  In other words, the minimum for zone 1 is much higher, and each zone has a smaller gap all the way up to 192.

So I guess for starters I'm just trying to figure out what each zone is actually supposed to mean.  When someone says they ran for 30 minutes in zone 1, would that be 96-114, or 124-135.  Seems like a big difference to me.

Thanks again 


I'd recommend not using the 220-age calculation for setting your training zones.  It's really a very rough estimate at best, and I think it will be even less accurate for you since your resting heart rate will be lower than normal because of your great fitness base.  I think you're on the right track with the treadmill estimation.  I would recommend that you base your HR training zones on your Anerobic Threshold/Lactate Threshold.  I highly recommend "The Triathlete's Training Bible" by Joe Friel for information on how to do this, but in the mean time you could use this link (near the bottom of the page) and the heart rate functions built into beginner triathlete's training log.

This is a great question, and I hope everyone spends some time getting their heart rates set.  We often don't have control of how much we can train, but what we always can control is intensity.  Making sure we are working at the right level, not too hard or not to easy, is essential for the most adaptation for your time investment.

2010-02-11 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2667239

Mobile, AL
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
tri808 - 2010-02-11 1:53 AM

imbr0gli0 - 2010-02-09 7:09 AM Hi Mike, I'm Paul. I would like to join your mentor group. I am 33 years old and live in Mobile, Al. I am 5'8" and 175 lbs. Currently, I am running about 21% bf.  I started my weight loss journey at 220 lbs. I have leveled off at my current weight and can't seem to drop any more.  *I also want to lose enough fat to get below 10% bf.

Hey Paul...I'm Jason.

I noticed that you were trying to really lean down.  Have you read the book "burn the fat, feed the muscle"?  If not, I can send you a electronic pdf copy.  It is by far the most informational book I have read on losing FAT.  It's a no-nonsense guide to how your metabolism works and what we can do to maximize it to burn as much fat as possible.  No gimmicks, no pills, powders, or 15 minute/3x a week magic workouts to give you an 8 pack.  Just the straight truth about how DIFFICULT it is to lose weight, and why diets don't work.  But once you understand that, it makes losing fat SIMPLE...but simple does not mean EASY!!

Good luck.

Jason, I have not read that. I have simply been trying to restrict my calorie intake to always be less than my burn each day. I may be restricting it too much. I usually take in 1500-2000 calories daily. I am sure I am burning close to 2500+. I don't feel lethargic though. I really work hard to time meals around workouts. I also try to limit fats, especially trans and saturated. I eat lots of lean meats, veggies and fruits. I try to stick with mostly low GI carbs if possible. It helped me lose a good bit at first, but I seem to be kind of stuck now. I have wondered if I am restricting too much and causing issues there.

I don't have too much problem eating a specific diet. So, any advice or help is appreciated. The biggest thing for me is I need to have things that aren't super expensive and don't take too long to make. If you can send me that ebook, I will definitely read it. I will PM you my email address.

2010-02-11 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2667672

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
imbr0gli0 - 2010-02-11 5:33 AM
tri808 - 2010-02-11 1:53 AM
imbr0gli0 - 2010-02-09 7:09 AM Hi Mike, I'm Paul. I would like to join your mentor group. I am 33 years old and live in Mobile, Al. I am 5'8" and 175 lbs. Currently, I am running about 21% bf.  I started my weight loss journey at 220 lbs. I have leveled off at my current weight and can't seem to drop any more.  *I also want to lose enough fat to get below 10% bf.

Hey Paul...I'm Jason.

I noticed that you were trying to really lean down.  Have you read the book "burn the fat, feed the muscle"?  If not, I can send you a electronic pdf copy.  It is by far the most informational book I have read on losing FAT.  It's a no-nonsense guide to how your metabolism works and what we can do to maximize it to burn as much fat as possible.  No gimmicks, no pills, powders, or 15 minute/3x a week magic workouts to give you an 8 pack.  Just the straight truth about how DIFFICULT it is to lose weight, and why diets don't work.  But once you understand that, it makes losing fat SIMPLE...but simple does not mean EASY!!

Good luck.
Jason, I have not read that. I have simply been trying to restrict my calorie intake to always be less than my burn each day. I may be restricting it too much. I usually take in 1500-2000 calories daily. I am sure I am burning close to 2500+. I don't feel lethargic though. I really work hard to time meals around workouts. I also try to limit fats, especially trans and saturated. I eat lots of lean meats, veggies and fruits. I try to stick with mostly low GI carbs if possible. It helped me lose a good bit at first, but I seem to be kind of stuck now. I have wondered if I am restricting too much and causing issues there. I don't have too much problem eating a specific diet. So, any advice or help is appreciated. The biggest thing for me is I need to have things that aren't super expensive and don't take too long to make. If you can send me that ebook, I will definitely read it. I will PM you my email address.

Got your PM.  Will send to you in a little bit.  It's on a different PC.  I think you're really going to love this book like I did.  It's about 300 pages, but I read it in one day.
2010-02-11 12:21 PM
in reply to: #2667672

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Jason, I have not read that. I have simply been trying to restrict my calorie intake to always be less than my burn each day. I may be restricting it too much. I usually take in 1500-2000 calories daily. I am sure I am burning close to 2500+. I don't feel lethargic though. I really work hard to time meals around workouts. I also try to limit fats, especially trans and saturated. I eat lots of lean meats, veggies and fruits. I try to stick with mostly low GI carbs if possible. It helped me lose a good bit at first, but I seem to be kind of stuck now. I have wondered if I am restricting too much and causing issues there. I don't have too much problem eating a specific diet. So, any advice or help is appreciated. The biggest thing for me is I need to have things that aren't super expensive and don't take too long to make. If you can send me that ebook, I will definitely read it. I will PM you my email address.

I think you might be undershooting the amount of food you need, which is I think your hunch as well?  In my experience eating too little can slow you down just as much as eating too much, and while you may not feel lethargic you might not getting the nourishment you need.  Our bodies can adapt to about anything though, so if you're under eating you might not pick up on it through feel.  It's hard to say, since there is often alot of experiementation involved, but eating too little is a common cause of plateaus.  Maybe add a few calories for a week and see what happens?

Jason I'd love a copy of that book as well if you wouldn't mind. 

2010-02-11 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2657825

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Mike...PM me your email and I'll be happy to send.  It's a zipped file that includes the book and some other stuff like recipie guides. 

And you are right...sometimes we need to eat more to speed up our metabolism.  The book covers all of that stuff...and how at a certain point, our body resists losing too much fat.  You need fat to protect your organs, and more importantly to survive if you go about a week without food.  The funny thing is, our body doesn't know that in todays age, we can simply go to the grocery store any time we want and buy food.  It still thinks that we don't know where our next meal is coming from (like in the stone ages where they had to hunt...and if you don't catch starve), so our bodies try to retain fat "just in case".  When we are in a contstant calorie deficiet...our body will soon adapt and think...I better slow down my metabolism because if I keep it at the rate we're going, were eventually going to lose too much weight.  Your body doesn't know that once you hit your desired body fat level, that you will slowly increase you calories back to level off at a healthy weight.  It assumes you will keep dropping...maybe to 110 pounds, even though your goal weight may be 150...thus it resists that change in order to survive and prevent you from going to a dangerous weight like 110. 

Anyway...I'll let the book explain all that stuff. 
2010-02-11 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2657825

Mobile, AL
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Got the email. Thanks. I will try to read it over the next couple days.
2010-02-11 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2657825

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Extreme Veteran
Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
Hello all.... nice to "meet" ya...

Joe Corona

STORY: I have struggled with the 'weight issue' my whole life,.... fact is I love to eat and when I became of age, and maybe a bit before that, I loved to drink. As I got fatter I hid behind my sense of humor but was never happy.  Ego and self-esteem was always bullied by Wings and self-serve ice cream.
I decided Dec. 1 2009 that enough was enough. Although I was honestly happy and finally around my family again (moved to Fla for 8 years) I wasn't good with my health. I had 7 suits for work, fit into 2. So capping around 263lbs I starting eating right with the help of my brother, Cusetri. I started to feel a lot better. Then I started to curb the alcohol intake to a meer glass or two of wine a week from a bottle or two of captain morgans. I am now 237 lbs, fit into all my suits (they're actually loose)  and feel even better and look forward to breaking the 200lb mark with a goal of June 1 for that.

single, financial advisor

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently training 5-6 days a week. Swim 3-4 days, Spin class once a week (bumping that to 2-3), weight train once a week and run 2-3 days a week. I only run 2-3 miles at a time since I am still big and don't want to crush my knees. Also I have 5 herniated discs from a car accident 7 years ago. Can't wait to ride outside, the Syracuse winters can be harsh.

2010 RACES:

Resolution Run 4.5 miles  1/1
Chilly Chili  2/7
Du-the-lakes Duathlon 4/25
Greenlakes Sprint Triathlon 6/19
Mini Musselman SprintTriathlon 7/10
Cazenovia OLY Triathlon

Goals for 2010...
Weight down to 190
5k pace from 13:40 mile to 9:00 mile, currently at 12:40 

2010-02-11 5:30 PM
in reply to: #2668507

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
BooTri - 2010-02-11 11:15 AM Hello all.... nice to "meet" ya...

Joe Corona

STORY: I have struggled with the 'weight issue' my whole life,.... fact is I love to eat and when I became of age, and maybe a bit before that, I loved to drink. As I got fatter I hid behind my sense of humor but was never happy.  Ego and self-esteem was always bullied by Wings and self-serve ice cream.
I decided Dec. 1 2009 that enough was enough. Although I was honestly happy and finally around my family again (moved to Fla for 8 years) I wasn't good with my health. I had 7 suits for work, fit into 2. So capping around 263lbs I starting eating right with the help of my brother, Cusetri. I started to feel a lot better. Then I started to curb the alcohol intake to a meer glass or two of wine a week from a bottle or two of captain morgans. I am now 237 lbs, fit into all my suits (they're actually loose)  and feel even better and look forward to breaking the 200lb mark with a goal of June 1 for that.

single, financial advisor

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently training 5-6 days a week. Swim 3-4 days, Spin class once a week (bumping that to 2-3), weight train once a week and run 2-3 days a week. I only run 2-3 miles at a time since I am still big and don't want to crush my knees. Also I have 5 herniated discs from a car accident 7 years ago. Can't wait to ride outside, the Syracuse winters can be harsh.

2010 RACES:

Resolution Run 4.5 miles  1/1
Chilly Chili  2/7
Du-the-lakes Duathlon 4/25
Greenlakes Sprint Triathlon 6/19
Mini Musselman SprintTriathlon 7/10
Cazenovia OLY Triathlon

Goals for 2010...
Weight down to 190
5k pace from 13:40 mile to 9:00 mile, currently at 12:40 

Joe, nice to meet you.  I'm Jason.  With a last name like Corona, who can blame your drinking habbits. =) JK.

2010-02-11 5:35 PM
in reply to: #2657825

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN

Hey Mike,

So I tried to do a lactate threshold test today at lunch.  Jumped on the treadmill and warmed up at 6.5 mph for about 15 minutes.  My HRM was going a little funky and started off saying my HR was in the high 190's, but settled down after a couple minutes in the 150 range.

After the warmup, I started the 30 minute test at 7.8 mph.  I haven't run that fast for 30 minutes before, but I usually don't try to run fast anway...mostly longer distance runs at a much slower pace. HR for the first 10 minutes was about a 163 bpm average.  I hit the split button, then finished the last 20 minutes (at the same speed).  I think I could have pushed a little harder...maybe could have done 8.0 for the whole 30 the instructions said you should have gave it your all after 30 minutes.  My average HR for the last 20 minutes was 172 bpm.

So did I do this test right?  Is 172 my lactate threshold HR?  If it what?  I'll try to do more research on my own, but any advice (from anyone) is always appreciated.

Thanks again.

2010-02-11 5:43 PM
in reply to: #2657825

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Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
RowHR/Pace label
(Ex. "1 - Easy")
Range data label
(Ex. "151-155")

Using the HR zone calculator from BT, I plugged in 172 into the lactate threshold box and got the following calculations.  Does this seem right? 
2010-02-12 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2668746

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Extreme Veteran
Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: JustMike's Group - OPEN
hahahaa Touche'    
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