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2008-08-20 8:21 PM

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Subject: Swim question: Typical to breathe out through nose?

I found tonight during my swim session (only about my 4th one) that I breathe in through my mouth and breathe out through my nose.  Considering I am a major mouth breather when it comes to cycling and running, I found this very interesting.  Is nose breathing just typical for swimming?  It does seem natural and relaxing to me....just wish I could transfer the tehnique to other sports.


2008-08-20 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1617639

Extreme Veteran
West Windsor, NJ
Subject: RE: Swim question: Typical to breathe out through nose?
Good stuff!

You are "supposed" to breathe out your nose and/or your mouth. Reason: it stops water from coming in. Look at most still shots of good swimmers, and you will see bubbles coming out their nose/mouth. If air is flowing out, water can't come in.
2008-08-20 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1617639

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Traverse City, MI
Subject: RE: Swim question: Typical to breathe out through nose?

Does anyone have any certian exhale patterns or rituals? I sometimes have to focus too much on my exhale because I get caught up in everything else and forget to maintain to consistent outflow of air. I read on Men's Health to keep about 10% capacity in before going for another breath.. Any thoughts..? 

2008-08-20 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1617639

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2008-08-20 9:38 PM
in reply to: #1617786

Rochester Hills, Michigan
Gold member
Subject: RE: Swim question: Typical to breathe out through nose?
PennState - 2008-08-20 10:25 PM

Breath out your nose! In fact, breath out the entire time thru the nose and then breath in thru the mouth. This allows better expulsion of C02. and will make you feel much less oxygen deprived.

Here is a link describing this...

Not to be contrarian, but I haven's seen the science here. The video is great...very good illustration of nose breathing....but might not be the fastest, at least per the science.

Two things strike me about the technique in the video: 1) by breathing out continuously, you certainly empty your lungs, but also leak air for up to 4 or 6 strokes, decreasing bouyancy, and 2) the air you leak out early certainly hasn't given your body enough time to extract the oxygen from the air, and to this layman, it implies you're doing 4 strokes worth of work on two strokes worth of oxygen. If it's different, I'd like to know.

I've seen olympians in Ann Arbor, and rockstars from BT that do a combo nose/mouth exhale on the stroke prior to their breath, finishing just in time to gulp that sweet, sweet O2 from the surface, as the norm.

2008-08-21 6:02 AM
in reply to: #1617639

Ocala, Florida
Subject: RE: Swim question: Typical to breathe out through nose?

don't want to hijack this thread, but i have an interesting question about breathing i've been meaning to ask.

i'm swimming using TI.   i taught myself and have done very well over just 3 months.   i finished my first Sprint last week and my swim was my best event....finishing the 750m in 17 minutes.

so here is my question, i've got a pattern down where i come up to breathe every 4 strokes.   i know alot of people do every 3 or even 2 strokes, but so far 4 strokes is working for me.   now, the entire time my face is underwater, i DON'T breathe out through my nose.   i only exhale slightly before i turn to grab a small breath before i turn back face down.   is this not a good idea?

i'm not too concerned about it because i never feel short of breath while swimming or light-headed afterwards.   As a matter of fact, i swam for 45 minutes continuously yesterday and was refreshed and in good shape afterwards.

should i consider changing this or since it works for me...just keep doing what i am doing?   i always read about the importance of breathig out through the nose the entire time you are underwater, but i don't do this.   anyone comment on this for me?   does anyone else do this?

i have an Oly coming up next month and my wife is telling me not to change anything now since it is working for me.

2008-08-21 7:09 AM
in reply to: #1617639

Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Swim question: Typical to breathe out through nose?

I've only been swimming a few months so I'm no expert, but I can share the advice I was given here and what I learned visiting the USMS forum. I was advised to exhale through my nose AND mouth in order to get the most effective exchange of air. I breathe in through my mouth and as soon as my face is back in the water, I start to exhale through my nose and mouth until I take the next breath. Until I started this, I was getting a breathless/dizzy feeling because I was letting CO2 build up from not exhaling enough.

I think everyone finds their own way that works for them, but this advice really helped me and breathing has never been an issue since. 

2008-08-21 7:35 AM
in reply to: #1617639

Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Swim question: Typical to breathe out through nose?

kagoscuba - 2008-08-20 6:21 PM I found tonight during my swim session (only about my 4th one) that I breathe in through my mouth and breathe out through my nose.  Considering I am a major mouth breather when it comes to cycling and running, I found this very interesting.  Is nose breathing just typical for swimming?  It does seem natural and relaxing to me....just wish I could transfer the tehnique to other sports.

I exhale through my nose mainly to keep water out during swim and flip turns,I exhale the majority of used air through my mouth and try to get it all out before my next breath, i do feel that there is some air left but its not intentional and although I vary my breathing patterns I try to stick with breathing every stroke.

2008-08-21 8:19 AM
in reply to: #1617821

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2008-08-21 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1618023

Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Swim question: Typical to breathe out through nose?
xmann1102 - 2008-08-21 6:02 AM

don't want to hijack this thread, but i have an interesting question about breathing i've been meaning to ask.

i'm swimming using TI.   i taught myself and have done very well over just 3 months.   i finished my first Sprint last week and my swim was my best event....finishing the 750m in 17 minutes.

so here is my question, i've got a pattern down where i come up to breathe every 4 strokes.   i know alot of people do every 3 or even 2 strokes, but so far 4 strokes is working for me.   now, the entire time my face is underwater, i DON'T breathe out through my nose.   i only exhale slightly before i turn to grab a small breath before i turn back face down.   is this not a good idea?

i'm not too concerned about it because i never feel short of breath while swimming or light-headed afterwards.   As a matter of fact, i swam for 45 minutes continuously yesterday and was refreshed and in good shape afterwards.

should i consider changing this or since it works for me...just keep doing what i am doing?   i always read about the importance of breathig out through the nose the entire time you are underwater, but i don't do this.   anyone comment on this for me?   does anyone else do this?

i have an Oly coming up next month and my wife is telling me not to change anything now since it is working for me.

Well, honestly... what you are doing is what a lot of newbies do and most of them need to correct it.

If I read it right... you breathe in/out through your mouth as you are turning your head.

Versus breathing out while your face is in the water and breathing in while your face is out of the water.

If it works don't change it... but it's probably not the most efficient way of breathing.

I have been swimming for a good 23 years... 5 of those competitively... and I always breathe out through my nose and mouth when my head is in the water. I swim with my mouth open and swallow water on a regular basis. It doesn't bother me. I breathe when I turn my head out of the water. If I'm cruising I will breathe every 4 strokes. If I'm going a bit faster I breathe every 2 strokes.
2008-08-21 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1618070

Extreme Veteran
West Windsor, NJ
Subject: RE: Swim question: Typical to breathe out through nose?
LazyMarathoner - 2008-08-21 8:09 AM

I was advised to exhale through my nose AND mouth in order to get the most effective exchange of air. I breathe in through my mouth and as soon as my face is back in the water, I start to exhale through my nose and mouth until I take the next breath.  


I think an error most new swimmers make is to "hold" too much ot their breath (probably a natural instinct), however, this slows you down as you will be trying to exhale AND inhale when you roll which is slower and less efficient. In addition to the point above about building up CO2 in your system (never thought about that before, but that makes sense).

THat being said...I also agree that everyone has to find what works for them. What you are most comfortable with. For me..I breathe every stroke. More O2 = better in my book. And I dont think my breathing slows me down much (at least not enough to offset the positives of getting fresh air). I would think every four is a little much, but again, what works for you.

2008-08-21 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1617821

Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Swim question: Typical to breathe out through nose?
rkreuser - 2008-08-20 10:38 PM
PennState - 2008-08-20 10:25 PM

Breath out your nose! In fact, breath out the entire time thru the nose and then breath in thru the mouth. This allows better expulsion of C02. and will make you feel much less oxygen deprived.

Here is a link describing this...

Not to be contrarian, but I haven's seen the science here. The video is great...very good illustration of nose breathing....but might not be the fastest, at least per the science.

Two things strike me about the technique in the video: 1) by breathing out continuously, you certainly empty your lungs, but also leak air for up to 4 or 6 strokes, decreasing bouyancy, and 2) the air you leak out early certainly hasn't given your body enough time to extract the oxygen from the air, and to this layman, it implies you're doing 4 strokes worth of work on two strokes worth of oxygen. If it's different, I'd like to know.

I've seen olympians in Ann Arbor, and rockstars from BT that do a combo nose/mouth exhale on the stroke prior to their breath, finishing just in time to gulp that sweet, sweet O2 from the surface, as the norm.

I agree with Rick on this one although the best way to breathe is the way that you can be most relaxed. For me, I exhale all my air just before turning my head to take a breath. I find a nice rhythm breathing this way and it actually allows me to retain a little breath if I get a face full of wave and have to take another stroke.

Speaking of face full of wave and opposite side breathing. Although I feel it is important to know how to breathe on both sides I have never needed to breathe on the opposite side due to the sun or waves. (I have done my share of OWS with large white caps.)When you are rotating correctly and breathing correctly there is a trough below the waterline to take in air.

The point Rick makes about the buoyancy is correct as well. If you are exhaling the entire time your face is in the water you will start to lose some of your buoyancy. Try to kick on your back without a board using the two breathing techniques and you will find yourself sinking when you use the "long exhale" technique vs the "explosive exhale" technique.

If you are breathing every 3 or 4 strokes then you are putting yourself in O2 debt before each breath. If you are relaxed and feel that this rhythm works for you then go with it. I would say that it's not the fastest technique but if you come out of the water 2 minutes slower but are less tired then that's not a bad thing heading into 2 more legs of a race.

2008-08-21 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1617639

Ocala, Florida
Subject: RE: Swim question: Typical to breathe out through nose?
well i might try the breathe every 2 strokes and see how that works.   i haven't tried anything other than every 4 because it has worked without issue.  
2008-08-21 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1617639

Medina, MN
Subject: RE: Swim question: Typical to breathe out through nose?
I'll cast a vote against the "explosive exhale technique". You will be much more relaxed doing a constant exhale than you will holding your breath and then "exploding" it out just before you breathe. Try breathing like that while you're running or biking sometime just for fun. I think what you'll find is that you're unusually out of breath for the same effort. The reduced buoyancy is going to be irrelevant by comparison.

To the original poster, when you're swimming relatively slowly and/or relaxed, and particularly if you're breathing every 4 strokes, exhaling through your nose is fine. If/when you start to push it, you'll likely find that you'll want to breathe more frequently, that restricting your breathing to every 4 strokes limits the oxygen your body receives, and consequently that it holds back your performance. If you're breathing every 2 strokes, (depending on your turnover) that can get to be pretty fast for exhaling exclusively through your nose. Think about blowing your nose 300 times in a row... In that case, it is often just easier to exhale both through your nose and mouth.

2008-08-21 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1618604

Subject: RE: Swim question: Typical to breathe out through nose?

MLJ - 2008-08-21 11:22 AM I'll cast a vote against the "explosive exhale technique". You will be much more relaxed doing a constant exhale than you will holding your breath and then "exploding" it out just before you breathe. Try breathing like that while you're running or biking sometime just for fun. I think what you'll find is that you're unusually out of breath for the same effort. The reduced buoyancy is going to be irrelevant by comparison. To the original poster, when you're swimming relatively slowly and/or relaxed, and particularly if you're breathing every 4 strokes, exhaling through your nose is fine. If/when you start to push it, you'll likely find that you'll want to breathe more frequently, that restricting your breathing to every 4 strokes limits the oxygen your body receives, and consequently that it holds back your performance. If you're breathing every 2 strokes, (depending on your turnover) that can get to be pretty fast for exhaling exclusively through your nose. Think about blowing your nose 300 times in a row... In that case, it is often just easier to exhale both through your nose and mouth. -Matt

I do breathe every two strokes, depending on how it's counted I guess.  Right arm back, roll to left, breathe, start my exhale just as my right arm is going forward and my face is going down in the water (sometimes start exhale just as nose is on surface going it my blowhole technique. ), breathe slowly out (It's a similar thought process to my breathing cadence I use while shallow breaths), take a stroke left, roll, breathe again.  That's either every two strokes or every one, depending on how it is counted.  As long as I'm doing endurance work, I breathe out exclusively through my nose, but you are right, when I mix 25 or 50 meter sprints into my routine, I do breathe out both my nose and mouth (a little).  I also noticed during my trainer work last night (after swim), it was easier for me to nasally breathe than normal.  Either I was more attuned to thnking about it or maybe my body got used to it from the swim, and it was a carry-over.  Either way, I was happy. 


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