General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Fat to Fit........hopefully! Rss Feed  
Moderators: IndoIronYanti, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2018-05-15 1:23 PM


Subject: Fat to Fit........hopefully!
Hello Everyone,

Three weeks ago I hit the scale and saw 275 lbs. That was it, time to make some life changes! I was a competitive swimmer, and even did a few triathlons in my younger years, so I've decided to return to tri. I've dramatically cut back on the beer, and have exercised each day since my wife told me I should do it.

I look forward to learning from the community here, and competing in a sprint tri soon.

- Greg

2018-05-15 2:17 PM
in reply to: SwimGreg

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Fat to Fit........hopefully!

Welcome! And congrats for deciding to make a change.

2018-05-16 12:14 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Fat to Fit........hopefully!
Welcome to the forum and welcome back to tris!
2018-05-20 8:55 PM
in reply to: #5243313

Subject: RE: Fat to Fit........hopefully!
Welcome. You're way ahead of where I was 6 years ago. I was 300+ and had zero fitness experience. And i wsd over 40.

If you've set a long-term goal, stuff it away in the attic for awhile and focus on short term achievable goals. Enjoy the euphoria of constant achievement.
2018-05-23 10:39 PM
in reply to: #5243513

Subject: RE: Fat to Fit........hopefully!
Hey Swimgreg!

This is my second post.

A little over a year ago I weighed 289 and over 30% body fat. I lost my first 51 lbs in 60 days entirely by changing my nutrition. No exercise, unless you count walking for 20-30 minutes/day as exercise.

It was humbling to set aside my exercise goals as an athlete and focus entirely on nutrition. But that's what I needed to do because the reality was that exercising was not working lIke it had in the past. It was only making me A) hurt more, and B) eat more.
And there was my problem in a nutshell.
I didn'tfat by not exercising enough. Food/sugar addiction and unmanageable cravings was my real foe.

Fast forward.

I'm now at 224 and will be competing next week as a lean Clydesdale in my first triathlon (Oly) in 7 years.

I say all that to say simply this: you can do it.

I was so hopeless and out of control. So I know that if I could find my way out, anyone can.

I also had the help of addiction recovery support groups, which have been pivotal.

Not sure how much of my experience will translate to yours. But in any event, good luck to you on your journey!
2018-06-11 5:43 PM
in reply to: SwimGreg

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New user

Subject: RE: Fat to Fit........hopefully!
Welcome. I too have some weight to lose. At my heaviest I was 368. I got down to the 240's a couple of years ago and then lost ground when I changed jobs. I was back up to 315 before I got it under control. I am now at 284 and have the goal of getting down to the 220's-230's. Right now I am running a modest 10-12 miles a week and trying to lose weight, but my goal is to eventually do a sprint distance tri.

2018-06-24 3:56 PM
in reply to: Saul Goodman


Subject: RE: Fat to Fit........hopefully!
Thanks for the words guys, and best of luck on your individual journeys to fitness.

Did my first sprint tri today. Loved it!!! Can't wait to get back and do the next one in September.

Weight update - 251.4 on Saturday.

Best wishes to all you you.

- Greg

2018-09-26 9:49 AM
in reply to: Saul Goodman


Subject: RE: Fat to Fit........hopefully!
Almost October Update:

Have done a sprint and an olympic, have another olympic in 2 weeks and a 70.3 in 4 weeks (Waco).

Weight is 222.

Hope everyone is doing well.

- Greg

2018-09-26 3:42 PM
in reply to: SwimGreg

Subject: RE: Fat to Fit........hopefully!
Dude.....TOTALLY awesome.

What a journey you are on. Enjoy every step. Even the ones that make your legs sore!!! Those are the best kind.
2018-09-27 2:22 AM
in reply to: #5243711


Subject: RE: Fat to Fit........hopefully!
Congratulations! Best of luck.
I'm on the same journey.
2018-09-29 8:01 AM
in reply to: 0

Subject: RE: Fat to Fit........hopefully!
Good on 'ya! Impressive weight loss and triathlon progression. I had a similar experience. At age 59 got into the gym, changed nutrition, lost 40 lbs. and did a sprint tri at age 60, 7 months later (my first tri). Ten months after that finished my second triathlon, a 70.3 at almost age 61.

You and I are proof that it can be done with the right mindset and some work. Good luck on your 70.3.

Edited by HaydenHunter 2018-09-29 8:02 AM

2018-10-29 9:35 AM
in reply to: HaydenHunter


Subject: RE: Fat to Fit........hopefully!
Hey Everyone,

Waco 70.3 complete. We couldn't swim due to the flooding, but Waco still did a great job hosting us.

Weight = 214.7, officially 60 pounds lost. Have gone from size 44 pants to 36.

Signed up for Ironman Texas last week.

Hope everyone is doing well, and best of luck in your upcoming races.

- Greg

2018-10-30 1:33 PM
in reply to: SwimGreg

Subject: RE: Fat to Fit........hopefully!
Way to go Greg!
2018-12-14 2:11 PM
in reply to: SwimGreg


Subject: RE: Fat to Fit........hopefully!
Congrats Greg, super inspiring, keep kicking butt!
2018-12-14 3:10 PM
in reply to: #5243313

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Subject: RE: Fat to Fit........hopefully!
Welcome to BT!
I've never been that heavy, but I struggle with weight & fitness. I tried for years to "just be healthy" but, found it hard to make it a priority. Having races lined up through the year is really motivating for me. Also, check the mentor programs here on BT, they can really help with support.
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