Subject: RE: 28 straight championshipsWow! I knew that Kenyon was still winning, but had no idea that Coach Steen was still around! He must be getting close to retirement by now... I had the pleasure of swimming against (more like behind!) Kenyon swimmers when they started the streak (I went to Oberlin). One year, in a feable attempt to slow them down, we played mellow Ravi Shankar sitar music (rather than the usual rock and roll) on underwater speakers during the pre-meet warm-up. I think it pissed them off more than slowed them down, as the promply destroyed us... Another year they came in early to Oberlin for a Saturday morning meet, did a 5 or 6k workout, then proceeded to beat us. The next year our coach also had us workout just before the meet against Kenyon since, if we had no chance of winning, might as well get in a good workout before losing! Kenyon was especially impressive back then because they swam in an old glass-walled and glass-roofed pool with skinny lanes. Swimming backstroke was great since you could enjoy the outdoor scenery, but fly was bad for the guys with long wingspans. Even with a lousy pool, high academic standards, and no scholarships they were able to recruit some great DIII swimmers. I think they built the new pool (now old) around 1983. Back then a few of their swimmers would qualify for DI nationals (probably many do now), and one even won the World University Games in the 50 or 100 free. Impressive for high achieving (academically) kids at a school not offereing athletic scholarships! A great swimming tradition at Kenyon! Edited by famelec 2007-07-26 3:59 PM