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2008-04-21 7:48 AM

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Subject: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed


STORY: Hi! I'm Beth! * Hi Beth!* 

I started triathloning long before I realized what I was doing.  I started as a cheerleader from a lawn chair for McFuzz and ended up starting races on my own power.  I watched McFuzz do a few of the races and I thought "How hard can that be?" and said outloud, "I can do that!" Soon as I said it I couldn't take it back!  McFuzz paid for our membership in the local tri club and I knew there was no going back!  Little did I know that this little body was W-A-Y out of shape!  I couldn't even run 1/8th of a mile without having an asthma attack.  McFuzz had to re-teach me how to swim.  I couldn't make it 25 yards in a pool!  Biking was ok (I had amountain bike) but S-L-O-W!!!  I felt like I was embarrassing myself and my family.  The boys are all so athletic.  With a lot of encouragement from hubby and Whizzzz (my mentor on here and my friend) I found a plan and stuck with it.  I can run 5 miles without stopping now, I can swim 2000 yards without stopping and biking, well, it's coming along. I just got a new road bike that scares me to death.  He needs a name--maybe we'll be able to find one for him.  I'm not fast, will never win my AG BUT I will be in better shape both physically and mentally. 

FAMILY STATUS: I've been married for 21 years.  My hubby is a regular on this group (McFuzz) as is my brother-in-law, WSM9363.  My hubby lured him too!  He is currently trying to convince our 15y/os that they can do this too since they are both on the track team and wim team.  One even ran cross country this past fall!  We have 4 boys (21,18,15,15) and are very active in the community and Boy Scouts.  I am a full-time student at the local university here.  I am on track to graduate in December 2008 with a double major in English/Secondary Education. 

CURRENT TRAINING: My training doesn't seem to follow any set plan.  I've tried that and have not always been successful.  I have found that if I try to follow a set plan and get thrown off track by life's little derailluers then I become frustrated and training comes to a screeching halt.  With that in mind, I tend to work out as much as possible.  Here lately it hasn't been as much because of school but that will end (for the summer, anyway) in early May and then I can step up my training.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I have done several 5k races in the area and a couple of sprint triathlons. 

2008 RACES:  I have signed up to take part in an Olympic distance triathlon the middle of the summer and will continue to run in the 5k's. 

WEIGHTLOSS:I have been stuck at my current weight for a while now.  I would LOVE to lose about 15-20 pounds but it is really hard to do that. I find that the more active I am  the more I watch my diet.  I really LIKE ice cream so that is something I struggle with, especially in the summertime.  I have also found that if I pack my lunch, instead of buying it on campus, I 1) feel better and 2)lose weight a little faster.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I had a great mentor in Whizzzz.  She was supportive not for just the physical stuff but for the emotional stuff too.  I think that is what drew us together.  She knew that I needed more encouragement to get through the daily life things in order to get to the physical side of things.  I hope to be just like her!  I had a chance to actually meet with her at a sprint this past summer (along with other BTers) and found her to be just as encouraging in person.  If possible I'd like to be able to meet my mentees as well.  I know that life gets in the way of our plans so I hope to help each of you get through those little places and be a better person for it.

Edited by BAMBAM66 2008-04-25 1:02 AM

2008-04-23 3:10 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open

McFuzz here...(Thanks for the glowing reviews

What would make BAMBAM a good mentor?  She's already done it!  She's helped inspire several members of my mentor group last year when they doubted whether triathlon was for them, or life in general. 

2008-04-23 3:16 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open
Hi, I am a raw newbie. I have no idea what I am doing other than I have started running and would like to try a tri. A mentor would surely help send me in the right direction. I am a little overwhelmed with, well, everything. What do you think... are you willing to take me on?
2008-04-23 3:28 PM
in reply to: #1357742

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open

ceilidh - 2008-04-23 3:16 PM Hi, I am a raw newbie. I have no idea what I am doing other than I have started running and would like to try a tri. A mentor would surely help send me in the right direction. I am a little overwhelmed with, well, everything. What do you think... are you willing to take me on?

Welcome to the overwhelmed club!!!! We seem to have that in common right off the bat!  I would be honored to help you out on this wonderful journey.  Be warned though that it is very addictive!!!

 Tell me a little about yourself.  And welcome to the party!



2008-04-23 4:06 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open

A little about myself. hmm.... I am 47, married to a great guy for 12 years. Evil step mom to two kids currently in college. I have no idea why THIS is the time to get myself back in shape. I just finished the c25k running program. I am a former (WAAAAYYYY back there swimmer) and more recently a mountain biker, however slow. I have had injuries and general sloth that caused me to give up the biking.  I work full time making people clean up hazardous waste and travel some. Regular training/ workout schedules can be difficult. I get em done, just not on the days that are scheduled. I am not sure if I am up to becoming addicted but I sure would like to try to become a participant. I have scheduled myself to start the c2 sprint program starting next week (monday). I have some limitations, the first and foremost being I will have to train in a lake so measuring laps may be interesting. I am leaving work and the computer. I am on this site usuallly once a day. I will check in again tomorrow. Thanks for daring to take me on!

2008-04-23 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1357713

New user

Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open


I really would like to join your group.  I am new at this and my husband and I are just getting started.  We are both excited (him more than me, but I will get there).  I used to be very athletic and I in really good shape, but after 3 children and a secretary job I have gained about 30 pounds and I need to get it off.  I also want to get in shape and help my children stay in shape.  We have a friend that does this all the time and he loves it so we are excited.  I was looking for a mentor and I saw how you talked about how tough life is itself and I think this would be a good group for me.  I am looking forward to getting to know everyone! 

2008-04-23 5:27 PM
in reply to: #1358085

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open
Tinys Wife - 2008-04-23 5:04 PM


I really would like to join your group.  I am new at this and my husband and I are just getting started.  We are both excited (him more than me, but I will get there).  I used to be very athletic and I in really good shape, but after 3 children and a secretary job I have gained about 30 pounds and I need to get it off.  I also want to get in shape and help my children stay in shape.  We have a friend that does this all the time and he loves it so we are excited.  I was looking for a mentor and I saw how you talked about how tough life is itself and I think this would be a good group for me.  I am looking forward to getting to know everyone! 

Welcome to the Club!  Having a job and children can be overwhelming enough and then just trying to add something for yourself in can be pushing the limits.  My workouts seem to never match what the schedule says!!! I figure that as long  I am working out that should be good enough.  I also want to lose some weight so we could work together on that one! 

One of the nice things about being a mentor is that I learn new things too.  It is also a way for me to be accountable. 

Glad to have you onboard!

2008-04-24 5:00 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open
hi there my name is shaun and would like to join the group. i was in the jan. mentor group and learned a lot . i think the groups are great to get and meet new people and pick up what you can and to give a little info if ya can . so if there still room could you sign me up
2008-04-24 7:11 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open

Girls, say Hi! to Shaun, *Hi! Shaun!*

Glad to have you join our party.  Do you have any words of wisdom to impart that you learned with the earlier mentor group? 

Tell us little about yourself.


As we gain a few more we will begin to set some goals for ourselves.  Be thinking about what you hope to accomplish. 

2008-04-24 7:32 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open
Hi Shaun!
2008-04-24 7:45 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open
So what does everyone have planned for today?  Me?  I'm in the final week and a half of classes so my plan is to complete my 2 sets of lesson plans and 2 research papers and 2 regular papers.  They need to all be completed by May 4th according to me.  That will give me a chance to re-read them and edit as needed.  It is also coming up on the end of the year for my sons as well.  One is 18 and a senior so he has alot that I want to attend as well, sterling merit banquet, honors band, arts in education performances, senior honors day, graduation!  2 kids down, 2 more to go!!!

2008-04-24 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open
hey guys i liked the little intro felt like first day at a new school
im new to this whole thing . i started running a few years back but tri's is what i always wanted to do . so in oct. i got my bike and from the get go have loved every bit of it . in december i ran my first sprint and just did a oly in march and have a HIM in i think like 26 days. my goal is to try and get into the great floridan tri its a IM . i have been wanting to go the distance the week i signed up for my first marathon in 06 . it was kinda funny the week i signed up for the marine corps marathon i was watching tv and Kona came on and i said now thats what i wwant to do .
what did i take from the last mentor group ? well it has to be my swim . it has really came along this last 5 weeks . i was doing things kinda backward and tracy set me straight on a few things .
so with the intro i hope you guys dont mind having me in the group but i think someone can learn something from everyone . and thats what im all about any info big or small can help . and i might have a few things to help also
as far as today i went for a run and heading out on the bike
2008-04-24 9:53 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open

Planned for today? Work, get done with work then get into the water. The lake is COLD! Hopefully I will be able to run today as well. If not, tomorrow is another day.

Goals- My one and only goal is to start training in all three sports and make it become routine. There are other goals that will come after but this is the biggie.

2008-04-24 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open


I'd love to join your mentor group!  I'm very new to tri & am slowly training for my first sprint this year.  I've set a goal to complete the Health First Sprint in Melbourne Florida in October, so I have lots of time to get ready. 

Good thing, 'cause last year about this time I was so sick I was in the hospital & could barely walk across the room! Now, after a month of training (with approval from docs), I'm doing 2 miles of run/walk, swimming 400 yard (w/ 2 rest breaks) & biking 10 miles.  Of course, this isn't all on the same day! 

I'd love to have words of wisdom from someone who's been there. 



2008-04-24 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1359331

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open
ggwellness - 2008-04-24 10:43 AM


I'd love to join your mentor group!  I'm very new to tri & am slowly training for my first sprint this year.  I've set a goal to complete the Health First Sprint in Melbourne Florida in October, so I have lots of time to get ready. 

Good thing, 'cause last year about this time I was so sick I was in the hospital & could barely walk across the room! Now, after a month of training (with approval from docs), I'm doing 2 miles of run/walk, swimming 400 yard (w/ 2 rest breaks) & biking 10 miles.  Of course, this isn't all on the same day! 

I'd love to have words of wisdom from someone who's been there. 




Hi Kim!!! Welcome to our little party!  I just thought I'd pop in and say HI real quick!  I'm in between classes and have to re-write a research proposal. I'll get back later tongiht, I promise!!

2008-04-24 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open
I'd love to join the group if there is still room. I'm part of a mentor group from January, but would still like some more people to help encourage and to encourage me. I'm new to tri and I'm about to try to complete my first sprint tri in two weeks at disney. Very nervous and constantly convincing myself not to back out. Can't wait to get to know you all!

2008-04-24 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open
My name is Heather, by the way. I'm 25, married without any kids, elementary school teacher and in the process of moving to Florida.
2008-04-24 9:54 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Open
Hi Heather!! Welcome aboard!  Nice to see a fellow teacher!  One of the nice things about this site is that we are all constantly learning new things from each other.  In that respect, we are all beginners. 
2008-04-24 9:58 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Well guys!  That makes a fivesome!!! Make sure you add each other to your friends list.  Our group is definitely a village that will raise each other.  I wholeheartedly believe that we can best learn from our peers.  One of the things that I think we should do is let each other know what our goals are.  They can be triathlon related or personal or both. 

I will PM each of you with my cell phone number in case you ever need to get a hold of me.

Let's get this party started!

*Music starts*

Edited by BAMBAM66 2008-04-24 9:59 PM
2008-04-25 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1350781

New user

Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
Thanks for letting me join the group.  I wanted to start by telling you my goals.  My husband and I are doing this together to get into shape.  My husband was over weight his whole life until he joined the marines.  Then when he met me and we had children we both got over weight.  We have 3 children and me and my husband don't want them to have to struggle like he did in school.  So we have decided that we want to be healthy and in good shape to inspire our kids to do the same.  We recently asked our two boys if they would like to do a triathlon.  They both want to and we are very excited.  So as a family we are all training together.  My daughter is not, but she is not old enough yet.  I pray she will want to, but she is determined to be the opposite of mommy and is very prissy.  It will take some talking into to get her to do it.  Anyway, my goal is to get in shape, have family time, and inspire my children.
2008-04-25 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Tinys wife, how cool is that- the whole family (or most of it) going for it. You and your family rock! What is your name- or did I just miss it?

Shaun and Beth, thanks for the encouragement, I needed it!

I am having problems with the logs today. Hopefully I will get to bike and/or swim today after work. I am still trying to figure out "laps" in the lake- masuring along the bank doesn't work all that well. I May have to float buoys if I can get away with it. We'll see. Right now its just getting in and swimming.


2008-04-25 2:34 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
My goals for the next week is to just survive!  I'm thinking about a 5k on Saturday but I also know that I have 5 papers all due by Wednesday evening and they are all supposed to be about 10 pages long!  I really need to have an extra weekend since this one is shaping up to be way too busy!  My goal setting should become more workout focused after Mother's Day (that's when finals end).
2008-04-25 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
Everyone sounds like they are doing great! I forced myself to go outside today since it was so beautiful and I had some time before leaving for the airport and I did a practice sprint with the same distances of my tri coming up in two weeks. Didn't do to bad, swam 400y, biked 9m, and ran 2m in 1 hour and 18 minutes. And let me tell you, that is a big difference from where I was when I started this in January. Couldn't swim 25yards without gasping for air, biked veryyy slowly and couldn't run more than a 100 yards before getting a cramp. It's so exciting to see improvement. Anyways, I'll be traveling this weekend and then I have my first 5k at disney next weekend followed by my first sprint tri at disney the weekend after that. Have a great weekend everyone!
2008-04-25 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
ceilidh you got a gps like a garmin ? tow it on like a kick board just across it one time then you can figure it up on laps from there . i was gonna say when i go to the beach and swim i wrap mine in a zipplock bag and stuff it in my wet suit and swim when im done i turn it on and walk back . but i dont think it wowuld work for you that way the gps might not pick up a signal if your wearing a wet suit .
2008-04-25 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
If you guys don't mind, I may ask a couple of the guys on here about measuring distance in lakes.  I know absolutely nothing about it.
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