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2009-12-14 10:56 AM

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over a barrier
Subject: running2far's Group - Closed

NAME: running2far / Hayes

STORY: Hello, I've been involved in Triathlon since 2006, where I dragged my out of shape self up and down the hills in Galena IL at my first tri. I'm a two time Ironman Finisher (IMOO x 2) with dozens of shorter events completed. I'm a USAT Level 1 coach and USAT Cat 4 official. I tend to believe in quality over quantity when it comes to training as most of has interest or responsibility outside of Triathlon.

FAMILY STATUS: Single with Ironman Girlfriend. Our apartment looks like a tri shop

CURRENT TRAINING: In the middle of a 20 week program designed to lift power and pace at threshold. Lots of fatigue built up in an hour or so a day with a couple of off days to recharge. I'll be shifting some workout to longer runs for an early spring half-marathon.

THIS YEAR'S RACES (2010): Galena Du, Hy-Vee oly, Big Foot Sprint, Door County Half, Bangs Lake Du, Pleasant Prairie Du, Branson 70.3 and hopefully Clearwater World Championship in Nov. I'm racing a bunch this year as Ironman in 09 limited racing opportunities.

2009 RACES: Cutting Edge 1/2, Spirit of Racine 1/2, and Ironman Wisconsin. A few stand along running races as well.

WEIGHTLOSS: I raced this season between 147-150. I'm currently at 160 and will race this season at 140-143. My first race was at 165'ish back in 2006.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I'm a former competitive swimmer that is more than willing to help with stroke instructions/general mechanics as best we can through a forum. I've trained with HR and RPE and currently train using power and pace. I tend to try and fix problems first and then 'pat on the back' second. I' best around motivated athletes and have a passion for the sport and learning. If this sounds like you, I think we'll be a good match.

Timely responses to questions
Positive discussions
Training feedback

Up to date training log - help me help you
Active participation or a lurker either work for me
Respect to your other members - you bashing, but I encourage some appropriate smack talk from time to time.
Have fun and get faster

i look forward to hearing from you.......

Edited by running2far 2009-12-17 6:20 PM

2009-12-15 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2557541

Subject: RE: running2far's Group - OPEN

Hi Hayes,

I'd like to join if you'll have me

NAME: Gerardo aka Chezz  

STORY: Hi I am originally from Guatemala and moved to NC 2 years ago wiht my wife.  After much southern cooking, gained like 20 pounds and we decided to take up running.  It began with weightloss thing but as we saw improvements, we got hooked.  Started with a 5k and 2 half marys, the latter was terrrible.  Last summer, we joined a running group and began a more structured training and really improved.  Ran the Chicago RnR Half Marathon and dropped 8 min of PR, still slow but it's getting there.  My wife then got sidelined by the doctor and my training began to suffer, with no partner close by, running just got boring and decided to start tri. 
No background in cycling, little swimming, I am really looking foreward to my first TRI season in 2010!

FAMILY STATUS: Married for almost 3 yrs, no kids

CURRENT TRAINING: Building up base with a winter program, I am focusing on swim drills mostly before getting into some endurance and speed. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES (2010): 2 sprints Belew's Lake Aril, Tri Latta June12, Whitelake International Sept and hoping to squeeze in 2 half mary's in preparation for Chicago Full Marathon

2009 RACES: Nashville Half, Chicago Half, several 5K.

WEIGHTLOSS: I regained lost weight after training began to decline and would like to lose 20 lbs 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I'm a a competitive person, mostly focused on sports where you could beat someone else: soccer, tennis, squash.  Really had a breakthrough when I saw that in running I was competing against myself (although I have to admit, when I finally beat my wife in the 5k, felt really sweet!!!).  I like to reasearch and always welcome good feedback and hope the mentor group and BT will help me keep on track with my training!

Hope to hear back from you
i look forward to hearing from you.......

2009-12-17 1:43 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - OPEN
@chezz-Welcome. you're in....

I like Chicago races :0). I've run Chicago Marathon twice, so can help you with any race specific issues anytime...I've done the Chicago Half but they changed the course multiple times, it was previously known as the Chicago Distance Classic I believe.

2009-12-17 1:50 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - OPEN

I woud like to join your group also

2009-12-17 2:03 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - OPEN

Hi, if there is still room please count me in!

NAME: Jason Henderson
STORY: Last year was my first year, and I jumped in with both feet! (type A of course) I started the year with a Christmas gift to my wife of committing to Weight Watchers. After 5 months of watching what I was eating and working out I had lost 50 pounds and found a new me! In may my wife came back from a girls Marathon trip and said she was going to do a Triathlon. I figured what the heck and decided to join her.
FAMILY STATUS: Married 16 years with two children 19,13
CURRENT TRAINING: I’m on week 11 of a 30 week training program preparing for IMSG. I workout about 15 hours a week over 6 days, swimming 3 hrs, biking 100+hrs, and putting in 40-50 miles in runs.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: 1 sprint, 2 Oly’s, ½ marathon
2010 RACES: Arizona RR Marathon, Sun Down ½ IM, IMSG, Vinemae ½, and SilverMan
WEIGHTLOSS: Lost a total of 70 pounds this year going from 265 to 195, I am 6’2”

I look forward to the company and energy that a good mentor and group can bring!!!

2009-12-17 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - OPEN
Hey man, got room for one more?

2009-12-17 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - OPEN
@Jsoza - You're in, just fill out the info thing when you get a chance...I see you from Illinois as well.

@VegasJason - Nice early season IM, I hope you like hills or at least will learn to like them Consider me an open book when it comes to IM stuff - ask anyway.
2009-12-17 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2565169

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - OPEN
ChicagoMan65 - 2009-12-17 2:06 PM

Hey man, got room for one more?

Sure - Just fill out the info template thing.
2009-12-17 2:40 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - OPEN

NAME:   John

STORY: Been doing tri's just a couple of years...still every much a newbie and want to learn as much as I can....I started during tri's because I got sick of being so out of shape...use to do all kinds of stuff when I was in the military and I miss challenging myself...after my first tri I was hooked...actually was hooked during training for my first tri

FAMILY: Married with 3 kids so finding time to train is always tough

CURRENT TRAINING: nothing since my last tri in oct

RACES 2009: a handful of sprints and my first half mary

RACES FOR 2010:  my first oly and first HIM

2009-12-17 2:54 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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Subject: RE: running2far's Group - OPEN
If there's still room, I'd like to join your group too! Looking for some swimming advice & motivation especially!

2009-12-17 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - OPEN
@kerry - welcome just fill out the template when you get a chance....

2009-12-17 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2557541

Subject: ...
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Edited by melbel1038 2009-12-17 5:23 PM
2009-12-17 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2557541

over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - OPEN
@Melanie welcome - the group will get you on the right track!

Looks like we've got a couple of people will amazing weight loss stories....great stuff!

Running sometimes is the best therapy!
2009-12-17 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2557541

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - OPEN
Room for one more? 

NAME:  Meg

STORY:   I'm a Ph.D. student, who is completely broke and spends most of my time reading and writing papers.  I also sometimes get paid to dig in the dirt.  Hopefully one day, after I finally get out of school, I'll get paid a lot more to dig in the dirt.    (I'm an archaeologist.)  Somehow, in between all the papers and conferences and dirt-digging, I've managed to convince myself that I can become a traithlete...
I've always been an athlete, but up until the past year had never done any sort of endurance sports.  Played a lot of basketball and softball in school, and have in general just always been a very active person.  For the past 6-7 years, I've been an avid hiker, backpacker, camper, etc., and spend as much of my time as possible outdoors.  In the last two years, I've taken up rock climbing and it has become my #1 hobby/obsession.  Climbing is super fun, and a great core workout, but I started to feel like I needed more physical variation in my schedule, and working out at the fym just doesn't cut it for me.  I need to be outside.  I need to be moving and enjoying myself.
My boyfriend convinced me to start road biking last year, and then to try a triathlon last summer, and I trained (on my own, very sporadically) for about 2 months prior to the race.  I'm a pretty slow runner and I'm a pretty terrible swimmer.  That being said, I had a blast doing the tri and loved every minute of it (well, except for the swim, but that's a story for another time...).  I decided that I want more.  I want to get faster.  I want to get stronger.  I want to be able to brag about how many race numbers I've accumulated.  You get the idea.

FAMILY STATUS:  One amazingly awesome dog, and a pretty cool boyfriend too. 

CURRENT TRAINING:  At the moment I'm trying to build up my running to do the 24-hour Ragnar Relay in late February... but I usually try to get in 2 good bike rides each week, and hit up the rock climbing gym 3 times each week too.  I suppose I'll start attempting to swim again when the holidays are over. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES (2010):   Ragnar Relay del Sol, El Tour de Phoenix (maybe), Las Polomas Sprint Tri, Mt Lemmon Half Marathon, and hopefully two other tris somewhere in there too...

2009 RACES:  Rosarito-Ensenada 50-mile Ride, Powell3 Sprint Tri

WEIGHTLOSS: I regularly fluctuate about 5 pounds above and below 155, which is approximately what I have weighed since I was 15 years old.  Sure, losing 10 pounds would be fantastic, but weightlosss has never been a big priority for me, as long as I feel good about myself and am in good shape.  Being 6 feet tall since I was in middle school, I learned quickly to be comfortable in my own skin!  (And besides, I just love good food too much...)

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  I am super competitive, and pretty hard on myself to accomplish the goals that I set.  When I say I want to do something, I make sure that I do whatever necessary in order to do just that.  I'm also a lot of fun, and am ready to help motivate others and/or dish out the snarky comments when  necessary.  I've kind of gotten hooked on this site, and am really looking forward to keeping up my logs and getting feedback from others in the same boat as me.

I'm ready!  let's go!
2009-12-17 6:19 PM
in reply to: #2557541

over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - OPEN
@ Welcome Meg....

AND I think with Med on board, we'll close this down. I think we're at 7 ---- seems like a good number and good mix of experience and distances.
2009-12-17 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2557541

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
So here's my deal:

Name Mark

Story: 8yrs ago was 12 beers and 2packs a day kinda slug.  Quit drinking and smoking in 2002.  Started running.  Ran Chicago Marathon and Flying Pig in 2004. Started biking.  Couple centuries, etc. then got depressed and fat.  Early 2008 I was close to 190.  Started swimmin, eating better and signed up for 2008 Chicago tri.  Lost about 30lbs.  Got hooked.  Hooked to the training and comradarie and that feeling you get after a race.  I am not fast and do not want to be.  After spending my twenties and most of my thirties drunk, hungover or coughing, I am still just really freaking impressed I can drag my butt as far as I can sometimes.  I have truly traded alcohol and nicotine for endorphins.

Family Status Married 2 kids, 13 and 11.

Current training: Nothing structured.  Took most of Oct/Nov off after Chicago Marathon.  Now just going for consistency and core. Am in AbbieR's Peach Challenge and sticking to it.

2010 Races: Confirmed Racine Half, Chicago Olympic, North Shore Half Marathon, Chicago Marathon.  On the fence with Bigfoot. Would like one olympic in front of Racine.  Lots of 5ks, etc in there too, BTD, Udder Century probably and Big Shoulders maybe.

2009 Races, Bangs Lake Olympic (weve talked about that!) and Chicago Olympic, Chicago Marathon, buncha 5ks. etc.

Weightloss:  I put on about 12 lbs pigging out and not training in Oct/Nov.  Damn that Halloween Candy!!!  Am now down to about 160.  Would like to get that to 150-155.  What is left on me is residual Budweiser, right in the gut.

What makes me good mentee?  I have seen your posts in various threads and am impresssed with your knowledge.  I am interested in learning more here too.  Racine will be my first Half IM.  I am cool with all the individual distances, but have no plan how to tie them together and to fuel them.  That's what I want to get out of this mostly.  And of course the comaradarie and motivation aspects that are such great resources of this site generally.

Looking forward to a great 2010!

2009-12-17 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2557541

over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Good stuff...Big Shoulders is a bear. I've done the 2.5K as well as the 5K sans wetsuit. Lake Mich will be unpredictable as you know and was very cold without the wetsuit.

There aren't too many Oly's prior to Racine in the area. I can only think of Big foot actually, its a little different in that its a two loop trail run. Pretty hilly run on uneven path. That would make me a little nervous being 4 weeks out from Racine, easy to twist an ankle.

This is down in Mattoon, perhaps john is familiar with the race
2009-12-18 7:23 AM
in reply to: #2565963

Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
running2far - 2009-12-17 9:53 PM Good stuff...Big Shoulders is a bear. I've done the 2.5K as well as the 5K sans wetsuit. Lake Mich will be unpredictable as you know and was very cold without the wetsuit. There aren't too many Oly's prior to Racine in the area. I can only think of Big foot actually, its a little different in that its a two loop trail run. Pretty hilly run on uneven path. That would make me a little nervous being 4 weeks out from Racine, easy to twist an ankle. This is down in Mattoon, perhaps john is familiar with the race />

Mattoon Multi Sports puts on a great race.  The course is not hilly....I would recommend doing any of their races and I would absolutely jock strap for anyone needing some support  

Edited by jsoza 2009-12-18 7:23 AM
2009-12-18 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2565963

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
running2far - 2009-12-17 9:53 PM Good stuff...Big Shoulders is a bear. I've done the 2.5K as well as the 5K sans wetsuit. Lake Mich will be unpredictable as you know and was very cold without the wetsuit. There aren't too many Oly's prior to Racine in the area. I can only think of Big foot actually, its a little different in that its a two loop trail run. Pretty hilly run on uneven path. That would make me a little nervous being 4 weeks out from Racine, easy to twist an ankle. This is down in Mattoon, perhaps john is familiar with the race />
Yeah we dont have too many June options round here, do we?  Mattoon's too far: Family situation dictates day trip only.  There is one up in Madison June 12, but I have a kid graduating 8th grade this spring and would likely have a conflict.  Anyway, I am going to register for Bigfoot.  I can always take the run gingerly.  Thanks.
2009-12-18 11:07 AM
in reply to: #2557541

Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed

Ok so I’m new to the BT Mentor program and am not sure how this works. I'm hoping that it is ok to simply shout out question via the forum without raising my hand and being called on.....

I am currently training for my First IM and have started the process by using beIRONfit by Don Fink. Well this is mostly true, I actually took his competitive 30 week program to a coach and paid her to analyze it for me and give me some feedback. After discussing it, we felt that the program was designed more for someone who was just starting out (first week only did 6 hrs of training) based on that we felt that it was best to continue my current training (averaging at that time closer to 12hrs a week) and let the program catch up to me.
Well I am now on week 11, and have finished the base training section by simply increasing my training each week by 10% with every 4th week dropping 40% for recovery. This has me at a long ride of 75 miles and a long run of 21 miles for this week.
Ok finally reaching the question, now that I am in the Build part of training (weeks 11-20) the plan has started to call for speed and interval work. Since I am training to go long and not necessarily fast, does it really make sense to alter my training to accommodate this?
I mean if in 4 months I will need for my body to do 11-17hrs of cardio and at this stage I am only doing 4hrs at a time, doesn’t it make more sense to continue focusing on endurance instead of speed?
Side note- I'm slow and to be honest have never been very fast. I run a 10min mile pace and bike at 19.2mph pace on most long days....

Thanks in advance for the advice and before you ask, yes I'm going back and inputting my training into BT. I have a pretty cool little binder that I have enjoyed using but will take some time to input here for future help....

2009-12-18 3:21 PM
in reply to: #2557541

over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
@Group - you bet fire away with thoughts/questons whatever.... you go

"Ok finally reaching the question, now that I am in the Build part of training (weeks 11-20) the plan has started to call for speed and interval work. Since I am training to go long and not necessarily fast, does it really make sense to alter my training to accommodate this?"

First the 10,000 foot view answer to the question and then we'll go under the microscope. If you're now moving into the IronFit program, you should stick with the program as best as you can going forward. If Fink has you doing intervel based sessions, say 4 x 1 mile @ 10K pace, flip back a week or two and make sure he wasn't bulding up to the 4 X 1 mile. You don't want to start tempo stuff in the middle of a build up, when everyone else following the plan had a gradiul build from say 2 x 1 mile two weeks ago. Short answer - Move into his plan and stick with it as best you can given life's daily curveballs.

Try not to think of speed or intervel based training as slaying yourself at the track doing all out quarters or 200m repeats but rather running at a pace that is comfortably uncomfortable. There are a lot different terms thrown around that mean similar things you have cruise intervels, broken intervels, tempo runs, threshold runs, and fartlek. In reality they are all very similar and are done at paces that are faster than you typical run but not so fast you're not able to comlete the workout or need to skip the next days training session. They're tough but you can still recovery in 24 hours. The pace is key. You want to finish the intervel thinking you could do one more. Lots of running coaches have done the scientific studies on training paces and we just apply them to our running. McMillian and Daniels have done extensive work and we benefit for their knowledge without having to recreate the wheel. They've developed tables were you input open running time (based on a recent race) and they will kick out training paces for various distances/intervels. The type of intervel changes with your race distance. A 10K (Olypmic runner) might be doing 3 X 2K at 10K pace with full recovery between sets, where a marathon runner may be doing the same session only doing 3 X 5K @ 1/2 marathon pace. The length and pace changes but they'll always be apart of the program. The exception to the rule would be true true beginner where the key is being able to run 4 times a week and we wouldn't really need anything other than ez running.

I always use this quote when asked this type of question about interval or speed based sessions "A raising tide lifts all boats " Regardless of event, runners can benefit from fast running. When you lift your ability to run at threshold (which is the goal of these sessions), you increase you pace in Zone 1 and Zone 2 as well. All zones become faster because they are based on that threshold pace or HR (50% of T ect). If you train using HRM, you're know running at faster paces in your HRzones. However, the experience of the athlete comes into play, a new runner may have something simply like 5 x 1 Min strides (a stride is done at 5K pace with good form) where an experienced runner would have those strides as part of the warmup and then move into 4 x 1 mile repeat or 30 mins straight at threshold. (Threshold i generally means your 10K pace or your hour pace)

I like to avoid using the term speed or intervel work because it tends to freak people out. Instead, I say Tuesday are our Qaulity run sessions. We'll have a main set with some strides or mile pace repeats whatever. Quality sessions will still make up a pretty small portion of your overall run program, you may have something like Long Run, Quality 1, and the rest of your runs are short/mid but done easy. Running easy and long does help us run long but running hard (within pace guidelines) allows you to run faster longer. There are costs though when it comes to recovery, stick to the pacing or zones like clockwork. Its very easy to overzelous and completely nuke yourself and get injured or mentally fried.

I would enourage you to use the tempo session in the plan and see how you recover. A lot of times, someone that does a lot of ez running (z1 and z2) will see a nice boast to their fitness when they introduce tempo running once a week.

I hope my rambling makes sense, these runs will make you faster in less time than straight ez running.

2009-12-18 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2557541

over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
@The Group....trying to catch up and everyone's bio and blog etc...We've got some great weightloss stories here.

Care to share any tips? When I'm trying to lose weight, I count calories but very losely and try and stay in a 500 calorie deficit per day....anything more I'll be good for three or four days and then really pig out.

What works for you?
2009-12-19 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2557541

Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed

Thanks for the great feedback!
I have two other friends who I am currently training with (one an ex college track star) who are now pulling a lot of "see I told you so"....So yeah thanks a lot!
That all being said my fears come down to the one we all probably have as we take on a new longer distance, can I really finish this distance within the alloted time? In the end I am sure that the race for me will be about endurance and not speed, in my wildest fantasies I can't see myself running the whole marathon on race day, I will defiantly have walking in the game plan. With that in mind I'm having a hard time wrapping "speed work" into my game plan. I will defiantly take your advice (and that of my "friends") but it just seems a little illogical to me right now....

As for weight loss, for me heroine is a no fail program, lmao...... 
Obviously just kidding. I have found that the only way I can beat away the taco bell demons is to make the goals realistic. For example, don't make your goal I'm going to lose 10 pounds by race day. Thats way to vague and open to failure. I like to set more task oriented goals, like I will write down or log every calorie before I eat it. This gives me a chance to ask the Triathlete's nutrient question "is this calorie I'm about to eat hurting or helping me?" If I simply take the time to write it down before eating, I have found that logic is the great savior. 
From there you will need to determine how many calories your body burns as a base and consume a safe deficit. My second trick is stolen from Weight Watchers, and is simply limit yourself to those calories everyday. If you screw up and eat a donut at work that consists of a 1,ooo calories and your budget only allows for a whole day of 2,ooo then stick to it and don't throw the day away. I cant tell you how many times through out my life that a great month or two of weight loss ended with a single donut. "oh well I had a bad morning, might as well make it a cheat day, which turned into a cheat week, which turned" you get the idea.... This doesn't mean you cant have the donut, it just means that you have to stay within your budget for the day. Luckily our budget as Triathletes can be pretty big on some days.
My last trick (also stolen, I'm not sharp enough to have created any of these myself) is to always try to eat foods for what they have in them instead of what they don't. The marketing now seems to be all about "no sugar or fat or calories". If your going to limit your intake don't let them fool you by filling your body with food that is not beneficial. Eat a apple for it's vitamins and great calories instead of having a diet coke because it has no sugar or calories in it..

Hey don't forget to set those DVR's today for NBC's coverage of this years Kona IM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend and finds time to treat themselves to a good swim, bike or run!

2009-12-19 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2557541

Subject: ...
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2009-12-19 5:25 PM
in reply to: #2567603

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
running2far - 2009-12-18 3:47 PM @The Group....trying to catch up and everyone's bio and blog etc...We've got some great weightloss stories here. Care to share any tips? When I'm trying to lose weight, I count calories but very losely and try and stay in a 500 calorie deficit per day....anything more I'll be good for three or four days and then really pig out. What works for you?

Three things that have worked for and against me with weight loss are:
1. Portion size control.  One piece of pizza.  One not two, etc. etc.  Amazing how much I tend to overeat.
2.  Watch fats.  When I cut down on fats and processed foods, weight can go pretty quick.
3. Training.  Train harder, longer. You burn more.  Add this to 1 and 2 and weight flies off.

Last thing: Alcohol.  When I got sober, I lost close to 50 lbs in a couple months without dieting, trying, or even wanting to lose weight.  It just disappeared.  Now, I may be an abberation because of my history, but the beer will put it on you.
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