BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Maine Rob's Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2010-01-02 6:25 PM

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Subject: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

NAME: Maine Rob (Rob)

STORY: I started running in 2004, and did my first triathlon in 2005.  I have raced about 20 triathlons, including two ironman races (Lake Placid in 2006 and 2008). I was never an athlete before, and was heavy for much of my life (see my album for "before and after" pictures ), but running and triathlon changed my life and has kept me in good shape. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married for nearly 17 years, two beautiful daughters who are 6 and 9.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm starting 2010 doing a round of P90x plus continuing some swim/bike/run work, before tearing into more intense S/B/R work in the spring.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2009 was a bit of an off year for me, with less formal training and less racing, but I did enjoy some trail races and local running races.

2010 RACES:  I'm planning on racing several sprint tris this summer, plus an iron distance race (Esprit in Montreal).

WEIGHTLOSS: I dropped about 70 pounds when I got into the fitness lifestyle, and have mostly maintained that, although I'm looking to drop a few pounds and shed some body fat over the winter.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I enjoy encouraging others to get involved in triathlons and to see the benefits that they enjoy as a result. I am happy to answer any and all questions about training, equipment, logistics, nutrition, or any other things you may want to know about our great sport.

Edited by Maine Rob 2010-01-04 5:28 AM

2010-01-03 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

Bump for people looking for a mentor group that's still open .

2010-01-03 4:27 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open
Hi Rob,
Could I join your group?
I got interested in triathlons about 18 months ago, although have yet to complete one!
I am not an athlete by nature and am starting from the couch pretty much. My aims for this year are to run 5k without stopping and to compete in a sprint triathlon.


ps does it matter that I'm in the uk?
2010-01-03 5:04 PM
in reply to: #2591028

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

Welcome Jennifer! Of course I don't mind you being in the UK, as long as you don't mind some us blathering about yards, miles, and other made up measurements.

Those sound like some good goals. Where are you now in terms of progress toward those goals? Are you (or are you going to be) following a structured plan of some kind?

2010-01-03 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2589783

New user

Melbourne, Florida
Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

Hi Rob - do you have space for one more?
A little background - I turned 40 in December and decided it was time to get back into shape and keep fit (about 25 lbs of extra weight... which I call statuesque!).  Some of my friends became involved with sprint tri's last year and suggested I join as part of my resolution. 

So here I am!  I am a good swimmer, decent casual biker, and have mental barriers on running (that's a challenge to say the least, and I tend to walk/jog when I venture out).  Some slight injuries as the body ages, but nothing that should stop me, and I am determined to make this work, but nervous as well.   The goal would be to achieve a sprint-tri in the July timeframe, and I am looking at Michael Pate's 22 week workout to follow.



2010-01-03 7:02 PM
in reply to: #2591272

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

Welcome to the group Sharon! That is a reasonable and attainable goal you have laid out. The 22 week program is solid, and should get you to the starting (and finish ) line in good shape.  The swim is often the biggest obstacle for many of us adult onset athletes, so it's good that you're already strong in the water.  As far as running, there is nothing wrong with training and/or racing with a run/walk program (Run 3 minutes, walk 1, repeat...). That's how I got started with running, and eventually I phased out the walk breaks.

Pick a plan, pick a race, and get ready to rock!

2010-01-03 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2591290

New user

Melbourne, Florida
Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open
Thanks Rob - for the encouragement and quick response.  Look forward to being part of the group!
Is this the link we will be using in general?
2010-01-03 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2589783


Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

Hi Rob! I was wondering if you would be willing to take on one more?  I've never competed in a tri, and I'm looking at doing a duathalon in my area on May 23rd, because frankly, while I can keep myself from drowning that's about the extent of my swimming capabilities for now. Laughing 

My story:  I'm 32, about 20 pounds fluffier than I would like to be after finishing up grad school this year and get in about 12-15 miles of walking/jogging/running per week.  I LOVE riding my bicycle recreationally in the warmer seasons and recently started spinning indoors to get my fix of biking while it is too cold for my wimpy self out there.

I've been married 11 years and we have 2 boys ages 10 and 5.  My husband does NOT run, so my training partners are my dogs.  I'm a nursing instructor at a local community college, so I keep very busy and a little extra accountability will be good for me.

Thanks in advance!

2010-01-03 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

This thread can be used as an ongoing discussion between all of the members of the group. You can also send and receive "inspire me" notes on group member's individual logs. It's a nice way to motivate members of the group or other people that you connect with here on BT.

2010-01-03 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2591310

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

Sure Cris, still plenty of room, and welcome to BT!

Sounds like you've got a good start toward your goal, and are doing some good winter work with the spinning. Let us know how we can best keep you motivated.

2010-01-03 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open
Room for one more Rob?


2010-01-03 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2591417

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

aureua - 2010-01-03 8:50 PM Room for one more Rob?



Any specific goals for this year Becky?

Whoops - I should have looked at your log first .  IMLou - giddyup!

Edited by Maine Rob 2010-01-03 7:55 PM
2010-01-03 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open
Hi Rob! 

Do you have room in your group for a total newbie?  Like so new that I am just starting  a couch to 
5k and haven't even started the bike yet?  I do swim, usually 1.5 miles - 2 miles, 4-5x a week, except for those weeks that life gets in the way. 

I have my eye on a tri in December 2010.  Would love to have some guidance along the way.

2010-01-03 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2589783


Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open
Hi Maine Rob's Group.  I would love to be mentored.  I am signed up for an international distance tri (my first) on May 15th.  This will be my second "attempt".  I was registered for this same race last year, and a couple of months before the race date, I found out I had breast cancer. We had to start treatment immediately and I had to let go of the dream of doing my first triathlon that I had been training for.  After chemo and surgery, and God's amazing grace, I am cancer free and registered for this race again.  I consider myself pretty fit, can swim a mile and bike 20 on a stationary . . . getting back into running after being sick has been a little bit more difficult.  And, a real road bike scares me.  I am following Aflac Iron Girl Las Vegas 12 week training program.  I am married, have 4 kids under 7, facilitate a Bible study, host fellowship group every Friday night. . . I am busy with life just like everybody else.  I am looking for encouragement, help with time management, NUTRITION to facilitate the best training, and then, lots of logistical stuff.  I haven't participated in an organized race in 11 years, and that was just a run.  I will want to know everything that will help me make the race the absolute best!  I will have tons of questions. Am I a fit for you?
2010-01-03 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open
Hi Rob,  Hope you still have room for another newbie.

Background - I have a couple of adventure races under my belt and completed my first sprint tri in 2009. I live in San Antonio so I have the luxery of nice weather almost all year round, great for training and the plethera of races available within Texas. I'm married to a wonderful wife and have 2 beautiful daughters, 3 and 6. My wife actually bought my membership to BT for Christmas so I am new to triathlon's and this site. I am hoping by getting more involved in the posting  it will keep me motivated. Maybe I can even motivate some others.

I can't wait to start racing this year. Good luck to everyone.
2010-01-03 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2589783

New user

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open
Hi Maine Rob:

Are you still accepting members. I really think this is the right group for me. My story:

I used to love/play sports, ran 10 k's all the time, x country runner in high school, university level crew in college, then was a 35+ mile / week runner after college - ages ago. I stopped exercise for well over a decade for health issues, injuries, work, travel, life, and every other excuse in the book LOL!

Now, i'm about 40-50 lbs overweight, but still able to run/bike for 30 min straight....while gasping for air afterwards This past year, have done yoga off/on to help with stress, and easy workouts while traveling. My old coach used to call me "gumby", so flexibility should help. that's about it for activity lately....

I'm SUPER excited to"tri" my first Tri Sprint and Olympic this year, get back into sports, training, and feeling my body move, while having fun. I love the idea of being part of a mentorship group. I'm also thinking of joining Team in Training, to support my mom, who has Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, while also training for my first Tri...anyone else been a part of this program?

I've been doing a lot of reading up on my first "Tri". I've been trying to figure out the "right" couch to Sprint, to Olympic plan for me. I DON'T want to get injured, I DO want to push myself.

I'm a bit overwhelmed here, so hoping for advice from those who have done this all before.

Should I go for a couch to Sprint, and then Olympic 20 week plan, or should I start w/ a beginner's exercise program, to help w/ my joints and injury avoidance? 3x per week seems a little light, but I keep reading all the warnings about not overdoing it in the beginning. I hit the gym tomorrow at 6 am sharp...


Las Vegas & Seattle
2010 Goals: 1st Sprint and Olympic!
Still trying to determine specfic events

2010-01-03 10:14 PM
in reply to: #2589783


Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open
Hi Rob do you have room for one more Newby?  I just turned 40 in August and decided to get back in shape.  So, last January I decided to train for a Tri.  I completed the Chicago Tri Sprint (1hr 39min)on a mountain bike and was getting blown away by the road bikes it was interesting.  I would like to be more competitive because I had a blast, I had no previous experience I just followed one of the BT programs.  I was in Rugby and other sports when I was younger and really enjoy the life style.  Tomorrow I am starting the Sprint Basic 12 week RPE based program, I think this will push me a little more I would like to do (5)sprints this year.  I am Married for 8 years with 3 kids 6 and under, so it's pretty interesting fitting it all in.  Let me know if you can help, thanks.
2010-01-04 3:04 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open
Hi Rob,  One more guy trying to push myself more.  I am 35.  I am in the Navy and stationed aboard a submarine.  I am married with 5 kids.  I am probably about 20 lbs above what I want for my race weight.  My goal is to run the florida ironman in 2011.  I would like to do a 70.3 prior to that to get the feel for the race.  I have about 10 to 15 hours a week to train right now but that goes up and down with my military commitments.  Just looking for some new ideas and others to push with.

2010-01-04 6:36 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Hi Rob,

One more here if your group will have me. I am 45 and didnt do much last year and that cost me greatly. I went from 212 to 250 and am still wondering how I let that happen but it is what it is and its time to get more active. I rode the HotternHell here in Texas in 2008 and had a great time doing it. Spring I rode Beauty and the Beast(65mi) in Tyler Texas and figured out that winter will take a great toll on your body if you let it. I have been more active as of late and would like to get a tri or 2 in this year. I do travel an extreme amount for work so that puts another challenge in my training. Like yourself I have 2 beautifull daughters 12 & 14. Ahhhhh, the lovely teenage years begin. I have a feeling it will be the longest and shortest time of my life.

2010-01-04 8:29 AM
in reply to: #2589783


Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
I am in this group? No reply to my earlier post requesting group membership before the -Closed was added. Thanks!
2010-01-04 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2591529

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

Swimfreak17 - 2010-01-03 9:39 PM Hi Rob! 

Do you have room in your group for a total newbie?  Like so new that I am just starting  a couch to 
5k and haven't even started the bike yet?  I do swim, usually 1.5 miles - 2 miles, 4-5x a week, except for those weeks that life gets in the way. 

I have my eye on a tri in December 2010.  Would love to have some guidance along the way.


Welcome Ronda!

Already being able to swim 2 miles puts you far ahead of most people just starting out. The couch to 5k plan for running is a great way to get started, with gradual increases in time and distance.  Do you have access to a bike, or at least a stationary bike?


2010-01-04 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2591552

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

kris4 - 2010-01-03 9:52 PM Hi Maine Rob's Group.  I would love to be mentored.  I am signed up for an international distance tri (my first) on May 15th.  This will be my second "attempt".  I was registered for this same race last year, and a couple of months before the race date, I found out I had breast cancer. We had to start treatment immediately and I had to let go of the dream of doing my first triathlon that I had been training for.  After chemo and surgery, and God's amazing grace, I am cancer free and registered for this race again.  I consider myself pretty fit, can swim a mile and bike 20 on a stationary . . . getting back into running after being sick has been a little bit more difficult.  And, a real road bike scares me.  I am following Aflac Iron Girl Las Vegas 12 week training program.  I am married, have 4 kids under 7, facilitate a Bible study, host fellowship group every Friday night. . . I am busy with life just like everybody else.  I am looking for encouragement, help with time management, NUTRITION to facilitate the best training, and then, lots of logistical stuff.  I haven't participated in an organized race in 11 years, and that was just a run.  I will want to know everything that will help me make the race the absolute best!  I will have tons of questions. Am I a fit for you?

Welcome to the group Kristen!

First of all, let me say a huge CONGRATULATIONS on beating cancer! After doing that, getting ready for your first tri will be a cinch .

Have you been outside on a bike recently?  It does take some getting used to, but maybe start in a quiet parking lot, or multiuse trails if you have any in your area, before you hit the actual road.

Please feel free to fire away with any questions.

2010-01-04 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2591567

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

zannard - 2010-01-03 10:03 PM Hi Rob,  Hope you still have room for another newbie.

Background - I have a couple of adventure races under my belt and completed my first sprint tri in 2009. I live in San Antonio so I have the luxery of nice weather almost all year round, great for training and the plethera of races available within Texas. I'm married to a wonderful wife and have 2 beautiful daughters, 3 and 6. My wife actually bought my membership to BT for Christmas so I am new to triathlon's and this site. I am hoping by getting more involved in the posting  it will keep me motivated. Maybe I can even motivate some others.

I can't wait to start racing this year. Good luck to everyone.

Welcome Zane!

I have to say I'm jealous of you being in San Antonio at this point, although I've been there in the summer and do not envy that .

Do you have some goal races planned for this year?

2010-01-04 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2591575

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

akchahal - 2010-01-03 10:08 PM Hi Maine Rob: Are you still accepting members. I really think this is the right group for me. My story: I used to love/play sports, ran 10 k's all the time, x country runner in high school, university level crew in college, then was a 35+ mile / week runner after college - ages ago. I stopped exercise for well over a decade for health issues, injuries, work, travel, life, and every other excuse in the book LOL! Now, i'm about 40-50 lbs overweight, but still able to run/bike for 30 min straight....while gasping for air afterwards This past year, have done yoga off/on to help with stress, and easy workouts while traveling. My old coach used to call me "gumby", so flexibility should help. that's about it for activity lately.... I'm SUPER excited to"tri" my first Tri Sprint and Olympic this year, get back into sports, training, and feeling my body move, while having fun. I love the idea of being part of a mentorship group. I'm also thinking of joining Team in Training, to support my mom, who has Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, while also training for my first Tri...anyone else been a part of this program? I've been doing a lot of reading up on my first "Tri". I've been trying to figure out the "right" couch to Sprint, to Olympic plan for me. I DON'T want to get injured, I DO want to push myself. I'm a bit overwhelmed here, so hoping for advice from those who have done this all before. Should I go for a couch to Sprint, and then Olympic 20 week plan, or should I start w/ a beginner's exercise program, to help w/ my joints and injury avoidance? 3x per week seems a little light, but I keep reading all the warnings about not overdoing it in the beginning. I hit the gym tomorrow at 6 am sharp... HELP?! Anne Las Vegas & Seattle 2010 Goals: 1st Sprint and Olympic! Still trying to determine specfic events

Good morning Anne! Did you make it to the gym today at 6 ?

Most of the training plans that you can find here on BT or from other sources are balanced and should help to minimize injury risk.  Start with a plan where you can look at the first week and think "hey, that looks doable."  3x in each sport every week is a very solid plan, and will get you to those goals. It is definitely a change in mindset for people who were single sport athletes, where running 8-12x a week is not unusual.

As for team in training - I have never worked with them, but know people that have.  Most people who have done it have found it very supportive and useful, although a few have complained that the fundraising minimums can be tough. Do some searches through the BT forums and you should be able to find some good info from people who have done the program.

2010-01-04 8:45 AM
in reply to: #2591660

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Open

HIRLR17 - 2010-01-03 11:14 PM Hi Rob do you have room for one more Newby?  I just turned 40 in August and decided to get back in shape.  So, last January I decided to train for a Tri.  I completed the Chicago Tri Sprint (1hr 39min)on a mountain bike and was getting blown away by the road bikes it was interesting.  I would like to be more competitive because I had a blast, I had no previous experience I just followed one of the BT programs.  I was in Rugby and other sports when I was younger and really enjoy the life style.  Tomorrow I am starting the Sprint Basic 12 week RPE based program, I think this will push me a little more I would like to do (5)sprints this year.  I am Married for 8 years with 3 kids 6 and under, so it's pretty interesting fitting it all in.  Let me know if you can help, thanks.

Welcome Jim!

5 sprints will make for a fun year. Will you have access to a road bike this year?

Finding time for the training with young kids can be a challenge, but it can definitely be done.

Congratulations on starting the new year off with a good plan and goals!

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