General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Blood clot on foot Rss Feed  
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2014-03-10 1:39 PM

Subject: Blood clot on foot
Public service announcement here...

I did a really hard sprint interval session on my treadmill last Thursday and by the end of it, I had a pretty annoying red patch on the top of my right foot. The vein on the top of my foot was hard and warm to the touch. Just got checked out by some doctors and long story short, I have a superficial blood clot in my vein (for you medical folks, I was diagnosed with Thrombophlebitis). The doctors had never seen a case of this type of clot on top of a foot - so I guess I'm 'exceptional'. Yay for me.

The doctors weren't sure what caused it, but it's a pretty good bet that between the sprint interval session and how I tied my running shoes, somehow a small clot formed. It's no big deal at the end of the day, some ibuprofen and warm compresses should dissolve the clot. And no running for a week or two as well.

So, long story short, be careful how you tie your shoes. My case is pretty benign, but blood clots can be quite serious.

Public service announcement ended.

2014-03-10 2:41 PM
in reply to: LarchmontTri

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Subject: RE: Blood clot on foot

blood clots can be quite serious. .

Tell me about it....

Glad it was only superficial.  And you got it in blood clot awareness month to boot!

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