General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 09.04.2019 Whip it Real Good, Wednesday Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2019-09-04 8:44 AM

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: 09.04.2019 Whip it Real Good, Wednesday
I think it's Salt'N'Peppa

4 miles this morning in 90% humidity. Kept the HR in line with expectations and pace was good.

Maybe I can just always be in taper mode? I feel like I would have to adjust my diet though...hahahhaa

2019-09-04 9:46 AM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: 09.04.2019 Whip it Real Good, Wednesday

When all else fails go with the training plan. 

I wrote my plan 3-4 months ago.  It is always a process.  I start by looking at when my races are and backtracking taper weeks from there.  Then I add in the rest weeks.  Then I put in the build weeks, strength weeks.  Finally, I add in my key workouts (i.e. CSS, FTP, LT tests, Peak long runs, peak long rides, Open Water Swims, brick workouts, Race simulations, etc.).   Things usually get cramped in the schedule to where I have to drop a lot of things to make the schedule work out.  Choosing what to drop and what to keep is the most stressful part of the process.   I offen get a finished plan then change it 2-3 more times over the next week until I feel good about everything. 

So....I raced on the weekend and put a light week fo follow it so that I get work out any soreness from racing. The race was a Sprint and I felt in the race that my swim fitness was no quite to where I should be for a Sprint Triathlons.  The next races was supposed to be a 70.3 race then a full marathon two weeks after that.  Following Saturday's race, I change the 70.3 to a Sprint.  So, that changes leave the trianing schedule open to change.  I wasn't sure what to do this morning, so I stuck with what was on the training plan and did a 7 mile run with 2 x 3200m repeats @ 10 Racepace + 40 sec with 400m rest interval.   

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