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2004-11-15 8:04 AM

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wrightsville beach, North Carolina
Subject: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!

Hey ya'll,

     Just one of those shameless proud dad moments here.....My 15 yo son, Tom became an Eagle scout yesterday! (actually more..shameless pride..unofficially he was at 14 1/2 but yesterday was official)

On fellow said it best at the ceremony as to why this is so unique and special is that this achievment can only be achieved over years of dedication (no instant gratification) and thru leadership and teamwork with others (no 'me' accommplishement).

So there it is,...if I had not been 'inspiring' or on threads alot over the past week, we had lots of cleaning and preparing to do and yesterday was 'total family' day, no BT , but now I'm back,    Thanks to all, you are the best!

2004-11-15 8:45 AM
in reply to: #82819

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manitoba, canada
Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!
Congratulations to your son Glen  And for us Canucks, what exactly is am Eagle Scout. I have heard the term, but I don't believe we have that up here.
2004-11-15 8:54 AM
in reply to: #82819

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Elite Veteran
Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!
What an accomplishment! I bet you are glad the whole process is over. My dad was an eagle scout. You should be proud!!!
2004-11-15 9:11 AM
in reply to: #82819

Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!

Tell him congrats from us too Glen, and to you and your wife for raising him.  You must have done something right to keep him motivated and instill a sense of values that obviously have stayed with him.  It's great to see your kids grow up and achieve something they've worked hard for!

Edited by max 2004-11-15 9:12 AM

2004-11-15 9:24 AM
in reply to: #82819

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!
That's great Glen! I made it as far as Life and had a falling out with my troop leader - imagine that, me getting snippy with someone - so I know much effort it takes to make it that far and then some. That is truly an excellent accomplishment. Along with that, it takes a lot of support and dedication on the part of an Eagle Scout's family, so that speaks volumes for you and the rest of your family as well.

2004-11-15 9:53 AM
in reply to: #82819

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Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!
Eagle Scout is a very high rank in Boy Scouting. The boys have to pass through several other ranks, each with its own requirements. They must demonstrate leadership and community service. The process is very rigorous. Eagle is quite an honor, and to do so at such a young age is even more admirable.

Congratulations to the PROUD Papa!
(Eagle Board of Review Chairperson, MA Troop 63)

2004-11-15 10:12 AM
in reply to: #82819

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!
Hey hey! Congratulations to your son!

Eagle is quite an achievement. What was his Eagle Project, if you don't mind me asking?

( Eagle Scout, Troop 16, DPRV Council )
2004-11-15 10:29 AM
in reply to: #82819

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Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!
Eagle Scout? Wow, very impressive. That really is a great accomplishment.

Congratulations to him (and you as well).
2004-11-15 10:43 AM
in reply to: #82819

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Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!
Congratulations to you and your son!  I am the advancement chairman for my church's troop.  I work with parents who are trying to figure out all the Eagle paperwork and I keep track of all advancement.  I KNOW getting to Eagle is a lot of work for both the scout and the parents. 
2004-11-15 11:00 AM
in reply to: #82819

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wrightsville beach, North Carolina
Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!

Thanks Deb....I was a bit *preoccupied* here at work and didn;t have time to give good explanation for our friends in Canada (Boy scouting is a world wide organization, I 'm sure it is in canada).

     His eagle project consisted of leading, planning, and coordinating over 100 hrs of volunteer hours identifying, cataloging, and properly and respectfully marking veterans graves in 2 cemetaries in our town. He was able to 'discover' many veterans who had not been recognized w/ flags and markers for their service to their country.

   He has always been 'into' doing the proper thing for vet's. He has spent many hours previously volunteering for a local visit of the Vietnam "Moving Wall" , we have an uncle who had a tough time there (and still does, oh.,.the guy who I got my litespeed from)and who still does. A real 'feel good' cycle happening......

2004-11-15 11:57 AM
in reply to: #82898

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manitoba, canada
Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!
You know what, I don't think we do have Eagle Scouts in Canada.  What a shame.  We do have boy scouts, but I think Rovers is the highest we go?? I was in girl guides - up til Pathfinder.  Now I'm very curious to know what we have that would be equivalent, because it sounds like such an excellent program.

2004-11-15 1:54 PM
in reply to: #82819

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wrightsville beach, North Carolina
Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!

I guess things are different in each country, the base program is probably the same, building kids in to good adults.

Here in US, it is under the "Boy Scouts of America" organization. Privately funded but chartered by US Congress. The base programs are for boys 12-18 yo however the 'teen' programs are co-ed (14-21).( we are involved in the "sea scout" which is maritme based teen program)

     There are different ranks and EAGLE is the highest top achievement and is a 'lifetime'achievement usually accomplished near 18 year of age. Only about 2 % of the total Boy scouts achive the rank.

2004-11-15 3:41 PM
in reply to: #82819

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Extreme Veteran
Manitoba, Canada
Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!

What a wonderful, proud time for you all!  His project sounds so caring, and must touch so many people in the community ... congratulations to you all, it shows the role modeling and support that he has in his family.

btw - "shameless pride" is your right - and thank you for sharing it with us. 

(and we're glad your back too!)

2004-11-22 10:20 AM
in reply to: #82819

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Extreme Veteran
Plant City, Florida
Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!
Congrats Glen as an Eagle Scout myself the one thing that many others do not see is that for him to make it to Eagle there had to be a lot of help from the loved ones at his house.......I know my parents were sure a mojor part for me......
2004-11-23 2:08 PM
in reply to: #82819

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!
Not only congrats to your son, but that is an EXCELENT project, especially for someone so young. Just a reflection on his upbringing!!
2004-11-26 2:50 PM
in reply to: #82819

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!
Having watched two guys from my church youth group earn achieved Eagle Scout status, you are justifiably proud.

Until I went to the ceremony, I had no idea what kind of work Eagle Scouts had to put in to get that achievement. And make no mistake, it's dads like you that help him get there.

Many congrats!!

2004-11-26 3:29 PM
in reply to: #82819

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!
Thats really awesome Glen!  Being an Eagle scout is something Tom will carry with him for the rest of his life. 
2004-11-28 12:02 AM
in reply to: #82819

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Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!

I'm so late to this post! There's no shame in knowing that you were such a positive role model for Tom, and an integral part of his making Eagle Scout!

Congratuations to the both of you, you must be soooo proud!

2004-12-08 5:12 PM
in reply to: #82819

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Long Island
Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!
Hey, I have not spent much time looking at the threads in My cup of joe so I just saw this one. My sons are currently a webelos and a bear so I'm just looking forward to the Arrow of Light ceremony and bridging over. I'm also just proud that my son aspires to be an Eagle Scout some day. The thing is that what these boys do isn't all that different than what we do. In many ways Eagles and Ironmen (and women) are very similar. It takes a lot of hard work to make it to Eagle. There are an awful lot of Scouts out there who have accomplished many things but are DNF when it comes to Eagle. Congatulations to your son, to you and your family and to the community who supported him. Since some of the replies queried about scouting in different countries I feel its neccessary to point out that Scouting was started in England by Lord Baden Powell but has spread to over seventy countries incluing Australia and Canada. Go to http://www.macscouter.com/ for links to scouting sites all over the World. For anyone who has boys it is better than any other single youth organization.
2004-12-08 5:13 PM
in reply to: #82819

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Long Island
Subject: RE: My son....the EAGLE SCOUT!
Congrats Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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