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2008-08-10 9:47 AM

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: WW 8/10 - 8/16

I cannot believe it's time to start a new thread again - this past week flew by!

Here's the spreadsheet info

Here's the link to the spreadsheet:

login info:
user: wwandfriends
pass: carrots08  

2008-08-10 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1592682

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16

Gott start the week with a chuckle

Sorta like how McDonalds is a sponsor of the Olympics??

Edited by lastcall2003 2008-08-10 9:51 AM
2008-08-10 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1592682

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16
So true, Beth, so true!

I'll WI in tomorrow, but want to tag this thread so I don't lose it. I'm not very hopeful about tomorrow's WI though since it's been one 'eating event' after another for me since Thursday (Opera, Wedding, Race/Club Meeting, and tonight movie/concert). I'm choosing as healthful as possible with the circumstances, but the sodium in 'out to eat' foods kills me!
2008-08-10 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1592692

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16

MrsUSMC - 2008-08-10 10:00 AM So true, Beth, so true! I'll WI in tomorrow, but want to tag this thread so I don't lose it. I'm not very hopeful about tomorrow's WI though since it's been one 'eating event' after another for me since Thursday (Opera, Wedding, Race/Club Meeting, and tonight movie/concert). I'm choosing as healthful as possible with the circumstances, but the sodium in 'out to eat' foods kills me!

good luck tomorrow Terri!

the sodium always kills me too - that plus traveling makes my weight yo yo

the traveling is almost over

2008-08-11 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1592682

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16
Well, I gained as expected, but because I was expecting I'm okay with it. I tried very hard during the early part of the week to not use my WPs, but I didn't get in the APs I was hoping to to help sweat out the high-sodium stuff. Too bad it't happening today. I was sweating like a pig on the short bike I did this morning! LOL
2008-08-11 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1592682

Randolph, MA
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16
Hey, is there a way I can add myself?  Id love to keep track like this.

2008-08-11 5:02 PM
in reply to: #1592682

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Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16
So can I just add myself to the chart? I don't want to step on any toes in case there is a system...
2008-08-11 6:16 PM
in reply to: #1594746

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16

MrsUSMC - 2008-08-11 1:18 PM Well, I gained as expected, but because I was expecting I'm okay with it. I tried very hard during the early part of the week to not use my WPs, but I didn't get in the APs I was hoping to to help sweat out the high-sodium stuff. Too bad it't happening today. I was sweating like a pig on the short bike I did this morning! LOL

LOL!  I know the feeling!

sounds like you have a great attitude about it and know the cause, and that's what counts

2008-08-11 6:18 PM
in reply to: #1592682

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16

Absolutely add yourself to the chart - just let us know if you have any issues or problems


2008-08-11 6:19 PM
in reply to: #1595004

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16

njkeating - 2008-08-11 2:35 PM Hey, is there a way I can add myself?  Id love to keep track like this.

you bet!  in the first post, there is a link to the spreadsheet - just access it, add yourself, and join the fun

post here if you run into any problems and we'll help you out

2008-08-11 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1595551

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16

iamcassib - 2008-08-11 5:02 PM So can I just add myself to the chart? I don't want to step on any toes in case there is a system...

absolutely you can add yourself!  no worries about stepping on toes - the system is that we each keep the spreadsheet updated

2008-08-12 9:15 AM
in reply to: #1592682

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Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16

I have been having some major scale drama this week.

I only starting training/WW two weeks ago, and have been using a Homedics digital scale to weigh in every Monday morning. My pre-training/WW weight: 171.6; the following Monday: 168.4; this past Monday: 169.6! I have to admit I had a bit of a breakdown. I have been working out every day and twice a day three days a week, so I was incredulous about this weight gain.

Does anyone else use a Homedics scale? I ask because I have a feeling that there is something wrong with mine. Depending on where I set it down in my bathroom I will get a different reading. This morning I weighed myself, then moved the scale about five inches to the left and weighed again - 3 lb difference!

I just don't think it's possible that I gained weight this week. 

2008-08-12 11:52 PM
in reply to: #1592682

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Without house
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16

One of these days, I'll actually update my weight on that spreadsheet...

I'm having a hard time getting to meetings.  Much of it is that it's race season, weekends are full up, I'm out of town.  In reality, it's that I've moved to a new town and haven't found a leader I click with yet.  I need my meetings.  I miss going with my friend Sarah...she lives in Racine, and neither of us like the Saturday morning leader there.  I'll keep trying...but I really miss having her there...

I've started a weight loss vlog.  I was sucked into hours of youtube this past weekend, and decided I wanted to try it out.  I have my intro video up if anyone is interested.  Here's my site:

Let me know what you think...please keep in mind it's my first attempt at this kind of thing... 

2008-08-13 7:13 AM
in reply to: #1596679

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16
iamcassib - 2008-08-12 9:15 AM

I have been having some major scale drama this week.

I only starting training/WW two weeks ago, and have been using a Homedics digital scale to weigh in every Monday morning. My pre-training/WW weight: 171.6; the following Monday: 168.4; this past Monday: 169.6! I have to admit I had a bit of a breakdown. I have been working out every day and twice a day three days a week, so I was incredulous about this weight gain.

Does anyone else use a Homedics scale? I ask because I have a feeling that there is something wrong with mine. Depending on where I set it down in my bathroom I will get a different reading. This morning I weighed myself, then moved the scale about five inches to the left and weighed again - 3 lb difference!

I just don't think it's possible that I gained weight this week. 

I think we've all experienced the scale drama at one time or another - so at least know that you are not alone

Sounds like there might be an issue with your scale if it weighs that much different in one place to another

are you weighing in at a meeting or just at home?  if you're going to meetings, it might be better to just go by their scale

2008-08-13 7:19 AM
in reply to: #1599404

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16
maggyruth - 2008-08-12 11:52 PM

One of these days, I'll actually update my weight on that spreadsheet...

I'm having a hard time getting to meetings.  Much of it is that it's race season, weekends are full up, I'm out of town.  In reality, it's that I've moved to a new town and haven't found a leader I click with yet.  I need my meetings.  I miss going with my friend Sarah...she lives in Racine, and neither of us like the Saturday morning leader there.  I'll keep trying...but I really miss having her there...

I've started a weight loss vlog.  I was sucked into hours of youtube this past weekend, and decided I wanted to try it out.  I have my intro video up if anyone is interested.  Here's my site:

Let me know what you think...please keep in mind it's my first attempt at this kind of thing... 

that's cool Peggy!  thanks for sharing

I enjoyed l hearing your story first hand!

2008-08-13 8:58 AM
in reply to: #1592682

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Owings, MD
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16

Welcome, Cassi!

I looked at your blog (very cool), and my only observation is that you may not be eating enough.  Maybe your body is starting to go into starvation mode and holding onto every calorie you are consuming.  I'm not a WW expert by any means, but when I used those extra 35 weekly points and some APs, I actually lost more than if I just stuck to my daily points.  Just make them count and don't use them for junk -- more veggies and fruit, healthy snacks (like almonds or yogurt or protein-based snacks to build muscle).  Just my $0.02 (and I hope that doesn't sound like preaching or criticism).  It worked for me! 


2008-08-13 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1592682

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Hudson, OH
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16
Hey everyone.. well I lost 2.2. this week (but had to make up for the prior week of gaining). The better news is that I am still on rack for marathon training. I had a 9 miler with my bro last week and we ran about a 9:00 pace, and then yesterday I had a short 3 miler and was at 8:15!! I am psyched - my fitness is getting way better and I am close to cracking the 160s.

Tri this weekend, too!

We will be on vacation all next week with my family, but luckily we are a bunch of very active people.. so we will be getting in our miles no problem and also biking a lot.

Got to love the fact that my kids have a running mama, grandpa, grandma, aunt and uncle, too! (And a biking daddy).
2008-08-13 4:16 PM
in reply to: #1592682

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16
Hi all, I get weighed tomorrow so I'll let you know how I get on. I've started my new job this week which has meant lots of travel and feeling hungry alot of the time. That said I've tried to stick to the plan and done quite well. I've just used my saved points for a takeaway chinese to hopefully all that salt wont have done for my diet.
2008-08-14 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1599757

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Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16

Just my $0.02 (and I hope that doesn't sound like preaching or criticism). It worked for me!


Absolutely not! Your answer is the whole reason I joined this site! I love hearing what works for others. I want constructive criticism from others who have done this before. It's the only way I can learn Laughing

2008-08-14 8:51 AM
in reply to: #1599511

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Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16
lastcall2003 - 2008-08-13 7:13 AM

I think we've all experienced the scale drama at one time or another - so at least know that you are not alone

Sounds like there might be an issue with your scale if it weighs that much different in one place to another

are you weighing in at a meeting or just at home? if you're going to meetings, it might be better to just go by their scale


I went ahead and did some scale research, and this particular scale has been cited several times as ridiculously inaccurate in reviews I found. So I bought a different scale, and this one seems to work really well. I weighed myself several times in different parts of my house and I weighed the same (within an ounce or two) each time.

I primarily weigh at home. The WW scale is set up in a way where the person being weighed can not see their weight - only the WW employee can see it and record it. I don't like this, so I weigh myself on my own. I just do WW for the diet tips and the accountability factor.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that the new scale indicates that I lost a pound, which makes sense because this week I can comfortably button a pair of jeans that three weeks ago were almost impossible!

2008-08-16 10:24 PM
in reply to: #1592682

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16

what kind of scale did you buy?


2008-08-17 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1592682

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: WW 8/10 - 8/16
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