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2005-07-12 6:40 AM

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Orlando, FL
Subject: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!

Good morning GOOD IN10TIONS!

I gathered up our remaining stats for week 1 from everyone's log - so if you neglected to send me your totals, you have been relegated to what is in your BT log (dodgersmom, goblue9696, jodilynn, and lawlessryde). Next week it would be really great if you could email me your totals by Monday, as it will be difficult for me to do all the math on your log to separate out each week. This time I only had to subtract yesterday's workout, so not too hard. (not sure why this is looking so weird, but it's there!)

Name ID Goal Week1
Ann Annabananamc $20
swim 120min 30.25
bike 240min 30
run 800min 145.75
Chris Chris Tree £20.00
swim 10000m 1800
bike 200mi 35.5
run 50mi 23
Marcy dodgersmom *from log
swim 200min 0
bike 100mi 11.47
run 300min 77.75
Ernie Castro ejc999 $20
swim 15000yd 3796
bike 250mi 103.07
run 45mi 19.6
Scott goblue9696 *from log
swim 300min 200
bike 400min 145
run 400min 140
Jodi jodilynn $10 *from log
swim 2200m 500
bike 60mi 14.1
run 30mi 4.05
Kelly kirby $20
swim 200min 132
bike 450min 143
run 360min 59
Ryan Kinnan lawlessryde $20 *from log
swim 10000yds 2800
bike 200mi 27.5
run 35mi 6.5
Melanie splerph $20AUS
swim 360min 105
bike 360min 75
run 180min 30
Brent kausnfxx $20
swim 11.5K 3.5
bike 480K 202.92
run 140K 42.6


Let's keep going strong - what will you do today?


Edited by annabananamc 2005-07-12 6:54 AM

2005-07-12 6:52 AM
in reply to: #195617

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2005-07-12 11:39 PM
in reply to: #195617

Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
Good evening, Team!! Captain, sorry about the logs. you are doing a great job as team captain. Keep it up, Team
2005-07-13 6:16 AM
in reply to: #195617

Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
Hurray Ryan! (lawlessryde) who came thru with an extra run Sunday putting us at 28.14% overall! I stole a formula from someone else's spreadsheet that gives your rank within our team, so here it is (just to add to the friendly competition)

Place (by avg of total percentage of goals to date)

1st Scott - goblue9696 45.97% (taking the second half of the month off?)
2nd Kelly - kirby 38.06%
3rd Ernie - ejc999 36.70%
4th Brent - kausnfxx 34.38%
5th Chris - chris tree 27.25% (on a taper week!)
6th Ryan - lawlessryde 25.82%
7th Melanie - splerph 22.22% (with an injury no less)
8th Jodi - jodilynn 19.91%
9th Ann - annabanana 18.64%
10th Marcy - dodgersmom 12.46% (still great for just getting back to it!)

And Ernie and Chris are tied for most supportive teammates in the blogs - tho' that is a REALLY close race with many of you!

I know that even tho' I didn't meet my goal for that week, I did more than I would have if I wasn't in the challenge! And this week I'm even more motivated to catch up, so I am getting creative on how to get the workouts in, and it's working! For me, that is what makes this challenge a big success - win or lose!!!

Take care, all!
2005-07-13 9:19 AM
in reply to: #195617

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2005-07-13 12:11 PM
in reply to: #196951

Fort Collins
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
I'm so sorry I haven't been around these past couple days. This is the first time I've been able to get to the library (rec center computers won't let me access half of this site). I'm right on schedule. I'm training for my first sprint triathlon, so the amount of miles and time goes up every week. So right now I don't look like I'm 25% of my goal, but I am because I'm right on schedule. A little ahead, actually. If I follow the plan through this whole month, I'll make all my goals. Just so you guys know. Doesn't show I'm 25% of the way there, but I am.

Woo hoo! Go team 10! We are going to win!

Oh, and Chris, I now bless your runs with 'scads' of cute girls. But is Sue your wife? Wouldn't she have something to say about that?

2005-07-13 1:59 PM
in reply to: #195617

Herndon VA
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
I'm really enjoying this challenge. I have someone to listen to me talk about triathlons. Now when I discuss triathlons with family members or friends, they get that far away look in their eyes. So, you guys are stuck with my obsession. Keep it up Good In10tions.

2005-07-14 12:16 AM
in reply to: #195617

Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
Hello all, great job in making 28 percent of our goal. The room is almost finished, way before the baby is due, good thing because I have a honey do list longer than my July training goals.

Got in a awesome ride this morning, a whopping 25 miles. Tonight finished my swim, 1000 yards. Got another week before my first triathlon. I hope I am ready, ugh!!

Have a great day everyone, keep up the great training.
2005-07-14 7:00 PM
in reply to: #195617

Herndon VA
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
Copied this from the Yuengling thread, looks like we need to pick up a little.


Week 1 results:

Here's the Overall Team Standings for all the different teams....results were tallied on Monday morning...

1) Endless Summer 33%
2) Crazy 8's 30%
2) Hoss 30%
2) Lucky Lancers 30%
5) Good In-10-tions 28%
6) Yuengling 26%
7) Thunderbird 22%

Three teams didn't update, so not sure where they're at compared to the rest of us...
Five Alive, Guiness, Coeur de Leon. Keep it going Team Yuengling.

Knock out that extra mile, inspire one another, and don't look back.
2005-07-14 11:22 PM
in reply to: #195617

Extreme Veteran
Niagara Falls, Ont
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!

That's nice. Let 'em blow their loads early.

we'll get 'em!!!!!!!!!


2005-07-15 4:03 AM
in reply to: #195617

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2005-07-15 3:04 PM
in reply to: #198875

Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!

Updated spreadsheet; #s are as of 7/11. Thought you'd like to see this before you head into the weekend.


Team Crazy 8 leads.

2005-07-15 3:13 PM
in reply to: #195617

Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
Thanks Renee! I appreciate all the work to get it all together.

Heads up Team Ten.....I'm in process of clarifying with Renee, but it looks like we will only be able to count the total number of folks who are at goal in all 3 sports for our finish place. So it's all or nothing. The percentages will only be used for tie breakers, as I read it in Renee's comments.

SO FIRE UP AND GET OUT THERE AND GIVE US 50% BY SUNDAY!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! (some of you already have!)

Will keep you posted, but wanted you to have a heads up on the new rule before the weekend. I'm hoping to do some catchup I suppose - if it doesn't kill me!

Annabanana the crazy woman in the HOT HOT SUN!
2005-07-15 3:45 PM
in reply to: #199469

Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
Ok gang! Renee just cleared things up for me, and I want you all to know the right rules. She posted it on the Weekly Update thread if you want to read in her words, but basically we need to get as many of us at 100% of goal in all 3 sports as possible. We'll get one 'point' for each person who has this - NOT PERCENTAGE AVERAGING - so at the end of this week you have to have 50%+ in EACH of your sports goals in order to give us a point.

Last week for example, 6 of you had >25% average, but only 3 had >25% in each sport, so our team only got 3 points. The overall team percentage is only used to break a tie.

Hope this makes sense, and helps you set your workout goals for the rest of the challenge.

And I apologize for not understanding it completely beforehand - and for setting a stupid running goal. I'll do my best to make it, but I may let you down :-(. No matter what I'll be trying very hard and will be cheering like crazy!

Happy weekend gang!
2005-07-15 4:11 PM
in reply to: #199505

Fort Collins
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
I will definitely go out and run 3 miles tomorrow, since that's the only sport I'm not to 50% in yet. I want to get us those points!

And then I'll send you my week 2 totals tomorrow as well, since I probably won't be on a computer on Sunday. Did you want how much we've done to date? Or just how much we did this week? I'm guessing you'll want the to-date totals.

Go team 10!
2005-07-15 4:17 PM
in reply to: #195617

Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
Cool! I think I will have to do a bunch of little short runs whenever I can fit them in. DH has been out of town so it's been tricky this week, but heck, my life is like that, that's my own challenge!

JodiLynn you rock!!!!

You can send me the totals anytime, split out however is easiest for you, ok? My spreadsheet can do all the math. If you want to estimate Sunday and then adjust the following week, like Chris did, that is fine also. All that counts in the long run is the final numbers at the end of the month - unless I got that rule wrong, too LOL!!!

Anyway, thanks for keeping me inspired!!!!

Hugs to all you Tens


2005-07-16 10:16 PM
in reply to: #195617

Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
Okay, Captain..... So we need to be at 50 percent of all the sports in order to get us that Weekly point? and what day does the week start and end on? Just to clarify, I am 10 miles short of 50% of my bike goal so do I have sunday to make it up on?
2005-07-17 6:48 AM
in reply to: #195617

Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
Yep - that's the way I understand the rules according to Renee! You need 50% in each of your sports to get the point. And yes, you have Sunday included. The week starts with Monday and ends with Sunday, we post results to her on Monday.

Hope this helps - I am not particularly crazy about this scoring method, but am working hard to make my point! I need a short swim and about an hours run to make it. I'm pretty sure I can do it without a problem - no soreness from yesterday, just a bit tired.

Remember if you are pushing your limits to eat really well and get your sleep!

GO TENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-07-17 6:18 PM
in reply to: #200212

Fort Collins
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
Is she adding up points all month or does only the end score count?
2005-07-17 7:11 PM
in reply to: #195617

Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
Good question, JodiLynn, and I'll ask her to make sure, but I am fairly certain that the end grand total is the only one that 'counts' - it would have to be that way I think, since most people don't train linearly, some have races with tapers and such, etc. I know at least in my running I like to go up, up, up, back, or something like that, on my long runs.

Anyway, the interim points are mostly a status check and bragging rights for the week I guess. I know for me it served to get me out there for another run - not sure how wise it was overall, but I did it....I swear some times I am too competitive with myself!

PLEASE DON'T WORRY TEAMMATES IF YOU ARE NOT AT 50% IN EVERYTHING!!!! This is a CHALLENGE, if all we wanted was to win, we'd set our goals really LOW and voila! Instead, we all reached a bit and some weeks we may fall short, but we are so far ahead just for having been there doing it....don't ever forget that, no matter what the numbers say. YOU ALL ROCK!!!!

And I couldn't imagine a better group to spend the month with!

Hugs all,
2005-07-17 8:07 PM
in reply to: #195617

Perth, Oz
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!

Morning Team Good In10tions!

here's my totals for week 2~   I'm really sorry to report that I'm not going to be at 50% in my totals.  with the flu and my calf it just wasn't possible this week!  I'm sorry!     But I'm back this week feeling almost human again and my calf felt great this morning so hopefully will be back on track this week.

Anyway here's the totals for me

Swim  105 mins  (360 mins goal)  I didn't get any swimming this week coz of the cold

Cycle 245 mins (360 mins goal)  I've included my spinning bike mins as well I hope thats ok?

Run  50 mins (180 mins goal)

Go Team...

2005-07-17 8:17 PM
in reply to: #200501

Fort Collins
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
Woo hoo! I'm a little over 50% in all my goals. I just got back from a 3.2m (5K) run so that I could make 50% this week. It would probably have been wiser to just write it off and say I didn't make my goal, but I went out there anyway and now I'm icing my calf. Anyway, here are my totals for this month to date:

Swim: 1600M (2200 goal)
Bike: 45.1miles (60m goal)
Run: 15.52 miles (30 goal)

Sweet. Go team 10!
2005-07-17 8:20 PM
in reply to: #195617

Extreme Veteran
Niagara Falls, Ont
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!

Hey all, here's week 2 numbers.

It hasn't been a great week. Between work commitments and that I've had to take the week off of swimming (thanks doc!) to let my shoulder heal up a bit, my totals are a bit off in swimming and on the run, The bike is ok.

S-0m   (total 3500m of 11500m)

B-203.32k (total 406.24k of 480k)

R-25k (total 67.6k of 140k)

Week 3 will be interesting as I'm heading into a taper for the Worlds. I hope to keep training for a couple of days, and then its pretty much feet up until Saturday.

Good Luck All!


2005-07-17 11:04 PM
in reply to: #195617

Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
Sweet!! way to go team 10. I hit my 50% goals for the month too. had to get a early bike ride in this morning to make it, but the challenge is worth it too win with team 10.

100.25 miles(200)
25.5 miles(35)
5750 mtrs(10000)

And now I am into my taper week for my race on the 24th, but not sure how much I should be tapering. but anyways, way to go everyone and thanks all for the cool inspirations. You all rock!!!!
2005-07-19 2:22 PM
in reply to: #195617

Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Good In-10-tions - Week 2!
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