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2009-12-31 6:17 PM

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Davenport, IA
Subject: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
Name: Sprint_DA, Dan

About Me: Got into triathlon two years ago because my friends talked me into it.  Did my first race and loved it so much I signed up for a USAT membership and four more races.  Started a total of 8 races that season, finishing 7.  Failed to finish one race due to a mechanical failure.  2009 was meant to be a big season, I planned about 8 races again, focusing on Olympic distance with one HIM to see how I liked the distance.  Well, after my third race of the season I crashed my bike on a recovery ride and spent the next 9 weeks in a cast.  That was June, it's almost healed now.  I also got into Cyclocross racing in 2009, because while I was able to keep my biking fitness decent during my recovery, that was about all I could keep and cross racing looked fun.

Family status: Single, no kids.

Training Style: Mostly use BT training plans, log with Garmin 305 and HR.

How 2010 looks: Pretty much what I was planning for 2009, bunch of sprints and 3-4 Oly's with the HIM, with the possible exception of an extremely late IM.  My roommate is doing one and I figure I'll probably do a lot of the training with him anyway, so why not.  That is subject to change. 

Weightloss: Not really a specific goal.  I wouldn't mind losing a bit, but I don't know how likely it is. 

Why I'll be a good mentor: I love triathlon.  I've tried to gain an understanding of the basics over the last two years.  I also understand how to deal with adversity and frustration, that was pretty much my 2009 season.  I think I have a lot to offer to true beginners.

Edited by Sprint_DA 2010-01-02 5:11 PM

2010-01-01 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2587085

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Is your group full??
2010-01-01 2:54 PM
in reply to: #2588005

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
scott1223 - 2010-01-01 2:37 PM Is your group full??

Nope, so far it's just you and me.  I got your PM about wanting to get into tri's...tell me a bit about yourself.
2010-01-01 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2587085

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Edmonton, Alberta
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Hi Sprint-DA (Dan),

My handle is Whato, while my real name is Lachlan. I am a triathlon rookie. I have done some swimming as a child, but got tired of counting tiles. I also did some serious running particularly 10K (6.2M) to half Marathons, however, that was a few years back. I am 43 years old, although, depending on the morning it can feel like 35 or 55! The bike is a completely new scene to me and, I feel, intimidated given the length of the race on this beast. I have a great road bike and I am spending a lot of time getting acquainted with it. Out of the three, I think, learning the bike has been the most fun, which has been a pleasant surprise. I can estimate my run and swim times (due to my previous experience), however, I really have no idea on the bike.

I have spent the last two months simply building form and endurance in all three aspects. I am commencing the 20 week Olympic 3X Balance program from this site on Monday January 4th. I am planning to do a couple of sprints and one Olympic as preparation for the Vancouver Triathlon September 6th. So, this year is really about learning/building and one serious race towards the end of the season.

I have a Garmin 305 and have just started to upload my training onto this site. Wish I had this technology when I was running. I also stretch daily and attempt to do strength work three times a week, however, I am thinking that Pilates would be a better rout for Triathletes. What do you think? 

I always want to be teachable, and not to what I want to learn, but, to what I need to learn. So, any suggestions or guidance will be warmly welcome. I look forward to our shared journey.

Take care,

2010-01-01 3:39 PM
in reply to: #2587085

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
About Me:   I am 46 yr old. I got talked into a sprint triathlon over Christmas eve dinner (bottle of wine, Irish coffee and a shot of Jameson later),  He did the Lums Sprint in Delware this past Aug. and challenged me.  I have trained for long bike rides the longest being 165mi.  I have competed in 5k's but never have had any swimming distance training.  I do have limited access to a pool.

Family status: Happily married with 2 children (ages 11 and 8).

Training Style: Mostly use BT training plans, and the Golds gym

How 2010 looks: Getting back on the bike and running more

Weightloss: Not really a specific goal, but know I can lose a few lbs.  
2010-01-01 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2587085

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Whato, welcome to the group!

So far it sounds like we all have some things in common.  I also love biking.  It is, by far, my favorite of the three disciplines.  Sounds like you have a good plan going forward for your first season.  I also love using my Garmin to track workouts.  I also have found the plans here to be fantastic.  I've not used the specific plan you're using, but followed, and will be following again, one of the HIM programs starting sometime in April/May (can't remember what 20 weeks out from the race is). 

As far as your pilates question, I'm not terribly familiar with pilates, but I took up yoga during my first season when I strained my neck swimming and had to spend the better part of a month out of the pool.  It's done wonders for my flexibility, and I think it's helped to keep off some of the minor injuries/strains I had during my first year.

The Vancouver Triathlon sounds and looks like a really interesting one.  You're planning the Olympic distance there?

2010-01-01 4:05 PM
in reply to: #2588095

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
scott1223 - 2010-01-01 3:39 PM About Me:   I am 46 yr old. I got talked into a sprint triathlon over Christmas eve dinner (bottle of wine, Irish coffee and a shot of Jameson later),  He did the Lums Sprint in Delware this past Aug. and challenged me.  I have trained for long bike rides the longest being 165mi.  I have competed in 5k's but never have had any swimming distance training.  I do have limited access to a pool.

Family status: Happily married with 2 children (ages 11 and 8).

Training Style: Mostly use BT training plans, and the Golds gym

How 2010 looks: Getting back on the bike and running more

Weightloss: Not really a specific goal, but know I can lose a few lbs.  

Scott, I have a friend or two who were talked into their first triathlons in much the same way and enjoyed racing quite a lot.  With the kind of bike mileage you've done a sprint may end up seeming short to you. 

One of the plans outside the BT offerings that I've suggested to friends before are the 0-700 & 0-1650 plans here.  They seem to be a good way to build up your distance.  You're starting your training at a great time of year to be prepared for your race, although I wouldn't be surprised if you got the urge to race before August.  One of the features I've used here at BT and really have found great value in are the logs.  I highly recommend tracking all of your workouts and races there.  They've built in a lot of data analysis tools so you can see your improvement, or so you can notice the little things you can do that will help to make you faster.
2010-01-01 4:17 PM
in reply to: #2587085

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Thanks Dan,

I am looking forward to training, running isn't my strongest point.  I enjoy swimming but again have not been in a racing situation.  You are correct.. I would like to attempt one race before the one in August.  Thanks again and I look forward to getting more great tips.
2010-01-01 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2588150

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
scott1223 - 2010-01-01 4:17 PM Thanks Dan,

I am looking forward to training, running isn't my strongest point.  I enjoy swimming but again have not been in a racing situation.  You are correct.. I would like to attempt one race before the one in August.  Thanks again and I look forward to getting more great tips.

Running's never been my strongest point either, but last year I had a lot of success while building for the half ironman I didn't get to race.  The most important part is to remember to build your distance up slowly.  As long as you do that the distances won't be an issue.
2010-01-01 10:48 PM
in reply to: #2588119

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Edmonton, Alberta
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Sprint DA,

Yes, at this juncture, I am planning on the Olympic distance in Vancouver.

Take care,
2010-01-01 11:40 PM
in reply to: #2587085

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open

I would like to join your group.

I am 48 years old, married with a kid in college. I have support of my husband (as long as I don't spend too much money)
I decided that particpating in triathlon this August would be a way to keep the 98 lbs I lost off and get in even better shape.  Joining this group changes it from being a dream or a wish to a reality as I will have some accountablility.

I currently do 1 hr spin classes once a week, elliptical 45 min 3x a week and resistance trainging 2x a week. I like swiming but have done very little for years (embarrassment from being overweight) . I have goggles, a suit, access to a pool at the gym and plan to actually jump into it this weekend. Surprised

I am more than a little scared and overwhelmed, There is so much information and I am not sure where to start.  I love the idea having a Mentor and look forward to getting to know you all more

2010-01-02 1:02 AM
in reply to: #2588095

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Edmonton, Alberta
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Nice to meet you Scott1223. My wife and I also have two children 11 and 7. It's a busy house, however, everyone enjoys training or playing an instrument. Look forward to our group dialogue.
2010-01-02 5:59 AM
in reply to: #2587085


Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open

I would also like to join your group if there is still space available.

About me:

My name is Justin, and I currently live in Beijing.  Before moving to Asia 2.5 years ago, I was 210+ pounds, I am now around 178.   I have decided to do the Bintang Olympic Distance Triathlon in May 2010.  I will be going back to the States in the later half of this year and completing a triathlon is something I would like to do before my return.  I am 26 years old.

A few months ago, I started a 5 month Olympic training program from this site, but due to injuries, put off training until the new year, and have focused on weightlifting.

I am currently on vacation in Phuket, but upon return plan on hitting the pool every morning of the workweek, and alternating between biking and running in the evenings.  As a youngin, I was an accomplished swimmer but years and many cigarettes have passed since those days, and I am working on returning to my previous swim form.  As a distance runner and cyclist, I am a complete novice.

I'm curious as to your views on supplementing tri training with weight training as well as proper nutrition.

Looking forward to embarking upon this journey with the help and motivation of others.

Take care.

2010-01-02 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2587085

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Bonnie and Justin, welcome to the group.

Bonnie, sounds like you have made an amazing accomplishment.  Losing 98 lbs is great!  The information out there can seem a little overwhelming, but a lot of it is just the same thing restated in different ways.  I'll definitely try to help you get the best information possible.  It's great that you have support at home, that should make training a lot less stressful.

Justin, sounds like you have a great race picked out, and plenty of time to prepare for it.  Make sure you avoid building up distance and volume slowly and work on your flexibility a lot to keep your injuries from returning.  I think that strength training can be a good supplement to tri training, as long as it isn't taking away too much time that you would otherwise spend swimming, running, or biking.  Proper nutrition is also very important.  I'm trying to clean my diet up as I've gotten a bit lax on watching what I eat/drink.
2010-01-02 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2587085

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Severna Park, MD
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Nice to meet you also Whato,  Welcome to Justin and Bonnie!
2010-01-02 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2587085

New user

Fort Washington, PA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Happy New Year Sprint_DA!  After an interesting although unlikely invitation during a cookie exchange party, I have decided to register for a Triathalon on August 1, 2010 and am a true beginner.  I just returned from my local YMCA and had to walk instead of run the 30 minutes in the plan.  So, I have a long way to go but have commited to this goal. May I join your group?

2010-01-02 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2587085

New user

fenelon falls
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Hi Sprint DA

I am hoping you still have space in your group. I am 34 years old and in great shape. I decided this is the year to compete in triathlons. I run 10 km daily and mountian bike 4 hours a day. The swimming will be my biggest challenge as I have not done any swimming for quite a few years other than swimming in the lake or river for fun. I started to train for swimming last year by going to the pool and swimming laps. I now realize how much work I have ahead of me in the swimming department.
I am a true beginner however I am quite excited and dedicated to training and competing in my first triathlon. I am open to any advice and support you and this group have to offer.

My first triathlon I would like to compete in is July 4 2010 in Vancouver. I will be competing in the sprint for my first race.

2010-01-02 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2588752

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Edmonton, Alberta
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Hi Bonnie,

Hope the swim goes well.

2010-01-02 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2588828

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Edmonton, Alberta
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Hi JusTRIn,

Nutrition is something that I also need to review and consider. Nice to meet you.

2010-01-02 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2589293

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Edmonton, Alberta
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Greetings Mike123705,

Are you planning on doing in the Subaru Vancouver International in July? That looks like a great event and I was also considering that.

Take care,
2010-01-02 3:00 PM
in reply to: #2587085

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Mike and kbmine, welcome to the group.  If you don't mind tell us a bit about yourselves.


2010-01-02 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2589293

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
mike123705 - 2010-01-02 12:45 PM Hi Sprint DA

I am hoping you still have space in your group. I am 34 years old and in great shape. I decided this is the year to compete in triathlons. I run 10 km daily and mountian bike 4 hours a day. The swimming will be my biggest challenge as I have not done any swimming for quite a few years other than swimming in the lake or river for fun. I started to train for swimming last year by going to the pool and swimming laps. I now realize how much work I have ahead of me in the swimming department.
I am a true beginner however I am quite excited and dedicated to training and competing in my first triathlon. I am open to any advice and support you and this group have to offer.

My first triathlon I would like to compete in is July 4 2010 in Vancouver. I will be competing in the sprint for my first race.

Sounds like you've got a good race picked out and a great running and biking base to work from.  4 hours of mountain biking a day?  Wow.  Swimming laps isn't much fun, but it is about the only way to improve swim fitness.  Are there any clubs/organizations at your pool that have structured workouts and a little bit of "friendly competition?"  I've seen the biggest improvements in my swimming when I work out with a Masters program.
2010-01-02 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2587085

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Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
Hey Dan, hows it going.
I figured i should rejoin a group as i've been really slacking recently !

Name: Steve. Oddly enough!
About me (in a tri sense):
Last year in around april time i got fed up of being very overweight (around 300lbs) and decided with my housemates we should do something to get fit. I had recently read about triathlon in GQ magazine and thought why not give it a go as it combines two of my old disciplines of swimming and cycling. As such i trained hard for about 5 months and races in the tatton park triathlon in september, doing suprisingly well (finished 26/80 in the super sprint, and i claim i came second in my age group however there was only 3 of us!)
About me otherwise:  I'm 22, from cambridge UK , into my british sports where i play cricket and football primarily. I also play bass guitar, and am learning drums! I have graduated this year with a degree in software engineering however have not got a job yet.
Family status : Single, no kids ( i hope)
Training Style : For me, i find the best way is to just get out there and do something. I aim for 2 of each sport a week when i'm seriously training and i aim to do something on 5 days a week even if its not tri training.
2010 plans : I intend to bump up to the sprint at the same event at tatton park, and i'm currently planning to do the london triathlon oly as a relay team with me doing either the swim or bike, depending on who we find for a 3rd person. If i find any more interesting races nearby i may enter those.
Weightloss : My main motivation for training , ideally i want to get down to around 200 but thats over the next couple of years really!
2010-01-02 5:10 PM
in reply to: #2587085

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor open
What's up Steve?  Welcome to the group!  Good to see you again.
2010-01-02 5:18 PM
in reply to: #2587085

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Sprint_DA's Mentor Group...full
And I believe that will do it for our group.  This should be a great size.
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