Subject: Ode to an orange tree We have this great orange tree in our back yard. When we planted it 10 years ago, our oldest son was just a toddler. We even have a picture of him with dirt on his little face and a digger in his pudgy hand helping daddy plant it. Today we got another note on our front door from the Dept. of Agriculture, saying our tree doesn't show signs of citrus canker but may still be cut down if another tree within 1900 feet of this one shows signs of it. They come by every 3-6 months, checking for the canker and leave us this note. If they see anything wrong, they can cut down that orange tree. It's been a huge fight with residents of all the counties in my area, because they can chop down perfectly healthy trees just because there is a sick one nearby. Every time I get the note saying we're okay for another 3 months I breathe a sigh of relief. It wouldn't bother me so much if there weren't a picture of that sweet toddler helping plant it. Sharon Edited by snikpos 2004-04-08 11:21 PM