General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Getting Started Rss Feed  
Moderators: IndoIronYanti, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2017-10-16 12:21 PM


Subject: Getting Started
I posted the following on craigslist yesterday - one helpful person sent me here -

I am 6ft tall, just about 325lbs...early/mid 30's, ex-smoker and I want to complete the escape the cape sprint triathlon (Cape May, NJ) in June 2018. I played sports high school and some club sports in college but it's been 10+years since I've done really any type of training.

I don't really have the cash to join a gym, take classes or hire a trainer at this point - and with YouTube being full of 'expert' advice and trainers - I'm not really sure where to start.

Hoping that someone could point me in the direction of some good & dependable resources online or local to me (I live in the King of Prussia, Pa area - suburbs of Philly)

2017-10-25 9:55 AM
in reply to: Lunchbox16

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Subject: RE: Getting Started

Hi there, and welcome!

How are your abilities in swimming, biking and running in general?  The nice part about biking and running is once you own a bike + gear or running shoes + gear, you can train most anywhere without a gym membership.  Swimming will involve a pool/YMCA membership most likely.  The area you are from should have some tri clubs/groups that maybe you could talk to about joining some of their training sessions, hopefully without any cost.  Being near a metropolitan area should provide you with people to connect with.

Escape the Cape will definitely require you being comfortable/confident with open water swimming.  As you probably know, racers are taken out on the Cape May ferry from which they jump off to start and must swim in the Delaware Bay back to land.

Best of luck to you in your quest!

2017-10-25 9:57 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Getting Started

I should also mention that this site is a good resource, too. If possible, get hooked up with a mentor group which will provide you with people to give advice and  share ideas with - great for feedback.

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