Subject: From Marathons to Triathlons...Hello... My name is Blake and I am from Minnesota. I have been a runner for who knows how long. I just completed my 3rd Marathon this past fall (Twin Cities ). The first few weeks after the Marathon were spent eating whatever I wanted and not training, like most people. I then started thinking about how I have wanted to start attempting Triathlons. Well, I think it was last week when I woke up and had Triathlons on my mind (1 ). I went to get to coffee before work and when I was leaving a gentleman entered wearing an Ironman jacket (2 ). When I returned home from work I turned on Netflix and ran across a movie "100 Meter" (3 ). I don't think it was 3 strikes and you're "out", I think it was more of a "how many more signs do you need!" kind of thing.
The movie, really hit home to me. If you haven't seen it and con tolerate subtitles check it out. It is about a man who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and went on to complete an Ironman race. 3 years ago, the day before Thanksgiving, I was diagnosed with MS. Finishing the Marathon last month was just the beginning I think for me. If I can do that, what else is out there that I can do...
Let's see where this goes...