Subject: RE: 08.23.2019 Good Thing it's Friday I hit the trail at 5:45 AM this morning. The weather forecast was for 40% chances of rain all night and all day. I figure that means that is was a 100% chance that it would rain 40% of the night and day. When I woke up I could hear water drops but it was light enough that I knew it was just from wet trees dripping and not from rain. On days like this, I can usually get a run in the dark without getting wet and as the sun comes up it will start to rain hard. So I made haste to beat the rain and did 5-1/2 mile run that consisted of a 15-minute warm-up, 10 x 400m repeats at Sprint Triathlon race pace w 200m walking Rest Interval, and a 5 minute cool down. It wasn't more than about 60 seconds after I got in the house that it started to rain hard. I pulled out the jacket and rain poncho to do morning chores in the deluge and lined the inside of my boots with plastic bags. On the way into work, lots of the roads were flooded over. The rain only lasted for about an hour. It is amazing how fast water puddles up. It is also is amazing how I always seem to have my workouts in fair weather. I can't remember any runs that have been rained out but we have had plenty of flood days. If I don't have to swim through the streets I will get in 1500 yds in the pool later today. Take care BT. Edited by BlueBoy26 2019-08-23 10:06 AM