General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 12.11.2019 Wednesday Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2019-12-11 2:24 PM

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: 12.11.2019 Wednesday

3 miles on the treadmill and 1/2 hour core work out. I haven't done any core stuff since August and currently feel like i was in a car wreck...hahaha

Lovely Greensboro, NC for todays visit.

Having to find a new cardiologist that has history working with endurance athletes. Seems like one more thing I am going to have to travel for. The answers I get from my current cardio seem to be without study, and based on theories like "no human should travel that far by foot". Frustrated.

2019-12-11 2:57 PM
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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: 12.11.2019 Wednesday

Today was a bike day.  I got in an hour on the trainer.  I did 5x10" all-out intervals (w/ 50" RI), 10x30" @ FTP (w30" RI), and 2x7" @ 90% FTP (w/ 3' RI).  This was a fun work out.  Lots of variation and nothing that killed me.

Have a great day.


How far are you traveling by foot that has your doctor concerned?  My brother just signed up for a 135-mile trail run.  the 100 miles just weren't doing it for him anymore.  

Edited by BlueBoy26 2019-12-11 3:00 PM
2019-12-11 8:46 PM
in reply to: #5264645

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Subject: RE: 12.11.2019 Wednesday
35 minute run this evening. Easy Z2 with some hills mixed in.

Finding a good sports doc can be challenging. Luckily, I found an electrophysiologist around me that is well versed in sports medicine and knows the ins and outs. I don’t even bother with a GP anymore, just have the cardiologist check my labs and heart once a year.
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