Subject: RE: 03.25.2020 Wide the Wave Wednesday Hit the trainer this morning. The kids are homeschooled. There is a local homeschool co-op where we get together with other families and offer 9-week courses that are one hour long one day a week each spring and fall. That was canceled and we were only two weeks into the spring co-op. My kids are still hard at study though. There are no snow days, no teacher conference days, no spring breaks, and they don't even get off for Corvid-19 or for Summer Break. So despite big changes that are affecting most the community life is still fairly normal at the Hale home. I hopped on the trainer at 6:00 am and rode a nice recovery ride. I had the Southwest Regional Duathlon that was scheduled for this Saturday on my list of tentative races. It was canceled but I took Monday and Tuesday like a race taper week and decided to do the same today. If I can get my own Duathlon Course set up this week I will do a Time Trial Duathlon on Saturday. Yep...I am stuck in video conference land. Note: I canceled the youth running club yesterday and ran a nice easy 5K with my 10-year-old. She was really stoked to know that she could do a full 5K just in training and said, "I guess if we can't go to races we can just do our own 5K's". She is definitely my daughter. I love her to death. It was a nice day yesterday. The last 3-4 Tue & Friday Youth Running Club workouts I have done have been in 40 deg F and rain. Yesterday was 75 deg and sunny. Edited by BlueBoy26 2020-03-25 10:42 AM