General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Half IM 20 week plan Rss Feed  
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2007-04-11 11:49 PM


Subject: Half IM 20 week plan
Hi guys,

New here, and training for a half IM in September.
My question is:

I'm following the free 20 week program outlined on this website,
and noticed that there are multiple training "legs" to each day.

Are these different legs meant to be done at different times during the day allowing for recovery (AM + PM workouts), or is it okay to do them back to back?
Some are only 30-40 minutes each, so I figured it might be okay to do them back to back.


2007-04-12 4:41 AM
in reply to: #758202

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Extreme Veteran
Brambleton, VA
Subject: RE: Half IM 20 week plan
I have not seen the plan, but I keep my double workouts seperated (AM / PM). As you ramp up the mileage you are not going to want to do repeated 3 hrs bikes / 90 minutes runs - you'll probably injure something. The training plan should allow for one back-to-back per week in the form of a BRICK. Best of luck.
2007-04-12 9:52 AM
in reply to: #758202

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: Half IM 20 week plan
Unless it states the workout is to be done together, it is assumed that they are done seperately.  But as long as you can do them together and recover well enough for the next workout, you could do them that way as well if it works best for you time-wise.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Half IM 20 week plan Rss Feed