General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » IM in 13 Months? Rss Feed  
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2004-09-27 2:48 PM


Hollywood Beach, Fl
Subject: IM in 13 Months?
I just wanted to finally say “Hi” and introduce myself since I have been a member for a couple of months and have been searching the threads everyday. This is such a great and positive website!
I have completed a couple of sprint triathlons and started researching to find out how long it would take for me to train for an IM distance tri. This is how I stumbled onto this site. I have been a soccer player all through college, played semi-pro (for about a second before the team dissolved) and play now and then on a local league. I have been a runner all of my life, but got into swimming and biking when I developed plantar faciitis a year and a half ago. My first marathon is in November and training has been going well, despite all of the hurricanes that have kept me indoors for a few days at a time. I would like to sign up for the IM Florida in Nov 2005, but am hesitant and still not sure if that is enough time to complete a ½ IM or Oly and a full IM in a year’s time. The members of this site have given me a lot of insight into tri’s and I find that it motivates me to workout after surfing the “threads” every day! Thanks.

2004-09-27 6:37 PM
in reply to: #67009

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: IM in 13 Months?

Welcome!  Check out some books or the training plans here.  You sound like you already have a pretty decent base!  You have more than a year - I think you can do it.  Plan on some shorter distance tris and even a 1/2 IM in your training. 

Good luck!

2004-09-27 9:46 PM
in reply to: #67009

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Gold member
Subject: RE: IM in 13 Months?

good luck...we should have a full im plan for beginners up by years end.

hope your training goes well.

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General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » IM in 13 Months? Rss Feed