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2007-12-10 7:03 AM

Newmarket, Suffolk
Subject: sel166's group - CLOSED!!

NAME: sel166/ Susan
STORY: I got into endurance sports in January '05, when I decided that for my new year's resolution, I'd run a marathon. Up to this point, I was definitely someone who whined about having to run 2 miles so a marathon was a big step for me. I trained for 4 months and completed the 2005 OKC Memorial Marathon in 4:45 (my goal was under 5:00). After that, I took a break because I found out I was moving to Korea, and got engaged (basically life took over). In January of 2006, I got married, my husband deployed to Iraq, and I decided that I needed something to keep me entertained. I had always wanted to do an Ironman, but I figured that maybe I should work my way into it, so I signed up for the Redman Half-Ironman for the fall of 2006, giving me about 7 months to train. That year I did a duathlon and the Ryka Irongirl Triathlon in Dallas, TX to get a feel for transitions and multisport in general. I completed my first HIM in September, and I was hooked and have been doing triathlon ever since, even got my husband into it too!
FAMILY STATUS: Married, no kids, cat :-)
CURRENT TRAINING: In 2008, I'll be competing in Ironman Arizona (April), my first at that distance. I am following BT's Intermediate Ironman Training plan. I tend to be a bit less technical in training, I prefer to just listen to my body. That said, I am a big proponent of using technology, especially for people just starting out, because it can give you a good idea of what is going on with your body, so you can learn what different heart rates feel like, how hard you're working, etc. without being dependent technology later. I guess my philosophy is to use a little of both- technology is a great tool, but shouldn't prevent you from listening to what your body is telling you.
A few sprints (and finally breaking 1:30), my first Olympic (kind of anti-climactic since it came after my first 2 Half-Ironmans), a Half-Ironman and an MS-150 (2 longest rides ever!).
2008 RACES:
The obvious goal of becoming an Ironman at AZ in April, breaking 2:00 at the Shamrock Half-marathon in March. After IMAZ, I'll be taking a break and haven't quite worked out my schedule for the rest of the year, but the plan is to go back to sprints and work on getting faster. I may do another Half-Ironman towards the end of the season, but I haven't decided yet.
WEIGHTLOSS: So far, I've gone from 32% body fat down to 20.5%, with my goal to be at 17% by IMAZ.
A lot of what I've learned about triathlons comes from the experience of just jumping in and reading everything I could find, of experimenting and seeing what works. Also, getting my husband into tris has been really rewarding, being able to help him through the beginning stages, the confusion, getting used to training regularly etc. I loved being able to help him by sharing my experiences, my mistakes (and I made all of them :-p) and what has helped me to succeed. I'd love to be able to help other people who are new to the sport learn to enjoy it and learn how to succeed and exceed their own expectations!

Edited by sel166 2007-12-25 8:37 PM

2007-12-20 7:11 AM
in reply to: #1092023

Newmarket, Suffolk
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN

Hi everyone! My mentor group is now open!! If you'd like to join just reply with a bio (something like mine above).

It would be really helpful if you answered the following questions:

1) Why are (or were, if you're not a newbie) you interested in getting into triathlon?

2) What are your goals for this year?

3) What limitations might you have in reaching your goals (i.e. training time, equipment, knowledge, etc.)?

4) What are you hoping to get out the mentor program? 

Looking forward to meeting all of you!!!

Edited by sel166 2007-12-20 3:15 PM
2007-12-20 1:26 PM
in reply to: #1092023

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN
Hi sel166! Iwould like to join your group. I am completely new to the triathlon. I am 26 year old female from Beaumont, TX. I am married with 2 children. I plan on competing in the Ryka Iron Girl triathlon in July 2008 in Dallas, TX. I plan on using BT's 20 week sprint training program with a swim focus because I have never learned how to swim efficiently. I can swim several lengths of the pool but it is not a pretty sight. Right now I am training for a 5k in Houston in January.

In 2008 I plan on completing my first 5k in less than 30 minutes; completing my first tri in July in less than 2 hours; running a 10k in November.

I am joining a local gym in 2008 to have access to a pool to train. I also train on an outdoor track (1 lap = 1/2 mile). The gym also has an indoor track but the track is very short and I am the kind of person to be easily depressed when I have to run 24 laps indoor as opposed to 4 laps outdoors even though the total mileage is the same.

I am a CPA which makes training in January through April very difficult but my new year's resolution is to train during this time if only for 30 minutes at a time. I have a husband and children who I refuse to neglect so my training has to be flexible. I anticipate I can do my program at 8:00pm when my husband is at home watching TV and my kids are asleep.

I have no idea what my body fat% is. I weigh approximately 121 lbs and I am 5 foot 5. I hope this helps you. I look forward to learning from your experiences and getting insights from someone who has been there.
2007-12-20 3:14 PM
in reply to: #1092023

Newmarket, Suffolk
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN

Hi! Welcome to the group! The Ryka is a GREAT race! That was my first tri too, back in 2005.  It's very well supported and a very supportive environment-- all those women in one place is pretty empowering!

BT's programs are great, so I definitely recommend them.  You'll be well prepared for the race.  One thing I would suggest is maybe trying to get into a masters swim class at the gym or taking a few lessons with a swim or tri coach in the area.  Sometimes, especially with the swim, it's difficult to improve your swim on your own because you can't really see what you're doing incorrectly.  (Don't know if this is an option for you or something you might be interested in... just a suggestion).  

I totally understand the difficulty with training inside.  I struggle with any of the workouts I can't do outside (treadmills and the bike trainer are especially challenging!).  Are there any running trails in the area? That might be a nice change of pace for you instead of running on a track all the time.  New trails or routes help me keep me motivated to train-- sometimes when I get in a run and I'm always running or biking the same routes I tend to get a little bored.

It's great that you have a plan for getting around what you know will be a busy time.  That will help you to be able to be consistent in your training, which will make a big difference in terms of the quality of your training.  Definitely don't disregard or neglect your family -- their support is pretty important and will help you reach your goals.

I'll be checking in on your logs, trying to give you some inspiration and motivation and suggestions.  But any questions you have or anything you need don't hesitate to ask!



2007-12-21 11:04 AM
in reply to: #1092023

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN
Went to the doctor yesterday and he said I have acute bronchitis. So no exercising which he specified as no running, strength training, etc. He says I can resume training on December 26. My race is on the 13 I hope I won't detrain too much. Anyway there are no running trails around here. I wish there were. The track I run on though is not a high school track. It goes around the Wellness Center and is lit at night and every ten feet has an intercom in case you need to contact the hospital. I find this very convenient running at night. There is also a fence around it so I don't worry about cars. and it has trees so its like a 1/2 mile nature trail. It gets boring but not as boring as running in circles in a high school stadium. I plan on taking swimming lessons. Should I get private lessons which cost $ or participate in the Masters program? I do not know what to expect from the masters program. I probably won't check the forums until after Christmas so I want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
2007-12-21 12:59 PM
in reply to: #1092023

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN

NAME: retiretotri/Lori and tribadger/Eric

STORY: Lori-Did several 10Ks, 1/2 marathons, and one 20 mile race in the mid-eighties.  Avid cross country skier for a couple of years during that time.  Took a very long hiatus from endurance sports until 3 years ago.  Competitive tennis player (collegiate and adult league tennis) over 20+ years.  I will let Eric add his own story later.  We have both volunteered at IM WI for 5 years at a run aid station.  We were inspired by the BOP'ers in all shapes, sizes, and ages.  If they can do it so can we!  We are not totally prepared or ready for an IM at this point in our triathlon progression but what the heck, we aren't getting any younger! 

FAMILY STATUS: Married, Eric-Two kids, older, Us-two terrier mix dogs.

CURRENT TRAINING: In 2008, we will be competing in Ironman Wisconsin (September), our very first IM.  As Eric likes to say, "one and done unless it's fun".  We are following a combination of the Be Ironfit and Matt Fitzgerald's  Ironman Training plans.  We are definitely not techno geeks but have used some heart rate training and will make further use of that technology in the near future.  We are working on base building until our plan starts in February.  Getting to the pool a minimum of two times a week will be a priority at the start of the new year.

One sprint triathlon and a few 5K/10K runs.

2008 RACES: 
Olympic distance tri (if we can find one), HIM, a couple of century bike rides, a half marathon and either a 20-mile run or marathon in May.  Of course the big one, IM WI.  Every race will have a purpose, preparation for IM WI. 

WEIGHTLOSS: No weight/body fat issues for either of us.  Working on building lean muscle mass and endurance which will take care of any unneeded body fat. 

We are looking forward to comparing notes as we prepare for the event of a lifetime! 


2007-12-22 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1113428

Newmarket, Suffolk
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN


That sucks that you're sick! It's always very frustrating to have training stop because of injury or sickness.  If it's possible and you're allowed I would say to try to walk to avoid detraining as much as possible.  It should at least keep some of your fitness intact.  But mostly focus on getting better!

As for swim lessons vs. masters swim classes... both can be beneficial.  Individual swim lessons will probably help you improve faster, because the focus will be on you and your form.  At a masters swim class, there will be a specific workout schedule for the day and you may get some advice from the coach, but it won't be quite as productive as individual lessons.  Basically everyone gets into a lane according to their swim speed to swim the workout, so you should be swimming with people who swim approximately the same speed as you.

No real easy answer, you'll get benefits from both.  If it's in your budget, I would definitely recommend at least one or two individual lessons.  A coach should be able to give you some drills and exercises to incorporate into your regular workouts that will improve your specific form.  Honestly, if it's possible for you, doing both would be ideal.  You would get the benefit of the individual analysis of your stroke from the individual lessons and the reinforcement of correct form at the masters class.

Hope you feel better!!  

2007-12-22 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1113662

Newmarket, Suffolk
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN

Lori & Eric - Welcome!!

Looks like you have a great plan to be well-prepared for IMWI.  I'll be checking both your logs and it'll be great to compare notes as we head towards the races :-)



2007-12-22 11:58 PM
in reply to: #1092023

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Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN
Hi Susan, wondering if there is room in your group for one more? I am new to the sport and haven't actually done a triathlon yet. Started training about 12 weeks ago. Up until that point I had not been terribly active. Just work and ealking my dog. Looking to do some sprint tris this spring and summer. Would be great to have some input on training and racing.

2007-12-23 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1114776

Newmarket, Suffolk
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN

Chris - Welcome to the group! My first suggestion would be to decide what race(s) you're doing during the upcoming season.  Once you've picked you're races, then plan your training schedule around your race schedule. 

I'll be checking your logs and trying to give you some input/motivation through that, but if you have any specific questions feel free to either post them here or pm me with them and I'll do my best to answer them and help you out. 

2007-12-24 6:36 PM
in reply to: #1092023

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN
Hi, Susan. How are you? I'd love the opportunity to get into your mentoring group...Hope there is still room. 2008 will be a new experience for me, as it will be for you and all in the group. Here's a bit about me....

1) Why are (or were, if you're not a newbie) you interested in getting into triathlon?

I started running in 2005 to lose a few pounds (I was around 220 but I'm 6'5", so it wasn't too bad ;-) I found that I quite liked was therapeutic. In 2006, I did my first tri, and completed 2 (longest was Olympic distance). I also did a marathon (SLC Marathon) and a few trail races (I love trail running!). This year, I did 5 tri's, a du, a 1/2 marathon and some trail tri was an HIM distance (Vikingman in ID....downhill swim in the Snake River I'm addicted to it now, so I'm still doing tri's because I love it!!

2) What are your goals for this year?

For 2008, my goals are hard but obtainable. My grand goal is IM CdA on 6/22. It was 6 months from last Sunday! I'm also registered for IM California 70.3 on March 29th, and I'm contemplating doing IM Boise 70.3 on June 1st....this would be the last "big" workout before my taper to IM CdA. I have a few other races in '08, but IM CdA is my prize.

3) What limitations might you have in reaching your goals (i.e. training time, equipment, knowledge, etc.)? be honest, it has to be training time balancing with family time.... I'll be ok through March or April, but May should be interesting! I live in SLC, UT, so riding outside can be spotty during the winter months. I can run in the snow and cold, but not ride. I also have limited knowledge of others training for an IM, and there are at least 3 others here!! I want to experience this journey with others who have similar goals and with those who are in love with the sport.

4) What are you hoping to get out the mentor program?

Just like in #3, I want to draw upon the knowledge and experiences of the other IM'ers here, particularly one person who will be doing IMAZ 2 months before me and the IMWI's who will follow a couple of months after. I'm really nervous abot CdA, but I've visualized myself crossing the finish line a thousand times already!! I think we will all benefit from sharing our trials, tribulations, and triumphs over the next many months!!

Here's to 2008.


2007-12-24 8:22 PM
in reply to: #1092023

Newmarket, Suffolk
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN

Welcome Steve! Sounds like you have a great plan leading up to your IM.. and there's definitely some other IMers in here to bounce ideas off!

Looking forward to working with you!


2007-12-24 11:09 PM
in reply to: #1092023

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Dubln, Ohio
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN
If you have room for one more I would like to join your group.  I entered endurance sports in 2006.  It started with cycling.  In 2006 I did a 45, 62 and 100 mile organized rides.  In late 2006 I came up with the idea of participating in triathlons and became a BTer.  My first season consisted of 2 sprints, 1 oly, 1 mile ows and a dual.  By next weak I will have registered for my two planned oly tris for 2008.  I also plan on doing a 2 mile OWS and 1/2 mary.  The main reason I took an interest in this group is there are a couple of you going for IM and I am interested learning from your experiences.  I would like to become and Ironman in a 3 to 5 year time frame.  After my first season I learned this sport is taxing on the body, not in terms of injury but plan old wear and tear. The initial 3 year window to do just did not appear to be realistic.  I would have to say my strengths are consistency in training, slow progression is fine and I swam as a kid so that too is a strength.  More to come. 
2007-12-25 6:46 PM
in reply to: #1116081

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN
Thanks for the welcome!

One thing I didn't mention is that I'm planning on following BT's Beginner IM plan. It seems a little short for me (20 weeks) for an IM, so I am going to do the 1st 4 weeks, for the first periodization phase and then repeat it. I was looking at a beginner IM plan at Trifuel, a 36 week'er, and there volumes for 26 weeks out were really high!

Susan--your plan is only 17 weeks (I think) before your IMAZ....what are you doing prior to week 17?...or are we at week 17 already??

Hope Santa was good to everyone!
2007-12-25 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1116172

Newmarket, Suffolk
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN


Sure-- always room for one more! Welcome to the group!

2007-12-25 8:37 PM
in reply to: #1116513

Newmarket, Suffolk
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN


I am using the 17 week plan currently- I past the 17 week mark about a week or so ago.  But what I actually did was download the 20-week plan, then download the 17-week plan over that (I really wanted to use the 17 week plan, but wanted a bit more training time).  So I actually did several weeks of the 20 week plan and then switched to the 17 week one.  Before that, I was using a winter maintenance plan, during my "off-season".  

I don't think it will hurt to just use the first phase of the plan twice, but what you may want to do is get one of the winter maintenance plans, or one of the 8-week sport specific plans instead.  The goal is to have the right level of fitness when you start the 20-week plan, but you don't necessarily need to be in your IM plan at the 24-week plan.  You might get more benefit out of doing an 8-week sport specific plan in your weakest area. 

Just some stuff to think about ...  

2007-12-26 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1092023

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Dubln, Ohio
Subject: RE: sel166's group - CLOSED!!

1. Why interest:  After completing the riding in 2006 I wanted another challenge.  I was also a regular at a spin class and there were a number of tri-athletes who attended.  The instructor would comment about their accomplishments, I was good swimmer as a kid and in the back of my mind it was always something I wanted to try so I decided to give it a whirl.

2. 2008 Goals:  Improve my Olympic time by 5%, complete the 2 mile OWS in 1 hour + or – 6 minutes and complete a ½ marathon 2.5 hours.  Improve upon in-season strength training by doing it for 30 minutes a week, stretching by doing some after every session along with yoga 1time a week and nutrition by following more closely.  The 2008 season for me has started.  I just complete a strength training period. It was much improved over last year because I follow a program, so the training was more structured.  I also read a book called Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes by Monique Ryan.  Off to a good start by addressing weaknesses.

3. Limitation(s): Besides possible work commitments I have some concerns about family support and an old injury that caused some problems in 2007.   All the experienced tri-athletes I spoke with, along with reading all state listen to your body; they are correct.  I have an ankle that has been sprained many times over the years and the last time was about 5 years ago and I learned one ligament was all but torn along with the beginnings of arthritis.  A little physical therapy later, surgery avoided and all was good until part way through 2007.  I started to have stiffness in the lower back and pain in one foot.  I attributed to plantar fasciitis, did the self help measures and nursed it to the end of the season.  After the season I took time off and told myself if it did not improve I would go to the doctor.  I went to the doctor and learned I had a heal spur.  The spur being caused by the old ankle injury because a developed a sympathetic response that I never noticed.  My body defended itself by altering my stride and foot strike for both feet.  This was confirmed by a gate analysis.  So now I have orthotics and wear an ankle brace while running.  This is something to keep an eye on.

4. Get From Program: I think like a lot of tri-athletes we do a good portion of our training by ourselves and at times very early in the morning or later into the evening.  So part of it is to interact with people having a similar interest.  Last year when I participated it was kind of cool to hear about the accomplishment of others along with getting input.  Plus I'm really curious about the group members shooting for the IM events and learning from their experiences, both in terms of training and the event.

2007-12-26 6:00 PM
in reply to: #1116569

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: sel166's group - OPEN
Thanks for the advice on the Winter Programs!! That's exciting you are at week 17! Depending on how IM CdA goes, IMAZ (the new fall edition) would probably be my next IM (since I could train with no snow! )


Edited by savery2151 2007-12-26 6:03 PM
2007-12-27 7:30 AM
in reply to: #1117072

Newmarket, Suffolk
Subject: RE: sel166's group - CLOSED!!


The injuries/medical issues definitely seem like they will be a challenge for you.  Definitely listen to your body and don't overdo it.  

Looking forward to talking with you this year!


2007-12-28 10:20 PM
in reply to: #1092023

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: sel166's group - CLOSED!!
OK.....the group is's just us for a while!!! Happy training, and strong legs and content body!!

Remember...............Pain is Temporary, Quitting Lasts Forever.

Looking forward to the Journey.
2007-12-30 12:21 PM
in reply to: #1092023

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Dubln, Ohio
Subject: RE: sel166's group - CLOSED!!

Happy New Year and lets have a good year. 

2007-12-31 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1092023

Newmarket, Suffolk
Subject: RE: sel166's group - CLOSED!!
Happy New Year everyone! Now go train! :-D
2008-01-06 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1092023

Newmarket, Suffolk
Subject: RE: sel166's group - CLOSED!!

Hey guys... just fyi... I'm in the process of moving and will have limited access to the internet until the 10th when it gets hooked up at my new place.  I'll be trying my best to check until then, but can't guarantee I can get back to you until the 10th.  Until then, happy training!!

2008-01-08 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1092023

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: sel166's group - CLOSED!!
How does one make a comment on someone's training calendar??

Hope everyone is doing well!
2008-01-09 6:50 AM
in reply to: #1092023

Newmarket, Suffolk
Subject: RE: sel166's group - CLOSED!!

You can't really make a comment in someone else's training calendar, but you can leave an "inspire" in their calendar.  To do that, you click on their actual training calendar, and just click on the inspire link above that specific day.  That will pop up a box that you can comment in and post to them. 

Hope that answers your questions :-)  

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