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2006-12-15 5:36 PM

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Austin, TX
Gold member
Subject: dgunthert's Group - FULL

Username/first name: dgunthert/Dennis

Family situation: 37, married with 2 kids that live with my ex-wife

Tri background and training: I began tri training in late 2004 after running regularly for almost 2 years. The running was always just for general fitness and I never did any races other than one 5k and one 10k. In 2005 I did a couple of sprints, an Oly, and a 1/2 IM. Last year, I did 4 Olys, 1 1/2 IM, and IMLP. For 2007, I've got a pretty good calendar: IMAZ in April, 4 sprints, 2 Olys, 1 1/2 IM, and probably the new Tri One O One series race in Houston.

I tend to be a numbers guy so I like to have plans, HR data, power data, splits, nutrition, etc all set up pretty specifically. I find it easier when I have my workouts very well-defined and scheduled. I'm very technical when I train. I'm the kind of person that likes to learn as much as possible about anything they're involved in. There's lots more to say, but I'll leave that for later.

Edited by dgunthert 2006-12-18 8:44 AM

2006-12-17 2:00 AM
in reply to: #625445

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - OPEN

Hi Dennis!

Sign me up. :-)  My name is Leigh and I live in Portland, Oregon. I'm 40, work F/T, married, no kids, 2 dogs and a cat. My husband and I exercise together and have managed to be both supportive and competitive.

I've never done a tri before, but regularly run and bike. Over the past 8 months, I've been working out with a trainer and have lost over 40 pounds. This new body is fast! I'm still working out with the trainer, but he's never done tris and I would really like some input from someone who's "been there done that".  

The area I'll need to work on the most is swimming.  Even with all the cardio I do, the hill-climbing on the bike, etc. I can't get to the end of the pool. So lots of work to do there. I'm also all about the numbers - have the HRM, cyclocomputer, data, nutrition log, all that and I plan out my workouts.

My goals - a Sprint at some point this spring/summer. I haven't decided what one yet. First, though, I want to get to the end of the pool. :-


2006-12-17 6:08 PM
in reply to: #625445

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2006-12-17 6:33 PM
in reply to: #625445

Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - OPEN

I'm interested in working with you, as well. Here's my situation:

Family/Personal- 36, married with a 2yo daughter. I work about 55-60 hrs/wk so between family and work commitments try to make the most of my training time.

Tri history- This will be my 3rd season. In 2006 I did 3 races- Escape from Alcatraz (Oly-ish) in June, NYC Triathlon (Oly) in July, and Mightyman Montauk (1/2 IM) in October. My typical finish has been top 1/3 (swim), around the middle (run) and bottom 1/3 (bike). My pre-tri aerobic background was mostly running, and I obviously need lots of help on the bike.

Goals for 2007- My "A" race is IMLP, which I know you did in '06. I'd like to do an Oly and 1/2 IM as part of the prep, but I haven't yet identified specific races. In addition to improving my performance on the bike in particular and getting ready for LP, I'd also like some help working with HR training and nutrition.

I became slack on keeping up with my logs following the HIM in October but will put the nose back to the grindstone. I've also been in a relatively lower-key maintenance mode but plan to restart structured training the week of 12/25- I'm tentatively planning to follow Don Fink's "BeIronFit" 30-week program (intermediate).

Let me know if this sounds OK to you- thanks for volunteering!

Chip Warner
2006-12-17 8:14 PM
in reply to: #625445

Austin, TX
Gold member
Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - OPEN
Welcome, all.

I'll add each of you to my friends list and start posting some comments on your logs. If you have questions, please post them here. By doing that, everyone gets the benefit of the answer.

I'll follow up shortly with some PMs to get some basic info and we can go from there!

Oh, and there's still two spots left for anyone that wants them. To that end, I'll add a bit more info.

I typically run a pretty balanced race, coming in the top half of all three disciplines to finish in the top 1/3 overall. The bike is my best event, but it's not usually heads and shoulders above the other two. My best Oly is 2:29 with a goal of dropping that another 3-5 minutes this year with improvements across the board. For the swim, bike, and run I was ranked 342nd, 161st, and 322nd out of 1126 overall and finished 205th. My best 1/2 IM (out of 2!) was 5:25. Ranks: 456, 268, 271 and 258 overall out of 758 finishers. Swim suffered there due to very little training.

My one IM was 12:30. I was a little disappointed with that but I hit the hills too hard on the first lap of the bike, paid for it by going 25 minutes slower on the second lap and then carried that into the run. The worst part was that I knew to watch out for that trap and fell right into it anyway. For this year, I'm hoping to open the season with a sub 11-hour effort at IMAZ.

Edited by dgunthert 2006-12-17 8:52 PM
2006-12-17 10:15 PM
in reply to: #625445

lake forest, California
Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - OPEN

Hey Dennis and other group members!

My name is Jeff, and I think this is a perfect group for me! After quitting some pretty bad habits a little over a year ago, I stumbled upon triathlons and completed 7 Tri's last year! I could barely swim or run, but after training hard I did pretty well. A few sprints and ended the season with 2 Oly's.  2007 is my year to step up my distances with a HIM planned in March and a full IM in August. Like Dennis I prefer a specific layed out program that I can follow. Currently i'm training almost 15 hours a week. I'm lacking knowledge though- I train alone and my program comes from a book. I look forward to all your advice and comments!

2006-12-17 10:29 PM
in reply to: #625445

Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - OPEN


I think there is room for one more so Id like to sign up!

Im a 24 y.o female, live with my bf in Sydney, Australia. 

I completed my first sprint tri in January and then proceded to spend most of the year in and out of hospitals, doctors offices etc as I was diagnosed with a chronic stomach condition. Just found out on Friday that Im in remission which is very exciting and I hope to keep it that way for a LONG time.

Been on a lot of medication that has caused a large amount of weight gain, and the day I got back to trainig at all a few weeks ago I sprained my ankle which laid me up for another month.

Long term (2008) I want to finish a HIM

Short term: I want to loose the weight I gained on medication, build a strong aerobic base, run again (I should be ok on my ankle from next month) and regain my old healthy eating habits and way of life.

I love the idea of numbers and plans, Im just not sure how to put it all together and constantly question what Im doing.

Can I play too?


2006-12-17 10:29 PM
in reply to: #625445

Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - OPEN

Hello Dennis and group.

I just saw this Mentor link and started going through looking for one and then I sat down to eat with my family. I came back to introduce myself and see that another Jeff from OC has joined. I wonder if this will be to confusing.....

Anyway, my name is Jeff and I'm 38 (today) and live in Orange Country, CA. I'm married and have a 7 year old daughter and 4 year old son. I work full time (cube dweller) and after years of flirting with being active something snapped earlier this year and I got up and did something. I started training in June and have completed 2 sprint Tri's, 1 5k and 1 10k (today).  I've signed up to do a 1/2 Mary in early February and am looking to sign up for an Oly in June.

I enjoy logging my workouts and have recently purchased a HRM but really don't have the best knowledge of how to utilize it.  I'm following Hal Higdon's 1/2 Mary program and will be looking for an Oly plan soon to start up in February/March.

I know I'm leaving things out, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask.

2006-12-17 10:37 PM
in reply to: #625445

Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - OPEN
Dennis and Team...I would love to be a member of the group. A little about me, found BT in Dec05 and have consistently logged my workouts and daily training. After taking a year off of training due to work conflicts and a cross country relo, I rededicated myself to fitness in 2006. This past year I have managed to drop 20lbs and 3% bf and completed my first 10mile run and two centuries. Of the three aspects of tri, I would say cycling is my strength and favorite. Usually I'm average at best across each of the three. Excited about getting more involved and racing more in 2007!

Tri resume: 2004 1 Sprint (TriAmerica Hampton, VA Jun04), 1 Oly (Outback Big Lick); 2005 - Did not Race; 2006 - 1 Sprint (Tucson Triathlon Mar06)

Family: Married with 1 newborn daughter (7mo's). Family time is very important and finding time to train without it conficting has been my most challenging obstacle of this past year.

Work: Regional Finance Mgr for large IT services co.

Reside: Tucson, AZ

2006-12-18 8:46 AM
in reply to: #625445

Austin, TX
Gold member
Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL
Yikes. I'm flattered. Unfortunately, Ron wants the mentors to stick to no more than 5 people so I'm afraid I'm going to have to use a first come, first serve order.

Sorry Jeff and Wayne. I didn't make the rules
2006-12-18 10:10 AM
in reply to: #625445

Austin, TX
Gold member
Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL
Okay, so we have our group.

As you can see we've got quite a mix here, but I think I actually have something to contribute to each of you. Along the way, please remember the basics: I'm not a professional coach and don't pretend to be. I'm a guy that likes to read and learn a lot and sometimes probably knows less than he thinks he does. I've learned a bit about works for me and read about what works in general. I'm also on here a LOT so I'll respond pretty quickly. One more note: I tend to be sarcastic, but it's always in fun. If what you're reading could be said by someone with a grin on their face while poking you in the ribs, that's almost certainly how it was meant.

So, who do we have and how do I think I can help?

Leigh - Our true newbie with no triathlons completed, but some amazing weight loss success. She's a bit discouraged in the pool right now but runs and bikes regularly. I think it will be fun for all of us watching her develop to complete her first race. For her, I think just about all of us can provide some general advice and tips on what to expect during training and her first few races. So far, she sucks at posting her workouts

Courtney - Hardly a newbie with 1500+ posts at BT and several tris and du's under her belt. Coming off a very bad shoulder injury last year and breaking up with a completely unappreciative boyfriend, she's here for the motivation. Since she can take a joke and can be as sarcastic as I can be, I think I can help out there. Put down the twinkie, Court.....

Chip - Another non-newbie. He's got as much race experience as I do, but he's gearing up for his first IM at Lake Placid this year. I can share what I know there. Although my experience is limited, the upside is that I'm not blase about IMs and the whole experience is still fresh in my mind. He's also looking for some more speed on the bike. If I have a strong event, that's it. He sucks at logging training, too

Jeff - 7 races last year and he's looking for a mentor?! I think Jeff knows what he's doing more than he realizes, but since he's on his own and kind of making it up as he goes along, he's just not sure. Half the time, neither am I, so we can help each other out. I can't say he sucks at logging his training because he hasn't made his logs public yet. Come on Jeff, open up....

Finally, Cat - Our other relative newbie. She's got one sprint done from last January but then had health issues and was out most of the year. On top of that, she's got the ankle sprain to recover from. She's getting some time in the pool and the bike and should be running soon. She's basically starting from scratch. She's another person who questions what she's doing, so I'll offer my admittedly limited experience along with plenty of encouragement. She's a bit backwards, though, being down in Australia. While we're all getting ready to race, she'll be entering the off season.

That's it. Thanks for giving me the chance to help you guys out and feel free to PM me whenever you need to. Add each other to your friends list and be generous with the encouragement. Getting an "inspire me" is always good.

2006-12-18 12:17 PM
in reply to: #626724

Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL

Tie goes to the Cat. To bad they don't have seconds on the time stamp to see how close our posts were. Oh well.

Good luck everyone.


2006-12-18 12:48 PM
in reply to: #626963

Austin, TX
Gold member
Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL
I didn't look at the time stamps. I just assumed that since her post was above yours, she snuck in ahead of you.

We could probably make room for one more. I won't tell if you don't.
2006-12-18 1:27 PM
in reply to: #627008

Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL

dgunthert - 2006-12-18 10:48 AM I didn't look at the time stamps. I just assumed that since her post was above yours, she snuck in ahead of you. We could probably make room for one more. I won't tell if you don't.

I appreciate the offer, but was proactive and joined another group. I didn't want to overload you! Good luck to you and the group this year!

2006-12-18 11:57 PM
in reply to: #625445

Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL

I'm busted!!! LOL! OK. I logged this weekend's workouts. I'm not sure I like the way the strength training gets entered. There's no way to describe individual exercises. I don't really do regular stuff. I pretty much do whatever I've been doing with my trainer. He has me do a lot of free weights, but balanced on the BOSU or swiss ball, or lunges but on the balance disk, etc. Or my husband will find some funky thing to try in Men's Health, or Bicycling magazine will run FitChick's column and I'll find something there. All oddball stuff, not listed in the log pull-down menu. Does anyone know if the logging system changes if I pay for bronze level? 



2006-12-19 4:37 PM
in reply to: #627526

Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL

Hi Leigh,

I dont know if this helps but i just write out a list of what I did so I have a reference and dont bother with the pulldowns for strength training.

You can have a look at what it looks like on my log if that helps.


2006-12-20 8:49 AM
in reply to: #625445

Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL
Ah I didn't want to join your silly group anyway...just kidding, actually Jeff and Cat snuck in their post as I was writing mine! Good luck to everyone on achieving their goals this season and feel free to check out my logs and send along some inspiration!
2006-12-21 4:17 PM
in reply to: #625445

Austin, TX
Gold member
Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL
So Courtney PM'd me to ask if she's crazy for considering the Tri One O One race in September.

The short answer I gave her is: not at all!

The distance is big. It's basically a 3/4 IM (1.8 mile swim, 80.6 mile bike, 18.6 mile run). But she's also got 9 full months to train for it. If her goal is to finish, it's certainly attainable.

Like probably most of the goals you guys set for yourselves and the ones I've set for myself, the key will be much more mental than physical.

For example, I am convinced that my body is genetically capable of finishing IMAZ in under 11 hours. I'm actually reasonably certain that my body could be trained to finish with a Kona-qualifying time of around 10 hours.

I'm also convinced that nearly every person is genetically capable of being able to complete the 101 mile distance Courtey is considering in the 12-hour time limit the organizers have set, given sufficient training time. I'm dead certain that Courtney can train to easily meet that timeframe in the 9 months she has.

So we have the capacity to achieve many of the goals we set for ourselves. The $64,000 question is: Does we have the mental discipline to stick with and suffer through the workouts and other sacrifices necessary to reach those goals? The answer is a formula comprised of how important the goal is to us combined with the strength of our belief that we can obtain it. The more important the goal or the stronger our belief in the attainability, the more likely we are to follow through.

For me, it's a split decision. I'm confident I can stick with my training to reach the sub-11 hour goal. I'm not so sure I have the discipline to put in the hours and hard effort it would take to hit a qualifying time. That's due to my weaker belief that I can actually achieve that goal, not
because of a weak desire to go to Kona.

So ask yourself: what are my goals and what is the real limiter to achieving those goals? Is it my confidence in reaching it or my desire to actually get there?

Of course, if you're limiter is genetics, you're pretty much screwed. For me, no amount of desire or confidence is going to get me on the podium at Kona. Unfortunately, that's just life!
2006-12-23 3:19 PM
in reply to: #625445

Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL
Dennis and all-

I'm getting ready to start my 30-week IM program, and I'm planning to train with heart rate zones for the first time. I've seen a lot of different info out there on how to establish training zones, with varying levels of complexity. I've read through the Mike Ricci thread here on BT, which I'm sure has great information- it just seems to be organized in a way that makes it difficult to mine the nuggets.

Which method did you use to come up with your max HR and establish your zones? I don't feel like paying for lab tests, etc., but otherwise am wide open to suggestions.


2006-12-24 1:31 PM
in reply to: #632385

lake forest, California
Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL

The ONE O ONE race is a do-able distance for just about anyone that is willing to accept the challenge and commitment it takes to prepare for that distance. Like IM training, not only does it takes a solid physical base, but a solid mental base is also required to survive any endurance race. I believe the true IM is all the hours of training you put in waaay before the race even takes place. Anyone that shows up prepared has already conquered the course-



2006-12-26 3:14 AM
in reply to: #632385

Austin, TX
Gold member
Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL
I've typically used my average HR for a 10k race (not a solo run) as my run LT. For bike, I've used the average for the functional threshold power test I do regularly with my PowerTap. From there, I let the Triathlete's Training Bible break it down into the zones.

2006-12-28 2:53 PM
in reply to: #633029

Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL
dgunthert - 2006-12-26 4:14 AM

I've typically used my average HR for a 10k race (not a solo run) as my run LT. For bike, I've used the average for the functional threshold power test I do regularly with my PowerTap. From there, I let the Triathlete's Training Bible break it down into the zones.

Thanks.. so you use ave HR for the entire race, not just a portion?

Unfortunately, I don't have a powertap or computrainer for the bike- they would break the "toys" budget. I can do the tests in the training bible and try to make conditions as ideal and replicable as possible.. I'm not confident in my ability to gauge an "all out effort" but will work at it.


2006-12-29 10:56 AM
in reply to: #635689

Austin, TX
Gold member
Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL
I typically use the whole race, yeah, just because I'm lazy. Most LT field tests tell you to use the last 20 minutes of a 30 minute TT run. In any case, from what I've read, if you're going to get it wrong, better to underestimate by a few bpm than overestimate. Doing speed work or tempo work a little short of LT is still very good. Doing it at just over LT isn't.
2006-12-31 7:57 PM
in reply to: #636511

Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL
dgunthert - 2006-12-29 11:56 AM

I typically use the whole race, yeah, just because I'm lazy. Most LT field tests tell you to use the last 20 minutes of a 30 minute TT run. In any case, from what I've read, if you're going to get it wrong, better to underestimate by a few bpm than overestimate. Doing speed work or tempo work a little short of LT is still very good. Doing it at just over LT isn't.

Thanks- did my run TT today (last 20 of 30 min per Mike R's direction) and got an LT based on ave HR for the 20 min, as well as zones from Mike's spreadsheet. I'll do the bike test in the next couple of weeks but will use (Run-5%) for now..

Happy New Year to all!


2007-01-01 1:42 PM
in reply to: #625445

Subject: RE: dgunthert's Group - FULL

Happy New Year.

I have a small question - are there any tips for making the early morning starts easier? Getting out of bed in the morning has never been my strong point at the best of times!



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