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2009-01-03 8:26 PM

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Subject: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
NAME: Tamio / Tami

STORY: I am the CFO of a start up technology company in upstate NY. Prior to triathlon I would run and run and run....then every fall/winter I'd watch the ironman on TV. I'd say to my husband "When I hit the lottery I'm quitting my job, hiring a coach and am going to do one of these" husband finally said - well, you won't hit the lotto, but why don't you hire a coach and do IMLP - you are healthy and motivated - why not? So here I am - absolutely loving triathlon.

FAMILY STATUS: married with 2 dogs

CURRENT TRAINING: I prefer long distance triathlon

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2008 races include The Mooseman 1/2 ironman, Ironman Lake Placid (RAIN RAIN RAIN), Fronhofer Tool Triathlon (Olympic), Crystal Lake Triathlon (sprint), Lake George Triathlon (Olympic) and numerous running races.

2009 RACES: Harriman Triathlon (Olympic), The Mooseman (1/2 iron), Ironman Lake Placid, Crystal Lake (sprint), Lake George Triathlon (Olympic), Ironman Arizona (Yikes! Two ironmans in a year! What was I thinking...)

WEIGHTLOSS: I have lost 25 pounds by training for triathlon. Would like to lose another 5-10 - but we'll see...

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I am a constant motivator and source of information for my running group, triathlon friends, and co-workers that have just been "bitten" by the tri bug. One the greatest joys in life for me is watching people do things for the first time.....their first triathlon, their first time swimming more than 2 laps, their first 1/2 marathon - all of this is so very exciting.

I'm into "data" as you will see from my BT training log (probably too much data - but I like to compare current results to prior workouts). I'm on BT several times a day and frequently "inspire" people through their training logs.

Edited by Tamio 2009-01-09 2:04 PM

2009-01-08 12:09 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - OPEN
I would love to work with you! I will be doing my first sprint triathalon on July 26 in New Jersey.

STORY: 24-years old, work full-time, and recently married (October 08). No kids. My husband and I have been working out together for about 2 years and we are at the gym about 5 days a week. I was a competitive swimmer in high school but have not done much swimming since. I run on a treadmill but used to run outside but have not in about a year and a half. No experience with cycling but looking to buy a bike very soon!

CURRENT TRAINING: While I am in relatively good shape I am just starting "training." I lift weights 4 days a week and do cardio 5-6 days a week (elliptical, treadmill run, etc.)

2009 Race: New Jersey State Triathlon (July 26 2009)

2009-01-08 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - OPEN

Hello Tami! I would like to join your mentor group. My name is Jenny, living in Madison, WI, newly married, no pets yet, training for my first Olympic here June 14. I have three sprints in the past few years and very much enjoyed them, but ready for a bigger challenge. Having a goal on the calendar always helps me stay focused. I am planning to follow the 2x 16 week program on this site starting Feb 23rd. I will most likely only get to the pool though once a week. I also won't get outside till April most likely. I'm hoping that is enough time to get in some good long bike rides. I'm guessing its cold in upstate NY, any advice for the long indoor bike rides and runs?

Health concerns: I had my left patellar tendon realigned about 5 years ago and have been wearing a brace during running and stenuous biking ever since, until recently. Trying to ween myself from this dependency. I can currently run 3 miles without it, but still wear it for soccer once a week.

I'm also very much into data, so if there is any other information needed, let me know. Thanks and I look forward to talking with you.


2009-01-08 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1884714

New user

Subject: RE: Tami's Group - OPEN

Hi Tami!  I'm new to the message board and new to the triathlon world and would love to join your mentor group.  A little bit about me:  I'm a marathoner who loves to run.  I have 4 marathons under my belt and am currently training for my fifth in May.  I swam competitively in my teens and really want to get back into the sport.  As far as biking is concerned, I'm just plain horrible.  I'm hoping to improve my technique by biking to work (8 miles each way) twice a week as well as by joining a local cycling club. 

My first sprint triathlon is currently scheduled for May 9, 2008 in my beautiful hometown of Las Vegas, Nevada.  I'm really looking forward to it! 

2009-01-08 5:46 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - OPEN
Welcome to you all! This is going to be a blast!

Please add me to your "friends" list in your training log and I will do the same.

You asked about bike workouts - when you look at my training log, you will get many good ideas - feel free to ask questions about what the workouts mean if you aren't familiar with the terms etc.

Here's to a great 2009!

Edited by Tamio 2009-01-08 5:47 PM
2009-01-08 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - OPEN
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Tami- Are you open for one more?  I am also into data and longer course races....I hope to do my first IM in 2010.  (All depends on health, strength and volume).

I would like a group to "keep me honest", bounce training schedule rework ideas off of, and to help be a motivator! 

Here's my stats:

NAME:  Lynn

STORY: Located in chilly/freezing Chicago, I did my first triathlon in July 2006-Danskin Sprint.  This was after being inspired by a few training buddies I meet during an "off-season" tri training program that I joined solely because it was cheaper than a personal trainer! Never a swimmer, I ran track and cross-country until college when my life of team sports started.  Post-25yrs, running is not as easy as it use to be--and I always want to go faster.  I REALLY like my bike....and swimming...well it's swimming. One of my greatest joy's last season was when the swim got cancelled at Whirlpool Steelhead 70.3!!!!!  My first HIM was Oct '07 in Austin (Longhorn) the same day as the infamous Chicago Marathon cancellation.  Well--it was hotter in Austin…and I was on that course for 7 frickin hours!!!!


  2008: Effingham sprint, High Cliff HIM, Steelhead HIM (no others-illness)

  2009: New Orleans HM, Galena Duo, TriShark sprint, High Cliff HIM, Big Foot OLY, Pleasant Prairie OLY(Maybe), Steelhead HIM, Chicago OLY(Maybe Triple)... and a handful of 62/100miles bike rides

       Decision June 1 on IM or Chicago Marathon (round 2)


CURRENT TRAINING: BT off-season run focus; switching into silver HIM on Feb 1?

WEIGHTLOSS: Weight is a constant I get older, the slower it comes off...and faster on.. Goal is to lose 5-7.5 pounds in next 2 months.


Edited by LB22 2009-01-08 9:37 PM

2009-01-09 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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nearby the city of brotherly love
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - OPEN

Hi Tami!  If you can take on another, I'd like to join your group!  My name is Nicole, I'm going to be 30 in about 2 this year will kind of be a testament to that milestone for me.  I've be competing in tri's for about 3 years, have sprints, olympics and one half under my belt and am aiming for my first iron this year in september--the chesapeak man.  I've not signed up yet because i'm concerned about the running--i've had issues with ITB in the past.  I work at a pharma company as a scientist and have a few other hobbies than triathlon--rock climbing, snowboarding are a few.

Current training:  just getting over being sick and getting back into the swing of things.  Plan on being able to run 6 miles by end of Jan, and ride a solid 90minutes around 18mph as well.

I'd love to join the group to get to know a few people and help motivate each other--I know I'll be needing it this year!!

Edited by hannawho 2009-01-09 7:39 AM
2009-01-09 7:56 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - OPEN
Welcome Niki and Lynn! Please add me to your "friends" on your training log. I'll write up a more encompassing PM to all of you over the weekend (I'm at work right now....ssshhhhh).
2009-01-09 9:33 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - OPEN
I originally joined a different group this past week, but I think I like this one more and would like to be in this one. There wasn't many groups to choose from when I picked mine. I promise you if you accept me I won't switch groups again. If I am accepted, I'll let my other mentor know that I am changing groups.

and I also like stats / numbers (I am a data analyst) however my gadgets don't give me as much data as some of yours.

Here is my story, sorry it is a bit long. I like to write.

NAME: Melanie

age: Turning 30 on Saturday (that means a more competitive age group this year and for the next 20 or so years)

STORY: One of the things I do is volunteer with St John Ambulance as a Medical First Responder. 3 years ago I was providing medical coverage at the Niagara triathlon and I saw people of all shapes and sizes and ages competing. I though to myself that I could do this. I'm in shape. The year passes and I forgot about that thought. Now a year later I am at the Niagara Triathlon providing medical and the same thought from the previous year comes back to me - I can do this. But this time I didn't let this thought be just a thought. That is when I decided I wanted to be a triathlete. About a month later I saw there was a triathlon club at my Y and I joined it. The following summer I competed in 4 triathlons. It was great having the support of my friends at the race. My parents even came to watch my first race.

However once I got to my the run part of my first race the thought that was going through my mind was - "I am crazy. Bodies aren't meant for this." But I pushed though it and made it.

FAMILY STATUS: I am currently single - living at home with my parents. I live in the Niagara region in Ontario, Canada.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently at the gym a lot working out. I am part of the triathlon club at my local Y. Every Sunday there is an hour swim practice followed by a 45 minute cycle and then 20-25 core exercises. Although that practise starts at 6:30AM I make it pretty often. There are also Brick practises (run/cycle combo) every Thursday but I can't usually make those. In October I joined a running club to help me with my running as I find that to be the weakest of the 3 disciplines for me. Most of the people I run with are marathoners but since it is winter outside they are not doing the huge distances at the moment. I have been consistently running approx 5 miles with them once a week - I call that my endurance practise as that is usually my limit. They might say otherwise as they keep jokin with me when I am going to do a marathon.

I also have shin splints so I have to be careful when I am running. I probably push myself too much. I do have a heart rate monitor. I don't usually use it to for my speed. Maybe I should. I might need help in that area.

Did I mention I used to be a lifeguard for 10 years. I am not scared of the water. I also swam on a masters swim team about 10 years ago for about 3 years. I was faster when I swam with them.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: This past year I did the Welland Try-aTri, Niagara Try-a-tri, Grand Island Summer Sizzler (almost sprint distance) and the Milton Woman only sprint distance. I also did about 8 5km races to help with my running. I still plan on doing a bunch of 5km races this year.

2009 RACES: I want to improve on my times for sprint distances and maybe attempt a triathlon distance race. I'll probably end up doing 4 races. I have a few in mind but have not confirmed anything yet. There is still snow on the ground right now so I have time. My teammates won't let me chicken out anyways.

WEIGHTLOSS: Last year I lost about 20 pounds. I have no idea how I did it as I have always trained. After the new year pounds just started shedding. I gained maybe 5 of that back. I would still like to lose another 10 but I am more concerned about being healthy. If anyone can help me with the nutrition side of the sport, that would be great. People say that triathlons have 4 components not 3 - swim, bike, run, and nutrition.

MOTIVATION: I want to try and push my body to see what I can make it do. I also wanted to earn a medal but my age group is way to competitive that that is not going to happen.

MY GOALS: I would like to conquer the sprint distance. I am defining conquering by finishing a race and feeling that I could not have gone faster, that I felt good doing the race. And feeling that I could move on to the next distance. Right now competing for 3 -6 hours is not appetizing for me. Yes I did a sprint distance last year, but I felt defeated with the run - granted 80% of that course was uphill.

Plus I may try a triathlon distance. I know with the training I could do it is doable I just don't know if mentally I am there yet.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you better.
2009-01-09 12:23 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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New user

Subject: RE: Tami's Group - OPEN

If there is room, I would love to join.

NAME: laura mayfield

LOCATION: Wichita Falls, Texas

JOB: Mother of 2 amazing daughters (2 and 3 years old) and a junior high english teacher.

Family Status: Married (my husband is also training with me, we do our endurance sports together)

TRAINING: as of right now, I am training for a marathon in April. However, I have done several and I think I can train for a Tri. and my marathon together. I rode ride about 25-50 miles per week currently, but in the summer months it is more like 100-150 per week. I also swim 2-3 times per week about 100 laps. (I was on swim team in high school and feel confident in a pool swim). My running is a little different, as I train I do my long runs (and rides on my bike) on the weekends, I only do sprint and hill work during the week with a max of about 5 miles. (I am prone to overtraining, so I try and max my weekly runs.)

GOALS: (in order of timelines) 1. march---sprint tri in dallas area. 2. Possible 1/2 marathon sometime between jan and March 3. April---OKC memorial marathon (26.2) 3.Some Olympic distance Tri.'s 4. August--Hotter than Hell Hundred Bike race (100 miles--I did it last year and would like to improve my times) 5. Sept.--1/2 ironman in Austin. On top of this I am working on losing about 15 pounds. I am in my weight range, but I am looking to slim down bit and lose body fat. I am also wanting to incoperate weights and more stretching into my current plans.

I would really like a mentor to bounce ideas off of and get help in improving my current goals.




2009-01-09 2:08 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Ok - I think that this group is officially "CLOSED - FULL"

I'm so very excited to have you all in the group! I'll be sending out a message shortly to all of you.

Please add me to your BT friends list in your training log....

2009-01-09 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Question - would all of you care if I send you all a group email? The PM function on BT doesn't allow you to send a message to more than one person at a time. If this is ok with you - please PM me your email addresses.....


2009-01-10 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
I'll just post my "long winded" message here vs. email....

A little more about me…

As you read before on BT, I’m currently CFO at a start-up company in upstate NY. However, I’m going through a major “itching” to make a major change. I’m very tired of sitting behind a computer alllllllldddddaaaaaaayyyyyy llllooonnnnnggggg. My dream job would be to be a veterinarian. BUT, since I’m 37 years old, I really don’t want to start over with school. My second dream job is to incorporate triathlon into more than just a hobby, but a career. Pro perhaps? LOL!!!! NOT! My gosh – I’m totally cracking up just typing that. I’m still working through the details of what “incorporating triathlon into a career” means…

As far as triathlon goes….I’m a long distance gal. Speed hurts lol. I’m not fast – but I am faster than last year. We all have our goals and of course, one of mine is to get faster at the longer distances. My number one goal is to HAVE FUN – if I’m not having fun I need to re-assess, make adjustments and move forward. Oh – someone mentioned the components of triathlon…I wanted to add onto that my view…I see triathlon as the following components: swim, bike, run, nutrition, pacing and time mgmt.

So – here we are! I cannot tell you how excited I am that you chose to be a part of this group! I will strive to assist you in any way you need….some mentioned “motivation”, others mentioned “bounce ideas off of”, etc – whatever you want to get out of this group and myself – just ask! I will be honest if I haven’t a clue….and if I haven’t a clue to a question you ask….I will also research and ask other people within my network.

I have added each of you to my “friends” in my training log. Feel free to come into my training log, look around, ask questions etc. I will do the same of each of your training logs. One pointer on BT…if someone “inspires you” on your training log and you wish to respond to them, while in the “inspire box” click “blog” and this will send your response to their training log so they can see it without having to go back into your training log….does that make sense?

Kristagager – great to see you workout with your husband. I cycle and swim with mine. Triathlon is “contagious” and he has caught the bug while watching how much fun I’ve been having…

Jenny – “having a goal helps me stay focused”….AMEN! This is exactly what I need as well! You mention getting to the pool once a week. Do you come from a swimming background? As far as getting outside, I looked back at my records from last year and my first cycling workout outside was March 23rd. I run outside year round with my “pain” threshold being 0 degrees (actual temp or windchill). Indoor cycling and running workouts – just check my training log to get ideas and ask if you don’t know what a particular workouts “lingo” means…

Also – you mention weening yourself off the knee brace….just curious, is there a reason to ween yourself off? I don’t have an answer (nor do I have experience with this injury) – I’m more just curious that if it helps you – why not keep using it?

Mtemple – This is the time of year to work on all technique so you are in luck when you say you want to improve on cycling! Joining a club is a great idea.

Lynn – “greatest joys is when the swim was cancelled” – that totally cracked me up. When I signed up for my first triathlon – I didn’t know how to swim….LITERALLY – I couldn’t swim a lap…no, I didn’t just have bad form etc (everyone assumes this) – I could not breathe, let alone do anything that would resemble swimming. I went to the pool 6 times a week for several months and met with a swim coach twice in person and pretty much every day via email and BAM! I GOT IT! I tell you – it still goes down as one of my greatest accomplishments….LEARNING TO SWIM! Lol Now it’s my favorite part of triathlon….it’s too bad it’s not a larger portion of the race….
Which Ironman do you want to do in 2010?

Nicole – What have you been doing to re-hab the IT band? Have you tried the foam roller? Also, the rubber band around your ankles and stepping side to side helps to strengthen the IB band (but you’d want to do that after you are starting to feel better).

Melanie – I sure hope we don’t disappoint you as a group!

Another “almost 30 year old” – Happy Birthday in advance!

How are you treating your shin splints? How old are your shoes? I’ve had these in the past and they are SO painful. My treatment was A) new pair of running shoes and B) icing for 15 minutes 3-4 times a day (typically right after a run, when I got home from work and again before bed)….the ice is the key!

You are SO correct about the nutrition aspect of triathlon.

Laura – You have a full calendar! I love racing as well. I think you are correct in leaving it to shorter distances during the weekdays – focusing on speedwork/hills.

That’s all for now! Here’s to a healthy 2009 tri season!

2009-01-10 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Tami- Thanks for the "long winded"message!  I will start swimming some point  I have thought about joining a swim techniques class in March...I may just go ahead and do that.  Afterall, the swim is one reason I did not sign up for IMOO '09 after I volunteered last September.  Well, that and my body....

I also struggled with IT band issues that first arrived during a HIM last year.  Shorter distances were fine, but hit 10 miles, and there it was.  When training for the marathon, I finally decided to use the foam roller that I had bought a few months prior.  It kills--but just doing each leg 5-7times a night before bed worked wonders!  No more issues, unless I forgot the roller.

Shin life long arch nemesis!  I remember in high school freezing ice cups to rub down with after every run.  Today, I know it has to do with 3 things (for me): shoes, running consistency, and pace.   Yep--I found when I started running at a 10 min/mile pace, all my little bugs went away.  A good pair of slight stability shoes and running 4-5 times a week (so my shins didn't scream "what the h are you doing?" helped tremendously. 

Final comment before I convince myself to run on treadmill seeing we are gettng dumped with snow.....I am a 36 year old banker who has also thought over the last 3 years is there something else out there?  Can I incorporate sports?  But for now, I am really enjoying my position.

Ok-  off to run! Best wishes on all your workouts the snowy world!

2009-01-10 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1899323

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

It's great meeting you all!

Some more about me. I'm 27 year old epidemiologist (whats that you say?). Basically I crunch numbers, usually dealing with health realted issues. I do enjoy the health part but not the sitting in a cubicle all day part. I have been thinking about becoming a spinning instructor so I can get involved more seriously with teaching fitness. Perhaps 2009 is the year.

As for my knee, I was told after surgery (2003) that my knee brace was not really necessary but after twelve dislocations I could not really believe that. Now I am realizing that maybe I can get it strong enough to not need it. I think my approach in training now is to not use it as long as I feel comfortable, but this time around I will probably use it on long runs and long bike rides. I'm also beginning some more strength training work on building up the muscles. I am wondering how many times a week you all do strength training? It seems hard to fit in with everything else.

I swam as a kid but not in high school or college. My main goal for the swim is to not drown. I guess I look at it as the hardest place to gain time. I feel like I can bust my a$$ to swim faster and I may make up a couple minutes, but training more in biking or running will gain me much more time. I guess going for the biggest bang for the buck. 

More talk to come! 



2009-01-10 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Tami - I can tell this group will be better as I already got a message from my mentor.

Well for my shin splints I don't do much for them. I know very bad. I try to stetch them out as much as possible which helps. I know I should ice a lot but I only seem to remember to ice them when they get bad. Luckily I haven't had any of the extraciating pain lately that I once had while I ran. I know I should ice them whether I have pain or not.

This past year I had the doctor check to make sure I didn't have a stress fracture as I had had the pain for so long. Thankfully I didn't. He did give me an anti-infammory liquid to put in my cavles. Not sure how much it helped but I have to think it helped a bit.

I think in the past I also wasn't changing my shoes often enough. I am now doing it every 6 months or so. My last pair I got in August or Sept. I would like to wait unitl Winter is over before I buy my next pair. Let the snow and Ice finish off my current pair.

I hope everyone's first week of training of the new year has been going well. I must say over the past week with reading everyone's goal I am now debating on doing an Olympic triathlon for my 2009 goals. I used to shake my head very fast saying no when someone would mention that idea to me and now I am contemplating it. It is inspriring reading that a newbie to triathlons goes from sprints to olympic in the same year. I am already practising sprint distances (like today) so why should I limit myself. I just have to convince my brain now that it should do it.

2009-01-10 1:25 PM
in reply to: #1899674

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Basically I crunch numbers, usually dealing with health realted issues. I do enjoy the health part but not the sitting in a cubicle all day part.

I agree with you on that. I am a database analyst and I sit and stare at a computer for 8 hours a day. It is a welcome change to get to the gym after work and get the blood flowing.

I am wondering how many times a week you all do strength training? It seems hard to fit in with everything else.

My goal is to get it in twice a week if not 3. However I am also in the thinking that often I am sore the next day from doing my weights and if I did lower body I wouldn't be able to run or bike the next day due to the pain. Lately I have been doing more upper body weights as my legs get a good work out from the running and biking. And everytime I go to the gym I try and do some core and ab work as that will help with all 3 disciplines.

Edited by mellymedic 2009-01-10 2:00 PM
2009-01-10 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
<style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;}

Hello fellow cube mates!!!  Looks like most of us have that 8 hour a day in a cube job! Doing longer triathlons has been a bit of a cure for the cubicle blues for me these last 2 years. With longer tris, you spend more time working out….thus getting in a morning bike then knowing I have an evening run….seems to make the work day fly by and give me something fun to focus on!  And Mellymedic: step up to Olympic!....the cubicle blues did not go away until I started the longer distances.



I think in the past I also wasn't changing my shoes often enough. I am now doing it every 6 months or so. My last pair I got in August or Sept. I would like to wait unitl Winter is over before I buy my next pair. Let the snow and Ice finish off my current pair.


With BT, track your mileage on your shoes.  Shoes should last 300-400 miles, but I find my knees start to bug me and the shin splints come back after 200-250 miles.  That might help….oh, and come on…its hard enough to stretch 5-15 minutes after a workout forget about icing your shins! 


Strength training----I am going to try to start that again this weekJJ Maybe lunchtime?


  As for my knee, I was told after surgery (2003) that my knee brace was not really necessary but after twelve dislocations I could not really believe that.


Jenny- Has anyone suggested to strengthen your knee stabilizer muscles, try running swervy-like for a few minutes every run (sorta like half of a figure 8??)  Plus, it adds a little fun to your runs!


Ok- I am going to toot my own horn…..I just finished a 1.5hour run on the lakefront path in 17-25mph wind and snow (8inches expected).  I saw 27 runners, 7 bikers, and four plows.  Plus, I got icicles on my eyelashes for the second time ever!  And to think, I was going to skip the run this morning because of the snowfall!  That was soooo much fun!

2009-01-10 2:25 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Ok- I am going to toot my own horn…..I just finished a 1.5hour run on the lakefront path in 17-25mph wind and snow (8inches expected). I saw 27 runners, 7 bikers, and four plows. Plus, I got icicles on my eyelashes for the second time ever! And to think, I was going to skip the run this morning because of the snowfall! That was soooo much fun!

Go ahead and toot. You deserve it.

This wednesday will be my first run outdoors where the temperature will be in the double digits with a - in the front of it (celsius). And everytime I look at the forecast the high for the day keeps dropping. It will be cold but I am going to do it.

2009-01-10 3:05 PM
in reply to: #1899422

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

"I also struggled with IT band issues that first arrived during a HIM last year.  Shorter distances were fine, but hit 10 miles, and there it was.  When training for the marathon, I finally decided to use the foam roller that I had bought a few months prior.  It kills--but just doing each leg 5-7times a night before bed worked wonders!  No more issues, unless I forgot the roller."

I had a bad bike accident last year had had knee surgery, I used a foam roller during rehab. I was wondering if you knew where I could get a good one to have at home?

Edited by ljpp_1999 2009-01-10 3:09 PM
2009-01-10 3:12 PM
in reply to: #1899719

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL


Ok- I am going to toot my own horn…..I just finished a 1.5hour run on the lakefront path in 17-25mph wind and snow (8inches expected).  I saw 27 runners, 7 bikers, and four plows.  Plus, I got icicles on my eyelashes for the second time ever!  And to think, I was going to skip the run this morning because of the snowfall!  That was soooo much fun!

 Check you out you was 39 degrees here with 25mph winds and I wussed out and ran on the treadmill...I am impressed by you.

Edited by ljpp_1999 2009-01-10 3:12 PM

2009-01-10 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

The thought of doing more than 45 minutes on a treadmill is what got me to try the extra motivation of people saying "are you crazy!!!".  That's cool!

(I need to bottle up days like this for when I am dreading the workouts)

Ok- Laura- the roller.  Check with whoever you did your PT through. Last year, my PT said I could by it from them.  Luckily I live right by a "Relax the Back" which carries a lot of stuff so I got it there.....I think it was $30-40, but very, very, very worth it.   

2009-01-10 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Hey all!

1) Here is where we ordered our foam roller:

2) Strength training? Huh? What's that? lol With Ironman distance tri training I don't find the time to do this - but, one of my goals is to get into a core routine at home...

3) Do you wear yaktraks when you run in the snow?

4) swimming.....most difficult of the disciplines, most difficult to improve your time on....but it's the easiest sport to work too hard and hence, have a poor performance on bike/run. Efficiency is the key and if you are able, join a master swim class and/or meet with a swim coach a couple times. This will pay off in spades...

Oh - and when you do go to the pool it should be more drilling vs. just straight swimming...

5) I change my shoes every 300-400 miles and, like was stated here, if I start feeling my shins sooner, I change them right away. Shin splints HURT!!!!

6) Melanie - Now's your chance to jump to the Olympic distance - we are all here to support you!

7) Bike accident? As in bike car accident? wow.....

8) Running in the snow...."extra motivation of people saying "you're crazy"". That's funny - I did Ironman Lake Placid last year and it rained the ENTIRE TIME - no kidding - THE ENTIRE TIME. Do people think I'm crazy? Hell ya, but that's what makes the accomplishment all the better ;->

9) What does everyone have on their training schedule for Sunday? I'm a 60 minute M paced run and a 60 minute swim...
2009-01-10 5:58 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL

Yakraz--got some for Christmas from a running buddy so as to have no more excuses  I however did not wear them today...and I should have.  Lesson learned.

Tonight I have optional 1 hour ride (trainer).  Optional because I say so   Also, tomorrow is another 1 hour on the trainer.  (I wish I never stopped riding 'cause now I have bike butt again! No worries, it will be gone soon).

2009-01-10 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1884714

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Subject: RE: Tami's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Bike butt - that's funny!
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