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2010-12-22 11:34 AM

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Subject: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Full

NAME: Big Daddy Diesel / Scott
STORY: I've always gone into each race competing against no one but myself. Anyone who has stepped to the starting line at any level knows that a race is not won or lost on the day of. It is won or lost in the months leading up to the event, because it is a battle each day and the day of the race is the day you show your winnings from all those previous days of battling yourself. Don't get me wrong... I want to win as much as the next guy on the course, but sometimes winning is bettering yourself. Sometimes winning is just going after your personal best.
FAMILY STATUS: Triathlon is my family
CURRENT TRAINING: I am a believer that it is all about the bike. With that said, my training is per week is usually
Strength 3x's
Swim 3x's
Bike 4-5x's
Run 3x's 

 Wheelie Fun Series Aquabike Champion  
9/19/2010Portage Lakes Championship Race   
 2nd Overall Aquabiker
8/15/2010Vermilion Triathlon  
 2nd Overall Aquabiker
7/4/2010JCC Independence Triathlon  
 1st place A/G
6/20/2010Maumee Bay Triathlon  
 3rd Overall Aqubiker
6/6/2010Deer Creek Triathlon  
 1st Overall Aquabiker
5/29/2010Tri for Joe  
 2nd Overall Aqubiker

2011 RACES:  2 sprint, 2 olys, 2 hims and my "A" race is Rev3 Cedar Poiint 140.6

Eating a proper and healthy diet with avoiding as much process food as you can, along with training, will help you loss weight

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I have a soft spot for new people to the sport and believe anyone can cross a finishline with desire and support. I am a believer is "paying it forward", take the knowledge that was past along to me and give to someone that needs it for their dream.  I might not know all the techinal aspects of the sports, but I know how to cross a finishline. I am looking for a group of athletes who are training for their first triathlon

Edited by TriDiesel 2011-01-05 7:00 AM

2011-01-01 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open

I would like to join your mentor group because of your statement, “I…believe anyone can cross a finish line”.  If you can help me get across the finish line it will truly be an accomplishment for both of us.

NAME: rpframe/Rachel

STORY: I made a commitment to myself 3 years ago that when I was 45 I would run a triathlon.  I turn 46 in August.  I really want to keep this commitment to myself.

I have a couple of challenges to overcome and some fears.

Challenge #1-Health.  I am obese.  It will be interesting to see if I can run at all.  I hope that the right kind of support will help.  I also have type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.  My doctor tells me a gastric bypass would be take care of these.  I don’t want to do that.  I keep hoping diet and exercise are my only other options.

Challenge #2-Depression.  I have fought depression most of my life.  I have a therapist and I am on medication but I still succumb from time to time.  The first things that go when I am depressed are diet and exercise.  Then everything else falls apart.

Challenge #3-Running-When I told my husband I was going to do a triathlon he said, "I have never seen you run!  You don't run!"  It is true.  As soon as I was able, I quit running.  I hated it.  I am worried about my ankles, hip, and knees as well.  I have been walking a lot faster during the run portion of the plan.  I tried running when I played baseball with my boys.  I couldn’t actually do it.  My feet never left the ground.  I figure that if I keep exercising then eventually I will be able to run.

Challenge #4-Biking-I did okay on the training bikes at the Y but every time I get on my real bike, I can’t get very far at all, not even a mile.  I can’t seem to figure out how the gears work.

Fear #1-Failure-I have been planning this for 3 years and have yet to be consistent in exercising.  I am on this site so I will feel accountable to someone other than myself, who I let down regularly.

Fear #2-Depression-I have inherited my father's depression problems.  It interferes with getting out of bed and doing anything, let alone exercising.  It has gotten in the way of many goals of mine.  I am hoping that exercise will help with it.  I am medicated so I don't get suicidal anymore, but I still struggle with it on a daily basis.

FAMILY STATUS: I am 45 Married with 6 boys, ages 22, 20, 17, 15, 10, and 8. The 10 and 8 year olds have autism and the youngest has a brain tumor that for now is not growing.  Yeah, I know, I’m stressed out. I live in Katy, Texas just outside of Houston.

CURRENT TRAINING: Restarting the Michael Pates Total Sprint Program.  December totally did me in.  I kept walking but swimming and biking didn’t happen.

2011 RACES:  I would like to do the Capital of Texas First Tri on May 30th and maybe one other sprint in the fall.

Need to do a lot of it.  I try to eat well but when depression sets in, everything falls apart.  My doctors are telling me I need to do gastric bypass but I really don’t want to.  It is part of the reason I am committed to exercise.

Edited by rpframe 2011-01-01 1:49 PM
2011-01-01 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3257607


Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
Big Daddy Diesel (a.k.a. Scott)

First let me say thanks for stepping up and helping out us beginners.

I like your attitude and would like to join your mentoring group if possible.

Without further ado - here is a litttle about me and my background;

I'm 44 (45 in June), have never competed in a triathlon but I did do competitive swimming back in high school, so long ago - lol. I have dome some running at the gym and local park over the last few years and also did do a 5k a few years back (23.01). I also currently bike, mostly mountain biking right now due to weather. My buddy started doing triathlons last year and he has motivated me to challenge myself (secondary goal: ultimately whoop him) to finish an olympic length Tri this year. The one I'm shooting for is June 19th.

One of the things I'm hoping to get from this mentoring program is mental strength and preparation tips and techniques that may have worked for you currently or in the past.

Again thanks again for stepping up - LionsPride (a.k.a. Randy)
2011-01-01 6:04 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
Hi! My name is Kate, I am absolutely new to this sport, and am interested in competing in my first triathlon in May. I would like to join your mentor group.
As far as sports experience, I have never been a strong runner, but that's due to a lack of really trying before (i.e. I never had a 'reason' to run!). I do however bike--I used to log about 21 miles daily for a former job, but not lately...and its all been on a mountain bike--aka the urban assault for swimming; I can swim, I just have never fully been taught how to swim with technique or consistency--so that needs a lot of work.
Right now, I am not in great shape; thanks to my job, I am moderately active, but not athletically fit, so I do need to get cracking on this!
Beyond that, I am married with no kids (just lots of animals--primarily reptiles), and work full time as a zookeeper, and go to college full time as well (nah, not busy at all!)
I really like your write up--it spoke to me, and I have to admit, the training you listed sounds like something that would appeal to me.  
Thank you! 
2011-01-01 8:04 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
First Welcome Everyone, I am really honored you have chosen me as your mentor. We are now a team, if you read something and want to add sound advice, go ahead and helpp another person out in this forum. I will try my best to answer all questions, if I dont know the answer, I will find someone that does. Again welcome.

I do ask you all to please log in all of your work outs on training logs, not only for me to see, but also for you to see your progress, keeping a log is essential for success. Please get into a habit of it.

Rachel - I wanted to ask, are you cleared by your doctor for training? As for the run, I want you to replace "run" in head with "distance" that you need to travel on by foot, your first race is more then likely going to 5k or 3.1 miles. There is no shame in walking, I want you to keep walking, walk alot. If you are walking outside, you can start your running by running from one drive way to the next one, then walk for a couple of drive ways, then repeat it. Every week, try to add more distance or driveways per run. It will come, trust me. Also, if possible, try to eat mostly fruits, veggies, white meats as possible. This, along with the running/walking will help lower your body weight. I will write to you about the bike soon. While swimming, try running in the pool a couple lengths, this will make is easier on your hips, knees, and joints. I will also suggest strength training, start out easy with 2x12 with leg extensions, leg curls and leg press to strenghten the joints. Another tip for running, on a treadmill, if you boost the incline to 10% or higher incline and walk at a moderate speed, this level of incline stimulates the exact muscles that is involved in running without the wear and impact of actual running. You can do this!!!

Randy - Even though its been awhile since you been in the water, swimming will come back to you relatively quick, you will be surprised how quick. Now swimming in a tri is alot different then swimming competively (which I also did in high school). It is all about pace, going at about 70-80% of your max pace. It is all about getting into a rhythm. Also, before your race, practice open water swimming at least a couple of times, OWS is completely different then swimming in a pool. It sounds like you have a road bike as well? Do you have a bike trainer? If not, mountain bike when ever the weather permits and if you belong to a gym, look into some spin classes, I am not big on spin classes, but they do offer a alternative solution when the weather is bad. I will be posting tips on transitions and racing tips later on to help everyone out. And we will work on beating your friend at the race!!!!

Kate - I like your style, its all about the bike, the bike (the longest portion of the race) sets up the run. It is also the leg that you can make up the most time. Do you have a road bike? If so do you have a trainer? With your time crunched schedule, I will think of some ideas to get your training in. Does your school have an atheltic center? Do you goto a gym? What do you have at home in regards to workout equipment? Do you have resistance bands with handles on the end of them? As for the running, after you are comfortable at the distance of the race, I will send some suggestions for speed drills, tempo runs, running drills to help improve your running. As for swimming, I highly suggest to take at least one swim lesson from a coach, have them analyze your form and give you suggestions and pointers, I will also look for some drill and videos for you to use in the pool.

I am really excited for our group and the chance to get to know everyone better and help you along the way.

I will leave you with this, the finish line is the reward of all of this, I admit, the training at times will suck, the day in, day out grind, its all for the day that you cross that finishline for the first time and you will be able to call yourself a triathlete for the rest of your life.

Edited by TriDiesel 2011-01-01 8:05 PM
2011-01-01 9:33 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
Hello again...To answer your questions:
I do not have a road bike--yet--my husband is on the lookout for a good used one, and if necessary, I will be purchasing a new one at the end of January (money's a huge factor with us!)
I do belong to a gym, AND the college opened up a brand new 'state-of-the-art' fitness center last October, which I can use after classes on school days (or before them, I'm not picky)--so I can do any indoor-type workout; also, my gym has a lap pool for a basic swim workout. As for home, I have a modest home gym--resistance bands, weights, and punching bags (I also do martial arts when I can)
I am going to be joining the local triathlon club here in Sacramento so I can get a discounted rate for a swim lesson or two--plus some swim clinics...
When it comes to running, I have never really done much, I think the most I consistently ran was about a mile and a half at once, but I know I can do more if I just get started and stick to a program.
Do you have any suggestions regarding good training programs?

2011-01-02 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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san antonio
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open

I hope the holidays finds everyone happy and if not healthy--on their way.  Kiss

I would like to see if I could join this group and here is my story.

My name is Rebecca.  Im a registered nurse in two ICU's here in San Antonio, Texas.   I bring 7 years of general health and exercise knowledge and maybe of some assitance to the group for health, nutrition and general triage questions. I ran a marathon along with some other sorted training runs back in 2001. Since then, due to a major snow boarding accident, things have settled down. Still doing some cycling events ranging from 20-60 miles.  I can run about 2-3 miles without falling over right now and honestly I flap around in the pool with a floatie.  I have no idea how to swim.

The goal is a 70.3 in Austin in October.  Im working on a "race calendar" to include something every month.  I have a great man in my life that is overweight at 300lbs and is 6'5".  Many of the things that I try to do include him and so I need training that will assist me in my goals and will maybe rub off on him.  He has drive.. but his weight and physical condition limit him. I have made sure he is medically cleared for a exercise regimine and I am obviously in the clear.

Im looking forward to this 2011 year.

"Tri.. as though you have 365 days... minus 1"-- rebecca

2011-01-02 2:40 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open

Edited by kussmaul 2011-01-06 6:57 AM
2011-01-02 5:30 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open

I would like to join your group as well.  I am 34 years old and have never attempted a triathalon.  It was a goal last year, but I chickened out.  I am determined this year to face my fear.  I am in relatively good shape, I work out about 5-6 days a week.  I manage a fitness gym, so fitness is a part of my lifestyle.  However, I get bored without a goal, so I really want to add some excitement and goals to strive for to my fitness routine.  I currently run and lift weights for fitness.  I also attend bootcamps and such, but swimming is definetly my weak area.  I take spin classes but other than that, my bike is pretty rusty as well.  I would really love to join with you guys because this is something I really want to strive for.  thanks-amber
2011-01-02 5:46 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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Emerald Isle
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open

STORY: Have been fairly athletic my whole life. Swam competitively up until half way through high school.  Took up rowing (crew) in high school, which one of the best experiences of my life.  Was recruited by several college but chose to focus on academics instead. Majored in Exercise Sport Science in college in hopes of going into physical therapy school, but changed my mind. Stayed fairly active in college but that has drifted off some. Currently taking a year off of school and applying to graduate school. Teach group fitness some and do some personal training. Finding motivation to do my own workout can be difficult and I've gotten into a rut, so I'm hoping a triathlon will help me out.


WEIGHT LOSS: Ok with my current weight

2011 Races: A few 5ks, Crystal Coast Half Marathon (March), I hope to complete a sprint triathlon in May.

WHY I WANT TO BE YOUR MENTEE:  I have a knowledge of exercise, health, and fitness but often lack the motivation to exercise myself. I have always wanted to complete a triathlon and hope your knowledge will help me do so.

2011-01-02 6:58 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
Wow, Welcome everyone!!! I see we have diverse group of people in our little group.

Katie - I am searching for free training plans for you, I seen some, not really that good, I will keep looking

Rebecca - Welcome!!! Your vast knowledge of of health will be very helpful, especially when the aches and pains come along and possible slight injuries. Would yor husband do a sprint tri with you? Race together or maybe even a relay

Teddie - Ok I need to hear this story of doing a tri with out training!!! Do you still have that bike that doesnt fit? Welcome to the group

Amber - Welcome!! Swimming is not as scary as everyone makes it out to be, I will say swimming is 40% physical 60% mental

Kat - welcome!!! Also another mentee that has sports knowledge background, this will also help out our group. If I ever suggest something really off based with what you know, feel fre to correct me, I have already stated I do not know all the techinal aspects of the sport, I do know how to cross a finishline.

Remember, please get into the habit of logging all your workouts!!!

2011-01-02 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3257607

New user

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
Hi!  My name is Valerie and I am a newbie to the sport of Triahtlon.  I want to join your group because I can relate to your statement "I've always gone into each race competing against no one but myself."  I can honestly say that I am my own worst enemy!  My greatest challenge are self-defeating thoughts!
In November I completed a mini-sprint-tri and was hooked instantly.  I did it because I needed a challange and wanted to see if I COULD!  It was a 200M swim, 8 mile ride (indoors), and 2.8 mile run.  My time was 1:04:03.  I cannot wait to do a REAL sprint distance triathlon in the spring.  I work out A LOT but have currently (since the fall) started focusing more on the three legs of triathlon. 
I hope I can be a part of your group!
2011-01-02 10:29 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
I would like to join in. I am looking to do my first tri in April, which I am shooting for an olympic Distance.

NAME: Brian Miller

STORY: I started training for a sprint tri 2 years ago, started out going ok, then got side tracked and gave up. I am back again and more serious this time. I am active, I run, bike, or work out on occasion but not consistant. I have a record of taking 1 step forward and 2 back.  I promised myself I would be in the best shape of my life by the time I turn 40 which is in November. Last year I started racing motocross and I wakeboard quite a bit in the summer. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 2 girls, 6 and 3

CURRENT TRAINING: Just started New Years day. I found a free 10 week plan on another site that I plan on following. Also, I am starting on Monday a boxing based workout program 3 days/week. I also did this 2 years ago and got in the best shape I have been in. 

2011 RACES: April 10th Black Butte, then hopefully 2 more but not planned

WEIGHT LOSS: Currently 185 want to be around 165 by the time I turn 40.

Edited by BMiller71 2011-01-02 10:29 PM
2011-01-03 1:03 AM
in reply to: #3257607

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Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open

I would very much like to TRI again with this group!


STORY: I am a soon to be 49 years old in Feb.  I did complete my first sprint tri last year after an inconsistent training start.  My goal was to do 3 sprints.  Unfortunately, I did one, skipped one, and gave up in the bike phase of the last one.  BD, I know you are seeking newbies but, your blurb on finishing has caught my attention as I am determine to finish the goal I started last year.  I work a rotating shift and my family was not as supportive of me as I had hoped.  In the end I let it get in my head.  My failure last year was more mental than phyiscal.  with this group's help I am hoping to reverse that.

  Married with 3 girls, 2 still at home.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am starting out with the 2nd week of the 22 week couch to tri program.  Unlike last year though, I am also planning on incorporating the work out regime from the Body for Life program.  Today, is my first day.

2011 RACES:

The Tri for Joe Sprint at Coney Island (Cincinnati)
The Fit to Fight Sprint at Mason
The Sprint at Hueston Woods at the end of summer.

WEIGHT LOSS:  At 5'10 242lbs, I plan on seeing some significant weight loss by the end of Summer.  I am not worried so much about making weight loss a goal, but, to be under 200lbs by Sept would be excellent!

WHY I WANT TO BE YOUR MENTEE: Like others have mentioned, I need all the support and direction I can get!!  I know from last year that a mentor group can be a HUGE motivator... if you use it regularly.  Because of how I let myself down last year, I see this as a do over, so I am starting from scratch but, I am more aware of where my weaknesses are/were.  I think I can add some insight to folks in the group by letting you know what had helped and held me back. The largest battle I feel I am faced with is mental.  This group's diversity, I believe will help me get through this year on a much more positive note.  Again your thoughts on battling against yourself and finishing, hit home with me.

2011-01-03 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3273010

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open

Edited by kussmaul 2011-01-06 6:57 AM
2011-01-03 11:53 AM
in reply to: #3257607

East Windsor, NJ
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
Big Daddy...have room for one more??

Name:  Rob
Age: 44
Ht:  5-11
Wt: 220
Background:  I've always had an interest in triathlons.  I guess I got serious in 2009 and started training in July my first sprint at the end of Sept.  Training was going well when I had to attent to a close family matter.  I figured I'd continue training, at a less strenuous pace, and wait for the local sprint tri in July of 2010.  Again, training was going well...until I developed plantar fascitis in my left I bailed out.  In hindsight, I probably could've worked thru the PF but a ton of people found out about my intentions and wanted to be there on race day...I was already nervous...and this made it more nerve racking for guessed it...I bailed.  I think I'm done with excuses.  I want to start training now for the July sprint Tri.  Last time training, I got up to about 0.5 mile swim, 10 mi bike and 2 mi run...with several bike/run bricks.  I have no doubts I can do it.
Family Status:  Married, two daughters
Goals:  I'd be happy to finish a sprint.



2011-01-03 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3271731

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Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open

I am totally cleared to exercise.  I see my doctor every 4 to 6 weeks for monitoring and blood work.  My doctors admonish me to exercise.  She tells me to walk, bike or swim because it is easier on the joints.  I guess I have taken her up on all three.

Walking-I can walk 2 ½ miles without much problems.  It takes about 50 minutes so I am sure I can do 3.1 miles in 1 ½ hours.  I like the idea of the 10% incline when I walk indoors but I admit to hating the treadmill.  It is good for bad weather days though.

Swimming-My main issues with swimming are-It turns my hair green (lol) and loosing count of the laps I have done, and just being slow.   I think as my fitness increases my speed will increase as well.  For warm up and cool down I walk/jog the pool length. 

Biking-This is my true challenge.  I was doing okay on the bikes at the Y until week 11 and the holidays.  It is outside I have trouble with. It is a totally different feel.   I think the advice you gave for walking/running from driveway to driveway could be helpful on the bike.  Ride for a block or two and push the bike for a block or two. 

Diet-(not dieting) I struggle with fruits and vegetables.  I’ll keep trying.  I have to reset my goals on that because the last couple of weeks I haven’t been eating them.

One thing to know about me.  Once I set a goal, I don’t give up.  I fall down, fall over, jump off the wagon, get knocked off, but I always get back up, back on and try again.  To quit for me is to cause a major depressive episode and the only way out is to try again so I will keep trying until I succeed even if it takes the rest of my life.


2011-01-03 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3257607

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2011-01-03 9:07 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
Hi Any room for one more?

I was planning on doing my first tri last year but didn't get it done. I have found myself in a funk lately and really need to get back on track with my training. I think being part of the group will be a great motivator.


2011-01-03 10:32 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open

My name is Mark and I'm training for my first Tri

about me: Got inspired by watching an old Kona Ironman last summer. Decided I was going to do Tri's. I hadn't worked out at all in 20 years. I am 6'7" & 42 years old. I weighed 250 last summer. I started going to the gym religiously (4 times a week). I managed to drop my weight to 217 (never thought that would happen, ever, before my decision). I rode mountain bikes many years ago and just got a road bike for christmas, like I said "I'm GONNA do this". I am married with 2 kids (2 & 6), wife is fully behind me on this. I live in the Denver area so there are a lot of Tri's to choose from coming up in the spring/summer.

I'm looking at a sprint in early June as my kick off.
2011-01-04 11:33 AM
in reply to: #3257607

New user

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
NAME: Jimmy

STORY: I have been blessed with a second chance. I was diagnosed with a gentic heart disorder 2 1/2 years ago, 3 heart surgeries later and I have been cured. Haven't had any episodes in a year. I was cleared to compete in the Valley's Biggest Loser and placed second. I lost 84 pounds and found the strength to check "Finishing a Tri" off my bucketlist. So here I am today 80 pounds lighter with a healthy heart getting ready to train for my first tri in May.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 children (daughter is 2 1/2 years and son is 11 months) and a crazy bulldog named Brewski

CURRENT TRAINING: I am running between 3-6 miles 4x a week, circuit training 3x a week, biking 2x a week and swimming 2x a week. I workout twice a day.

Temecula Challenge (Sprint Tri) on May 1st
Rock n' Roll Marathon San Diego on June 4th
Solana Beach Tri on July 24th
**Future 2012 Raceceanside 70.3 Ironman**
My plans may seem a little ambitious but I feel that I have to take advantage of life while I have it, you never know when it can all be taken away.

WEIGHTLOSS: I want to lose another 40 pounds before the Solana Beach Tri. I have found that the circuit training really helps with the weight loss. I workout at a gym called P4L fitness in Temecula, we use the TRX and work alot of core. It's awesome.

Thanks for mentoring us Big Daddy and I look forward to seeing everyone meet their goals in 2011!!!

2011-01-04 1:53 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
NAME: Hi, I'm Bob. I've enjoyen seeing everyone else's story in this group, and I would like to join in for some support if there's still room for me

STORY: I found out in 2005 that I have diabetes, due to years of overindulgence and busy work schedules... not taking enough time for myself and my fitness. I have made many changes since then. I have run 5 half-marathons and 1 marathon as well as a bunch of 5Ks, 10Ks, and others. At one point I had gone from 285-290 lbs down to 197 (which is just right for my 6'3" frame) but after a stressful 2009 that carried over into 2010, I have been hanging out around 235-250 lbs; I have always had ambitions to get into triathlons, and eventually finish a full Ironman event. To me, that would be the pinnacle. I actually started training for a tri in 2009, but had to back off of training (and even sold my bike for some needed cash) when my Dad's battle with cancer was coming to an end. (He went to heaven in July of 2009) So, I'm gonna jump back in this year and stay with it till I can reach my goals.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 boys (8 yrs & 7 yrs)

CURRENT TRAINING: Training for the Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon, so running 3-4/wk, swimming 1-2/wk, and cycling (spinbike for now) 1-2/wk, as well as some light weight training.

Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon - April 30
Muncie 70.3 - July 9
? Third race ? undecided?

WEIGHTLOSS: I am at about 230, and would like to get down to about 195-198, so I can officially be out of the 'overweight' category on the BMI scale I know this will help me to train easier and perform better. But I'm constantly battling the snack cravings, lol! Training makes me hungry!
2011-01-04 3:59 PM
in reply to: #3257607

Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
NAME: My Name is Todd and I would love to train with all of you guys! 

STORY: I was a distance runner for years and years and competed at high levels in high school and a year of college before having some medical issues that have since passed. I have just begun to get back in shape and be healthy again. I've been training using a crossfit platform and want to compete in tri's and have some fun. Ultimately I just want to be in the best shape I can be so I can be around for my kids for as long as possible.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with my first on the way!!! (April)

CURRENT TRAINING: Training for the So. Cal Half Marathon this Saturday and the Rose Bowl Sprint in March. Other than that I want to see about a few Olympic distance or additional sprints towards the end of Summer. 

So Cal Half Marathon - Jan. 8th
Rose Bowl Sprint - March 18th 
? Third race ? undecided?

WEIGHTLOSS: I am at about 215. I am not too concerned with weight loss because my bf% is managable (12%). If losing a bit would make me more competitive then I am all about it.

I would love to train with you! Let me know if there are any spots open.

2011-01-04 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3257607

New user

Fort Hood
Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
Sounds like an interesting mixed group.  My name is Ryan.  I am an Apache Helicopter pilot out of Fort Hood in Texas.  I have been in the army for 10 years now and used to be an Army Dive instructor, so I have had a lot of fitness experience.  None with triathon though.  I bought my first road bike this year and started training.  I found out I am heading to Iraq here very soon, so that put a stop to planning on racing next year.  I packed my bike, bike trainer, and goggles for when I get there though.  My goal is to be able to compete comfortably in a half ironman when I am on leave sometime this summer.  I am not really sure what I need to do to get to that point of completing that distance comfortable(so it is not miserable!).  My biggest challange I think is going to be staying motivated to try to get to the pool and train on my trainer while in kind of a miserable place all year.  Any help with routines and motivation would be amazing!
2011-01-05 5:33 AM
in reply to: #3257607


Subject: RE: Big Daddy Diesels New to the Sport Group - Open
I like to join this mentorgroup

Name: Jyrki from Finland

Story: Now I am 43 years old and old time when I am a about 20 years old, I was been a few tri-races (1,5 km swim,40 km bike and 10 km run was longest). Then I just bike a little.
Now I want to race agen.
Problem is my age and maybe a few extra weight. Next summer I like to be half or minimum sprint race in tri. (Sorry, I don´t write wery well..)

Family status: Married, two kids

Current training: Run about 2-3 times in week about 30 min
                            Swim about 1-2 times in week about 600 meter
                            Bike we have 1 meter snow and -15°C (sometimes skiing)
                            Summertime I bike in work about 25 km in oneway
I have been in tests and my work W is 405 W, VO2 liter/min 4,5 and VO2 ml/kg/min 42
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