BT Development Mentor Program Archives » left.right.repeat group - CLOSED UNTIL DEC 2010 Rss Feed  
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2010-01-01 3:07 PM

Extreme Veteran
Subject: left.right.repeat group - CLOSED UNTIL DEC 2010

Name:  Left.right.repeat aka Bryan

Story:  This is my third year as a mentor.  My group will be a little different from many of them on here and I want to explain how.  I have a couple of folks from my first group, a couple from my second group and then we will be adding those of you who might be interested.  The group is male and female, evenly divided, from Canada and Boston to Louisiana and Texas.  All middle aged (don't tell them I said that) 50 year mid life crisis in 2009 was my first Ironman - I finished IM Arizona in November.  One of our other members is doing IM Arizona in 2010 but don't let that intimidate you...several just did their first sprint in 2009.  We are a welcoming group that is looking to add some new blood and excitement.  Join this group and benefit from several wicked smart mentors.

Family: Married with an adult daughter

Current Training/2010 Races:  Half Marathon, Olympic triathlon, Half Ironman, Ironman and other epic endurance events.

2009 Races:  Houston Marathon, CapTexTri, Austin Triathlon, Prairieman HIM, Ironman Arizona and several other events.

Weightloss: 46 pounds in less than 36 months

What makes me a good mentor:  The other people in the group....LOL....we have fun.

Edited by left.right.repeat 2010-01-02 9:02 PM

2010-01-01 8:40 PM
in reply to: #2588049

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open
OK so how do I sign up for your mentorship?  I am in Hattiesburg, MS
2010-01-01 8:44 PM
in reply to: #2588049

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open

You have signed're in....take a look at the questions I answered above and give me some background on you and what you are looking for out of the group/triathlon.  Before moving to San Antonio, we used to drive through Hattiesburg 2 - 4 times a year on the way to Destin....I have slept in your fair city many times....


2010-01-01 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2588049

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Columbus, IN
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open


I  came to the sport of triathlon with no previous experience in biking or swimming.  I had just a little experience running but nothing over 6 miles.  My younger brother trained for and completed his first Ironman last year in AZ.  He kept after me to run the Indy 500 mini marathon.
I told him there was no way I could run 13 miles.  But I finally accepted the challenge and signed up.  It made me feel so nervous I almost felt sick!  He gave me a training plan and I got busy.  Last May I ran the Indy mini marathon and finished even with a bad leg.  My brother also gave me a transition bag and goggles the night before the mini and told me I should start swimming and I could do the Terre Haute tri with him at the end of May.  I thought he was crazy.  But I thought I might as well "tri." lol  I got a road bike, strated riding and started swimming.  I completed the Terre Haute Tri and I was the last person to finish but I finished!  Then I completed the Sprint portion of the Muncie Endurathon in July.  I volunteered at Ironman Louisville because my brother was a participant.  I got the bug and signed up.  Oh No!!!  I traded in my road bike for a tri bike.  Next I completed a duathlon in September.  Then my brother also participated in Ironman Florida.  I went as a spectator.  It was so exciting and motivating! December 19th I just ran a 5k with my brother.  I am SLOW!  Somedays I feel so excited that I have signed up to complete an Ironman and other days I think to myself..."What have I done?"  I really enjoy the training and the challenge.  I have even encouraged a few of my friends to sign up and train for the mini! 

I work full time teaching first grade.  I recently coached a Girls on the Run team at the elementary school where I teach.  We completed a 5k with the girls in November.   It's great to be able to train in the summer and not have to worry about going to work!

Family Status
Married with 2 very active boys 13 and 15.  We stay very busy with soccer, basketball and hockey.  We also have a beagle named Blizzy.

Current Training
Using a training plan from my brother.  My swim is slow and I hope to improve that.   

Last Year’s Races
May 7, 2009 Indy 500 Mini Marathon
May 30, 2009 Terre Haute Triathlon
July 11, 2009 Muncie Endurathon Sprint
September 17, 2009 Bad to the Bone Duathlon
November 14, 2009 Run in the Park 5k
December 19, 2009 5ks of Christmas

This Year’s Races
May 2010 Indianpolis 500 Mini Marathon
May 2010 Terre Haute Tri
July 2010 Muncie Endurathon 70.3
August 2010 Louisville Ironman

I'm already in one mentor group of just girls.  But I see you just experienced your first IM.  Also you said you have fun!I love to have fun!! LOL  Who doesn't?? Laughing  I'd love to be a part of your group!  And I am middle aged...45...just don't like to admit it!!

2010-01-01 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2588049

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open
You will have to bear with me.  By answering the questions I am assuming you mean, age, training, races completed, and goals?

48 years old
Started training in Feb. of 09
Completed 2 half marathons, 2:00 and 1:46
Completed 1 full marathon, 3:57
2 sprint triathlons
Numerous other shorter runs, up to 10 K
Lost 40 pounds since Jan 09

My plans for this year are

Rock and Roll marathon in New Orleans, Feb 28
Registered for New York Marathon in November
Registered for Louisville IM on Aug 29, 2010.  I would like to complete in 13 hours or under. (possible?)

I am riding a Kuota K-Factor bike and need many questions answered about setting it up correctly, etc.  Longest ride on this bike to date is 45 miles.  Only had it about 3 weeks.

Are these the questions you needed answered?


2010-01-01 9:01 PM
in reply to: #2588049

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open

Amy - you are certainly welcome and will fit very well in our group.  What I am going to do is take on about 5-6 new members here and then get you all the link to the other group so we can all be together.  Using the current link will give you 113 pages of reading to catch up on in your spare time.  Every triathlete I know is a bit compulsive (ya think?) so I know you will get to the reading....some day.

I have a very good friend who did Louisville as his first IM in was a great day this year, I hope for the same good weather for you.....sounds like you have your work cut out for you to be ready but you certainly can be.  Right now the key is to not OVER DO it.....which I am sure is hard as you are stressed about signing up and want to get after is just a little early and I don't want you to burn out before the race.

What are you currently doing in workout intensity, duration, and frequency?

As far as speed, there is none where I am concerned....I do this to finish, be healthy, inspire others and do things I never thought were possible.....the day of Ironman is a day of management of resources.....don't forget that.


2010-01-01 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2588049

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open

Billy - you are in great shape...thanks for the answers...that is exactly what I was looking for....I would reiterate to you what I said to Amy - I want you both to be careful not to do too much right now....while IMLou is a big goal....I is a long way off.....don't overdo it too early and burn out.  You are a strong runner based on your times and we have a runner in the group who I know you will enjoy getting to know.  Your 13 hour goal is lofty for your first IM but that is not saying it can't be done.  I know a few folks personally who have done it.  As I told Amy, IM is about utilizing and managing a limited amount of resources and doing it wisely on race day.

After the marathon in February we will want to dial the running volumes way back for a while to let your body recover.  45 mile rides right now are fine....just get some time in the saddle and don't burn all your SAUs (spousal approval units) - brownie points - kitchen passes - whatever you want to call will need them later this summer for those 6 hour rides with an hour run brick behind it.....

Happy New Year!!!

2010-01-01 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2588049

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open

Amy and Billy---

I also think you both want to look at trying to find a Half Ironman distance event about 8-10 weeks out from Louisville if you can.  I would like you to have a Half under your belt before Louisville and that is about as close as I really would like you to do it and still have time for recovery and your real long bike workouts.  I don't want it too much earlier because I want you to get that good base under you before you do it.....

As I think you both know, you are pushing the envelope a bit here going to IM distance in your second year....most say you should be at the end of your third season......HEY, I DON"T LISTEN EITHER....I did mine after about 2 years and 3 months - my first race was in Aug of 2007 and I did IMAZ in Nov of was GREAT!!!!  I had a spectacular day...can't wait for Florida this year.


2010-01-01 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2588564

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open
Thanks, fortunately, my kids are gone and my wife is scared but excited for my (our) goals.  I am very excited to be a part of this group.  Look forward to 9 months of picking y'alls brains!

2010-01-01 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2588570

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open
There is a half in New Orleans at the end of April, is that to soon?
2010-01-01 9:18 PM
in reply to: #2588049

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open

Billy - your wife will be exhausted...spectating at an IM is a grueling day....but we will get her some inside information on where to try to see you out on the course.  The IMLou bike course is out of town, then 2 loops and then back into town as I understand it.  Between Amy and the others I know who have done it, we will get her some good spots.  How long have you been a cyclist, or is this a new hobby for you?

2010-01-01 9:19 PM
in reply to: #2588049

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open

Billy - I thought about New Orleans for you but I think it is just too quick.  We gotta get you a little rest in here or you are going to go into Louisville FRIED.  I would maybe look at Buffalo Springs timeframe.....that is a tough HIM but would be about the right time....there may be some closer to you though.

2010-01-01 9:27 PM
in reply to: #2588582

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open
Several years, but on a mountian bike.  We have a great paved trail to ride.  I have ridden 70 miles several times on  this trail, the Longleaf Trace.  I just got the tri bike and haven't logged many miles yet.  I will start looking for another half IM.  Can it be an olympic distance or does it need to be a half?
2010-01-01 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2588582

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open
Several years, but on a mountian bike.  We have a great paved trail to ride.  I have ridden 70 miles several times on  this trail, the Longleaf Trace.  I just got the tri bike and haven't logged many miles yet.  I will start looking for another half IM.  Can it be an olympic distance or does it need to be a half?
2010-01-01 9:34 PM
in reply to: #2588049

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Columbus, IN
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open
Thanks!  That sounds great.  Ha I've already done a little reading of the 113 pages!

Right now I am just keeping my base...not going too crazy.  I'm swimming 1000ms 3 or more times a week working on form and speed.  The only swimming I ever did before May 2009 was only recreational or to word it paddling! LOL  The same was true for my brother when he started out.  I am running 3xs a week 3-4 miles with my longer run being 5, 6 or 7.  Then biking on my trainer doing speed and power at least 3xs a week anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. 

Yes IM Louisville this year was perfect weather!  I'm sure next year it will be HOT!  

My goal is to finish!  I do want to make sure I can beat those cut off times.  

Sounds like this is going to be a great group!!!
2010-01-01 9:47 PM
in reply to: #2588049

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open

Ok....both of you....I would be fine with 2 x each sport right now each week....that's 2 runs, 2 swims and 2 rides....Amy I like your 3-4 mile distance with a 5-7 long run.  1000 in the pool right now is might push that distance a bit to say 1200 in a long swim at least every other week and as far as the ride....I would work intensity for an hour to an hour and a half on the trainer (about 2 hours outside is fine) staying on the trainer longer than 90 minutes is tough but make the workout hurt....a solid hard hour on the trainer is harder than 2 hous outside for a lot of our the way - think of it this doesn't matter who is a rockstar in Jan or Feb.....we want to hear Mike Reilly say......"______, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN"..... I have to tell you it was one of the most incredible feelings of my entire life....on Monday after Arizona I was talking to one of our other members who asked how I felt as she was kinda nervous about signing up for IMAZ 2010....I told her I felt JEALOUS.....why, she asked...."because I know what you have to look forward to and I will never have another first IM finish line....."

Billy - I would prefer a half ironman distance for you....pacing and nutrition matter a lot more in a half and would give you good Olympic in late May/early June would be okay.

How are you both in open water swims?

2010-01-01 10:03 PM
in reply to: #2588049

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Columbus, IN
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open
OWS..I plan to get a lot of OWS in the warmer months.  Two years ago no way would I have swam in open water without something close by to grab hold of if needed.  My first one I did was wetsuit legal.  I was slow but had read so much about people freaking out that I just put my mind to it and tried to relax.  I did ok and I didn't freak out...I need to work on sighting.  I did some OWS in the ocean this summer and also in November.  I know Louisville will not be wetsuit legal so I plan to do plenty of OWS this summer with no wetsuit. 
2010-01-01 10:56 PM
in reply to: #2588049

Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open
Bryan is the best mentor EVER!!!!! I was/still am in his first mentor group some 18 months ago!!!!!
2010-01-02 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2588642

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open
I hav, but stopped for the e done several open water swims, all in lakes. nothing over one third mile.  For the last 6 months, I have been swimming 3 days a week, 2500 to 4000 yards at a time, but took off a couple weeks ago for Christmas.  I plan on starting again on Tuesday.

I am looking at the 1/2 IM in Macon Georgia in June.

So 2x a week per discipline?  How far per run, swim, ride?  The Rock n roll marathon is not that important to me so I can so don't let that be a factor in the IM training.

Thanks again for the help.

When do we get to meet you?
2010-01-02 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2588049

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Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open

Bryan, you got any spots left in your group?  I'd like to join..

A bit about me. I'm 33 (almost 34), married to my wonderful DH for 6 years and have two awesome kidlets-4 years and 8 months.  I'm originally from Russia, but have lived in US for 14 years now.

I started doing tris about 7 years ago, with breaks when having kids.. I used to be on BT pretty actively, but have been gone for probably a year and a half-having Lukas and being lazy, generally hehe.  I have done a few Sprints (probably 10-12?), 6 or 7 Half-Marathons and lots of little races.  I am registered to run the Champagne marathon on May 1 and am just now starting to train, so I have A LOT of ground to cover in very little time.  I also plan to lose 54 lbs this year, so I know that my work is cut out for me, but I'm ready to jump on the bandwagon.

My planned races for 2010 so far:

registered: Cary HM in March, Champagne Marathon in May, Chicago Half-Marathon in September;

planning on: 2 more HMs, 4-5 5Ks (want to do one every quarter just as a measure of how my speed is improving...I do not know why, but i have never enjoyed a 5K, and will run a HM any day over the 5K), 3 Sprints and possibly, an Olympic.  I would also like to register for the Chicago Marathon (October).

If you have any other questions, ask away!!



2010-01-02 12:11 PM
in reply to: #2588049

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open


If you still have room, I would like to join your group. 

My story:  I enjoy running and biking but I am a terrible swimmer.  I have done a number of marathons, half marathons, and adventure races.  I really need help with my swimming. 

Family Status:  Married with three kids (2 girls and 1 boy) ages 7, 5, and 15 months.  They keep me extremely busy.  Most of my workouts start at 4:30am.  If I don't get my workout done in the morning, I don't have time to train but as a Christmas gift this year, my wife wants me to train for a HIM.  I warned her of the time commitment.  It's the best gift she could have given me. 

Current training.  I run 4 times a week, bike 3 times a week (all inside now since it's only 5 degrees in Indiana today), and I am trying to swim 3 times a week. 

Last year's races:  I did a number of 5K's and the Indy Mini Marathon. 

This year's goal:
Indy Mini Marathon
South Bend Marathon
Muncie HIM
Lafayette, IN 1/2 marathon. 

please let me know if you still have room


2010-01-02 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2588049


Chapel Hill, NC
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open
any room in the group?

I am training for 2 xterras. a little different but still similar prep.

I am a biker who does the other two disaplines only cause I have to.
2010-01-02 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2588049

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open

Mav - thanks for the kind words...our group formed on Jan 6, 2008 so that is probably closed to 24 months....but I like being 6 months younger....LOL

Amy - no wetsuit in Lou was why I will be okay...just wanted to be sure you had been face down in dirty water....

Billy - 2x per week is fine right now....I would say 2000 to 4000 on the swims is fine however you do the distance....even 1500 would be okay -- one should be a long swim of at least 1200....Runs: 3-4 one run and 5-7 for the other (in your case let your marathon training dictate are probably looking at one more long run, right?.....if so day off before and day off after the long one....and the bikes...well I ride indoors some just to do the intensity I want so that one is about an hour and then if I get outside I ride 2-2.5 hours, if the second one is indoors it is max 90 minutes....

Lena - welcome to the group....being run focused is you know, you just want to work into it so you avoid you have a goal for the marathon or is it just finish?

jslacker - welcome....what a great Christmas let's go get that medal and photo to frame....again, as I have told the others, (please read the first page of posts as well), keep the workouts fun right now so you don't burn out to early....we will get there...I promise....

Walker - welcome and Xterra is definitely welcome....hopefully we can get you to tolerate running and swimming with a bit more exuberance....I have found that the swim is a place where I can let all the stress of the day or week float away and I "zen" or "zone" out and then it is just a really cool deal....maybe it will get there for you too...I had a guy in the group year before last that lived in Utah and was a big mountain biker....when we migrate over to the other group thread you will want to look for the old posts of Leston to check out some really wicked cool pics....

For the new three folks - this is my third year so I have a big thread of 113 pages that we are going to move over to once we fill this new group...that's a LOT of history and a LOT of your questions already answered as well as questions you didn't even know you had yet....LOL....we have a great group of folks with a lot of great advice....Here's how I run this thing.....everyone has an opinion and an idea and we are all welcome to share - if you are crazy, whacked out or whatever, I reserve the right to ask you to temper your comments.  I will intro you to the group when we move in with the other folks and they were all in your boat either one or two years ago so all questions are welcome....imagine that you have just joined a tri team with members of all aptitudes, attitudes, geography, senses of humor, levels of accomplishment and experience.....that is what you have just signed up WILL have a great year.

2010-01-02 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2588049

Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open
i would like to join your group

i am 52

i never did any competitive activity until year before turned 50.  since then i have completed the following

1. century ride
2. 2 X sprint triathlon
3. 2 X half marathon

goals for 2010

1. half marathon - march 7th??
2. sprint triathlon - june
3. and need other goals maybe including an olympic triathlon

i am married with 3 kids, 14 year old son and 12 year old twins - boy and girl

i work full time plus outside home and have to travel more than i would like - about 1 - 2 X per month and do night shifts 2-3 X per month in addition to other work

i need to lose about 20 pounds to be at goal weight; current BMI = 24.9 so weight loss is another goal for 2010
2010-01-02 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2588049

New user

Subject: RE: left.right.repeat group - open
Hi Bryan!

is your group still open? I would love to join, as I am going to "tri" my first triathlon this year, with no prior experience - all for the fun of it!

Ok, about me, I'm 39 years, live in Las Vegas and Seattle with my lovely husband of 13 years. I am supersuper busy, and travel every month - which is the toughest factor with workouts.

I was very active in sports all my life, including x country runner, rowed in university, then graduated was a 35 mi/week runner. Got an undiagnosed thyroid problem for a few years, gained a lot of weight, and stopped running. weight fluctuation has been a challenge, but no excuse

Now, i'm wanting to get back into sports again, lose all the thyroid weight, and be at my best form ever!! I LOVE to run, like to bike, love the water, but I'm not the strongest swimmer. I really want to become a strong swimmer through this process.

I'm really hoping for good tips on how to approach this. I am thinking of also joining the local TEam in Training, as my mom has Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, so I'd love to do anything to help towards NHL, while doing my first "tri".

My wonderful husband downloaded a Tri training plan - 6 months to anOympic. I have a lot ofweight to lose, so I'm not sure if this is the best training plan for me. I"m hoping for any helpful tips on training gear, training plans, tips for the frequent traveler, and also a fun group to help with motivation.

Thanks, Anne
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