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2009-04-11 6:48 PM

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Subject: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
NAME: Tamio / Tami

STORY: I am the Chief Triathlete of Steady State Sports ( Start-up online triathlon store that offer not just products, but also information and race course reviews. Prior to triathlon I would run and run and run....then every fall/winter I'd watch the ironman on TV. I'd say to my husband "When I hit the lottery I'm quitting my job, hiring a coach and am going to do one of these" husband finally said - well, you won't hit the lotto, but why don't you hire a coach and do IMLP - you are healthy and motivated - why not? So here I am - absolutely loving triathlon.

FAMILY STATUS: married with 2 dogs

CURRENT TRAINING: I prefer long distance triathlon

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2008 races included The Mooseman 1/2 ironman, Ironman Lake Placid (RAIN RAIN RAIN), Fronhofer Tool Triathlon (Olympic), Crystal Lake Triathlon (sprint), Lake George Triathlon (Olympic) and numerous running races.

2009 RACES: Harriman Triathlon (Olympic), The Mooseman (1/2 iron), Ironman Lake Placid, Crystal Lake (sprint), Lake George Triathlon (Olympic), Ironman Arizona (Yikes! Two ironmans in a year! What was I thinking...)

WEIGHTLOSS: I have lost 25 pounds by training for triathlon. Would like to lose another 5-10 - but we'll see...

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I am a constant motivator and source of information for my running group, triathlon friends, and co-workers that have just been "bitten" by the tri bug. One the greatest joys in life for me is watching people do things for the first time.....their first triathlon, their first time swimming more than 2 laps, their first 1/2 marathon - all of this is so very exciting.

I'm into "data" as you will see from my BT training log (probably too much data - but I like to compare current results to prior workouts). I'm on BT several times a day and frequently "inspire" people through their training logs.

Here's to a great season!!!!!

Edited by Tamio 2009-04-16 3:06 PM

2009-04-15 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2078490

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Saratoga Springs, NY
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
I would love to join!

NAME: r.maloney / Ryan 

STORY: In January of 2008 I realized that my decision to undertake demanding jobs with intense work schedules had left my personal life and health in shambles.  I had already started swimming occassionally to combat the worst of it but I decided I needed to get more serious so I started to slowly introduce running and adopt a regular gym schedule.  Shortly thereafter I had a conversation with a friend who is an avid cyclist and decided to make triathlons a reach goal.  I was able to maintain a regular training schedule all last year (my first goal) and this year am looking forward to finishing an actual triathlon!

FAMILY STATUS: Engaged with 1 cat.

CURRENT TRAINING: A half marathon in May so my workouts are a little run heavy.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Big Lake Half Marathon (NH), Pine Bush Tri (Albany, NY)

WEIGHTLOSS: Somewhere in the vicinity of 20 lbs, I didn't record my starting weight.  My reach goal is to get down to 10% body fat regardless of weight.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I work very hard to train regularly and keep detailed notes and I respond well (and welcome!) constructive criticism.  I'm always looking to improve and that works out well because there are plenty of things I need to improve on!
2009-04-15 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2078490

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN

Round two, we're down to, make it work...." (ok, who can finish the song?)  Tammy- I am in again!  The last few months have been great with your input on training via HR, swimming advice, and checking in on the workouts.  I would really appreciate having you keep on eye on my workouts as I head towards/into race season.


Key Stats: Lynn, single, 10+ triathlons, financial services.

Goals:  Beat last year's times in 2 half ironmans, maintain running base of 15-20mi/wk, ave 19mph on the bike for a race, lose 7-10 pounds, and have fun!

Key races:  High Cliff Half Ironman (June 20), Steelhead Half Ironman (Aug 2), Chicago Triathlon-Int'l (Aug 27), and Chicago Marathon (Oct 12)

Others: Galena Duatholon, Trishark Sprint, BigFoot Olympic, Evergreen Olympic, Pleasant Praire Olympic, Chicago Triathlon-Interntional, and a host of running and bike events. (Can you say race junkie?)



2009-04-15 11:08 AM
in reply to: #2078490

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
I am in for round two too if you'll take me back. I'll edit this post when I am not swamped since I am at work.

My Story:

I originally joined a different group this past week, but I think I like this one more and would like to be in this one. There wasn't many groups to choose from when I picked mine. I promise you if you accept me I won't switch groups again. If I am accepted, I'll let my other mentor know that I am changing groups.

and I also like stats / numbers (I am a data analyst) however my gadgets don't give me as much data as some of yours.

Here is my story, sorry it is a bit long. I like to write.

NAME: Melanie

age: 30 and single. Any takers? Kidding. No Seriously.

STORY: One of the things I do is volunteer with St John Ambulance as a Medical First Responder. 3 years ago I was providing medical coverage at the Niagara triathlon and I saw people of all shapes and sizes and ages competing. I though to myself that I could do this. I'm in shape. The year passes and I forgot about that thought. Now a year later I am at the Niagara Triathlon providing medical and the same thought from the previous year comes back to me - I can do this. But this time I didn't let this thought be just a thought. That is when I decided I wanted to be a triathlete. About a month later I saw there was a triathlon club at my Y and I joined it. The following summer I competed in 4 triathlons. It was great having the support of my friends at the race. My parents even came to watch my first race.

However once I got to my the run part of my first race the thought that was going through my mind was - "I am crazy. Bodies aren't meant for this." But I pushed though it and made it.

Locaiton: I live in the Niagara region in Ontario, Canada.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently at the gym a lot working out. I am part of the triathlon club at my local Y. Every Sunday there is an hour swim practice followed by a 45 minute cycle and then 20-25 core exercises. Although that practise starts at 6:30AM I make it pretty often. There are also Brick practises (run/cycle combo) every Thursday but I can't usually make those. In October I joined a running club to help me with my running as I find that to be the weakest of the 3 disciplines for me. Most of the people I run with are marathoners but since it is winter outside they are not doing the huge distances at the moment. I have been consistently running approx 5 miles with them once a week - I call that my endurance practise as that is usually my limit. They might say otherwise as they keep jokin with me when I am going to do a marathon.

I have a few running related injuries that like to come and go. Hopefully now that the warmer weather is coming they will stay away.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: This past year I did the Welland Try-aTri, Niagara Try-a-tri, Grand Island Summer Sizzler (almost sprint distance) and the Milton Woman only sprint distance. I also did about 8 5km races to help with my running. I still plan on doing a bunch of 5km races this year.

2009 RACES: I want to improve on my times for sprint distances and finish up the season with an Olympic distance triathlon. I'll probably end up doing 4 races. I have a few in mind but have not confirmed anything yet.

Weightloss: I have lost alomost 30 pounds in the past year or 2. I have no idea how I did it as I have always trained. After the new year pounds just started shedding. I gained maybe 5 of that back. I would still like to lose another 10 but I am more concerned about being healthy. If anyone can help me with the nutrition side of the sport, that would be great. People say that triathlons have 4 components not 3 - swim, bike, run, and nutrition.

MOTIVATION: I want to try and push my body to see what I can make it do. I also wanted to earn a medal but my age group is way to competitive that that is not going to happen.

MY GOALS: I would like to conquer the sprint distance. I am defining conquering by finishing a race and feeling that I could not have gone faster, that I felt good doing the race. And feeling that I could move on to the next distance. Right now competing for 3 -6 hours is not appetizing for me. Yes I did a sprint distance last year, but I felt defeated with the run - granted 80% of that course was uphill.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you better.

Edited by mellymedic 2009-04-15 4:39 PM
2009-04-15 1:22 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
I'd like to join in if there's room left.

Hi.  My name is Matt (scout21), and I have AOA (adult onset athlete).  My mid life crisis consisted of getting my butt off the couch and moving.  I started running last summer to lose some weight.  I ran a few 5 and 10k's, then got back on my bike on non running days to x-train.  Well, I'm down a little over 40 lbs, and started swimming in January (never swam before - I'm a recovering not-drowner) with plans to start doing tri's this summer.  My first tri is coming up in about a month (May 17) with a few more tentatively scheduled through the summer.  My main running goal is my first 1/2 marathon (PDR) in September.  There may be an oly this summer, definitely next summer, and I have hopes of a 1/2 IM next summer.

I'm married to a great non-athlete, and we have the coolest 8 yo around.  All my pets swim in a tank.

2009-04-15 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
WELCOME MATT AND RYAN!!! WELCOME BACK LYNN AND MEL!!!!! The sun is shining here in upstate NY today (finally) - it's the start of what will be a great tri season!!!!


2009-04-15 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
Tami I am there with you on the warmer weather. I am about to go for a run outside and I'll be wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Well I might go for the sleeves as the sun will be setting once I am done.

But YEAH for the sun and warmer weather

and I just want to say hi to everyone who has joined the group and welcome to everyone who will join the group. I am back for round 2 with tami so she has got to be doing something right

Edited by mellymedic 2009-04-15 9:15 PM
2009-04-15 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
Thanks for the warm welcome....unfortunately here in the Philly burbs it was cold windy and rainy today.  Made for a long 5.5 mile run....

2009-04-15 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Saratoga Springs, NY
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
Thanks for the welcome Tami!  The weather was beautiful today, I'm already starting to get the upstate NY spring amnesia where I forget the brutality of this past winter.
2009-04-15 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
I received a "PM" from gentleman named George....GDALE username - he was having difficulty posting messages to the forum and asked if he could join the group so I'm officially "saving him a seat" on the bus.

2009-04-15 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN

Hi, I discovered BT 3 years ago when I wanted to get faster and finish with a smile. One unexpected benefit was the community -- and I found it key to avoid boring my family and friends with my triathlon talk.  May I join your group?

Name: Margot

Status: married 15 years this summer, 2 kids (8 and 11)

Why I Tri: I have a demanding job and I need a strong counter-weight to motivate me to take care of myself and reduce stress. Plus I love all the shapes, sizes, and ages that participate in a tri. I've hugged complete strangers at the finish that helped motivate me while racing beside me. I'm even known to sing the "Rocky" theme off key as we round the Art Museum on the Philadelphia bike course.


1. no injuries (have a mild shoulder impingement that requires ongoing exercises so I can swim).

2. train the easy days easy (so I can still find energy to bike with my kids) -- keep in the aerobic HR zones

3. train the hard days hard -- I especially have a habit of blowing off bike or run intervals on the training plan

2009 races: 1 half marathon, 4 sprints, 1 olympic

More Half Marathon, NYC (April 26), Harriman Sprint (June 14), Philadelphia Insurance Tri (Oly June 28), Philadelphia Women's Tri (July 12), NJ State Tri (July 26), Danskin Women's Tri (Sandyhook NJ - Sept 13)


2009-04-15 8:58 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
Welcome Margot! There is room for you!

I'm doing an Olympic tri down in Harriman mid May! Also - there is a Danskin Tri - New England - I'm a mentor for a group of ladies doing that one as well. Small world.

Matt - What race do you have coming up in May?
2009-04-15 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN

Hello-I would like to join the group. Scheduled to do my first tri May 30. Sprint 600 swim; 17 bike; 5k.  Hope to build over the summer and do a couple of olympic distance next fall with long term goal of a half ironman this time next year.

Have always worked out and done sports.  Over the last year I started running a good bit but bout with shin splints in Feb. had me reevaluating my running. Thats where this whole triathlon thing started.' Have been training for a little over a month with Masters swim 2-3 times a week; run 3 times a week and bike 2-3 times a week.  I am pretty solid in the run with PR of 1:45 in half marathon in 1/09.  Swim was basically a start from scratch 5 weeks ago but did 1200 nonstop this week averaging 2:15/100-still a long way to go.  Bike is OK but plenty of room for improvement'

Live in South Alabama, married with 2 children. 46 years old.  Hope to be a part of the group.




2009-04-15 9:14 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Welland, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
wow I feel like my tri season is starting late. My first race won't be until the end of June with my last being end of Sept. Although tri races start at the beginning of June in my area, the dates just don't work out for me.

Margot - we might me a good match as I plan on doing a couple of sprints and 1 olympic.
2009-04-15 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2087728

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Extreme Veteran
West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
Tamio - 2009-04-15 8:58 PM 
Matt - What race do you have coming up in May?

Pinchot Park sprint Tri near Harrisburg PA.  750 yard lake swim, 18 miles on the bike and a 3 mile run.  It's my first tri, and I'm treating it as a learning experience, and won't be too disappointed if anything goes wrong.  I'm mostly nervous about the transitions and the swim.  I'm not concerned about the swim distance, but I'm a bit nervous about swimming in a lake.  There isn't much opportunity where I live to practice open water swims, and I've heard that OWS is nothing like pool swims.

I'm hoping the weather takes a turn for the better around here.  I'm looking forward to getting some good climbs in over the next few weeks on my bike in preparation for this race.  One thing that Chester County PA does have is hills!

2009-04-15 11:30 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN

Room for one more?

My name is Jeff.  I'm 46 and this is my second season of tris.   I've been a runner most my life, a cyclist for around 25 yrs and a swimmer for 1.5 yrs.  Last year I did 1 Duo, 1 sprint, 2 Olys and a few road races.  This season I'm planning on at least 4 Olys with some other 'fun' stuff thrown in.

I'm a police officer for the Dept. of Veterans Affairs and a divorced father of 3 (15-14-7).  I've been training for tris as a way to fight off old age and show my kids what an active lifestyle is.  

I also work pt in a LBS, so I can bring a fair amount of experience to the group in that regard.  (i.e mechanics, bike fit, product reviews etc.)

Let me know if you have any other questions.  jeff

2009-04-16 6:24 AM
in reply to: #2087733

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
Randy! Welcome! Glad you found us.

I lived in Lake Charles, Louisiana for a year - LOVED THE WARM WEATHER!

I hope you find the group valuable.

2009-04-16 6:27 AM
in reply to: #2087770

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
Matt -

The BIGGEST tip that I can give you on the OWS is this: DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU DO IN THE POOL. By that I mean - if you sing in your head while swimming at the pool - then do that. If you count in your head while swimming in the pool - then do that. Internal focus is the key - do not worry about what everyone else around you is doing. Almost everyone I have talked to has had a "glitch" in the first swim - only to be counteracted by an awesome second swim where they focus "internally". So - if you can do that from the get-go....then you will be aces!

Stay in your own head - don't worry about the people swimming inches from you.

2009-04-16 6:28 AM
in reply to: #2087951

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
Welcome Jeff! Sounds like you have a full season planned!

2009-04-16 6:31 AM
in reply to: #2078490

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
We have a great group again this session! Thank you all for your interest - but the group is now closed.

2009-04-16 6:37 AM
in reply to: #2078490

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
Hey gang!

If you haven't already, could you each add us to your "friends" in your training log so we can all check up on each other and ask questions about each others training?



PS - if you aren't sure how to do this - please ask....

2009-04-16 7:04 AM
in reply to: #2078490

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN

Everyone-looking forward to being a part of the group.  Got to travel today but was able to get in the pool for an hour this am.  Have a good day!


2009-04-16 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland Area
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
Hi there,

If there is still room I could really use the guideance, and seeing that your doing IMLP, and that is my goal for next year, or the year after depending how this one goes, I would really like to be a part of the group.

2009-04-16 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2078490

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - OPEN
Tami, Thanks so much for having me.  I look forward to watching everyone grow this summer.  jeff
2009-04-16 3:08 PM
in reply to: #2089191

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Subject: RE: Tamio's Group - CLOSED - FULL
Welcome Adam! Thanks for joining us!
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