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2009-12-28 9:01 AM

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San Diego
Subject: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

NAME: Madcow/ Tom

STORY: I am a (gasp) 40 year old married guy, who has been racing for about 9 years. I live in San Diego, so I can train all year long. I got started like most other people, I wanted to lose weight, so I started running. My coworkers all had bikes and would do a big ride (5 miles) twice a year. So I bought a bike so I could ride with them. I really enjoyed both running and riding and after searching for a 5K run online, I found a local sprint tri coming up. I thought all triathlons were Ironman distance, so this caught me off guard. I realized the distance of the sprint tri was something I thought I could do, but I needed to swim first. I went to the pool and trained and was ready to race. But, before I signed up, I went to the race site and looked at the water. I freaked out thinking there is no way I could swim in open water, so I didn't sign up. I spent all summer regretting not doing that race, so I went and joined my local tri club and did a beginner's race. I loved every second of it and never looked back. I swore I would never back out of a race because I was scared again.

My fear of the open water has lead me to become the Swim Buddy Coordinator for most of the local triathlons. If I was scared, then I am sure there are others that are just as scared. Volunteering to do this has been the most rewarding part of my tri carrer. Knowing that I was able to help someone finish their first tri was way more rewarding than finishing any tri I have done. I hope I can help you complete your goals as well.

 I am not very fast and finishing place has never been my motivator. I now know that what I enjoy most out of racing is challenging myself to do something I didn't know I could do. For me that is distance. Currently, I am only doing ultra distance triathlons. I love the training, the laid back atmosphere of the races and the fact that you can race, eat and sleep during an event. 3 of my favorite things!


 CURRENT TRAINING: Currently, I am doing nothing. I plan on running in the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon (my first stand alone marathon) with a few coworkers. I may add another race this year, but it depends on if I can find the right race(s)

PREVIOUS RACES: I have done dozens of sprint tris, 1 half Ironman, 4 Ironmans, 1 Double Iron, 1 Triple Iron and several 5ks and half marathons.

2009 RACES: Virginia Triple Iron Triathlon

2010 RACES:  San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon

WEIGHTLOSS: I really tried to change my eating style over the last 2 years and have lost 30 pounds. I lost the first 20 pounds by changing my diet, then lost another 10 pounds training for the triple this year. I am desperately trying not to put back on the 10 pounds I lost recently and I want to maybe even lose a few more pounds without training 20+ hours a week. We'll see, the holidays have been rough.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to an awesome wife with two kids, 11 (going on 16) and 8.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I think the thing that will make me a good mentor is the fact that if you could make a mistake in this sport, I have made it... and hopefully learned from it. I have raced in every distance from sprint to triple iron (except olympic distance for some reason) and can pass along some things I learned about training, racing, nutrition and balancing family/ work life with all of that! I am generally a postive person and I am on BT everyday.



  • Timely responses to questions
  • Positive discussions
  • Training feedback
  • Encouragement 
  • Motivation
  • Fun


  • Up to date training log
  • Active participation (everyone has something to add)
  • Respect to your other members
  • Have fun

 If sounds like this group is something you would benefit from, please respond with the appropriate information in the instructions.


Edited by madcow 2009-12-29 3:11 PM

2009-12-29 9:23 AM
in reply to: #2579858


Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -open
Tom- If the group is open, I would like to join. I am in Dallas and trying to transition to more formal training over just working out. Got into the tri's after losing a bunch of weight last year. Two years ago, tried to lose it by riding my bike (did the century Tahoe ride) but all that happened was I got hungry! So last year, came up with this radical plan to exercise AND change and moderate my diet. Went from 318 on Mar 2, to 238 on Aug 2 when I did a sprint in New Braunfels, (TX). Love the sport, and am planning on an Olympic in Galveston in April and HIM in early summer (either KS or TX). I am 50, married with son in college, daughter a HS Junior. I am very new to this site so not sure how all this works.
2009-12-29 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2581773

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -open

Welcome Daniel,

We will have lots of fun over the next few months. Congrats on your current weightloss and hopefully we will both lose a few more pounds in 2010.

Make sure you log your workouts in the training log area, so we can all keep each other accountable and motivate each other along the way.

Also, post in this section too. Allot of times people will only post in one area or another. But if you post in both, more people can see what you are up to. Don't be afraid to ask any question you want. Because if you are thinking about it, others are too.

Again welcome and here's to a great 2010!


2009-12-29 11:35 AM
in reply to: #2579858

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -open
I am requesting to be in your group.  I am a 44 year old law enforcement officer.  I am in the Los Angeles area.  I am living with my girlfriend.  We have 3 girls (18 yrs @ UCSB, 16 yr old, 14 yr old).  I am very athletic but I love to eat!!.  I am a clydesdale and pushing in the 240's.  I would love to get around between 200-210 lbs. 
I have done a 3 marathons in the past (best 3:59).  I do ride alot and will be participating in a Law Enforcment Memorial Bike Ride from NJ to DC in May.  The following week I will be running a 1/2 marathon in Fargo, ND with my cousins.  I have always been intrigued about triathlons.  I have already signed up for a reverse tri in Pasadena on March 20th.  I hope to do another sprint tri in June, in Redondo Beach.  I am debating whether to do a tri in the police games in July.  I m just started to do my swim.  I dont like swimming!!!
I have a very busy schedule but am pretty motivated.  I hope that I meet your criteria to be in your group. 

2009-12-29 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2582094

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -open

Welcome Brent,

Yes, you will fit in just fine. You have a lot of races/ events this year, so this will be fun trying to get you ready for all of them.

Like Daniel, use your logs and make sure to post here often!

2009-12-29 12:33 PM
in reply to: #2579858

New user
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -open
I hope the group is still open.  If so I would like to join.  My name is Drew

I am 30 yrs old, married with 2 girls 4 and 9.  I have been a gym rat for a while but always find myself board and not getting the results I wanted after a while.  I came across the triathlons while searching for a new way work out.  I was competetive through high school and this looked like a good way to really get in better shape and lose that 10-15lbs i gained since I got married.  I did a liitle of the training this past summer to see if it was something I was interested in.  I love it!!!  I started back this week swimming and biking and am looking to run in Sprint April 19th in Carmel, IN.  It is cold and snowy so all training will be indoors for the next couple of months.  I lived 26 years in MS until work got us to IN.  Not real use to the cold yet.  Tried running one time and thought my lungs were going to freeze. 

Look forward to getting know every one and having a good time and good training this winter and spring.

Be Well

2009-12-29 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -open

Welcome Drew.

It looks like this group is coming along fine. I think I will take 2 or 3 more people, so I can keep track of all of you.

2009-12-29 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -open
If you don't mind I would like to lurk around again. I probably will not be as much trouble and will be in two groups but hoping to do a Half IM this year and could use the help.
2009-12-29 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -open

Kip, you are always welcome!

I look forward to getting you through your half IM

2009-12-29 1:13 PM
in reply to: #2582248


Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -open
I think this spot sounds like a good fit for me.

I'm Brandon and live in NC.  I was born and raised here, but just recently moved back here from Atlanta.  I've been married for 5 1/2 yrs and we have an 8-mo old son.  I just turned 33 last week.

I've been a gym rat pretty much since I got to college.  I put on the freshmen 15, but mine was all muscle.  I got in really good shape and took pride in that. 

After moving to Atlanta with my later-to-be-wife, I got really lazy and my weight ballooned up to 216, the heaviest I've ever been (I'm 6' tall).  I got back into the gym and pretty easily got myself back in shape.  My wife started running instead to get back in shape.

Two years ago she finally got me to agree to try running some with her.  I hadn't run more than 1/2 mile since high school.  But I did it, painfully.  I found that I could really increase my distances and speeds pretty quickly.  Before I knew it, she had me running a 10K.  I did really well and decided I wanted to run long distance.  Then winter came and I lost the itch.

I never stopped going to the gym so I remained in decent shape.  I just stayed away from the treadmill.  So this past Spring, I decided I wanted to get back into it, but this time, I wanted to do tris so I wouldn't get bored of just running.  I have this ADD thing my wife says where I get really gungho on an idea for a month or two and then trail off.  So she said if I'd stick with it for some time, I could get a bike (since it's a financial investment).  So, I got a bike for X-Mas!! 

I kept running through the summer and fall, and have battled a few injuries.  I completed a Half Marathon earlier this month.  I started swim lessons this month also (that's a whole other story I'll be asking for advice on!!).  It's been cold lately so I've only gotten one bike ride in (4-miles) and it was a HUMBLING experience!!  All of it is definitely going to take some getting used to. 

I hope to do a Sprint this spring.  If things go well, I'll of course go bigger.  I don't have aspirations of an IM right now, but there is a small part of me that wants to do it to say I could.

Edited by mbbransc 2009-12-29 1:24 PM
2009-12-29 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -open

Madcow in the house! Very cool. I'm already part of a group, but you guys are getting a great mentor in Tom! Happy New Year!

2009-12-29 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2582382

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -open

Welcome Brandon,

It sounds like you will fit in as well.

I can tell this is going to be a good group already!

2009-12-29 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2579858


Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -open
Hello. Im am completely lost in the many pages I have opened. Ugg. Im hoping to join your group. It is still open and available.
 I am at 38 year old mom, wife and nurse. ha. Been active mosat my life but fun and nothing serious or competitive. I struggle with what most people feel is not a problem and that is keeping weight on. I tend to loose muscle mass easily and struggle with strength issues and back pain. I have three small children who keep me running and I tend to take care of myself last for many years now. In hindsight realize, not taking care of me was in turn not taking care of them. I havent ran or biked in a LONG time. And Im terrfied of the swim but do love the water! I want to focus on feeling better, getting stronger and being wiser with taking care of the gift of health Ive been given.
Dana Arrieta
2009-12-29 2:19 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -open

I am already part of another group, but would love to join this one as well - if it is okay.

I have been doing marathon's for 12 years and have done a total of 16 marathons with a PR of 3:15, but that was many years ago pre-kids. I am 39 and promised myself I would do an Ironman before the end of my 40th year. Well guess what happens next year...and guess who is registered for Lake Placid? I have done tris, including 1 Half Iron in the past but took some time off due to the kids, son 4, daughter 2. I have also participated in many Adventure Races including Balance Bar 12 hours and Balance Bar 24 hour races. 

I am decent runner doing 8minute/miles now, okay cyclist (did 6 hours 15 minutes for a century in October) and am a piece of lead in the pool averaging 2m13s /100m.

Plan on doing Jersey Man 1/2 or Rev 3 Quassy 1/2 in late spring as a "warm up", doing IMLP in July and will probably do Belly of the Beast in September. After that who knows. Plan on using the BT log starting on 1/1/10 and will probably be following the free or bronze plans. Will have a great deal of fitness information after my fitness evaluation at Lifetime fitness on 1/2/10.

Thanks for considering me for your group.

2009-12-29 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group - CLOSED

Welcome both Scott and Dana!

Wow, that was fast! I think this will close out my group. We have a great group of athletes and my goal is to get you all to where you want to be this season.

I will gather all of the information from each of your bios and figure out where we will all go this season. I was thinking we can have a few fun challenges to keep us motivated (especially this offseason) and to promote some bonding between us.

If you have any questions, please, please, please ask... even if it is a private message, just ask!

Make sure you use your logs soon!

Take care and I will get back to you


Edited by madcow 2009-12-29 5:20 PM
2009-12-29 10:02 PM
in reply to: #2582511

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -open
Dana, I hear you about the back pain.  I had major back surgery, 1 1/2 years ago.  I had never been in so much pain in my life.  I have bounced back pretty good.  I am playing ice hockey, golf and the other fitness related athletics that I have long enjoyed.  One thing that I did learn was to stretch before and after.  I have ZERO flexibility and never stretched until I had my surgery.  =)   Brent

2009-12-30 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2579858

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Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Thanks for having me, just a little background for everyone. I am 45, 3 kids and a dog. I work at a police academy so I get some short slow runs in at work which helps. I was in madcows group last year which was my first year of tri's. I have been involved in competitive power lifting for 20 years and had gotten very overweight. Last year I did 4 sprints and an Oly and went from 282 to 230. I am sure I have gained some back over the holidays but I will take a look at that in late Jan. I plan on doing several sprints, 1 or 2 Oly's and a half Iron in September in Williamsburg Va. I also have a half marathon set for April. I am a slow runner,biker and swimmer but love the challenge. Tom is a great mentor and good luck to all. My advice is just stick with it, I have been a part of numerous groups and usually they lose alot so I challenge all to stay part of the group it really helps.
2009-12-30 8:19 AM
in reply to: #2579858


Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
More on stretching... I was battling some knee pain earlier this year.  My orthopedic told me my hamstring flexibility was horrible.  She said that's the case for most runners.  She continued to say that if I could increase my hammy flexibility by 20%, I'd see huge results in my knee pain.  I started some PT and included a bunch of hammy stretches, as well as hip strengthening exercises.  I had almost given up on it, but about 8 weeks later, I was running pain free.

Sadly, I've now lapsed on my stretches and of course, I've started developing some knee issues on longer runs (5+ miles).  So, now back to what worked before.

But I've always heard NEVER stretch cold muscles.  Always stretch AFTER working out, never before.  I know there are several different schools of thought on that.  I guess do what works for you.

2009-12-30 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

Good afternoon. 

I guess I will start off the first day of our group with a piece of advice, especially for the people with knee/ back pain:

Get fit on your bike. It doesn't matter if you have a $4000 bike or $100 bike, if the bike doesn't fit properly. If you bought your bike from a retail store (Target, Walmart, etc) take your bike to a bike shop and pay to have it fit for you. If you bought your bike at a bike shop, it wouldn't hurt to take your bike in to a high end bike shop and get fit there. A good fitting should take more than a hour and involve more than just adjusting your seat and handle bar height.


As for our group, I would love it if everybody will post something everyday. Kip is right, the worst thing that can happen to you is if you disappear form your support group. Most of us are new to tri training and it is very easy to stop training for a day or two. Sometimes that day or two turns into a week or two, then a month or two. I don't want that to happen to any of you...until you reach your goal for 2010, then you can relax and do what you want, but at that point you will already have the good training routine down.


So, what did you do today?

Edited by madcow 2009-12-30 3:15 PM
2009-12-30 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

Ok, I'll start the daily posting.

Today my boss gave me the day off, so I went for a swim this morning. It has a been a little while since I have gotten in the water, so my form was off a little. I started out great, but as the sets went on I got slower and slower. Oh well, it will all come back to me.

2009-12-30 3:54 PM
in reply to: #2579858


Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
I ran 3 miles this AM on a treadmill.  Lifted weights at lunch.  Nothing special - typical day actually. 

2009-12-30 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
OK so did 200 free, 100 breast, 100 kick, 100 breast and 200 free. I hated every minute of it cause it was soooooooooooo slow.
2009-12-30 10:25 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
Worked today.  Got home and wasn't going to do my run.  I thought better because I can't post a blank on a regular workout day so I went for my 4+ mile base run.  It was pretty easy and glad I did it.  I did go out to lunch at a Mexican Restaurant with GREAT chips and salsa.  So that was today's drawback.  This group will push me and I like that.  

2009-12-30 10:40 PM
in reply to: #2579858

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Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!
I'm a loser and did not do anythingCool Actually enjoying the time off and getting a little antsy to start training which is good I have really been lacking motivation but really feel like I am ready to get going. Might have something to do with me officially registering for the half marathon.
2009-12-31 7:31 AM
in reply to: #2585570

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's mentor group -CLOSED!

It's alright to take a mental health day every now and they. Heck, I have taken a mental health month or two in the past


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