General Discussion Triathlon Talk » long ride Energy, HR, Fueling & Cramping your analysis please Rss Feed  
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2008-08-18 6:27 AM

Extreme Veteran
Subject: long ride Energy, HR, Fueling & Cramping your analysis please


I did my first long ride (100 miles) this season (second century ever) with mixed results. This is my second full season of riding so I have limited experience at this. I am contemplating a Ironman race in 2010 and want /need to start testing myself. My goal for this ride was to keep my HR down and let the time / MPH fall where it falls. 

At 5:00 AM I ate a banana with peanut butter and some gatorade. At 5:30 I took 2 Endurolyte capsules and headed out on the road. I had 2 bottles of gatorade and 2 bottles of plainwater that I alternate sipping every 10 minutes. I took an enduralyte capsule every hour I ate a power bar at the halfway point and a banana at 4 hours in. I finished in 5h:21m no stops and averaged 18.4 MPH, my average HR was 127. My right calf was a little tight but did not cramp I massaged it a couple of times on the road. I did get a viscious cramp in my left hamsting at about 6:30 Saturday evening.

I did not feel terrible when I finished riding, but I didn't feel like running a marathon either. The way my legs were feeling I know for sure that I would have cramped up if I tried to run. I am certain this is partly a fitness issue, but how do you push forward? Do you start adding bricks to the end of the long rides? How often should you do long rides? Is HR the best way to pace? What cadence? I wanted to stay between 80 and 90 RPM, but as I got tired I was mashing down in the 70's. When training do you peddle down the hills or coast. At about 80 miles in I started taking every opportunity I could to rest on the bike. I felt like the next time I should do this from the start. I was happy with 18.4 MPH should I give up speed for more energy conservation? Do you pace with ave speed? Thanks in advance for your opinions and help. I am 6'1" and weigh 248 pounds if this makes a difference for the fueling related questions.



2008-08-18 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1609869

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Keller Tx
Subject: RE: long ride Energy, HR, Fueling & Cramping your analysis please

It doesn't seem like you took in near enough calories.  All of those look to add up to about 150 calories per hour.  Rule of thumb (YMMV) is to start at 300 calories per hour and adjust up/down till you hit what you need.  I have about 10 lbs on you, and I take in between 450 and 500 calories per hour on long rides.  Salts and water consumption would also be another thing to look at.  Looks like you may be a little low on those too.  As with anything nutrition related, they are very personal things.  You'll need to experiment a bit to find out what works best for you.

Do a sweat test to check you water needs.  This will also steer you the right direction with your salt intake.  If my math is right above, you may want to add some calories and test that out too.

2008-08-18 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1610037

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: long ride Energy, HR, Fueling & Cramping your analysis please
Doughboy - 2008-08-18 8:32 AM

It doesn't seem like you took in near enough calories.  All of those look to add up to about 150 calories per hour.  Rule of thumb (YMMV) is to start at 300 calories per hour and adjust up/down till you hit what you need.  I have about 10 lbs on you, and I take in between 450 and 500 calories per hour on long rides.  Salts and water consumption would also be another thing to look at.  Looks like you may be a little low on those too.  As with anything nutrition related, they are very personal things.  You'll need to experiment a bit to find out what works best for you.

Do a sweat test to check you water needs.  This will also steer you the right direction with your salt intake.  If my math is right above, you may want to add some calories and test that out too.

What he said. Your calories were too low.

Also, I take 2 electrolyte pills every hour. I'm 5'4" and 125 pounds. You didn't take enough pills. I would up that to 3 or 4 pills every hour.

Good luck!

Edited by KSH 2008-08-18 8:46 AM
2008-08-18 8:59 AM
in reply to: #1609869

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: long ride Energy, HR, Fueling & Cramping your analysis please

The cramping is almost certainly a fitness issue.

You took in plenty of calories to finish a 100 mile ride, but probably would need more if you were planning on running a marathon afterwards.  I'd start by aiming for ~250-300 cal/hr and adjust from there.  Make sure you count the Gatorade as well (150 cal/24 oz bottle).  And, again if it were me, I'd cut out the Enduralytes and see how it goes.

As far as 'pushing forward', you just keep working out.  Build steadily to the stress you put on your body and recover as best you can between sessions.

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