General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Bike Mount/Dismount Line in IM Rss Feed  
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2011-10-11 1:48 PM

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Plano, National Capital Region
Subject: Bike Mount/Dismount Line in IM

I was watching the IM Wisconsin television coverage last night and I noticed something - it seems that the pros aren't held to a very strict standard with respect to mounting AFTER the Bike Mount line and then dismounting BEFORE the dismount line.

I've watched the ITU International distance races and they give a penalty for the smallest infraction.

There was one with Meredith Kessler (1st in Pro women out of swim) coming out of T1 and she clearly mounts her bike right BEFORE the mount line.

The 2nd one I saw was Ezequiel Morales (2nd in Pro men coming in) having trouble getting his feet out of his shoes before the dismount line and dismounting right AFTER the dismount line.

The 3rd one was pretty blatant - Kessler (again) on entering T2 has some trouble finding the top of her left shoe and completely rides through the dismount line and finally gets off the bike about 2 bike lengths AFTER the dismount line.

Do they just not care in IMs? You'd think the Pros would be held to a higher standard (considering there isn't anyone around them and everyone can see.


2011-10-11 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3719574

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N Carolina
Subject: RE: Bike Mount/Dismount Line in IM

Its just not that big of a deal.

2011-10-11 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3719620

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Bike Mount/Dismount Line in IM

I'm just guessing, that the pros get a few breaks because the mount/dismount line is not that big of an issue.

Just like the traveling rule in pro basketball and how the stars get the calls...

I reason that the mount/dismount rule is there to keep people from riding their bike IN T1/T2, especially when there is a mob of age groupers all in the same place.  It's for safety.

The pros are so spread out, they pretty much have the transition area to themselves soit's not as big of an issue.  So a couple bike lengths just doesn't matter.

I'm just shooting from the hip - I have no official ruling.

Edited by Kido 2011-10-11 2:48 PM
2011-10-11 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3719574

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Subject: RE: Bike Mount/Dismount Line in IM
I agree on the safety issue. I was actually rewatching the telecast of the Iron War on youtube last week and those guys were getting on their bikes as soon as they could reach them. It was really weird to watch them ride their bikes through the transition area!
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