Subject: RE: Transportation bill is "Bad bill" Doesn't do what we want to do for bikes, but... we NEED a transportation bill. This "okay we'll fund a temporary measure every ten minutes" business is BAD for planning, BAD for jobs. (How do you bid and fund a major construction project without knowing whether it will be paid for or not?) Ideally these transportation bills would be done with a 5-year time horizon or more, but 2 years is at least something.
SO: I'll take a "bad" bill, from a bike perspective, over another mickey-mouse temporary extension, at this point. It's all we're going to get through the current House, so let's do it. Those of you who vote for anti-bike people in Congress can work on changing their minds. (Given my affiliation and where I live, you would be correct in guessing I don't vote for anyone I send to Washington, so I feel a little powerless here.) |