OK, I have looked everywhere - how do you add a picture to your profile? Everybody has one, but me! Or is it only reserved for the privilidged bronze, silver, gold members?
First go to your 'Control Panel' - by clicking the white link in the login-box. Then at the bottom there will be a place to upload your profile picture (associated with threads and blog). MAX size is 50kb in gif and jpeg format. Same with your personal picture. If you don't have an image resizer to get the photos down to an uploadable size, go to http://www.irfanview.com/ for a free, basic photo resizer.
OK, I'll admit right off the bat, I'm a noob, but when I log onto BT at work, my profile picture is different from the profile picture I have when I log on at home. What is up with that?
That's due to the way web browsers keep things like images from a web page on your computer so it doesn't have to download it everytime you view a page. Sometimes if the picture itself changes but name is the same, the browser doesn't "know" to go get the new picture.
You can force the picture to update by clearing your browser's cache by typing Ctrl+F5 .