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2009-12-14 2:09 PM

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: Scottt's Group - Closed

NAME: Scottt/ Scott
LOCATION: Long Beach, CA

STORY: I am a 47 year old manufacturing business owner.  I can relate to all the life-balance issues that we face in our sport.  I started triathlon 3 years ago with no background in endurance sports, whatsoever.  I played soccer, football, tennis and basketball in high school and soccer (goalkeeper) in college.

I'd say my strength is now in cycling and my weakness is swimming, though I am generally solid, all-around.  I started out as a weak runner and have put in the time/miles to improve greatly.  I believe preparation is key!

I generally hit the top 10-25% AG in most races I do.  There are ton of really fit "old-guys" out there, so I am not holding my breath to podium any time soon.  I do this to be fit.  I enjoy the training/preparation more than racing...honest.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 15 years with a 9 year old son.  My wife has done some sprints the last two years, but has no interest in anything longer.  She is generally very supportive and is the greatest spectator ever!

CURRENT TRAINING: I am a relatively technical trainer.  I trainer with HR on the bike and pace/HR on the run.  I generally am training for the 1/2 and full IM distance, though I sprinkle shorter events in my season for fun and training.  Right now I am concentrating on running in preparation for my first marathon.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 3 HIMs, 1 Olympic, 2 Sprints, 1 10K, 2 1/2 Marys

2010 RACES:  I'm going to do Carlsbad Marathon as my first on Jan. 24.  My hope is to them run a BQ time in the Long Beach Marathon in the fall.  Also, I'm doing my first IM at IMCDA late in June.

Full Schedule:
Jan. 24      Carlsbad Marathon
Feb. 13      Palm Springs Century
Feb. 14      Palm Springs 1/2 Marathon
Mar. 7        Desert Intl. Triathlon
May 1        Wildflower- Long Course
June 27     IM Coeur D'Alene
Sep. 2010  Long Beach Triathlon
Fall 2010    Long Beach Marathon
Nov. 2010  IMAZ (???)

WEIGHTLOSS: When I started this lifestyle, though noone thought I was fat (just thicker) I dropped 43 lbs. in the first 6 months.  I'm right about where I was when I graduated from high school.  I have been within 2-3 lbs. of that weight for 2.5 years.  I'd like to get down another 3-5 lbs. for my IM event, just for the added speed.  Other than for an edge for racing, I'm happy at 5'11"/160 lbs.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I started on BT when I first started triathlon and I signed up for the first round of mentors.  Mine wasn't great, but I've seen many that were/are.  I really enjoy passing on knowledge and giving people the motivation to sustain this lifestyle.  I am a voracious reader of technical nutrition and training theory.  I use the BT Training Logs myself and am a huge proponent of logging nutrion when you are trying to lose (anytime, really, but I am a realist).

WHO IS A GOOD FIT:  Anyone who is driven and has a desire to improve.

     You update your logs regulary, giving me and our group visibility of your training.
     You support your fellow group members
     Ask your questions, don't wonder.

Edited by Scottt 2009-12-19 8:59 PM

2009-12-15 4:44 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open

Scott, I'd love to join your group. I've been involved in a number of mentor groups and have found that you need to find a mentor that is aligned with what you're doing at the moment. After reading your profile I felt that you would be best for me, not to mention you don't live to far away, which is kind of cool. Here are my stats:

Name: Jeff

Location: Mission Viejo, CA

Story: I'm a 41 (in 2 days) year old analsyt in the mortgage banking industry. I grew up playing soccer as well. I played goalie, mainly, until I was 30. I played one year of water polo in high school but didn't want to swim year round so that didn't last. I also grew up in the ocean surfing since I was 10. I started biking in my early 20's and did it on and off for a number of years. Shortly after that I started running purely for fitness. It wasn't until my daughter started swimming that I had a real urge to get back in the water and once I did my long burried dream of triathlon was born again. I joined BT in 2006 and since then I've done a number of sprints, 3 Olys and 1 HIM.

Family Status: I've been married 14 years and have two kids (10 &8). They both swim year round, my daughter competitively, and my son also rotates playing soccer, baseball and whatever else he wants to try. My wife also swims recreationaly and has completed three marathons, before kids. She's flirted with the ideas of tris but with work and the kids she has put that on the back burner.

Current Training: I'm currently training for Oceanside 70.3 in March. It will be my second HIM, which I'm going to use as a base for training for the Full Vineman in July. This will be my first attempt at a full IM.

This Year's Races: Oceanside 70.3, Vineman and possibly OC Tri (Oly) which I've done the last two years. My main focus is Vineman.

Weightloss: I'm probably 10-15 pounds over where I should race and agree with your thoughts on logging. I'm fairly sporadic about logging but have already talked to another BT'er about a January logging challenge. I figure with the amount of training I'm doing I should only have to tweak my eating a small amount to get the result I'm looking for.

I tend to be on here quite a bit and usually log at least once a day. I like giving and receiving inspires and have no problem asking questions. I look forward to a great 2010!

2009-12-15 8:11 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open


Great to have you.  They'll open the group to the public in a few days when some of the mentor groups before mine fill up.  Hang in there.

BTW, I like your taste in music...almost as varied as mine.


2009-12-17 1:53 PM
in reply to: #2558214

New user

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open
Hi Scott,
I would like to join your Mentor group.  I turned 40 this year and completed my frist spring triathlon in July.  I started this journey in January, weighing in at nearly 300 lbs.  I've lost 50 and want to lose another 70 and I find trainign for a specific goal helps me continue the momentum.

I'm just a beginner at all this, so need someone who has been a real beginner as well.

I work full time, have three children (4, 5 and 7 years old) and a husband, so there's a lot going on in our household.  If I'm going to get any training in, its at 5am, which I'm pretty good at making work.

I hope I get into your group and look forward to your mentorship.

Michelle Cooper
2009-12-17 2:13 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open

Hi Scott

I’ve been lurking in this area for a while but haven’t really read a mentor profile that I thought clicked with my goals and lifestyle.... until now.  If there’s a spot still open I’d like to join.

Name: Marcia

Location: Toronto, ON

Story: At 38 I started to have this overwhelming feeling that I needed to do something for myself.  I wanted to challenge myself in some new way and see if I had what it took to meet the challenge.  I’ve never been an athletic person (i.e. sports) but have always found a lot of pleasure in swimming/cycling.  Dec. 2007 I saw some photos of people getting ready for a triathlon and thought "I could try that".  Summer of 2008 I completed my first three TATs.  Last summer I worked up to sprints.  This year I’m turning 40 and I’ve had a lot of fun but still feel something is missing.  I want to experience this: “I want to feel the suffering, accept the challenge, face my fears, and push through all of it.  I want to take myself out to the edge and come fighting back to complete the task before me...”   I *am* sane although you might now be having second thoughts!!  I considered trying a HIM this season but have decided to work up to it slowly – planning to do more sprints and try Olympic distances this season.   I’m not fast but I think I can last Smile

Family Status: I've been with my hubby 16 years – married for over a decade.  I have one wonderful child – girl – who turned 7 today.  My daughter is very active and says I’ve inspired her to conquer her fears.  My hubby is active but prefers team sports.  I like that I can set a good example for my child.

Current Training: Currently on the winter maintenance program but I’m not consistent – working on that. 

This Year's Races:
JUNE 26 - Welland Sprint [750m/30K/7.5K] OR JULY 4  - Sydenham Olympic [1500m/40K/10K]
JULY 18- Belwood Sprint [1000m/30K/7K]
AUG. 15-1000 Island Olympic [1500m/41.2K/10K]
SEPT19- Lakeside Olympic [1500m/40K/10K]

Weightloss: In my earlier years I always struggled with balance – either too thin or plump.  I think – since having my child – I’ve found a good balance – maintaining my weight through an active lifestyle and healthy diet.  I’d LOVE to firm up my core but I also LOVE cheese... we’ll see which passion is stronger

2009-12-17 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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2009-12-17 5:30 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open

Hi Scott!

If you still have space, I'd love to join your group.

NAME: GLC1968/Catherine
LOCATION: Oregon (near Portland, sort of)

STORY: I am a 41 (almost 42) year old wife and weekend farmer.  I work full time as an engineer during the week and help my husband run/develop a tiny, sustainable farm on the weekends.  We moved to Oregon from the east coast almost 2 years ago and since then, my fitness and health has taken a nose dive.

Most of my life, I've been an athlete.  I have always enjoyed a physical challenge.  Soccer, rugby, track (sprint distances), hiking, skiing and tennis dominated my youth.  Then I got into aerobics and weight training and let that keep me in shape for years.  I then moved on to running for cardio but injured my foot and had to give up most of the impact .  That led me to biking and I bought my first road bike in 2005.  One ride and I was instantly hooked!  I was biking almost exclusively as exercise for the 3 years prior to moving to Oregon and did a few centuries but no real racing.  I had a number of friends who did Tri's, but my fear of further foot trouble kept me on the sidelines.  Then we moved and everything fitness took a backseat.  Now it's time to get back into shape!

A friend of mine convinced me to sign up for my first tri in May.  Before I'd even gotten into a pool, I was already looking for more races.  I think this is going to be an addiction for me!  Currently, biking is by far my strength and running my weakness.  I anticpate that once I get back in shape, I'll be a pretty strong swimmer.  I swam competitively in junior high and did reasonbly well for someone who refused to acknowedge that I needed to train to improve my cardiovascular endurance (always a mental road block for me until about 5 years ago - in all sports).

FAMILY STATUS: Married for almost 7 years now, no children unless you count two goats, two dogs, and 10 chickens.  My husband, also a cyclist, has signed up for this same tri and it will be his first as well.

CURRENT TRAINING: I really haven't been doing much of anything in the past year outside of short weekend bike rides (25 - 35 miles).  I started running with a couch to 5K program about 6 weeks ago and I am forcing myself to stick to it even though I want to challenge myself.  My plan is to remain on this plan s-l-o-w-l-y ramping up the running minutes to keep my foot free from pain.  So far, so good.  Last Sunday we finally joined a local pool and I got the chance to swim actual laps for the first time since I was a kid.  I remembered the technique, but my cardio capacity is severely limiting me.  My second swim last night was better, but I still have a long way to go.  My plans revolve around 3 walk/runs per week, 2 swims (for now), 2 weight workouts and weekend bike rides.  When we get more daylight during the week, I'll want to add in weekday bike rides.  I am also considering biking to work as training, but it's 19 miles each way and I just don't have that kind of time to spare at the moment.  It is an option in the future though as my commute takes me on roads that most people seek out for training rides on the weekends.

2010 RACES: 
Canby Gator Grinder Sprint  May 7th
Another sprint mid to late June with OWS (three local options)
Crater Lake Century  Aug 14th
Olympic distance tri in September (two options - one that I could walk to!)

WEIGHTLOSS: Yes, please! ;-)  I'm currently 30 lbs over where I was when I started biking and about 35-40 over true competition weight for me.  I'd like to lose it for speed (and looks) but I'm not about to let it hold me back.  I did not sign up to do this in order to lose weight.  I signed up to be an athlete again.

2009-12-17 7:02 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open

Great to have all of you.  We'll get things started here shortly...

Michelle- Sounds like you have quite a busy life (I can certainly relate).  Good on you for taking on the lifestyle change on top of all that.  It sounds like you are on a great path to get to your goals.  Where do you live?  I agree... having something specific on the calender really helps you get out and train.

Marcia- It looks like you are the real veteran among us!  Your methodical approach to increasing your race distances is very sound and most likely will improve your longevity in this sport.  I agree, it is really great when you can be active as an role model for your child and help them overcome some limiter.   BTW, maybe you can end up with a firmer core and enjoy your cheese!

Alex- It sounds like you have a great start to have a great 2010 season.  I bet once you are truly consistent in your training and make some simple food choice decisions, the small amount of weight you want to lose may not be that tough.

Catherine- What a great athletic background and I doubt your husband is ever an obstacle to training...that's great!  A slow return to running is definitely key for you, so you don't take a step backwards.  Like with Alex, I bet consistent training and your active lifestyle will take care of the weightloss goal.  You'll see.  I suspect you may be like me and the higher cal/hr that running burns could end up being the catalyst to your weightloss.



2009-12-17 11:54 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open
Hi Scott, looks like a great group (a few fellow Torontonians as well). And my goals are in line with your experience so look forward to learning lots.

NAME: Fiona
LOCATION: Toronto, Canada (by way of Australia and NZ)

STORY: I'm a 39 yr old single mom. My educational background is as an exercise physiologist - and I did this for 8 yrs in Australia. Now I work in advertising, creating print and TV for Medical/Health and lifestyle products.

I was a competitive swimmer from age 6 to 18, then a professional pool and surf lifeguard. Bike is my weakest - I've been told I need to drop my cadence and get used to the bigger gears then up my cadence at that gear. I only took up running 6 yrs ago and love it the best of all three disciplines.

Last season was my first - I did a TAT and 3 sprints (Welland TAT, Bracebridge, Guelph 2 and Lakeside2. Addicted!!! Bought a Cervelo P2C and am fully involved in the local Tri club - Director of Sponsorship.

Rounded out the season by going to Kona and watching the IM. WOW!!!! Want to step it up this year.

2 kids, 6 and 2 yrs. The 6yr old did his first tri at Lakeside.

Running (treadmill) 2- 3 times a week. Spin 2 times a week. Weights 2 times a week. At least that's the goal. I've been travelling a lot in the last two months so running was getting done and not much else. But now I'm home and motivated.

2010 RACES: 
June - Welland Sprint
July - Alcatraz Aquathon
Aug - Bracebridge Sprint
Aug - Timberman Sprint or HIM
Sept - Lakeside 2 if I only do the Timberman Sprint.
Sept - Scotiabank half or full marathon.

WEIGHTLOSS: Lost 12 pounds last season. Would like to get rid of another 10 pounds.

Bring it on!!!


2009-12-18 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2558214

Central Point
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open

Hi Scott!

I'd like to join your group if you still have space

NAME: Craig

LOCATION: Near Medford, OR

STORY: I am 48, 49 by next season. I was into sports as a kid play HS football Basketball & Track. I was born a Clydesdale 10#'s and have always been one of the "Big Guys". Well I'm now 6'3" and was 336# last spring and decided to do something about it. The Cycle class instructor at my gym got me interested in Triathlon so I set that as my goal for 2010. I miss competition.

FAMILY STATUS: I have been married for 29 years and have 3 grown daughters.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been doing a cycle class twice a week for some time now and have added a third day when I can get there on Saturdays. I added a 1000m swim on Saturdays after the cycle class and that's about all I've been doing. I was running a mile before cycle on Tues, Thurs but the knees started bothering me so I stopped. i will start running again after the holidays.

2010 RACES:  There is a local 5K in April I want to start off with and then a couple sprints in June & July and we'll see what happens from there.

WEIGHTLOSS: Absolutely, my initial goal is 250 but I can see getting down to 220 that was my weight in HS. I haven't stepped on a scale recently so I'm not sure where I'm at currently.
2009-12-18 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open

Welcome to our group!

Fiona- Lots in common...I ride a P2C, as well.  My wife and I went to Kona for WC this past year as spectators.  What an amazing day!  What's with all the Torontonians?...I'd have to guess entry spots will be a bit scarcer up there next season.

Craig- Sounds like you need to be carefull with your running ramp-up (like Catherine) so as to not take yourself out of running altogether.  It is very easy to try to do too much, too soon.  Especially when you are feeling good.

2009-12-18 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open


I'd ask that you all make your log public or at least add me (scottt) and all the team members to your friends list, so we can check out your logs and see what/how you are doing.

Please take a moment over the next week or so to update your goals.  Hopefully they will align with what you stated in your "Story" and the rest of your profile.

For those who have specific weight loss goals, I won't ask you to start logging food until after the holidays!  That's not a free ticket, just fair warning.  I am a firm believer in accountability.  For me, accountability to myself for what I put in my mouth was all I needed.  We'll jump in to that in January.

Edited by Scottt 2009-12-18 12:24 PM
2009-12-18 1:10 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open
Hi Scott -

Is there a place where we input goals, or do we just post them here in this thread?  I'm just learning this training log - so there are still quite a few features that I need to learn.

And how specific do you want our goals to be?

2009-12-18 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2567262

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open
Just go to your training log and up the top cllck on "edit" and write them in there.
Then as you accomplish them you can superstrike them out - so you can still read them but see they are done.
The SMART approach is a good way to go:
  • S Specific
  • M Measurable
  • A Attainable
  • R Relevant
  • T Time-bound

2009-12-18 2:03 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open
Thanks, Fi.  That helps!

Goals updated Smile
2009-12-19 12:23 AM
in reply to: #2558214


West Chester, PA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open

Hi Scott,

I'd like to join as well - you hit the nail on the head with my key area where I need help - accountability!!!

I work with a bunch of tri-junkies (im & olympic) and started getting into it myself last year.  I joined a Mentor group that was good while it lasted, but unfortunately most of the group dropped out within the first few weeks.

My goal was to transition from Couch Potato to Sprint-Tri, and did so, but only barely.  Due to some critical family health issues, my training really dropped off, but I was still able to complete my first Sprint Tri.  The bug is still with me and I'm looking forward to starting anew for '10.

I'm married with three kids (1, 3, 6) and travel 1-2 days /week for work, so life/work/training balance is a challenge!!!  My main focus for '10 is to work on my swim - my lack of training/prep for my tri last summer resulted in me flipping on my back and mostly doing the back-stroke - I was determined to finish regardless of my time!!!

Currently I'm just getting back into light running and will start to ramp-up after the holidays.  I'm about 20 lbs. above where I'd like to be, so your guidance on nutrition/nutrition logging will be much appreciated.

So far I'm signed up for the Philly Olympic (end of June) and plan on doing a few sprints and 5K's in between.

2009-12-19 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2558214


Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open
Hi Scott I'd like to join your group as well

NAME: Jonathan

LOCATION: Rep of Ireland

STORY: I am a 32 year male old who is just starting out with endurance sport, I have been fairly idle as far as sport is most of my life. I have been trying to get fit on and off for the past few years and have been thinking of doing triathlons during that time, in 2009 I set my goal to do a marathon which I managed as my first ever race this year. I think I am really in this for the training with a few races thrown in mainly to assess my fitness levels rather than to compete with other athletes. My strength therefore will be running although I feel I can quickly get my cycling up to scratch. Swimming and time however will be my weakness as I struggle to go 25 meters in the pool without being breathless. Time and life balance are very important as me and my partner are working opposite days on 12 hour shifts and we have a 7 month baby who I care for on my days off so really I will be lucky to get an hour at most a day in. FAMILY STATUS: Living with my girlfriend, Michelle for 12 years, with our little girl Emily

CURRENT TRAINING: Just now I am learning to swim I got the TI book and DVD and trying to work through some of the drills. I throw in 1 or 2 runs on the treadmill a week and will go for a cycle weather/time permitting mainly focusing on swimming though until I master it while maintaing my fitness level

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Dublin Marathon

2010 RACES: I hope to reach the Olympic level of racing this year I will also run another marathon probably Dublin again

WEIGHTLOSS: I just want to maintain my current weight of 150 lbs at 6' 00" don't want to drop anymore I lost about 10 lbs this year since training and cutting down the beer, babies and hangovers don't mix too well

Edited by jforrest 2009-12-19 10:22 AM
2009-12-19 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open
Is there still room in this group???
2009-12-19 6:20 PM
in reply to: #2558214


Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open
Dear Mr. Scott's Group, I just finished watching the Ironman recap on TV.  I'm very good at TV,  not so much with triathlons (but I want to change).  Weighed 245 (beefy) on Jan 1, 2009.  Down to 230 due to fairly consistent jogging and swimming campaign.  Currently jogging 30-35 minutes three times a week and swimming a mile three times a week.  My goal is to do an Olympic Tri this spring/summer, but I haven't planned anything.  What do you say coach?  Can I be on your team?  I just found this site today, so forgive me if I'm violating any protocal. 

2009-12-19 6:33 PM
in reply to: #2558214


Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open
Hi Scott...if you have room, I could definately use a mentor and would love to join the group. I just started working out again about 6 months ago after 20 years or so of being on the couch. I want to do a sprint tri July 2010 and need help, advice, encouragement, or all of the above. I just completed a month-long 'boot camp' with a personal trainer, and I also regularly do the elliptical, water aerobics, Zumba dance, canoe-ing, kickboxing, cycle class, etc. and now look forward to exercise each day. I have not learned to breathe while swimming yet and don't have a race bike, but want to do a triathalon to prove to myself that I can. I am married (22 years) with kids who are 16 and 20 years. They are my biggest fans and have helped me on the road to getting fit. I have lost 20 pounds since July and have about 20 more I want to lose to become healthier. Thank you....Lynn SilbernagelLaughing
2009-12-19 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2558214


Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open
Scott, I would really like to join your mentoring group because I know it would keep me in the mindset to attain my Triathlon goals.  Having some other people to converse with and track training wise would definately improve my current program, which really isn't a program.  I have the tools, and the determination.  Now I just need some know how and support.

Name:  Damian

Location:  Mission Viejo, CA

Story:  I am 36 years old, and I was an athlete growing up.  I mainly was a swimmer and waterpolo player.  I surfed for a few years until I joined the Marine Corps.  I traded in my surfboard for a rifle and spent four years in great shape.  I got out of the Marine Corps and shortly got hired on as a Deputy Sheriff.  I have been a in law enforcement now for 12 years and I have slowly gained more weight than I should have and stopped doing sports.  It wasn't until a few months ago a friend of mine challenged me by telling me he could get me in Ironman shape.  I laughed at him and continued eating my double western bacon cheeseburger.  Well that got me wondering about the Ironman.  I went online and did some research and also watched some videos.  I quickly changed my perspective and dropped 30 lbs and I did my first Triathlon on 12/13/09 (Reverse sprint).  I am planning to go and support some of my friends who are Ironman athletes at this years Coeur DaLene bying being a volunteer.  I have mixed emotions if I want to sign up for next years Coeur DaLene Ironman or maybe wait one more year and get some experience under my belt.  

Family Status:  I have been married for 16 years and I have two boys, 9 and 10 years old.  My wife supports me and helps as best she can.

My Goals:  I would like to do at least one triathlon a month working my way up in distance over time.  I am also looking for a training partner. My race schedule can be found here:

****Hopefully I can join your group.  I can be contacted via email at [email protected].  Thanks!

Edited by divndrt 2009-12-19 6:53 PM

2009-12-19 7:18 PM
in reply to: #2558214

New user

Southern Oregon
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open
Hi Scott,
I am interested in joining your mentor group.

Brief info: I am 46 year old Emergency Room physician who let himself go physicall until 4 years ago when I started doing crossfit, running again and lost 38 lbs. I try to do the camp pendleton mud run 10k each year as well as the Cascade lakes relay (12 person 217 mile race).  I started training for triathlons a yr and a half ago and have done sprints.
I am going to move up to a HIM for july 18 Vineman. I will also try and get a sprint and olympic in prior to vineman.
 My main problem has been over training and injury. I sometimes still think im 18 and playing goalkeeper at Fresno State (3rd string).  This year has started with yoga, core and streching with a slow steady pace to my training. I use a heart rate monitor for running and will be using a power meter for the bike. Swimming is my poor point but have restarted with lots of drills and slowly working on endurance but mostly form.  My bikeing will be limited to a trainer as I live in southern oregon/east side of the cascades and snow, ice and freezing with sub freezing temps will be the norm until april.
I would appreciate any input you have.
J Brunswick
2009-12-19 7:26 PM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open

Scott, I'd love to join your group if there is still space. I'm surrounded by deterrence and need help with motivation.

Name: Jordan

Location: Irvine, CA

Story:  27 years old. Have been bouncing around California going to school and working odd jobs. I am attracted to triathlon because it combines a number of sports I enjoy individually so why not make soup?

Family Status: do room mates count?

Current Training: I've have been working on my base and just finally put it in writing. I want to work up to 7 mile run, ½ mile swim & 100mile bike in the next 13 weeks (give or take)

This Year's Races: Maybe OC marathon ½ marathon distance or late season tri sprints in San Diego.

Weightloss: I'm surrounded by junk food and HD cable. I want to lose my winter gut. I think it will help. Maybe 10 lbs at the most.

Misc: I'm also working around sporadic tendinitis and IT band inflammations for nearly a year now.

2009-12-19 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2558214


Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open

Hi Scott, I know there are a lot of other people before me, but I would love to join your group as well.

My name is Lauren

I am located in Saddle Brook, NJ

Story: I am 18 years old. I started dance at a young age (ballet and tap) but then I stopped...I tried a bunch of other sports like soccer and softball but didn't enjoy those. I competed as a figure skater for 2 years and continue to skate. However, instead of competing in figure skating, I now compete in ballroom and latin dancing. I have been a ballroom dancer for the past six years, this is my seventh and I plan on continuing this forever. I would love to be professional one day. I am also applying to college. One of my choices is the US Coast Guard Academy. I attended a week program there over the summer. I realized that I really wanted to try a triathlon, especially because my dad has participated in marathons and triathlons. I go to the gym and run as often as I can, usually before school. I dance on Sundays only (until all of my college apps are sent in). I know it seems like I have a lot on my plate but I believe, and want, to do this!

Goals: participate and do better than I think I can during a triathlon, as well as increase my performance as a dancer and my application especially to uscga.

Thanks! my contact email is [email protected]
2009-12-19 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2568951

Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Open


Yes, you're in, if you still want.  I'm going to close it shortly.

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