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2013-05-02 2:57 PM

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Subject: OPEN -TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors

WHEN CAN YOU START MENTORING CONSISTENTLY:  A new tri season is upon us, I am here daily for advice and to read and would be willing to share and encourage others immediately.

GROUP FOCUS: I am in my third season of competing/challenging myself.  When I started running I was well over 250# (308# at my heaviest) ... started with 5k's, then added mud runs, adventure races, some du's tri's and an Xterra event.  Big guys and gals can get faster and go from BUP to MUP and in some cases podium as an Athena or Clyde ... this group will look to help motivate these athletes.

NAME: Paul

STORY: I am 41 years old and in my third season of triathlon.  In 2006 I almost died when my diverticulitis caused my intestines to rupture.  I had a life saving surgery and had a colostomy bag for a few months.  Now instead of being healthier after this I actually got worse and ballooned up to 308# (I am 6'2").  Found out I needed a hernia operation and the doctor encouraged me to lose 30# prior to the surgery.  I accomplished this by light running on a treadmill and some weight work at the gym.  After that I decided that I wanted to get healthier and see my kids grow up so I got heavy into muy thai training.  After two years of 3-4 times a week I was able to punch and kick, knee and throw elbows like a mad man but I went for a run and realized my cardio was terrible.  In 2009 in conjunction with muy thai I started running again and joined the local pool and started swimming.  Had a few injuries (broken foot, torn labrum, dislocated shoulder) that made me decide being almost 40 and sparring 20 year olds was not good for my health.  I decided with my sisters encouragement to start running in 5k's and did my first race in over 20 years in March of 2011.  I was coming off a shoulder injury that had me laid up for 3 months - I weighed 265# ... I crossed the finish line and I was hooked.  A whole bunch of foot races and a few mud runs followed and in September of 2011 now at 235# I finished my first sprint Triathlon.  Had an up and down season last year with a hip injury and a broken clavicle but still got in a bunch of races.  Looking forward to a much more fruitful 2013.   

FAMILY STATUS: I have been married 17 years to my wife Lydia and we live on Long Island a suburb of NYC.  Our two boys, Wells (8) and Gus (6) both run 5k and mud races as well as wrestle and kickbox, swim and track which pull us every which way.  My wife works in NYC and I work for FedEx in Astoria - my hours are not what a typical person works so this makes life "interesting"

LAST SEASON:  I was forced to miss 4 races (5 events) I paid for in 2012 due to injuries.  I ran my first half marathon in March and met my goal of sub 2 hours.  I then overtrained and ended up injuring my hip (found out I needed orthotics which made a HUGE difference).  Did 2 races on the bum hip, a duathlon and a mini-sprint and was completely hobbled on the runs.  Was forced to drop out of my next race (another half marathon) as I sought PT and Chiropractic help.  I had been heavily focused on training for the NY Gran Fondo since the winter and on my final training ride (May 12th) I crashed and broke my right clavicle in 2 places which knocked me out of that event, my next two scheduled sprints and a mud run.  I came back with a century ride and then finally did my first sprint of the season in August.   Did a second sprint in late August and scored a podium for the first time (third place Clyde).  September did the Mighty Hamptons Olympic and Pocono Mountains 70.3 Ironman event (my season's A race).  Finished the year off with a new 5k PR in October and a new 5 mile PR at a November Turkey trot.


CURRENT TRAINING: I have been concentrating in the off season on improving my running.  I got a foot pod and have been working on cadence and speed on shorter runs (3-5 miles) and been working on my stride on longer runs (8-14 miles).  I ran my first marathon in late February in pouring rain and just over 36 degrees (pretty miserable) and most of my training in the off season was run focused.  In mid-January I started with a coach and have worked on swimming and done many hours on the trainer.  Have gotten a few rides in outside since it has warmed up but the reality check will be the Bassman Half Ironman on May 5th - promises to be a cold swim.  Already a great year as I have conquered the marathon, set PR's in 5k, 15k and HM distance races ... all the run training is seeing rewards!


2013 RACES:  I have seen huge improvements from last year in run races from January to April of this year.  Now I am focused on a HIM and some century rides and OWS races all which lead me to this seasons A race, IM Lake Placid.  I have a HIM on my schedule for May and plan to attend a IMLP training camp. 

WEIGHT LOSS:  I went into the Pocono HIM at 218# the lightest I have been since college over 20 years ago.  This year my goal is to be at 190# by Lake Placid.  So I am looking to lose over 30#.  I am currently walking around at 214# so I have a way to go ... hope to be under 210# by May 15th by restructuring my diet.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I have been in awesome mentor groups the last two years and had this group active in the "off season" and I think a number of us were able to help each other.  I am also an active reader/sometime participator in the IMLP thread and in a local Facebook triathlete group  A good part of staying the path with training is encouragement of your peers and I will hopefully be able to challenge and inspire this group of peers with my own trails and tribulations with training and how to balance work/home/training which is a struggle for any working stiff who likes to tri.

Edited by BigPaulD 2013-05-18 2:30 PM

2013-05-02 10:26 PM
in reply to: #4724692

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors

I'll get the ball rolling, I'm back for another round with this mentor group, hoping to see the old group back and some new faces join in the motivation 

Name: Andrew

STORY: My story is a long one, it began a few years ago, in mid 2009. I weighed about 300lbs at that stage and one thing led to another, I finally found the motivation to lose some weight. During the weight-loss process I discovered running, and by December that year had dropped to 220lbs and ran my first HM (2:20:xx)

Unfortunately, as many others have discovered, the hardest part of loosing weight is making the change permanent. in 2010 I started my multi sport adventure (my first Duathlon) but my weight crept back up to 260lbs. I turned it around again and by the end of the year was back to 220lbs, and dropped my HM time to 2:10:xx. 

In 2011 I competed in my first tri, 2 sprints in the NZ summer, my weight continued to bounce around between 210-240lbs and I began training for my first HIM in December 2011, unfortunately I tried to ramp up my training to fast and ended up injured for the 2nd half of the year. 

2012. I began the year slowly, building up my training after the injury. I tried to focus on consistent training, and a consistently improved diet. I competed in 4 tris, 1 du, my first century ride and a HM where I set a PR of 2:03:xx 

2013, after what seemed like years of trying to, I ocmpleted my first HIM, in 6 hours, 39 minutes. I blew up dramatically on the run, but it was by far the most satisfying achievement to date in my 'athletic career' 

FAMILY STATUS:  Unmarried,

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm just coming into my off season, so it's a bit hit and miss. I'll be going on a bit of a run focus, I want to slowly increase my volume up to 50km/week average by next summer. (about double what I've done so far this year) I'll also be hitting the trainer a lot, winter is a good time for lots of hard interval sessions to work on the bike fitness. 

Currently averaging around 8 hours S/B/R a week. I'd like to increase that up to 10-12 by next summer.

2013 RACES:  

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS:  As I talked about in my story I ave struggled with making my weight-loss permanent. My current goal is to get back below 220lbs (and stay there) long term I think I should weigh around 180-190lbs. My goal is to get close, and as I get close determine what a healthy weight for me is. 


  • Set a PR in the northern crossing, sub 5:30
  • Run a HM in under 2 hours. 
  • Break 6 hours in my next HIM, in December
  • Continue to build my base fitness level
  • Get to a healthy weight 
2013-05-03 1:53 AM
in reply to: #4724692

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Extreme Veteran
North Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors

Rather than starting my own group I would like to get in on this group if I may.

Name: Airborne / Arnt

STORY: My story ... I joined the triathlon community to quit smoking. I remember standing in line at Ironman Canada in Penticton to register, just stinking of smoke, where I met some extraordinarily friendly folks that were are also from North Vancouver. They convinced me to join their tri-club. Shortly afterwards I found and joined BT. I've been a member of both for 10 years. I set a goal to complete 10 IM distance races. I have completed Ironman Canada and Wisconsin each and Arizona twice.

I have a great full time job and went back to do university full time while working to do a degree. I stopped training and gained a lot of weight. It's time for me to get back into shape as I just turned 50 in March. Then in September I will get back into the Argentine Tango dance community ... but that's a different adventure.


FAMILY STATUS:  Bachelor - no kids

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm going to start (officially) on Saturday May 04th with a swim.

2013 RACES:  August 25th - Ironman Canada at Whistler

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS:  I peaked at 245, I'm currently 238 and I expect to lose all excess weight and get to 170 lbs race weight.


  • Lose weight - if even by restricted caloric intake alone
  • Train consistently
  • Avoid injuries
  • Finish my 5th Ironman
  • Make new friends
2013-05-04 5:32 PM
in reply to: #4724692

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors
Can't stay away.
Bulfrog - so interesting to be reminded of your story.

Airborne - an IM while you still smoked! I want your secret - how did you develop that fitness foundation?

2013-05-08 1:00 PM
in reply to: #4724692

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Extreme Veteran
North Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors
I see they have us hidden away while other mentors are 'live'. What's up with that? Anyways, I'm thinking about doing my first open water swim this weekend but I can't get into my wetsuit. Looks like I will have to rent a suit. Meanwhile ... No carbs for me. I think I'm down 15 lbs from my peak weight.
2013-05-08 2:52 PM
in reply to: #4733419

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors

Do you have any idea on when we'll be 'going live' paul? Also, do you know if anymore of the old group going to continue? 

How was your 70.3? I think that this thread would be greatly improved with a race report.

I had a couple of days off, to recharge the batteries over Sunday/Monday. Since then, a couple of medium runs, and an easy trainer ride. Looking forward to a run, and spinerval DVD on the trainer after work tonight. 

Good luck with your OWS Arnt, is this a race, or a training swim? 

2013-05-08 5:51 PM
in reply to: #4724692

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors

Working on the race report ... I went sub 6 so I am stoked on that BUT I imploded on the run so obviously I have to fix something BIG TIME before the ironman ... 

Mike and Ony will hopefully be joining us - and we will see if we get some other guys/gals to join us.

Did a 2900 meter swim today (in a pool) felt good and I am confident I can pound out the iron distance now - the OWS portion of my tri last weekend was so cold I wore booties and a neoprene hat ... back to work on the report.  Tomorrow I have a run and a gym visit on tap - how about you guys?

2013-05-09 11:37 AM
in reply to: #4724692

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors

Hey guys, Sorry for no response for quite awhile,  Glad to be back,  I was in the Bahamas on a trip with my wife.  I know you feel bad for me.  LOL.  Well I did get a lot of training in while I was down there.  Ran around 40 miles and I did get one open water swim in about 1.5 miles.  First time ever swimming in the ocean like that.  Very interesting, my wife paddled a kyak next to me while I was swimming just in case i did get in trouble.  Swim was really slow, she had my running GPS watch with her in the Kyak so not sure how accurate it really was.  If it was I averaged around 1:49 per 100.  The big thing I didn't like was the salt water in my mouth the whole time.  Obviously no way to avoid this.  but overall very glad I did it.  Back on the bike now that I'm home and feeling way better on it.  Good to see everyone is doing well.

Congrats Paul on beating 6 hours.

2013-05-13 3:40 PM
in reply to: #4724692

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors

Hi Guys, 

Pretty good weekend for me, Did my long run (Only 60 min) on Friday, ran and biked Saturday and Sunday. The only slight let down was the friend I do some of my long rides with had commitments latter on Sunday, so my long ride was shorter than planned. 

I'm now into race week, ahead of the northern crossing on Saturday. So I have a light training load ahead, and lots of rest planned. 

Overall I'm feeling pretty good about how my training has gone. I've made big gains biking over the last year. And although my running is not as strong as it has been, I've picked things up quite well since my last Tri, I've definitely used the last 4-5 weeks to improve here. 

The course has changed slightly this year. Run 1 will be easier, but the bike will be a little harder with a new climb added to the end. The final run is the unchanged. So I'm not sure how the times will relate to previous years. But that said, my first attempt in 2010, I took 7 hours 17 minutes to be the last official finisher, by 2012 I had improved to 5:48:33. 

This year, depending on how well the day goes, I'm targeting a time somewhere between 5 - 5 and a half hours. 

Starting to get excited about the weekend already... 

2013-05-14 8:15 PM
in reply to: #4740467

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors
bulfrog - 2013-05-13 3:40 PM

Hi Guys, 

Pretty good weekend for me, Did my long run (Only 60 min) on Friday, ran and biked Saturday and Sunday. The only slight let down was the friend I do some of my long rides with had commitments latter on Sunday, so my long ride was shorter than planned. 

I'm now into race week, ahead of the northern crossing on Saturday. So I have a light training load ahead, and lots of rest planned. 

Overall I'm feeling pretty good about how my training has gone. I've made big gains biking over the last year. And although my running is not as strong as it has been, I've picked things up quite well since my last Tri, I've definitely used the last 4-5 weeks to improve here. 

The course has changed slightly this year. Run 1 will be easier, but the bike will be a little harder with a new climb added to the end. The final run is the unchanged. So I'm not sure how the times will relate to previous years. But that said, my first attempt in 2010, I took 7 hours 17 minutes to be the last official finisher, by 2012 I had improved to 5:48:33. 

This year, depending on how well the day goes, I'm targeting a time somewhere between 5 - 5 and a half hours. 

Starting to get excited about the weekend already... 

you'll do great.  Those are some drastic improvements.  What kind of race is it again?  you mentioned 2 runs?
2013-05-14 8:17 PM
in reply to: #4724692

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors

Posted this on the wrong site.  Here's from my weekend long ride


56 Mile bike ride today in about 2:51.  I say about because at the 46 mile point averaging about 19.6 mph my Garmin watch lap counter became full and my watch shut down.  Other than that a very good ride, since I'm not used to going that long.



2013-05-14 8:39 PM
in reply to: #4742726

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors

mharvey642 - 2013-05-15 3:15 PM 
you'll do great.  Those are some drastic improvements.  What kind of race is it again?  you mentioned 2 runs?

Thanks, the first year was my first multisport event of any type, so I didn't really know what I was getting in to and was hugely under prepared. It is nice to see the improvements every year tho.

It's a ' multisport' event so if you do the full thing you, run, bike, run again and kayak. I'll be doing the duathlon option, which is 8km run, 80km bike, 8km run. 

If anybody's interested check it out

2013-05-16 6:14 PM
in reply to: #4724692

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors

Psyched to be back up and running!  

Here is the race report from my 70.3 - - I fell apart on the run but I was happy with the swim and bike - have about 70 days to get it together for Ironman Lake Placid ...

My training the week after the race was sporadic and uninspired - I started my new position and have not worked out the balance of work/family/training yet with the adjusted work schedule.  So far this week has been more solid and I have three solid training days in - today is off and then a solid Fri-Sat-Sun of work planned.

Monday hit the gym first:

3 x 30 Decline Bench Sit-ups

21/15/9 Pull ups with machine

21/15/9 Lunges: Walking/Reverse/Forward

21/15/9 Dead Lift into Shoulder Shrugs

21/15/9 Leg Press: Seated

3 x 30 Medicine ball twists
Then hit the pool for a swim:

WU- 150 Swim free
100 Kick without fins and kick board
150 Swim free
100 Kick w/fins in streamline position
(no board)

DS- 12 x 50 Drill down/Swim back (2 sets w/out
fins and 2 sets w/fins alternating)
1- Fingertip drag drill
2- 3 count catch-up free drill
3- 3 count arm switch drill

PS- 4 x 100 Pulling Free w/paddles and buoy
(breathing pattern 3/5/7/3, long slow
arms rotating the shoulders and hips)

KS- 3 x 100 Kicking (use board entire time)
1- Split first 25 with just the right leg
kicking and the second 25 with just
the left leg, then the last 50 with both
legs kicking
2- Kick with fins and board using both
legs for the entire 100 yards
3- Using fins repeat: Split first 25 with
just the right leg kicking and the
second 25 with just the left leg, then
the last 50 with both legs kicking

WD- 200 choice

TY- 2,000 meters
Tuesday was another swim day and usually I don't do back to back swims but I did this week:
WU- 150 Stroke
100 Kick
150 Pull
100 Stroke
150 Swim

DS- 9 x 50 (Use fins)
1- Log roll with 3 count
2- Shark fin with 3 count
3- sailboat with 2 count

MS- 7 x 200 Pulling (3-5-7-3 breathing pattern per
100 yards)
9 x 100 Split 50 Kick @ 90%/50 Swim @ pace
(alternate using fins every other 100)

CD- 300 Choice

TY- 3,000 meters
I was really zonked after this - shoulders were sore ... but I jumped on the trainer.
Did 1:40 minutes and tried to increase tempo every 20 minutes.  Slept like a rock for 4 hours.
Yesterday I went to work on 4 hours sleep - and put in 12 hours ... all I wanted to do was sleep
but I ran as scheduled:
-Start with a 15min warm-up
-20 minutes at steady tempo pace (10 secs slower than 10k mile pace)
-10 mins easy recovery jog
-20 minutes at steady tempo pace (10 secs slower than 10k mile pace)
-Finish with 15min cool down
1:12 minutes ... 9:14 miles ... ended up sub 8 average overall.  
How much faster would I be if I wasn't always so tired?
Sorry for the book - missed you guys!!


2013-05-20 5:24 PM
in reply to: BigPaulD

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors
guess there aren't many Clydes and Athenas this round ... always room for some more ...

Hope everyone had a good weekend ... I have an 11 1/2 hour training week last week and hope to slightly increase that volume this week.

The big workout of the week last week came on Sunday ... 60 miles on the bike.
This week I had a nice long run today (14 miles) and once again I have been reminded why I love the cold weather and do poorly in the spring/summer ... still had a solid run but it was much less of a pleasure after mile 10 then my recent runs.

Short swim on tap for tomorrow - this week's big days are Thursday (9 mile run - 4000 meter swim) and Sunday (45 minute OWS and 4 1/2 hours on the bike - plan 80 miles)

What does everyone else have planned for the week ... getting ever closer to IMLP ... getting nervous.
2013-05-20 7:59 PM
in reply to: BigPaulD

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors
Hi guys,

Firstly, well done on breaking 6 hours on your 70.3 paul! that's a great achievement. It's a pity that the legs fell apart on the run, but i think that that's a feeling we all know well. You have time to figure it out before the ironman.

I'm back at work after my race on the weekend. Hopefully i'll get my race report up soon, but work has just got mental, so I'm going to be in and out of town a bit over the next few days.

The short version of my race is that it didn't go great, for various reasons I felt pretty awful the whole time. But I finished in 5:09:12. Which was well within the 5-5:30 range i expected to finish. It was not a perfect day for me, and I could have done better, but I'm still quite happy with the overall result.

The next few weeks are going to be a bit light in terms of S/B/R, as I give myself a rest at the end of my season, and try to get back on top of work. How's everyone else doing?
2013-05-22 9:07 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors

Good run this morning 5x5 minutes in zone 4 and 5. great day for running here after all the storms. 6:39/mile pace; 6:35/mile pace; 6:36/mile pace; 6:48/mile pace; 7:03/mile pace, Total for run was 53:34, 7.32 miles ave 7:19/mile.

2013-05-22 10:58 AM
in reply to: mharvey642

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, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors
Hi guys -- mind a new face?

Name: Jack

Story: I've been running for a while, but I never really liked it by itself for some reason. Not enough variety, I guess, plus I was getting shin splints from overtraining. I needed something to shake up my routine and also give me a break from the shin splints. Spent enough time randomly surfing the internet to come across my town's local tri and get all excited about it ... only to find it had already filled up. But fortunately there's no shortage of sprint tri's in upstate NY, so on an impulse I registered for my very first tri (coming up in Sept) and now here I am training for it.

Current training: I just started the 3x balanced sprint plan, building on a solid running base. Possibly I'll modify it to focus on the swim, which is my weakest -- haven't been swimming regularly in about a decade, although it's coming back to me pretty fast.

2013 races: Finger Lakes Tri sprint distance, probably some local 5k runs

Weight loss goals: I topped out at 220# and for some reason that was the last straw (why not 200#? It is a mystery). Trying to make it back down to a fighting weight of 165# -- I'm not very tall -- but it's going to be a while.


Get out there and train
Shed some extra lbs
Ditch the shin splints for good
and possibly most importantly...
finish my first triathlon! (bonus objective: not DFL)
2013-05-22 9:50 PM
in reply to: irq

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors
Originally posted by irq

Hi guys -- mind a new face?

Name: Jack

Story: I've been running for a while, but I never really liked it by itself for some reason. Not enough variety, I guess, plus I was getting shin splints from overtraining. I needed something to shake up my routine and also give me a break from the shin splints. Spent enough time randomly surfing the internet to come across my town's local tri and get all excited about it ... only to find it had already filled up. But fortunately there's no shortage of sprint tri's in upstate NY, so on an impulse I registered for my very first tri (coming up in Sept) and now here I am training for it.

Current training: I just started the 3x balanced sprint plan, building on a solid running base. Possibly I'll modify it to focus on the swim, which is my weakest -- haven't been swimming regularly in about a decade, although it's coming back to me pretty fast.

2013 races: Finger Lakes Tri sprint distance, probably some local 5k runs

Weight loss goals: I topped out at 220# and for some reason that was the last straw (why not 200#? It is a mystery). Trying to make it back down to a fighting weight of 165# -- I'm not very tall -- but it's going to be a while.


Get out there and train
Shed some extra lbs
Ditch the shin splints for good
and possibly most importantly...
finish my first triathlon! (bonus objective: not DFL)

Welcome, You are at the right place, we have experience from beginner to been around a couple of years. Look forward to your updates and your first race.
2013-05-23 5:05 PM
in reply to: irq

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors
Welcome Jack - I started with running races too ... did a sprint and caught the tri bug.
Most of the guys/gals that participated in our group last session were or are considered larger than normal athletes but all of us have been working on reducing our size as we enter race season.

Today I swam 3300 meters - did some drills and then sets of freestyle at varying speeds. Since I changed jobs two weeks ago I have been in an unending struggle with trying to balance work, working out, family life and sleep ... and sleep has been getting the shaft. During the work week I am averaging 4 hours which has resulted in weak workouts as I struggle to stay awake and get my hours of training in. Hopefully will figure it out soon because I can't keep going at this pace.

Typically my wife would reality check me and try to set me straight on a schedule ... but other than on Sunday we haven't been awake and home at the same time to converse (pretty crazy) ... due to hit the gym and run 9 miles tomorrow what do you guys have on tap for Friday?
2013-05-26 3:39 PM
in reply to: BigPaulD

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Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors
First 64 mile bike ride yesterday. Averaged 19.4 mph. 1994 feet of elevation gain on the ride. Not sure if that's a lot or not, but it's the hilliest ride I can find near where I live in Texas. 10-15 mph winds for the 32 miles back. Makes it a good challenge. Starting to feel pretty good on the bike.

Today ran 11 miles 1:25. 7:47/mile average. Did my best to keep heart rate in zone 2, but hit zone 3 near the end. Happy with the run, and the fact I did it the next day after the bike ride.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
2013-05-28 5:08 PM
in reply to: mharvey642

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors
Hi guys,

Sorry I've been missing in action the last week or so. I've been out of the country on work. So training and internet opportunities have been limited.

Should have that race report up soon. Keep up the good training everyone!

2013-05-30 10:50 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors
Almost 2 weeks after the race, but my northern crossing duathlon RR is now up here::

Have a good weekend everyone!
2013-05-31 12:34 AM
in reply to: BigPaulD

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Subject: RE: OPEN -TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors

Well howdy.  Figured I should probably find some like minded people so here I am.  Mind if I hang around for awhile?


NAME: Chris, 27, just South of Seattle

STORY: Well I'm fat.  I have been my whole life, and have only every really just flirted with being active.  After a cowoker who was really obese passed in January, it was kinda a wake up call to me.  Between that and the mounting social pressure of my upcoming wedding, I needed to kick my diet/workouts into a higher level.  A guy at work has done several IM's, so I said why not.  I'm an Air Traffic Controller on the wet side of Washington, so my schedule is really messed up.

FAMILY STATUS: Engaged, Aug 3rd 2013 in Lake Tahoe is the big day.  One dog (lab), and no kids.

LAST SEASON: I was eating pizza, lots of beer, and fooling myself that I wasn't in that bad of shape.

CURRENT TRAINING: Killing myself.  I'm probably over training, I'm working out 5-6 days a week, some days I'm doing two a day workouts.  Usually swim 2-3 days in the morning, two days of strength training, several 30-60 min stationary bike rides a week at work, two running days a week.  Late June I also plan to add in Hot Yoga.

2013 RACES: Starting in Feb, my fiance and I (and some of the bridal party) have been doing a 5K a month. So far....

Feb: Valentines Day Dash: 297 LBS 38:02
Mar: St. Pattys Day 5K: 289 LBS 40:35
April: Seattle Earth Day 5K: 279 LBS 37:01
May: L.E.A.P. Special Olympics 5K: 270 LBS 34:02
June: Dirty Dash South Sound
July: Color in Motion 5K
Aug: ????
Sept: Seattle Escape the Rock Tri 

 WEIGHT LOSS: So I started my diet the day after Christmas at my all time highest 317 pounds.  As of this morning I'm down to 268, a loss of 49.5 pounds (15.6%).  I'm doing low carb.  That isn't up for debate.  I have tried just about every plan out there and this is the only way of eating that has been able to take the weight off.  Currently I'm having some issues with my diet as I've been stalled for almost 3 weeks.  I think it may be a cortisol imbalance due to the amount of training I'm doing.

Goal: Ironman in 2015.  Its huge, honestly I'm scared of it.  But between watching youtube recaps, and BSing with my buddy at work about it, I want it.  Bad.  My kinda rough plan is to do a sprint this year (September), an Olympic or two next year, and shoot for either the Lake Tahoe or Lake Coeur D'alene full length in 2015.  Yes its ambitious, but I think given that I have 2+ years to train for it, its attainable.  In the mean time, my main focus is dropping the weight.  I think I'd be well balanced somewhere around the 200 pound mark.  Though sub 200 would be nice (I've never seen the scale with a 1 as the first number).


In my siggy is a link to the blog I started.  I hope to write about this experience good or bad.  Hope you all enjoy, and hopefully I can learn something along the way too.


2013-06-03 9:23 AM
in reply to: Contrails

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Subject: RE: OPEN -TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors
Chris ... welcome!

Good progression with your weight loss and running!
By keeping focused on singular targets you should continue with seeing weight fall off and speed/stamina increase.

I checked out the Escape the Rock - looks like a good first timer tri - starting smart with a sprint distance - just make your goal to finish with no competition other than your own demons and you will be fine.

I know the whole low carb thing is what is working for you to melt of weight - I did the same when I started ... just realize it will get to a point where this will be counterproductive to training. Especially when you add more distance to anything - without the carbs to burn you will not have stamina to carry you through. You are not there yet so nothing to stress about - what is your height by the way do not see that here?
2013-06-03 9:30 AM
in reply to: BigPaulD

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Subject: RE: OPEN -TRI (Totally Radical Improvement) - Clydes/Athenas to competitors
May volume:

Biked 333.32 miles ... just short of 20 hours
Ran 85.89 miles ... 12 1/4 hours
Swam 22,3100 yards ... 9 3/4 hours
Did 7 weight sessions as well - usually about 50 minutes

With less than 60 days to go to Lake Placid this is the CRAZY month ... already have done the following (Saturday and Sunday)
Biked 109 miles ... just short of 6 hours (averaged over 18 mph)
Ran 18 miles ... did the day after the bike and I suffered mightily ... 3 hours (last 8 miles the heat and humidity beat me down).

Tomorrow will be doing the gym and swimming ...
Wednesday will be a 30 mile bike - nothing crazy ...
Thursday will be a speed swim followed by a tempo run ...
No workouts Friday or Saturday .... need to rest up for the NJ Highlands Gran Fondo - 100+ miles and 9000 feet of climbing - should be pretty sick ...

Have a great week guys and gals!
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