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2008-04-21 12:43 PM

Extreme Veteran
Subject: lrobb's group full - the work is plentiful, success is guaranteed!



Software developer, tri-junky for 5 years. And I do mean junky! I started doing triathlons, again, after putting on way too much weight before & after the birth of my son. I was very "puffy", and the blood pressure was starting to rise.


Married, one little boy.


I'm using a coach this year, but nothing terribly complicated: swim, bike, run, repeat. Anywhere from 8-12 hours. More detail? In writing my own schedule, I use pace and power and good old perceived exertion. I like to see a plan progress from general base building type activities to a few specific key workouts done as race day approaches. Although I have a powertap, accelerometer, and computer programs to monitor training load, I think we can do just as good by basing it off of "feel" and listening to our bodies. Running injuries have kept me from doing the training I would like, but I plan on targeting a 70.3 (or two) this year. Olympic distance is my favorite though.


- Playtri Olympic
- Route 66 International
- Ironman KS 70.3
- Disco Triathlon Olympic
- TexasMan Triathlon Olympic
- Half Redman (70.3)
- Hi Fi Olympic Triathlon


Was 210 when I started, currently at 170! I didn't plan on losing that much weight, it just kinda happened after cleaning up my diet and starting to exercise.


  • Past experience writing a schedule and mentoring a tri-club member.

  • Currently a USAC certified coach and studying for my USAT & CSCS certs.

  • My job keeps me on the computer constantly, so I'm able to answer questions early & often. It's just something I enjoy doing.

  • None of this has come naturally to me: I can still remember being hopelessly out of breath the first time I swam across the pool, finally breaking 16mph on my bike, and thinking I'd never be able to run more than 3 miles.

Edited by lrobb 2008-07-19 4:59 AM

2008-04-23 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1351842

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN

My name is Brian Folsom from Leesburg VA. I am originally from OKC until about 3.5 years ago. I started training last year off and on never getting serious. This year is a different story so far. I purchased a new road bike about a month ago and have only been able to ride 3 times but I have a membership to a great facility with indoor pool and upright bikes that allows me to ride until I get a trainer (soon). I went on my first 20 mile ride* (10 miles stop for lunch and 10 back) last week and had a great time. This was coincidentally my first small group ride after riding last year by myself. My main goal this year is to lose weight, finish a sprint in Northeast MD in August.

My plan now is to do the mini-sprint in Manassas VA on Aug 10 and then the full sprint on Aug 17th. Unless they are too close together. I am trying to find another mini-sprint that is not a week prior to the Northeast sprint to get my feet wet and get use to the transitions and the race in general. If a week is enough recovery time then I will keep my plans as they are.

I started the 2X 16 week sprint training plan with my wife who is interested in doing a mini sprint with me and possibly the sprint in MD with me.

Currently I am down to 305# from about 340# at the first of the year. I started my exercise this year playing basketball once a week which helped jump start my weight loss prior to joining at the fitness center and getting much more serious about training. My goal weight is to get back down to around 210-220# where I was when I got out of the Marine Corps about 9 years ago. I have been riding the weight roller coaster my whole life and I would like to get off the next time I get to the bottom. I weighted 289# prior boot camp and 170# after graduation a year later. After I got out I shot up to 365# rather quickly and over the last 3 years have ranged from 340# and 300#.

I am married with three kids and it isn’t fair to my kids for me to be out of shape. My family deserves to have a healthy Dad/Husband and I have the ability to make this happen. I am ultra competitive so I decided that competitive sports is my best chance for change.

I tend to ramble as I type so I hope I gave you enough (but not too much) information. I am in front of my computer for 10 hours a day at work so I am typically very easy to get a hold of electronically.
2008-04-23 11:43 AM
in reply to: #1351842

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN

  Hi Lee

  My name is Dwayne, and Iwould like to join your group.  I am 51 years old and want to do an Ironman at 55.  I started training in Nov. 2007 and joined a mentors group in JAN 2008.  I got the flu in Feb. and did not try to start training again until March. 

     My job involves staying away from home 6 days a week, so finding a place to swim was difficult at first.  I have found a pool here in Athens Texas and with the weather warming up, my RV that I stay in is parked on the lakefront of Cedar Creek Lake.  So no more excuses.

     My goal is to do a sprint in Cleburne Texas  in Sept. and still need to lose some weght.

     With the hours that I work it is sometimes hard to stick to a plan.  Ireally enjoy all the feedback and support that comes with belonging to a mentor group.  All help is appreciated.


2008-04-23 12:09 PM
in reply to: #1356859

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
Hey Brian.

That's quite an impressive weight loss already! I think triathlon is great because so many people treat it as a lifestyle - and as you know, to have long lasting changes, you have to integrate new habits into your lifestyle and get rid of some old ones. I've had good luck just by eliminating processed food and replacing it with fruits/veggies/lean meats. And working out, of course. I'm like you too in that I need that race to keep me heading out the door for my workouts.


2008-04-23 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1356950

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
Hi Dwayne.

I'm glad you're taking a long-term view for your Ironman. Building that kind of fitness takes a while - but the journey is fun. Real life always has a way of messing up a well-laid plan, but I think we have to fit our schedule into our life instead of the other way around. I was in the situation a couple years ago where I could only get in 1-2 swims & bikes a week, but I could run almost every day; so I just took that opportunity to do a lot of running.

2008-04-23 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
Thanks for the encouragement. One question that i do have is I am trying to determine how often I should do strength training. I have a Bowflex Extreme that I used in the off season but I want to make sure I am not over training. I am reading fast and furious on the site and will search for articles on strength training (right after I upgrade my membership in about two minuets). But I wanted to get your thoughts.

Oh and you can call me Tiny. It is a name that I plan on keeping in remembrance of 360+ pound days. And really even at 6'2" 220 (initial goal weight) I am not exactly petite.

2008-04-23 3:02 PM
in reply to: #1351842

New user

Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN

Hey there Lee and everyone!  My name is Julie- I'm 30 and have a 3 year old son. I started my weight loss sjourney at 254 right after his birth and am now down to 135.  I have done many running races in my past 3 years including last year's chicago marathon and am looking forward to doing 4 or 5 tris. Including a 70.3 in September. I would like to do a full Ironman next year, but I feel like I have so much to learn before then.   I was also sidelined with a running injury in January- Periformis...Knock on would it has healed.




2008-04-23 3:38 PM
in reply to: #1357514

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
TheyCallMeTiny - 2008-04-23 2:18 PM

One question that i do have is I am trying to determine how often I should do strength training. I have a Bowflex Extreme that I used in the off season but I want to make sure I am not over training.

Hey Tiny,

Weights always seem to be a hot-button issue... I personally do some strengthening exercises for my knee problems, but if it wasn't for that I wouldn't do any - I have a hard enough time getting in all my swim/bike/run workouts. When I do them, I place them after my runs. It's very dependent on what else you have going on with your schedule. The easiest answer is to place it wherever it won't interfere with your training plan - you don't want to miss a scheduled run because you're sore or tight from the weights - and don't be afraid to drop them first if it's taking too much time.

Edited by lrobb 2008-04-23 3:40 PM
2008-04-23 3:50 PM
in reply to: #1357680

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
Hey Julie.

254->135 is incredible! Which 70.3 are you planning on?
2008-04-23 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1357837

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
I have been looking at other training plans since I upgraded to Silver and it seems that they are all leg and back focused. I was thinking about doing some low weight stuff just to keep things firm as well as work on some core stuff.

I will probably try to fit in 30 min twice a week since I only have to go down to the basement.
2008-04-23 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Swan Valley, Idaho
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
I'd like to link up with all of you - I too have ridden the weight loss roller coaster and am older (48 this year).
I am married - 5 grown kids - and live in southeaast Idaho. I love to hike and cross-country ski - and rapidly becoming obsessed with tri training.
6 years ago I was up to 230 + pounds. I did the Atkins diet and got down to fighting weight of 145 - then I went to grad school - and worked fulltime - and I'm now at 188 (started atkins again on Sunday.
Why Sunday? Because I waas TOO FAT for my wetsuit at the Rage TRi at Lake Mead. granted it was a rental and I (like a dumba**) hadn't tried it on before the racce. I got in the water and couldn't breath.
That was to be my first REAL tri - I did an indoor one in Feb and completed it...really slowly.
So - let's do this thing!

2008-04-23 6:43 PM
in reply to: #1358237

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN

So - let's do this thing!

Hey wswope - welcome!

I try to follow - try to follow - the paleo diet. Have you found the AKINS diet to interfere with your training any? Were you able to complete the race?

2008-04-23 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1351842

Extreme Veteran
Subject: Key Three Nutrition / Diet principles
Good advice to keep in mind whenever you have to make diet decisions:

This is from the "Going Long" book:

1. Eliminate as many processed foods as possible.
2. Get the majority of your nutrition from lean protein, fresh veggies and whole fruit.
3. Use starches and sugars in moderation, and only during and after training.

2008-04-23 7:20 PM
in reply to: #1358317

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Key Three Nutrition / Diet principles
A recipe I fall back on, just as easy as going through the drive-through:

1 bag of chicken fajita strips, 1 jar of tomato pesto, 1 box of rotini whole-wheat pasta, 1 bag of Orleans blend veggies (yellow beans, green beans, baby carrots).

Cook the pasta and chicken, throw it all in the skillet and voila! Tasty, quick, and simple.

I work from home too, so food is always tempting me. I've been working on replacing my "bad" snacks with celery, carrots, and other veggies/fruit I can eat raw.

I still have a nasty sweet tooth though - I've been relying on dates & figs in place of candy bars.

2008-04-23 10:10 PM
in reply to: #1351842

New user

Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
I'd love to join you guys if there is still room.

My name is Sam and i need some motivation/accountability. I have read alot but not done alot. I recently got re-energized by going up to IMAZ and watching last week. I went home and signed up for the Longhorn 70.3 in october and rock n roll san antonio marathon in november.
I actually did IM calif 70.3 in 2007 and have done absolutely nothing since then. I was recently as heavy as 280 but am looking to drop to 220.

I have 2 kids (6 and 4) and one on the way(august 1st). I work alot and am trying to figure out how to do 7-9 workout a week. I have lots of questions about training( especially for heavy folks)

2008-04-24 4:14 AM
in reply to: #1358603

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
csmccarty - 2008-04-23 10:10 PM

I'd love to join you guys if there is still room.

Still room. Welcome! KJ puts on a good race from what I understand. Longhorn ought to be a blast.

2008-04-24 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1351842

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN

     I also have a sweet tooth.  I have been taking a jar of natural peanut butter and celery sticks to work with me and I eat 2 sticks at morning break and 2 sticks at afternoon break.  Satisfies sweet tooth and keeps me from overeating at lunch and dinner.

2008-04-24 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1351842

New user

Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
I am looking at doing a local 70.3 The Great Illini.  I have the worst sweet tooth as well.  I could eat a bag of twizzlers in an hour- the big bag.  I have been off processed foods the past 3 weeks but in order to do it I pack my own lunch/dinner- gotta love the cooler.  It's cheaper too.  My husband teases me, but oh well.
2008-04-24 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: lrobb's group ~~~~~~~~~ OPEN
OK dumb question time. What things are considered processed.

Please don't list smoked salmon if that is on the list I won't be able to make it. I know they cure it with various things during the smoking process but I am confused as to the specifics.

We try to go with fresh fruits and veggies as often as possible and stick with lean meats fresh of the grill (yummy). What else do you guys recommend?
2008-04-24 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1359719

Extreme Veteran
Subject: processed

1. If you can't recognize what it was in nature, don't eat it. I've never seen a Twinkie tree.

2. If the bag/box has more than a few ingredients, it's probably best to stay away.

One of the big things I try to avoid is High Fructose Corn Syrup. It seems to find its way into everything, and does nothing but give you extra calories. I've seen it in everything from bread to chicken strips.

The other is hydrogenated oil. If either of those two are on the package, I skip it.
2008-04-24 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1359796

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: processed
OK that makes sense. Good things to look for individually.

In your opinion is doing the Manassas mini sprint which is 400 yrds swim/ 8 mi bike / 1.8 mi run on Aug 10th Sunday and then doing the Northeast Sprint which is 820 yrds swim/ 15.5 mi bike / 3.5 run, the following weekend a bad idea. I know it depends entirely on the individual but I am training on the 16 week plan which should have me doing more distance than the sprint by then. Will one week be enough recovery time from the mini? I want to do the mini for a few reasons. It will give me a chance to have an idea what happens on race day and get an idea at shorter distances about doing all three events consecutively. But I don't want to ruin my chances of finishing the sprint distance. I have no idea what kind of recovery time I will need between races.

I feel that I will be in fairly good shape by then overall.

Also if I do do it should I do anything in between?

2008-04-24 3:27 PM
in reply to: #1359900

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: processed
Hey Tiny. I'm not sure of the plan details. What is the largest amount of swim/bike/run you'll be doing under that plan? As you said a lot of it is individual, and a lot of it depends on the amount of training you've done leading up to it. Gotta run, I'll give more detail later.

edit: I'm somewhat of a slow recovery guy. Last year I did a 5k/30k/5k duathlon off of about 4-6 hours per week. I was too sore to do much of anything for the next several days.

This year I did the Playtri olympic distance on Sunday, and didn't miss any workouts including run hillwork on Tuesday morning and a club Time Trial that evening.

The difference? I'm a little better with my post race recovery, and I'm putting in twice as many hours.

So it really comes down to how much work you're doing leading up to the event, and how fast your recover. I would think that you shouldn't have any trouble doing them both.

Edited by lrobb 2008-04-24 7:04 PM
2008-04-24 5:14 PM
in reply to: #1358325

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Swan Valley, Idaho
Subject: RE: Key Three Nutrition / Diet principles
what is the paleo diet? Atkins really works for me - at least until I get down to weight - I feel strong and bullet-proof. I think my metabolism must like the high protein.
By the way - down to 185.5 this am
2008-04-24 7:07 PM
in reply to: #1360382

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Key Three Nutrition / Diet principles
wswope - 2008-04-24 5:14 PM

what is the paleo diet? Atkins really works for me - at least until I get down to weight - I feel strong and bullet-proof. I think my metabolism must like the high protein.
By the way - down to 185.5 this am

Good job!

Kinda like Akins, it's somewhat controversial.

To follow this diet,

1. Eat plenty of lean meats (fish, poultry, lean beef, wild game)

2. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables

3. Avoid dairy

4. Avoid starches and sugars (breads, grains, etc.)

5. Avoid processed foods

2008-04-24 7:22 PM
in reply to: #1351842

Extreme Veteran
Subject: Dwayne / Julie
I see you guys don't have anything going in your logs. Let me know if you need some help getting started.
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