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2005-08-01 11:46 AM

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Subject: Compact Crank and Regular Crank
I have a tri bike and a road bike. .. On my Road Bike the crank is a compact 36/50 . . . the Tri bike has a 39/53. . .

Question: If I train primarily on my road bike (36/50) and then race on my Tri bike (39/53) is this going to be tough? Should I get a regular 39/53 crank on my road bike?

Does this make sense? Thanks!

2005-08-01 11:51 AM
in reply to: #212661

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Compact Crank and Regular Crank

It's going to be tough only if you need the lower gears afforded by the compact crank. If you're not using those, then you should be able to find equivalent (and higher) gears on your tri bike.

If you DO need the lower gears, then a 39/53 on your road bike wouldn't help as much as a compact crank on your tri bike.

2005-08-01 6:09 PM
in reply to: #212661

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Subject: RE: Compact Crank and Regular Crank

Thanks for the comments, they are appreciated.

Another thought.
I actually got the road bike after I got the tri bike, so I am use to the 39/53 crank. . . I am quite comfortable using the tri bikes bigger gears and was wondering if using the compact cranks smaller gears would mess me up when I went back to the tri bike, but it sounds like I should just stay out of the small gears of the road bike and I should be ok?

2005-08-02 3:52 PM
in reply to: #212661

New user
Subject: RE: Compact Crank and Regular Crank
You tell me. Go on your road bike for a little in the gears your use to and then go on the tri bike and see how the gear ratios compare.
2005-08-02 8:35 PM
in reply to: #212661

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Subject: RE: Compact Crank and Regular Crank
The road bike is a lot easier to use on the climbs but I try to stay out of the 36 front and biggest two in the back and just use the middle gears in the back. . . and I do ok. . .

So I guess I am fine with the setup now. . . but in the future I would probably like for the setup to be the same gear wise. . .
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Compact Crank and Regular Crank Rss Feed