Subject: RE: add regular strength workout to plann marmadaddy - 2011-07-03 3:26 AM The easiest way would be to create the strength workouts in your Planned Log and then use the Copy Drag&Drop to add it to additional weeks. Major problem. - I have tried copy, drag & drop and the data for the strength training is corrupting. i.e I had a 1 hour 30 mins abs workout when i copied and pasted it corrupted both strength entries and changed the length of workout to random lengths i.e. 3 hours 45 mins. Plus it changed the length of other strength workouts which i didn't touch.
- I tried the copy, move, delete option and when you enter the dates for the ' destination' 'to' date the calender wont appear to select a date and you can't over ride it manually.
I have already had to do the plan twice as data from my previous plan was corrupted. Is there a way i can back up my whole log just in case there is corruption so that I can re-load it if need be. |