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2006-05-09 3:43 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Waterboro, Maine
Subject: Walk & Bike to School Week
Well, this may only apply to those in Maine, but what the heck, extend the challenge the world over!

May 8-12, 2006 is Maine Walk & Bike to School Week.

I will be biking my kids to school on Thursday (unless the weather is terrible), and I have recruited one other family. Last year, I called the school principle who discouraged it for liability reasons. This year, I am doing it as my own personal challenge.

Who else will bike or walk with their kids to school this week?

2006-05-10 4:35 PM
in reply to: #419159

Subject: RE: Walk & Bike to School Week

Not much of a challenge, to me at least.

if its +2*C I ride. Winter I walk. Everyday.

Edit: DId I mention that the walking was in knee deep snow during a blizzard, uphill both ways, in my father's pajamas?

Edited by jknapman 2006-05-10 4:36 PM
2006-05-10 4:47 PM
in reply to: #419159

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Extreme Veteran
Waterboro, Maine
Subject: RE: Walk & Bike to School Week
Good for you!

I know it is not much of a challenge, and issuing it to the BT community is rather like preaching to the choir. But so many kids and parents don't even know it is an option. I bike with my kids to school in fair weather, and we get some of the darndest comments from other kids. Mostly along the lines of "What are you doing?" or we get comments like "That is so cool. I wish I could do that".

Anyhoo, this is just my feeble attempt to raise conciousness. We are biking tomorrow! Hopefully, this rainy weather pattern will blow out tonight.
2006-05-10 8:34 PM
in reply to: #419159

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Walk & Bike to School Week
Umm, I'm in ME and I've biked to school for the past 2 years. Generally, if the snow was deep enough that I couldn't ride, school was closed anyway. Have to go to Portland tomorrow for ACLS though so we're carpooling rather than biking Great for you for doing it Maureen and providing the role model for your kids.
2006-05-11 9:37 AM
in reply to: #419159

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Extreme Veteran
Waterboro, Maine
Subject: RE: Walk & Bike to School Week
Well, we did it! Even though it is a misty, moisty morning, we biked the 4.7 miles (300 feet of climbing to school). My kids worked hard on those hills and I am very proud of them. We met up with another Mom and her 2 kids to complete the ride. I saw lots of jealous looks from other kids!

Here is our route. Check out the elevations! Not bad for a 7-year boy and 9-year old girl!


Edited by maureen 2006-05-11 9:38 AM
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Other Resources Challenge Me! » Walk & Bike to School Week Rss Feed