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2017-11-01 12:55 PM

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Subject: Low Information Voter
My wife is no follower of politics. She is a college educated professional but has very little interest in politics until around election time. I'm not even sure she votes in the mid-terms. Last night I mentioned Manafort and she had no idea who that was. Mueller? Not a clue.

On RCP today I see a headline: Bernie Sanders: "Americans Are Not Staying Up Every Day Worrying About Russia's Interference In Our Election"

He is right. While the MSM are obsessed with the Russian/Trump connection/collusion/conspiracy the average Joe couldn't care less.

As long as the economy is doing well, unemployment is down, the markets are up, gas prices down......people are happy!

2017-11-01 1:42 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Low Information Voter

I've said all along that this will just be a bunch of noise if the economy grows and people become more financially secure/well off.  That goes for both parties, and everyone in between.  Look around, do you see people NOT going on with their lives?  And if you're lucky enough to be invested in the stock market you've likely had an amazing year.....even though if you turn on the TV and listen to the talking idiots you'd think the world was on fire and we're all about to die.  Nah.

But I'll tell you what people do pay attention to......they pay attention to disgruntled people.  Protesters blocking highways, ballplayers taking a knee, people disrupting their day.....and far contrary to what the people involved in those activities think, the overwhelming response is a giant "FORK YOU!!"  That's how Trump became President, and that's why attendance for the NFL and revenues for advertisers are down, among other things that disgruntled folks have tried to take advantage of. 

People don't have time for stupid.  They're raising families, trying to better themselves in their jobs, and enjoying their recreation time.  But, they see stupid on TV......and then they vote their wallets.  It's a win/win for conservatives right now......I hope it continues and that liberals never learn. 

2017-11-01 1:50 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Low Information Voter

I think a good number of Americans are "NO Information Voters..."

2017-11-01 4:17 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Low Information Voter
I think people are watching, but honestly, only the press is foaming at the mouth. I look at it like another sporting event. I'm rooting for the Dodgers.
2017-11-01 5:24 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

, California
Subject: RE: Low Information Voter

I think the less information people have or seek out, the less likely they are to vote at all - especially for midterms like you said.

I work with some guys in Belarus and their comment on the U.S. elections is: "well, at least you have a choice".

Deep down, I don't care which "team" you vote for -- in a lot of ways I wish we had a parliamentary system with lots of small parties forming a coalition.  But it is what it is.  But hearing that opinion from guys who are living in a dictatorship, more or less, reinforces to me how important it is to participate.

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Other Resources The Political Joe » Low Information Voter Rss Feed  
date : January 31, 2017
author : Nancy Clark
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