General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Starting fresh at age 50 Rss Feed  
Moderators: IndoIronYanti, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2018-12-01 1:13 PM


Subject: Starting fresh at age 50
I recently turned 50 and am not happy about it. I am not ready to be old. So I decided to try a triathlon. Is this insane? Will I hurt myself?

In my 20s and early 30s I ran a lot of distance -- 3 marathons, a few half marathons and 10 milers, a duathlon (bike/run) and lots of 5K and 10K races.

Then I hurt myself and was out for a year, and became a father at the same time. Fast forward about 14 years and I've been swimming for exercise, biking to work every day, and I thought, hey, let's do this.

I have many questions, but for now, wish me luck and perseverance!


2018-12-01 8:00 PM
in reply to: Steve in DC

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Subject: RE: Starting fresh at age 50
Congrats and welcome! I am near that age and still love it. Feel free to PM me with any questions that I can help with! Ron
2018-12-04 10:16 AM
in reply to: Swimbikeron


Subject: RE: Starting fresh at age 50
Thanks. I am overwhelmed by all the training plans out there. Looking for one that applies to me.

As a goal, I plan to start with a sprint distance race, but I don't care about time, just finishing strong without too much discomfort.

I am willing to stretch the program out long (20+ weeks) because I am likely to have many interruptions to routine, due to parenting responsibilities and work.

I have ready access to a gym across the street from me, with nice bikes, treadmills, and pool and early/late hours.

To start, I am able to:
* easily run about 3 or 4 miles at a 9:00/9:30 pace with some faster speeds mixed in.
* swim about 1200 yards as long as I mix in breast stroke (I can breast stroke forever without getting tired). My front crawl gets sloppy after about 100 yards
* I bike 20 minutes 2x/day for most of the year, but slowly. I haven't pushed myself farther, as far as resistance. Biking is probably my weakest discipline, but I bike to work, so I could probably figure out how to add distance to my commute and call it a workout.

Where I'd like to end up:
* Run comfortably at 8:00 to 8:30 pace or so for the 5K
* Swim freestyle without the stroke breaking down before the end of the race
* Survive the bike without embarrassing myself
* Learn how to do a transition (sounds like fun)
* Not hurt myself

Suggestions welcome!
2018-12-05 7:22 PM
in reply to: Steve in DC

Subject: RE: Starting fresh at age 50
Got off the couch at 59. Had never done a triathlon. Had never owned a road bike (was a mountain bike maniac 14 years earlier).
First triathlon (sprint) 6 months later at 60.
Second triathlon (70.3) 10 months later at almost 61.
I was a bucket list triathlete for sure, but managed to podium in the 60-64 age group on first triathlon.

You can do it. Go for it. It's fun!
2018-12-10 2:31 PM
in reply to: Steve in DC

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Starting fresh at age 50
Good luck in your challenge! I can empathize...I started into Triathlons about 7 six years ago in my late 50's. I've completed 35 Tri's now and I'll add more in 2019.

If you think back and apply the lessons you learned to successfully train for marathons you should do just fine. Among these I would include the importance of having a long term training plan that incorporates consistency with gradual, progressive overload. The other key piece is good swimming is driven by technique. If you don't come from a swimming background, getting a few private lessons to hone your stroke is a great investment.

It's important to remember that Triathlon is not three individual events. It requires proficiency in three sports plus transitions that occur consecutively on race day. You'll need to build in some training that preps you for biking after the swim and running after the bike. Fatigue changes everything.

If you have specific questions, post 'em up. There are plenty of helpful people on BT.

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