General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 10 days til race...... Rss Feed  
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2007-05-30 11:57 PM

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Vacaville, Ca
Subject: 10 days til race......
well this week has been pretty windy up here in northern cali... so i decided to do mostly swimming workouts. today i did a half mile.. (25 yrd pool x 32 laps= 800 yards = roughly half mile) in 22:11... this was in a pool... about 75 degrees... so i go looking for sprint tri race reports with aprox 800 yrds/meters... and i find that for my age group.. i'm 36.. my swim times suck... and this is in a pool with nobody to bother me... my bike and run times are good.... but the swim is now starting to bother me... i've only been to the pool about a dozen times this year... and another thing.. i'm kind of worried that the water will be cold and i'll have to use a wetsuit for the first time.. in a lake.... should i use the wetsuit a few times in the pool just to get used to it in case i have to use it?? or am i doomed to finish in the end of the pack? suggestions....

2007-05-31 12:07 AM
in reply to: #823480

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 10 days til race......

Use the wetsuit.  You will be faster and be able to see better since you will be more bouyant.  It takes more arm strenght to pull the arm up but you get a bit of rubberband effect on the pull down.

Stay on the outside to avoid all the thrashing.  Use the sun to help in sighting.  Draft off someone (uses less energy plus they will do the sighting for you).

2007-05-31 7:17 AM
in reply to: #823480

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: 10 days til race......
One coaching session can sometimes identify a flaw in your stroke that can be semi-corrected just by being cognizant of it (i.e. without months of drills). For example, keeping your head too high, too much knees in your kick, a bad catch, etc. In addition to donning the wetsuit (use it now and in the race), consider a stroke-critique... sometimes a minor technical adjustment can really increase performance.

You didn't post times, but remember that most of the work is done on the bike and the run. You'll be passing people for the entire race once you get out of the water, which will feel good. And you are comfortable finishing the swim, which many people are not. I'd say at this point in the game, swim a smart easy swim and then give 'em hell on the final two disciplines. Trying to compensate for your poor swimming times by pouring it all into your swim probably won't increase your swim time much, and will definitely hurt the rest of your race. Don't get sucked into the frenzy... just swim an even, moderate swim... aim to feel fresh when you get out of the water.

My $0.02
2007-05-31 9:55 AM
in reply to: #823480

Subject: RE: 10 days til race......
I am in the exact same boat. I have one extra week before my first race but other than that, identical including my swim time. BTW, I also noticed that the 22 minute swim time minus the distractions of race day is not even close to being competitive at the race I will be attending.

Last week I strapped on the wet suit for the first time and got in the water with about 30 other beginners. Here are the things I found out: 1.) That water was unbelievably cold even in a wet suit. It was 56 degrees and truely took my breath away. 2.) It is very difficult to see. I have been practicing sighting since this experience in the pool and will take it back to the OWS this weekend. 3.) The current (even though slight) was very noticable. 4.) I got smacked pretty hard in the face by another swimmer. I had expected this to some extent but nothing can totally prepare you for the crowd. 5.) Did I mention how cold it was.

Anyway, please try to get in an open water swim before your race. I knew it would be different but did not realize how different. For me, it was more like survival than swimming. I will definitely be trying to get in a couple more before race day. One other thing, I can swim 1.5 miles in the pool easily just not fast so I don't think my experience can be linked to lack of ability. Best of luck.
2007-05-31 11:31 AM
in reply to: #823950

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: 10 days til race......
Try to find out what the water temp will be at the race (or at least what it is today) before getting a wet suit, only because you don't want to find it's too warm and not allowed. I assume the June in California is getting warm, no?

But, if the temperatures allow it then the wet suit is the way to go. You could also get a farmer-john style suit (no arms). Provides less buoyancy and warmth, but easier to maneuver arms and easier to get out of.

Most importantly, practice a few times with the suit. If you can't practice, I wouldn't even use the suit. But that's just me.
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