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2010-01-01 10:39 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hi, My name is Scott and this coming year will be my third in triathlon. I like to be diverse and do everything from sprints to 1/2 irons, 5ks to marathons. I enjoy the diversity that triathlons provide and love the races and training a lot. I live in Ellensburg, WA and have a great wife and 4 really fun kids. They are 2,4,7,9 which keeps me busy. I live on 40 acresin an old farm house and have lots of critters around also. Last year I did about 6-7 races and this year I will probably be more around 12. My first year I think I did around 15. It is easy for meto get carried away with races because I do like them a lot. For a mentor group, I would not say I am a tri genius or anything like that.

I think what I have to offer is some experience. I have tried a lot of different methods and have learned a lot over the last two years. I have been in sports most of my life and this just fits right in. Another thing to consider is that one of my reasons for getting into triathlon is weight loss. I used to weigh 250 and I am 5'10" Now I weigh about 200 (off season weight) and lose about another 15# for race season.

So all that to say if you want somehelp in triathlon, wanna have fun in the sport are looking to lose weight or are just curious, join my group. We can work together and have fun in the process. The way to make a successful group is to have an active group.Please be willing to participate. We all have something to contribute. I look forward to hearing from you.

Edited by holt1997 2010-01-02 8:52 PM

2010-01-01 7:10 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
I would like to join your group.  I keep trying!!!!  Nichi
2010-01-01 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2588388

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Excellent! Welcome.Tell me about yourself.
2010-01-01 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Hi, my name is Nichi and I did my first sprint last August.  Some of my friends were doing triathlons and I trained two months for a sprint.  It was awesome.  I love the run, bike, swim lifestyle.  It is more difficult to get in when the weather is cold.  I haven't been biking and swimming much since October, but have focused on my running.  It will be good to get back into it.  I am planning a 1/2 Mary in April or May.  Not sure how many sprints to do or which ones.   Probably two or three.  I love doing 5K's and have done 5 and 2 5 milers since August when I did my first one(in 18 years!).

I am married to my highschool sweetheart, Troy.  We have been married for 21 years and are blessed with 4 children-Tyler, 14,Cassidy, 11, Tory 5 and Cole 3.  I am a stay at home mom and the workouts required for triathlon training have given me confidence and strength.  It is also fun that I have been able to win some medals in the 5K's!

I am looking forward to being in the group, because I am new to the sport and therefore have plenty of questions, but also would like to encourage others to reach their goals.  


2010-01-01 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Hi Scott,

I would love to join your group!

My name is Dan and I live in Colorado  Springs and previously I was in Battle Ground WA!

I have never competeting in anything like a tri, but I did some mountain bike cross country races about 10 years back. 

I am in the process of getting a road bike and hope to do my first sprint in April.  I am married with three kids - Riley, 11, Payton 8, and Alysa 6. 

The local YMCA has a triathlon training session for 8 weeks that i will be signing up for.

I am excited to get started to train!

2010-01-01 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2587664


Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN

I would like to join your group. Your intro caught my attention "250 lbs at 5ft 10in". I am 5 10 and 244 and would love to find myself no longer "Clyde" qualified. I would love to find out how you did it.

Me: My name is Jeff, I live in Peachtree City Georgia. This will be my 5th year doing tri's. I have done 4 sprints, 2 olympics.

This Years Goals: I am registered to do the Charleston SC HIM May 1st (what the heck am I thinking). I also need to lose lots of weight. I would like to get sub 200 lbs.

I am slow but enjoy the sport. I find myself at the bottom of my age group mostly because I am the worlds slowest runner. 15 min/mi is usually what I run on longer distances.

I just did a half marathon in December. You would think the training I have done I would have lost some weight but nope, still about the same. I think if I could lose the weight, it would do more for my speed than any thing else would.

I would love to be in your group if you could help me.

2010-01-01 10:08 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Welcome Dan and Jeff! I look forward to getting to know you more as we go along in this group.

We will probably get up to about 8 people then I will close it.

While we welcome more people, where is everyone currently with training? I ran my last race Thanksgiving weekend and took December off to rest before starting up in the next day or two.

Also I would encourage each of you if you haven't already to explore your training page, maybe fill in some goals etc. You might also add othersfrom this group to your friends list so we can check in on each other and "inspire" each other.
2010-01-01 10:19 PM
in reply to: #2588424

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Hi Nichi,
First congrats onwinning some medals in the 5k's.Thats fun. Also you said something in your intro that I appreciate. You said that training helps build confidence. I think that is a huge benefit of training and a good summary of the effects of getting in shape and also accomplishing something or completing a goal. Nice!
2010-01-02 4:04 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
I would like to join if the group is still open.

I am 38 and this will be my second season.  I did 2 sprints and an OLY last year and did a Mary in October. 

I am married with 3 kids (3,6,9). 

My goals for this season are to get better on the bike, break 2 hours in a 25k in May, break 21:00 in a 5k sometime, do a Mary in 3:35 and finish in the top 1/2 in 2-3 Sprints and an OLY.
2010-01-02 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN

I would really like to join your group.  A few years ago, I did a few sprint triathlons and adventure races but had a hard time finding time to train with 3 kids.  My wife and I are done having kids and it's time for me to get back on the Tri-wagon.  I am an experienced runner but still consider myself a rookie Tri since it's been awhile.  I also want to do it to lose weight. 


2010-01-02 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Good Morning Team!  On this wonderful Saturday in Iowa it is -20 before the windchill.  I will be headed to the wellness center today to do my workout.  I think I will run 2 miles on the treadmill and 2 miles on the track and then 2 miles on the treadmill again to break it up.  91 laps gets really boring!  I do not own an mp3 player or an ipod, which usually doesn't matter, but would come in handy to distract me on the track.

Currently, I am training for a 1/2 Mary in April or May, so this week I plan on putting in 23 miles.  My longest run has been 6 miles and I am slowly moving up.  This is the week I move to six days a week of running.  I am so glad we have a treadmill and the wellness center because of the cold temps. here lately.

I think I will look at some triathlons today to pick out some that might work in with our schedule and find out the cutoff dates for early entry.

My last race was Thanksgiving Day-the 45th annual Turkey Trot-it was 5 miles.  I ran outside most of November and then wimped out in December.  I have only run outside one time.  I like it to be above 0!

Have a great Saturday, everyone!


2010-01-02 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Welcome davidson3 and John. Absolutely we have room.
2010-01-02 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Hi all, I would love to join your group. I like that most everyone has three+ kids, which will be a great motivating factor when I try to use my kids as an excuse not to workout/train.

Here's a little about me...My name is Amy and I am 34, married with three girls ages 9, 5, and 1. I also work one day a week as a respiratory therapist and live in cold Ohio (GO BUCKS!). I started running in 2007, after being a certified couch potato, and loved it. I ran in 3-4 5Ks then decided to do a sprint triathlon. While training for the sprint tri I felt fabulous and was in the best shape of my life, when the best little surprise happened~I was pregnant with my third daughter. I had high hopes of exercising through my pregnancy but gave that up when morning sickness hit. Now I'm back to square one (couch potato status) but feel very gung-ho and motivated to get back to where I used to be. I would love to do a local Sprint triathlon in April, lose some LBs, and do something for myself, so I plan on training M-F after the two older ones go to school.

That's it! Looking forward to getting to know all of you!
2010-01-02 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2589058

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN

Yea, AMY!  Another woman for the team!  Woohoo!!  

2010-01-02 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Thank you Nichi (fist bump-ha)! You really got a workout in today, huh? I am seriously starting at square one on Monday. I dread the three week or so sore phase when you huff and puff during the workout and can barely walk up stairs or sit down on a toilet. I swore I would never let myself get like this again...Here's to New Year's Resolution's~bringing sexy back in 2010!
2010-01-02 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Room for one more? I see this is the busy parents group?

I'm Suz from VT. This is my third summer doing tri's but I have yet to get the hang of training down. I love racing and competing. Somewhere inside me is a natural athlete, but life has definitely slowed her down! My major challenges with triathlon is making the time for myself to train, and I'm a terrible swimmer. I'm finishing up a nursing program this spring, so I'm busier until late April, and then I'll be finished.

I'm married with 2 children (a boy age 8, a girl almost 3), and I work part time as a nurse at a ski area and go to school full time.

Weight loss is not my primary goal, but I know I'll perform better if I can drop a few pounds. I've been doing sprints, but would like to venture into an Oly or International this summer.

Nice to meet you all!

2010-01-02 5:50 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Is there room for one more?

I'm Bobby from MI, I started training last year, I needed to drop some weight so 50 lbs later here I am. A friend of mine asked me to do some Adv. Racing with her but then turned me more to triathlons, she did 4 full and 2 or 3 half Ironmans last year, me I did my first tri in august came in 98th out of 225. I even started in the third wave of 75.  

This past Fall ran into some ITB dysfunction and Piriformis muscle issues, but was just cleared from PT to start training again, this year I am looking at doing 3-4 Tri's and some running events.

Both my sons (10 and13) want to start Tri'ing and my wife is thinking of running

I weigh 170 now but am looking to drop another 20


Edited by mdslngr 2010-01-03 11:52 AM
2010-01-02 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Hi there
My name is Ann and I am hoping you have room for one more "tri for fun" mentor member!
I am very interested and am hoping to join your group.
2010-01-02 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - closed
Welcome Everyone,
I am going to go ahead and close the group and we will get started. I am very anxious to get to know everyone.Looks like we have a fun group.
2010-01-02 8:54 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN
Don't close the group yet!! I could really use the motivation of other triathletes during this off season.

My name is David, I'm 28 and live in the Washington, DC suburb of Alexandria, VA.  This will be my second tri season.  Last year I did two mini-sprints and a half marathon, as well as several 5ks and a 10k.  I fell in love with running and triathlon as I lost 25lbs!  My goal for this year is to pack it as full of races as reasonable. 

I'm currently training for my first full marathon in March - something that's really hard to do in this weather.  I plan on doing at least two full sprints and end the season with an Olympic.  I look forward to getting to know you all during this tri season.

2010-01-02 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - OPEN I need a little help in finding a bike...I test rode about 10 bikes in the last two days.  The one thing I think that stood is I really like the Specialist Tamarac.  The problem is I found it at two different shops and one private sale.

The first one i found is a 2009 Tamarac Expert for $1,800 - here is a link to it: />
The next one is a 2008 Tamarac Pro for $3,000 - here is the link: />
Both these bikes are at two different local shops.  Both shops have a guy that works there who do Ironman's and they are the one's involved in the fitting.  Both are brand new.  From what I can tell, the major difference is wheels and cranksets.  Is it worth $1,200 for wheels and crank?  I think there is roughly 2 lbs difference in weight. 

The third is one I found on craigslist here -

One of the bike shops i went to today just got the Specialized dealership and they offer a very in depth fit for $150, I forgot what they call it, but they interview you and spend a lot of time dialing in everything.  The fitter is a professional tri too!  So if i buy this used one, I could bring it in for a good fit and go from there.

Any thoughts or comments would be much appreciated!


2010-01-02 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Just wanted to verify everyone in the group.

Nichi, Dan, Jeff, Davidson3, John, Amy, Suz, Bobby, Ann and me. Is that everyone????

Well first I would like to welcome each one of you to the group. I really look forward to getting to know each one of you. One of the things we can all do to make this group fun is to simply interact. If a question is asked please feel free to answer it.I definately do not claim to know it all (far from it) and I hope to learn from all of you as well. My role is more of the facilitator. So lets get started.

The following is my favorite question to warm up a group.I have seen it asked in a lot of different situations etc and always enjoy the answers so here goes.

What turns your crank? What floats your boat? What are you passionate about? Kids do not count for this question because chances are if you have kids you are passionate about them.

I love to race off road cars.I started when I was young and miss it as lot. Something about trying to go fast over bumps, jumps etc that is a lot of fun.I also like to compete so this fits right in.

So how about you?
2010-01-02 9:18 PM
in reply to: #2590067

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
My passions seem to change every few high school and college and after i was really into Barefoot waterskiing...I won two national championships!  I have always been passionate about snowmobling, especailly in the mountain out west!  But time and money have limited my activity there.  The last four or five years i have really been into motocross racing!  I just love racing!  I love the level of competition and knowing it is me against others.  It is up to me to push and win! 

That is what has be excited about tris....just me against others!  I am really excited to get my first one under my belt!  I think my first Sprint will be in April!
2010-01-02 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
If wife and kids are off the plate as an answer, then I guess I have to go with running.  I am a total newbie to it.  Did my first 5k in 7/08, and just kept going.  The first 21 miles of my first Marathon were a total high, and the last 5.2 showed me that at 38 I can still gut it out.  I dearly want to BQ in my 40-44 window.  I think I have a 3:20 in me somewhere.
I do love Tris, but running is what really gets me going.  The swiimin' and bikin' are great for crosstraining and keeping my sore knees healthy.  I have yet to match the feeling of accomplishment with going further than I've gone before. 

Oh, and I tend to ramble in posts.  Maybe that is info you should have had before accepting me into the group.

2010-01-03 12:15 AM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hi again...thanks for keeping the group open long enough for me to squeek in.

I will introduce myself now as I truly can't think of a good answer to your question "what turns your crank". Sad to say, I haven't been asked that in a really long time...I' m on the parenting/working/training merry go know how it is...

My name is Ann and I am a 46 yr old mom and nurse... husband, 2 kids(age 12 and 13) etc. I have some serious wt. issues to battle this year which make my goals of running well seem remote, but i am still working towards them.

What turns my crank...hmm...I guess I would have to say, the grind of the long stuff. Those long rides in the heat, when you take a swig from the water bottle and your eload tastes like Neocitran!(blah) Those long swims in open water where you actually slow your brain enough to watch how the sunlight makes real live rainbows underwater(awesome). And the runs that make you feel like the rest of the world stands still for you. Those are the things that keep my crank from rusting!

Great question and it definitely got me thinkin....

Nice to "meet" so many folks out there who are parenting and doing tri at the same time...I really look forward to the group chats here

Thanks Scott!

Edited by arny 2010-01-03 6:28 AM
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