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2007-01-07 12:47 AM

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Hi I am swbkrun- STEVE I am from Seattle and have been doing triathlons for approximately 7 years. I remember when I was 23 watching my wife do her 1st race. It was Danskin. I was so proud of her, but knew that that was something that I never would want to do!!! That is not my cup of tea I THOUGHT!!! Well I some how got sucker into a sprint the very next year, and thought that was "PRETTY FUN." What's next? I tried another, and had more fun, then another, then the next distance. AN OLYMPIC DISTANCE! That was pretty fun, let's try something different. How about a marathon! WOW that was hard, but what a victory. Ok, I did that... Now let's try a 1/2 Ironman! UGH! TOUGH BUT GREAT.. ANOTHER VICTORY! That really only leaves the mother of all mothers!! That is right THE IRONMAN! It is logical in the steps of my life goals. I have done all other distances. This seems to be the next step, but wait! I said that I never wanted to do a triathlon 7 years ago, and here I am. I now proudly have a Ironman tattoo, and bragging rights for the rest of my life, but that is not enough! What is next? I don't know! Help me out, LET US HELP EACH OTHER OUT! WHAT IS THAT NEXT GOAL! Join my group, and I will make sure we ALL GET THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-07 5:50 PM
in reply to: #645139


Hey Steve,

My name's Terence Connor and I'm a freshman at THE Florida State University. I've been intrigued by triathlons for about a year now with watching the ESPN triathlon specials that come on every now and then. I have now come to the point where I decided that it's time that I start training and participating in this great sport of endurance and punishment. I have a pretty good running background, I was a varsity cross country runner in high school with an 18:03 5km personal best. As I'm writing this, in about half an hour I will be starting my first training session with a 20 minute swim down at our recreation/wellness building. I'd be very happy to be able to have you as my mentor because you are well experienced and I'm open ears and I have many questions of the asking lol.
2007-01-07 10:10 PM
in reply to: #645139

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Welcome... I hope the swim goes/went well. What type of things are you looking to accomplish in 2007. I know that with you race season is a "LITTLE" (LOT) longer than I have here in Seattle, but I am always thinking triathlon, so you will definitely be making me envious of your long season!
2007-01-07 11:07 PM
in reply to: #645139

My name is Ryan and I am from San Diego, California. I am a complete "newbie" to the sport but am motivated by the cross-training aspect of three sports I have always admired. I have no training or exercise experience on a competitive level outside of junior high sports. I just turned 26 years old, was married this past August, and am currently balancing a long commute, long work hours, and the completion of my degree in Business Administration online. I can never seem to get motivated with regards to exercise but have always responded well to challenges and goals. I am going to participate in a "new members" meeting tomorrow night with the Tri-Club of San Diego. The meeting is very close to my house and they organize a monthly meeting specifically for beginners. I think that the internet will be a great source of accountability and sharing while embarking on this new journey. If I mesh well with the group tomorrow night, I know that I will be able to train and attend meetings and events with my peers. I guess I will need a lot of guidence with regards to workouts and training. Please let me know if a different group would be geared more towards my level. If at all possible, I would like to train for a sprint event in mid May of this year. I know that if I train properly, and sucessfully complete this event, I will be in the best physical shape of my life, have a huge acomplishment under my belt, and be just as addicted as you have mentioned in your post!
2007-01-08 10:14 AM
in reply to: #645139

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Ryan welcome to the world of TRIATHLON! From what I hear the San Diego Tri club is AWESOME! It is good to have a local group like that. You will soon find that these people will become some of your closest friends, and training partners. As well, this site will teach you a lot of info, and you may also make some friends on here. I hope you will stay in this group and keep us up to date on your progress. Again welcome to the sport.
2007-01-08 10:56 AM
in reply to: #645139


In 2007 I'm looking to at 1.) finish my first sprint triathlon in hopefully April or May of this year, 2.) I want to complete at least three sprint triathlons this year, and 3.) not come in last in one of them (lol a joke, but kinda serious). My first question, during my high school days in running it was always important to have a set goal on how fast you wanted to run when you went out for a race, how can I do that in a sport I've never competed in before? Or do I need to set a goal for my first triathlon or maybe just wing it? Secondly I noticed last night while I was in the pool it's really hard to swim long periods of time and I would try to slow my body's motions down, but my arms and legs just would not slow down, any suggestions? Oh today I'm deciding to do my first run, hopefully about 1.5 to 2 miles since it will be my first time running since I was in high school so I'll keep you updated.

2007-01-08 11:23 AM
in reply to: #646134

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Tconfrombhs3242 - 2007-01-08 8:56 AM

In 2007 I'm looking to at 1.) finish my first sprint triathlon in hopefully April or May of this year, 2.) I want to complete at least three sprint triathlons this year, and 3.) not come in last in one of them (lol a joke, but kinda serious). My first question, during my high school days in running it was always important to have a set goal on how fast you wanted to run when you went out for a race, how can I do that in a sport I've never competed in before? Or do I need to set a goal for my first triathlon or maybe just wing it? Secondly I noticed last night while I was in the pool it's really hard to swim long periods of time and I would try to slow my body's motions down, but my arms and legs just would not slow down, any suggestions? Oh today I'm deciding to do my first run, hopefully about 1.5 to 2 miles since it will be my first time running since I was in high school so I'll keep you updated.

Good questions.....
Any goal is a good goal as long as you set them. For your 1st race.. JUST FINISH AND HAVE FUN! Believe it or not through your training, you will learn your times/pace/limitations. It will all come around. But in the beginning don't sweat the small stuff. Your main goal... FINISH w/ a smile! As far as swimming goes, that is tough, I would say you just really need to start slow. It is ALL ABOUT FORM! This make a difference. The better your form, the better your efficiency.

I would like to set up a deal where we have weekly goals? Maybe 3 short term weekly goals! If we do this I feel like it would hold some accountability.
1.) Get to the gym @ least 3 times this week, and a LONG HIKE this weekend.
2.) Eat a heathly home cooked dinner 5 days this week.
3.) Spin once this week.
2007-01-08 2:23 PM
in reply to: #645139


Ok I know I'm starting to ask too many questions but i got to sorry lol. Ok getting to the gym three times a week what kind of excersises should we be looking at doing?
2007-01-08 4:13 PM
in reply to: #645139

I have been looking at some "couch to sprint" plans that span over a 16-week period. Since I litterally have zero experience in these sports, I thought that it would be a good place to start. Do you have a diet plan of choice for getting your body in the proper condition for the shock of working out so much? I am open to ideas. I also wanted to find out if you suggest buying a "Tri-Bike" as a beginner. I do not want to start training on my mountain bike and then not have a clue how to ride a Tri-bike as the event gets closer. I do not mind sucking it up and spending the money on a quality beginner piece of equipment. I will focus on the home-cooked meals, one day of spin, and three other days of exercise. I have a nice day hike along the coast in mind for this weekend. Thanks in advance.
2007-01-08 5:08 PM
in reply to: #646551

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Let me start off by saying you can never ask too many questions, or stupid ones! That is what this site if for. Trust me, when I 1st started I was asking questions about how to go to the bathroom on the bike! IT HAPPENS. Wait and see!

Tconfrombhs3242 - 2007-01-08 12:23 PM

Ok I know I'm starting to ask too many questions but i got to sorry lol. Ok getting to the gym three times a week what kind of excersises should we be looking at doing?

T- for your exercise, where do you want to be? If one of the requirements you have is too lose weight, I would focus on this (with this includes BASE building). Just working on your cardio levels. Get use to your diet! You will find that it is going to change the more you work out! You will always be hungry, craving carbs, wanting snacks. This is all ok. I would say for the 1st few weeks/month or so really just focus on your form, technique and endurance.
2007-01-08 5:23 PM
in reply to: #646836

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
buyerryan - 2007-01-08 2:13 PM

I have been looking at some "couch to sprint" plans that span over a 16-week period. Since I litterally have zero experience in these sports, I thought that it would be a good place to start. Do you have a diet plan of choice for getting your body in the proper condition for the shock of working out so much? I am open to ideas. I also wanted to find out if you suggest buying a "Tri-Bike" as a beginner. I do not want to start training on my mountain bike and then not have a clue how to ride a Tri-bike as the event gets closer. I do not mind sucking it up and spending the money on a quality beginner piece of equipment. I will focus on the home-cooked meals, one day of spin, and three other days of exercise. I have a nice day hike along the coast in mind for this weekend. Thanks in advance.

Ryan, what kind of budget do you have for bikes? This makes a big difference. Let's talk money and then see what your best option is. I would shy away from a "TRI SPECIFIC BIKE." Initially. There is a big difference in the setup of these bikes compared to a "ROAD BIKE" with aero bars. I would leave more towards this initially. A least for the 1st couple years, but we can figure out what is best. I ride a Cervelo DUAL and am please w/ this. It is a Road bike, yet can adjust very AERODYNAMIC! I love it, and don't want to change. I started in road geometry, and have since set it up a little more aggressive. I would focus more on a bike now, rather than when the event gets closer. You want to put the miles in on your bike. But, I also understand $$$. Easier said than done. Play around w/ your diet. See how your body feels. Most us know what is good for us, and BAD for us. What really get's important is closer to race day, and the night before "long" workouts!

2007-01-08 8:10 PM
in reply to: #645139


Hey Steve,

Weight is pretty much no problem here, I should probably actually gain weight. I'm 6'1" 140 lbs. when I'm wet (literally, 137 dry lol). So I guess here I should be looking for muscular endurance. Ryan thanks for asking about the bikes because I had the same question. Also by spinning do you mean taking a spin class or just hopping on the stationary bike once a week? I rode the stationary bike today while I was in the gym working out to test it out and I noticed it came with pre-programs like hills, cardio, etc. Is there a program that would be beneficial or should I just try cycling at a consistent pace where I can keep my HR in the HR zone?
2007-01-08 8:13 PM
in reply to: #645139

I think I would like to join this group if you are not already full. I am 41 yrs old and have always been a "fast twitch" athlete (football, weight lifting, basketball, baseball, etc). With my 6'3" frame I am currently trying to completely change my body type from a "linebacker" at 250 pounds, to more of an endurance type body. My long range goal is to get in the 200 pound range and go from there. I began the tri program in October and can now consistently swim a mile or more, nonstop freestyle in about 35 minutes. I can also ride a bike 20 miles (slowly) but in about 1 1/2 hours. The running is the discipline that is killing me. I am now walking 1:30 and running 5:30 for 35 minutes twice a week and 50 minutes once a week, but I am ridiculously slow (probably 12 minute mile range). My intermediate goal for this Spring is to continue the mile swims, 20 mile bikes and get to where I can run without stopping for 50 minutes once a week and eventually get to the 5 mile mark in that time frame. Also, a secondary goal is to drop this 45 pound plate I am carrying around, which should help my performance immensely. Even since going to the endurance training the pounds have not come off as I had hoped, so my goal for 07 is to concentrate on eating clean and see if I can get the results. I would like to do 1-3 sprints this year with an Oly possibly in the Fall if training goes well and I lose the lbs. I hope you guys can help and look forward to the mentoring.
2007-01-08 11:35 PM
in reply to: #646932

I looked up the DUAL model on the website and it shows a phot of a straight-TRI bike. Have they changed the model since you purchased your bike? I attended the beginner Tri-Club of San Diego meeting tonight and it happened to be at a bike shop. They too suggest training on the bike that you will compete on. Like your example, they also agree that a street bike with the option to add aero bars makes the most sense for someone with little to no road bike experience. As far a prices are concerned, I would like to go somewhere in the "upper-middle" range. I like to purchase nice equipment that I can upgrade and keep for some time. There was a SPECIALIZED Transistion "Multi-Sport: model for $1200.00. I am not opposed to this price range if it is for something nice. Let me know your thoughts. They have 4 certified fitters in-house and I plan to go in and spend some time getting fitted for a bike and shoes. Are their certain brands that you are a believer in above others?
2007-01-09 10:19 AM
in reply to: #647274

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
buyerryan - 2007-01-08 9:35 PM

I looked up the DUAL model on the website and it shows a phot of a straight-TRI bike. Have they changed the model since you purchased your bike? I attended the beginner Tri-Club of San Diego meeting tonight and it happened to be at a bike shop. They too suggest training on the bike that you will compete on. Like your example, they also agree that a street bike with the option to add aero bars makes the most sense for someone with little to no road bike experience. As far a prices are concerned, I would like to go somewhere in the "upper-middle" range. I like to purchase nice equipment that I can upgrade and keep for some time. There was a SPECIALIZED Transistion "Multi-Sport: model for $1200.00. I am not opposed to this price range if it is for something nice. Let me know your thoughts. They have 4 certified fitters in-house and I plan to go in and spend some time getting fitted for a bike and shoes. Are their certain brands that you are a believer in above others?
Sorry. I meant Soloist. I returned the dual. I didn't want a TRI specific bike for my 1st major bike. However w/ the soloist I was able to slap on aero bars, and adjust geometry. You want to ride a few bikes, and "feel" what you like. I tried out the Transition, the Equinox (Trek), a Bianchi, and the Cervelo. I knew when I sat on the Cervelo that this was what I wanted to ride a few hundred miles a year on. You will know. But do ride a few. It is like a car, only you are alot closer to your bike!
2007-01-09 10:31 AM
in reply to: #647107

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Tconfrombhs3242 - 2007-01-08 6:10 PM

Hey Steve,

Weight is pretty much no problem here, I should probably actually gain weight. I'm 6'1" 140 lbs. when I'm wet (literally, 137 dry lol). So I guess here I should be looking for muscular endurance. Ryan thanks for asking about the bikes because I had the same question. Also by spinning do you mean taking a spin class or just hopping on the stationary bike once a week? I rode the stationary bike today while I was in the gym working out to test it out and I noticed it came with pre-programs like hills, cardio, etc. Is there a program that would be beneficial or should I just try cycling at a consistent pace where I can keep my HR in the HR zone?

Terrance, what are your goals this summer/spring? What races will you be doing? And when? This will determine what you need to do. If you will be racing in May or so, you have PLENTY OF TIME! Just work on LSD (long slow distance). Build a base, then start incorporating other things into it.....

2007-01-09 10:40 AM
in reply to: #647111

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
JLarge - 2007-01-08 6:13 PM

I think I would like to join this group if you are not already full. I am 41 yrs old and have always been a "fast twitch" athlete (football, weight lifting, basketball, baseball, etc). With my 6'3" frame I am currently trying to completely change my body type from a "linebacker" at 250 pounds, to more of an endurance type body. My long range goal is to get in the 200 pound range and go from there. I began the tri program in October and can now consistently swim a mile or more, nonstop freestyle in about 35 minutes. I can also ride a bike 20 miles (slowly) but in about 1 1/2 hours. The running is the discipline that is killing me. I am now walking 1:30 and running 5:30 for 35 minutes twice a week and 50 minutes once a week, but I am ridiculously slow (probably 12 minute mile range). My intermediate goal for this Spring is to continue the mile swims, 20 mile bikes and get to where I can run without stopping for 50 minutes once a week and eventually get to the 5 mile mark in that time frame. Also, a secondary goal is to drop this 45 pound plate I am carrying around, which should help my performance immensely. Even since going to the endurance training the pounds have not come off as I had hoped, so my goal for 07 is to concentrate on eating clean and see if I can get the results. I would like to do 1-3 sprints this year with an Oly possibly in the Fall if training goes well and I lose the lbs. I hope you guys can help and look forward to the mentoring.

JL welcome to the group. OF COURSE WE HAVE ROOM! What's your 1st name? I myself am also from a fast twitch background (25 years of soccer), so the long distance stuff is/was difficult for me. I am sure that as you have started working out, you have probably dropped some weight. Just keep at this. DON'T FRET (sp?) your running. It will come in time (it may take a long time), but it will come. Stay patient and safe/smart. Running is the hardest on your body, and the more you weight the harder it is! So be patient. I am not sure if you are aware of the "terrain" scale. Beach softest, then trail, treadmill, pavement, and last cement (this is the most unforgiving! Try and avoid). It is my understanding that Texas as a lot of good races! A good website for ALL OF YOU IS this will show you races within your state.
2007-01-09 11:09 AM
in reply to: #645139


Well my goal race as of this point is the "2007 Escape from Ft. Desoto Triathlon" in St. Petersburg, Florida. It's a .5 mile swim, 11 mile bike, 3.1 mile run. My goals really right now are up in the air because I'm not really exactly sure of everything quite yet.
2007-01-09 11:15 AM
in reply to: #647692

I really like what I read about the soloist! I am going to look up the local dealer and check it out in person. I do not mind spending the money if it is truly as comfortable, and transformable as they have reviewed it in many places online. Just for fun, what type of pedals and shoes do you use? I know absolutely nothing about these (never used them).
2007-01-09 11:20 AM
in reply to: #647775

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Tconfrombhs3242 - 2007-01-09 9:09 AM

Well my goal race as of this point is the "2007 Escape from Ft. Desoto Triathlon" in St. Petersburg, Florida. It's a .5 mile swim, 11 mile bike, 3.1 mile run. My goals really right now are up in the air because I'm not really exactly sure of everything quite yet.

When is this race? I think your 1st goal should be to add a few pounds! 140 come on! Just kidding.
2007-01-09 11:25 AM
in reply to: #647789

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
buyerryan - 2007-01-09 9:15 AM

I really like what I read about the soloist! I am going to look up the local dealer and check it out in person. I do not mind spending the money if it is truly as comfortable, and transformable as they have reviewed it in many places online. Just for fun, what type of pedals and shoes do you use? I know absolutely nothing about these (never used them).

Talk to your shop about the pedals, and shoes. They may have some reccommendations. I would say the SHIMANO SPD's ought to be fine. You don't really need the CARBON FIBER LOOK PEDALS that weight 1/10 of an ounce less (but cost $300 more!- or something ridiculous. I guess I am a realist.). With the soloist or any bike (THIS IS MY 2 CENTS) I wouldn't reccomend CAMPY GEARS. I would go w/ a Shimano set. I have campy and have had some problems. I would stay w/ Shimano... LIKE I SAID THOUGH- THIS IS PERSONAL. This is a picture of my bike.


Stretch.jpg (39KB - 62 downloads)

2007-01-09 11:34 AM
in reply to: #645139

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Hi Steve. My name's Mindy and I'm a total newbie to the world of triathlons. I hope there's room for one more in your group because I really appreciate your enthusiasm. BACKGROUND: I am 28, recently married, no kids, live in South Florida. I married into a family of runners (marathoners, IM-ers) and felt encouraged to give it a shot myself. I've never been an athlete (dancer for 18 years), and only started running a couple of years ago. I am not the type to run/train unless I have a race hanging over my head motivating me. RACE BACKGROUND: I ran the 2006 Disney Half Marathon in 2:40. I ran the entire distance (not fast, but it was my goal) and finished feeling proud but with no desire to do anything like it again! So it surprised me that I signed up to do my first triathlon in April (St. Anthony’s, Olympic distance). I will be running it with my husband, his brother and wife (also her first), and our brother-in-law (IM-er). After Disney I pretty much took off a year and am now climbing back into the training. Ran a 5K a couple of weeks ago in 35:00. I feel like the run will be ok (hey, I’ve done 13mi before, what’s an “easy” 6?), and I feel like my dancer legs can manage the bike (if I can get use to the back/shoulder discomfort). It’s the swim that has me concerned. So far I can only go 100m continuous. My official training started a couple of days ago, and I’m committed to it. If I do something, I want to do it well (and not finishing last would be nice, too). Looking forward to any extra motivation/encouragement/advice you can provide. I'll have to read back on the blog and catch up with everything. Thanks!
2007-01-09 11:53 AM
in reply to: #645139

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Welcome Mindy. It sounds like you have a the support you need from your family. That is great. When you have those days that you don't want to get out of bed, but you are going for a run w/ your husband!!! It works. My wife (also from a dancing/cheerleader background) and I both did Ironman Canada last year, and the training we did together was spectacular. It really helps to have people you know doing this with you. We have a lot of couples that are confused by my wife and I and what we do, but that is ok. We have grown a lot closer this way. As far as the swim goes it is ok. Start slow. Swim what you can, take a break, do some stuff w/ a kick board, try breast stroke. Just switch it up. Swim 100m, then 125m, then 150.. Next thing you know you will have swam for 10 minutes straight and so on! Great job stepping into the world of Triathlon.
2007-01-09 12:09 PM
in reply to: #647816

From what I see, the soloist team bike is $2199.00. Is this what you paid? I have a feeling the team bike may be a bit more and the local shops are not listing the generic model. thoughts?
2007-01-09 12:26 PM
in reply to: #645139

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
I think I paid around $1900 in 2006. I bought last April. From my local bike shop... Here is a better picture.


cervelosoloistteammain.jpg (56KB - 61 downloads)
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