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2009-04-07 1:17 PM

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: Team No DNF - FULL
tkd.teacher aka John


I've been an athlete since I was 4, including 17 years of competitive swimming, 8 yrs cross country. Senior year of HS (1985) I started doing triathlons, and done them off and on ever since. The past year I've been getting serious about them again, as well as starting to do coaching and swim instruction again. Highlights of my career include being on the 1987 NAIA Cross Country championship team, and qualifying for Bud Light National Championships in triathlon in 1986.


Married, happily, 3.5 years now.


I train both alone and with a group (ESCKTC FTW!), I swim 3-5 times/week, run 4-6 and bike 2-4. I'm fairly intense when I work out.

No races yet this year. Last year was my first year back in a while, and it wasn't pretty. :-/

2009 RACES:
May - Tempe Int'l Sprint
June - Mountain Man, Flagstaff Az
Aug - Rattlesnake Tri, Aurora Colorado * A race
Oct - Soma HIM, Tempe Az.

Currently at 172-174, down 10 lbs from Jan.


I have a background in exercise kinesiology, training in coaching, and I've been an athlete for life. I have struggled at the bottom of JV, and been to the top of varsity. I know the pain and the suffering. I also have a knack for being able to explain things in simple ways. I have experience in diet assessment, as well as exercise prescription.

One caveat, is I tend not to be the "nice nice fluff" kind of coach. I'm more apt to say "Suck it up, princess", than pat you on the head. (Although I will pat you on the head and/or sympathize when it is genuinely needed. :D) I am willing to mentor 5-6 people, so sign up soon! :D

Edited by tkd.teacher 2009-04-08 3:40 PM

2009-04-07 1:55 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - Open
I would like to sign up, please! I need someone who will push me - and DNF is not an option for me.
2009-04-07 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2068739

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - Open
trysprintolympic - 2009-04-07 11:55 AM I would like to sign up, please! I need someone who will push me - and DNF is not an option for me.

Then you're in the right group


2009-04-08 10:24 AM
in reply to: #2069675

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - Open
I will be accepting 4-5 more people. As you sign up, please put down some things about yourself such as your training background, tri experience, and what you hope to learn/get out of the mentor group. :D

2009-04-08 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - Open
Hey there! I'd love to join this group! I agree, the idea of a DNF is not acceptable to me.

 A month or so ago there was a Indoor mini tri (20min swim, 20min bike, 20 min run) that I did because my boyfriend said that he didn't think I would do it. Well, I did and I loved it. So now I am trying to get ready for my first sprint tri in July. My background is in soccer which I've played since I was 5 (29yrs old now) and lacrosse goalie both of which I played at the college level. What I want out of this group is someone to push me, because its really easy to come up with excuses to not workout at 5am =). Also, to help with questions on anything tri, I really don't know anyone who does any and would love to have questions esp. training hints, nutrition, etc...
Lastly, I am a new mom with a 9 month old that keeps me running around.
2009-04-08 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - Open
I think this group would be a good fit for me. I'm training for my first tri in Aug/Sept. Plan on a try-a-tri in June. I'm in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Orig from down under and have a background as an exercise physiologist - but now a medical writer. But I see that just as a base and am a total newbie to Tri's. (Other than my involvement with stroke correction for triathletes and as medical director at a few events down under years ago).
My background is as a competitive swimmer from age 6 to 18 and then a professional lifeguard. Also rowed for a few years in Australia. Took up running in 2004.
Looking to learn lots and not be pampered in the process.
I'm currently doing spin 2 x week (getting bike shoes this weekend), swimming 2 x week and running 2 x week. Basically following the 2x balanced program for 20 weeks. Which I started two weeks ago.
I'm a single mom with two kids - the live in nanny means I can get out between 6 and 7:30 before the kids wake up.

(38yrs, 6ft, 166 pounds - looking to lose another 10 - 15 pounds).

2009-04-08 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2071208

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - Open
Welcome welcome!

Just a couple vids for inspiration. The first one has the absolute perfect tagline - "Everything you need is already inside"

And the second, just because it's a great statement - "I'm on my bike, busting my a$$ 6 hours a day"

And, the two golden rules of training:

#1 - Just do.
#2 - You need more of #1.


2009-04-08 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2070865

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On your right
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - Open

Hi John, I'd love to be in the group.

My name is Chad, I'm 30, I have a 6 month old son, and I've been married for nearly 3 years.  I live in South Carolina now, but grew up in upstate NY for nearly all of my life.  I played football in college, and after I left school, I hit my ideal weight for a 12 foot tall person, at 340.  Since getting back to the gym this January, I've dropped from 297 to 266, and I'd like to be under 200 by the beginning of next year. 

I have no previous tri experience, and I have 1 sprint scheduled this year for August, so far.   I'm especially interested in your group, because I've never had anyone tell me to "suck it up, princess." and that would at the very least be an amusing bit of motivation.  Ultimately, I would hope to be in a group that will push me to work harder because everyone else is working just as hard.  In a sport that is all about the individual, having a group to be accountable to is helpful for an old team sport person trying to transition.

Edited by Chaderbox 2009-04-08 1:21 PM
2009-04-08 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2070865

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - Open

I am really excited about being in this group!

My training background is that I am mainly a runner. I have run many road races, but never more than 20K. I am an average cyclist (I actually only use a $200 MTB as opposed to a good road or tri-bike) but a weak swimmer. When I was training for triathlons last year, I started looking into Total Immersion swimming and found that has helped me a lot. I am now confident that I can finish the distances, the only question is how long it will take me.

Like I said, I was training last year, but I had to stop when I became pregnant. I didn't complete any races and so this is my first official season! My baby was born 3.5 months ago and I also have a 2.5 year old, so I train either late at night or early mornings.

I hope to get encouragement from this group, as well as a sounding board for my questions and ideas. It would also be great if there was someone at my fitness/experience level for me to compete (in a very friendly way) with. I chose my ID because I am planning to compete in three distances this season: a try-a-tri in May, a sprint in June, and an OLY in September.

2009-04-08 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - Open

If this group is still open, I would like to join.

I was a x-country and track and field in highschool.  After that, I was a serious weight lifter for 5+ years, and decided to give that up 8 months ago for endurance events.  I began running, and I'm up to 7 miles at a 8 min pace.  6 months ago I decided to start triathlons, and I've been riding and trying to swim a lot.  Swimming is definitely my weakness.  I still love lifting, and try to hit the weights as much as possible, though I'm cutting way back from what I used to do.

I signed up for the Austin HIM in October.  Gives me some six months to train, hopefully that will be enough!  Definitely, my goal, is not to be a DNF'er!  I have my first tri in June, which is a sprint with a pool swim.  I have a few road races, including a 10k later this month.

I'm excited to join this group if I can!  I have A LOT to learn about tri's, swimming, biking...



Edited by CGunz 2009-04-08 2:39 PM
2009-04-08 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2071638

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - Open
So far that's Jenna, Fiona, Zachkoe, Chad and Cam.

I can take one more before I'm full. Since this is my first time mentoring, I don't want to overextend, so I can concentrate on quality over quantity.


Edited by tkd.teacher 2009-04-08 3:02 PM

2009-04-08 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - Open

Ooh!   Ooh!  Pick me!  Pick me!

Hi. I'm Emily. This is my second year of tri and I'm working on moving up to the Oly distance.  In fact I have my first Oly in May.

I work full time and am taking classes at the local university part time.  The hardest thing for me right now is just finding the free time to train.

Cycling is my weakest sport - although I'm pretty slow at all 3 right now - so one of my goals is to work on increasing my cycling base.

I enjoy being told to "Suck it up, buttercup." so this looks like it might be the perfect group for me.

2009-04-08 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Hudsonville, MI
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - Open

I know that you said one more and I may have just missed it by one person.  If you're still open, please let me know and I will provide some information about myself to you and the group.  If not, good luck everyone and I'll find another group.


2009-04-08 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2071705

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - Open
tkd.teacher - 2009-04-08 1:02 PM So far that's Jenna, Fiona, Zachkoe, Chad and Cam.

I can take one more before I'm full. Since this is my first time mentoring, I don't want to overextend, so I can concentrate on quality over quantity.


Ok, Emily and Kevin. Group is now full.

Welcome to the group, everyone!

Later this evening (after my brick and some pool time with the people I'm coaching), I'll get you all added to my fav people so I can monitor your training, and for you first time n00bs, some basic tips about training and the sport in general.

I work in computers, so I will be off and on the site quite a bit during most days, but my review times will most likely be Saturdays or Sundays when I have a good chunk of time to go through the logs. It will help immensely if you all get in the habit of logging your workouts (And no fudging! ), and if you have weight loss or other nutritional goals, log your nutrition as well. Feel free to look through my logs (They are a bit spotty, it's only the last couple weeks I've been really starting to log my workouts consistently), and ask any questions you might have.

Think of this thread as a round table forum, where we can ask questions and give support to one another. I'll occasionally post links to articles or similar that I think would be of interest to the group. Lets get this season going!!


Edited by tkd.teacher 2009-04-08 3:47 PM
2009-04-08 3:51 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Hudsonville, MI
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Thanks for including me, John.  I'm getting ready to leave work, so I'll provide the right intro a little later tonight.
2009-04-08 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Thanks for taking the time to mentor us John.


2009-04-08 3:59 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Thanks so very much, John! I look forward to getting to know everyone and stepping up my program.
2009-04-08 6:21 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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On your right
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Hey all, I just wanted to say best of luck to everyone this season, and in the future.  I look forward to working with you all, and having a blast.
2009-04-08 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Hudsonville, MI
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Name:  Kevin

Location:  Hudsonville, MI (outside Grand Rapids)

Tri experience - training for my first sprint this summer.  Have rode bikes most of my life, but nothing serious.  Haven't been much of a swimmer.  The training running I've done so far has been the most in my life.

Why am I doing this?  I went and watched two friends do one last year and after said to myself "I can do this".  Also, to get into shape.  I recently hit a new high for my weight, 245#.  Since I've started training, I've dropped a little over 10 pounds in 3 or so weeks.

Marital status - Married for 10 years and have a 6 year old son and 3 year old daughter.

2009 race schedule:
  • Tri Del Sol sprint - July 18
  • Millennium Park sprint - August 8
I hope to realize the one goal for doing a tri - finish the race with a smile on my face.

Take Care,
2009-04-08 9:55 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Seems like a few of us are looking to lose weight.
It's humbling to have once been in great physical shape and then to find yourself (well actually I take more responsibility than that), but to realize that you're not in the same condition you once were.

But isn't it empowering to have a goal and believe that while it's challenging it's attainable!

While I have a background in exercise science I recognize that my knowledge was eclipsed years ago by new science - and so am very keen to find out what's out there and what we should be putting in.

What are you finding is working for you?

2009-04-08 11:05 PM
in reply to: #2072751

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
alexenafi - 2009-04-08 7:55 PM Seems like a few of us are looking to lose weight.
It's humbling to have once been in great physical shape and then to find yourself (well actually I take more responsibility than that), but to realize that you're not in the same condition you once were.

But isn't it empowering to have a goal and believe that while it's challenging it's attainable!

While I have a background in exercise science I recognize that my knowledge was eclipsed years ago by new science - and so am very keen to find out what's out there and what we should be putting in.

What are you finding is working for you?


You and me both, Fi. I've been going through books like a mad dog the past few months.

For nutrition, I highly recommend "Endurance sports nutrition". It's good information, and gives you enough information to make smart choices, while still living (and eating) in the real world.


2009-04-09 6:27 AM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Did any of the other mothers on this team breastfeed? I ask in regards to Fiona and John's points about nutrition and weightloss because I'm currently nursing my infant. They say that you need an extra 500 calories when nursing, but I'm hesitant to go lower than 1500 base calories per day with all the exercise I do. But I also feel like 2000 calories a day is more than I need!

What did the rest of you moms eat when your children were babies (if you were training)?
2009-04-09 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2073048

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On your right
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Jenna, your body can definately go through 500-700 more calories per day if you're breastfeeding regularly.  So even if you think the 2000 cals per day is too many, you don't want to skimp on infant nutrition by shorting yourself.  You might also feel that it's too many because you don't have to lug around another person inside you anymore, and just that weight loss and balance shifting back to normal will require a little less energy from you for your daily living activities.  2000 isn't an outrageous number of calories for a breastfeeding mom, let alone one that is training for a tri.

~Chad (NICU nurse)
2009-04-09 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2073048

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
I nursed for the first 3 months after my baby was born. I added some more calories to my diet but not the full 500.  There are a fair amount of women I talked to who gained weight while nursing because they increased eating 500 calories but they all admitted it was junk food, so alot of it I think is what type of food you eat to get the extra calories. I don't think my daughter got enough nutrition from me,she gained weight quickly, but she was feeding every 2 hrs (all day long and all night long) so she wasn't getting what she needed to keep her full. If you baby is staying satisfied and you aren't losing weight too rapidly I'm sure you are fine. I added more nuts and fruit to my diet.
2009-04-09 12:24 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Good morning, chickadees!

Ok, I spent some time going through your logs, and something kind of jumped out at me.

Consistency. A lot of times in endurance events, it doesn't matter as much WHAT you do, but that you DO it. I see a lot of missed days, nagging injuries/cramps, etc.

Especially with running, getting out the door every day for a 15 minute run has much much more benefit in the long run that a 25 minute run once or twice a week. Same with biking. Get in the habit of getting SOMEthing done every day, for a minimum of 15 minutes. Slowly ramp up the distances. For those following training plans, it's ok to sometimes deviate if you feel run down, tired. The trick is figuring out if you are really in need of a rest day, or you just need to "suck it up, princess". (Had to toss that in ) That just comes with experience and time.

For people with new babies, jogging strollers work wonders. You can get out for 30 minutes, and do something like walk for 2 mins, jog/run for 1. Lather rinse repeat. Trainers work great, I used to sooth my cousins to sleep with the sound of the trainer fan. Swimming, well, that's just inconvenient for 99% of the people, going to have to work it out somehow.

Also, when you are logging, put in details (A couple of you are). If you run sprints, write out what type and the times. This way, when you go back and look, you can see improvements, etc. Also, if you have a really rough outing (And you will, it's the nature of the beast), write down when/how you felt. If it recurs at regular intervals, you can see if it's due to diet, times of the month, end of quarter at work, whatever.

So, my first advice as a mentor is to just GET OUT AND DO IT. :D On a personal note, this time last year I had been back in triathlons for about 2 months, and spotty training. My pace for running was around 10:00/mile. This year, with a year of decent training and some solid training the last two months, I've dropped them down to around the 8:00/mile pace. Haven't done any speed work or anything like that yet, just gotten out the door on a regular basis.
Happy training!

P.S. If you have specific questions, worries, ideas, etc. feel free to post them. Especially for a first timer, this is an intimidating thing. Part of my goal is to help you to feel relaxed and happy about it rather than dreading it. This is fun, dangit!!

Edited by tkd.teacher 2009-04-09 12:25 PM
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