Subject: Local Triathlon Radio Show I was driving into work this morning and heard a promo for a triathlon focused radio broadcast on Kansas City's WHB 810 AM radio called something along the lines of "Stroke, Spin, and Stride." It supposed to air on Tuesdays at 7:00pm and it appears that it will be hosted by some local tri folks. There is no info on the WHB's website so that's all I know. How cool?! I think this speaks well of how the sport has grown in the area. I'll probably be out for a run or on my bike when it airs (figures ). Maybe I'll check it out while riding the trainer or find a radio to run with instead of my iPod. For those living outside if the area you still may be able to receive the station on your radio. Based on where I've traveled of late I've received their signal in Manhattan, KS and as far away as Waterloo, IA. |