Subject: RE: Would you take the hit??? SO funny! FIVE YEARS! of getting kicked in the nuts. lol Ok so after 5 years they turned into stones, do they function? I'm sure he inserts this into casual conversations Want to go running? "Nope I have to get kicked kicked in the nuts a lil later on. so wont have time. I'm sure you know how it is...." Want to hit the bar have a few drinks? "Hit the bar? ha I have been hit with bars, bricks, iron pipes some 6'9" MMA dude, and and a bowling bowl. in the nuts." Dude do you what a drink or not? "Go ahead punch me in the adam's apple! I dare ya!" Say Ironball dude, ever do Ironman? they are having an Ironman Tri the next town over, want to watch? man its really something you know what Ironman is swimming/biking/running. "not really but did I NOT just tell you I got kicked in the balls for FIVE years!" Ya ya you told me, well they swim for 2.4 miles "That it??? I just told you I got kicked in the balls for five years!!" Then they bike for 112 miles "Did I tell you that you can karate chop my Adam's apple?" Then they run a marathon "Chuck Norris never ran a marathon either, But he also never got kicked in the balls for five years sooooo" Edited by oriolepwr 2014-04-14 9:49 AM