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2010-04-06 8:25 PM

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Subject: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
NAME: Eliwashere- First Name- Elias, but I go by Eli

STORY: I am a lifelong recreational athlete. I swam in summer leagues, played football, wrestling and lacrosse in high school, rugby in college and fat. I ran sporadically after college (1995) but it never really stuck. 
In 2001 I got motivated to run a marathon and ran Disney that year. I also discovered that being fit would help me keep up with my child. Since 2006 I have been running regularly and re-discovered triathlons in 2007-2008. I really enjoy the multi-sport aspect of triathlon and the fact it doesn't wear my body down quite as much as just running. I also like the level of interaction at the races. I find that the community is very friendly and am even looking into becoming a coach.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with one child. Wife runs marathons, and has started to ride!

CURRENT TRAINING: I generally train 5-6 days a week. I would guess I average about 5 hours a week. I try to keep at least one race on my schedule in the next 3 months to stay motivated.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Goofy Challenge, ING Miami 1/2 marathon, Gator 1/2 Iron Triathlon-So far. Planning on doing the Escape to Miami and signed up for Ironman Cozumel!

2009 RACES:  2009 was a GREAT year for me. Ran the Goofy Challenge at Disney, ING half, volunteered at a few sprint Tri's, joined a local training group, MS 150 bike ride, Keys Ultra relay, 2 Local Sprint Tri's, Escape to Miami Olympic, Marine Corps Marathon, Miami Man 1/2 Iron, Ragnar Relay Florida. Whew, it was a busy year.

WEIGHTLOSS: Finally lost some weight this year. Went from around 225 to 210, which pushed me into a much more competitive Clydesdale division. I am hoping to get down to 200 this year, although I haven't weighed that little since High School.  

 I have seen and done a lot in my time as a recreational athelete. I am also a voracious reader and love to research a topic. I spend a fair bit of time lurking around BT, and I am not shy about posting. As a recent Tri convert, I am also very interested in sharing my experiences and helping others enjoy it as much as I do. I work from home and am online quite a bit, so it is easy for me to be responsive.

Edited by eliwashere 2010-04-18 9:11 PM

2010-04-11 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2772633


Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
I am interested in sharing my training information with someone who can understand it & provide feedback. I do heart rate training 7 days a week. Are you available to help me?
2010-04-11 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
I have some knowledge of using Heart rate to train. I have been using a Polar HRM for over 5 years and find it an incredibly useful tool.
That being said, I don't use the HRM explicitly to manage my workouts, as I am part of a group and my group training sessions are an important part of keeping me motivated.
However, I would be glad to discuss HR zone testing protocols and using HR as a guide for training plans. 
2010-04-11 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
So how was the race today??

I'll be honest - I signed up with another mentor group but they are not a happy-go-posting kind of crowd. I want some friendly tri-related conversation with people who will tell me when to HTFU but who will also understand that training while working full time and raising two kids (3.5 and 15 mos) is not easy!

My first ever mentor group petered out on me. We started really strong but our mentor got busy, we stopped checking in, never really got much group support out of it. My second round of mentoring, I changed jobs halfway through the session and stopped training completely for about 10 weeks. I was too embarassed to go back because it was the swbkrun group and if you miss even one day with those peeps you are left in the dust.

So here we are in my third attempt and I am feeling like the group I signed up with is not going to be a good fit again. Do you think I can join here too?? Or do I talk to much already?
2010-04-11 7:54 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
BTW, that Sam guy posted the exact same question on multiple mentor group threads. I think he is doing some serious shopping around...
2010-04-12 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
Glad to have you.
This will be my second mentor group. Here is what I can promise you.
1.  I will respond withint 48 hours to just about anything, except on weekends if I have a race.
2. I like banter. I think the idea of these groups, at least at my level is to get some give and take about training, lifestyle and have an occasional session.
3. There are very few exact answers. Whether you like HIT, XFit, or traditional periodization, to name a few, there are very few WRONG ways to train, except for not listening and not being consistent. 

So...Come on in and join us. 

2010-04-12 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
I would love to join if you're still name is Jennifer (not to be confused with Jenna!), I am 43, a mother of two girls (7 and 9 yo) and married for 17 years. I live halfway up the coast in Maine - so I don't have great access to OWS yet (the ice *just* thawed on the local ponds and lakes...probably another month until I would think about getting it) I work from home as a project manager, so I have frequent access to BT.

Last year was my first year at triathlons - I attempted two sprints, DNF'ed the first due to equipment failure and had a great time on the second ( )

This year, I'm starting the season in a couple of weeks with a half marathon (in an effort to keep me focused on running over the winter), a sprint with a friend who is a first-timer, then a break until late July - where I will race two sprints and two Olympics. Long term - I would love to do an IM, but I really want to build up a base before I feel like I could attempt that distance.

I do not come from an athletic background at all (the running joke with my friends is that my entire family are as athletic as chairs), but always wanted to do a triathlon. Once I started training - I was hooked. Having a specific goal in mind (instead of just working out because it is good for you) really made the world of difference for me. It's much easier for me to push through a specific workout (or even get started) if I know there will be consequences if I don't.

I participated in a mentor group for the winter session and really enjoyed the talk/inspires/back and forth.

2010-04-12 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
We would be glad to have you. I can relate to the working from home part.
Congrats on picking up such a great sport.
Looking  forward to your company as the season gets into swing!
2010-04-12 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
I think this sounds like a great group so far! Very glad to be aboard.

My daughter had a doctor's appointment this morning, so I played hooky from work today (luckily I'm the boss!) and will get in a good workout tonight. Probably a swim/run - although it is so nice I might take my bike out into the sunshine to finish the rest of my ride that was cut short on Saturday.

When do you guys do most of your training? I used to do early mornings but am really struggling with a lack of sleep. I am turning to afternoon and early evening workouts, and having moderate success in completing them a majority of the time!
2010-04-12 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
This is my 600th post!
2010-04-12 3:00 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
You are on fire with the posts. I think you have been on a year less than me and have over 100 posts more!
And I thought I lurked/commented a lot.
I work from home, although I am not my own boss anymore, I do have a fair bit of flexibility in my time.

As to depends. When the season really gets going, I often do a couple of morning workouts, but I give precedence to my wife for mornings, as she has a long commute. We usually get in a long run together on the weekends mostly early in the morning.

I can also workout in the evening at the gym in my building (although we may be moving, which will change that) while my daughter does homework.

I prefer the morning workout, as it makes me feel like I am having a "good" day.

2010-04-13 6:17 AM
in reply to: #2772633

New user

Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN

Hi Eli, I'd like to join your group.

(I too am a refugee of a prior group whose "mentor:  seems to be MIA)

NAME: Elizabeth

STORY: Not an athlete when I was younger (other than downhill skiing). Started running in my twenties to help control my weight. But after some nagging injuries and an ever more demanding job I stopped. Got fit and lost about 50 lbs about 4 years ago. I've let about 10 lbs creep back on this past year, so would like to lose that 10 over the next couple of months. 3 years ago was looking for a new challenge to keep my focus on my fitness so did a local sprint tri and loved it.  Last season struggled with pain in my hip for months in the spring, only to finally get a diagnosis of a stress fracture.  So missed most of last season.

FAMILY STATUS: Single, so theoretically plenty of time to train

CURRENT TRAINING: Still not as regular in my training as I would like/should be.  But,  I'm slowly getting back into a more focused training pattern (hoping this group provides some of the spark to get me there). 

 Been swimming with a "total immersion" coach for about 2 years, totally transformational and it's been great; and while I'm still pretty slow in the water, I really enjoy swimming now.

Love to ride, and really struggle with running.

2010: My "A" race is NYC July 18th. Have a few sprints before and after. 

2010-04-13 6:48 AM
in reply to: #2785922

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
trysprintolympic - 2010-04-12 2:54 AM
When do you guys do most of your training? I used to do early mornings but am really struggling with a lack of sleep. I am turning to afternoon and early evening workouts, and having moderate success in completing them a majority of the time!

During the week, I do one workout in the early am (before anyone is up), so I can then get the kids up, fed, brushed and on the bus. The second workout comes in mostly around lunch time (I work from home, so that time frame is a little loose), or after the kids are in bed if I can't get it done during the day. I have found that I sleep better when I work out earlier in the day.

Weekends - it's whenever I can fit it in around everyone's schedule. I am trying very hard not to impact the family too much with my training (I don't want them to resent it)...the good news is my kids are excited to go to races and my youngest even wants to do a kids tri in May (25 y swim, 2/3 mile bike, 1/4 mile run).
2010-04-13 7:06 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
If there is still room I would like to join this group.  Seems to be a good mix so far.

I am training for my first Tri in July, and looking for a place to ask questions and get advice as well as see how others are going about their training.

Will post more about my self when I am not at work.
2010-04-13 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
Elizabeth and Chmoore,
Glad to have you join. Looks like a good group so far. I am not sure about the guy who was looking for HR training, as he hasn't responded back yet.

Elizabeth, you are scaring me with the stress fracture! My hips have been bugging me on and off, usually the day after a particularly long run or a race.

2010-04-13 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
I started swimming with TI too! I was all self-taught from the book though, so that probably explains why I'm still not very good at it. I looked at taking their courses, but the nearest one to me was still 4-5 hours away and $700 for the weekend. Yikes! I really need to work on my swim though, so if I don't see many improvements this spring I will consider biting the bullet on some TI coaching.

2010-04-13 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
What kind of stuff are you doing to work on your swim?
Do you have a swim background?
I read the TI book as well, and incorporated a lot of the ideas into my swim training. So far, I am doing OK. Avg. 1:30 /100 or so on my swims in the pool. 
Here is the stuff I really focus on:
1. Being smooth
2. Being Long-I really have to focus on leaving my arm out there and not starting my pull too soon. It seems to make a HUGE difference.
3.  Rotation-When I focus on getting my rotation and rotating to the sweet spot when I swim, it makes me feel better and like I am using less energy.
4. Practicing so that every stroke is the same, at the beginning and the end. I was never a huge fan of speed drills. I do some shorter intervals (200) to practice going a little faster, but he makes the point in one of the videos that the point is to keep your stroke consistent.

I am hoping to focus a little more time on swimming in the coming months. I would like to get down to 1:20/100 for longer distances.
2010-04-13 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
I'll be honest here - I stopped timing myself in the pool a while ago. I was swimming 2:00/100m consistently and the lap counting was becoming a PITA. Plus, my gym has a 55ft pool instead of a 25m, so it all needed converting anyway. I've been swimming for overall time and then pick a rough distance as an estimate using round numbers and RPE, considering 2:00/100m to be moderately high intensity. Even when I sprinted, I never got under 1:20/100m and then I could barely hang on for 100m!
2010-04-13 5:58 PM
in reply to: #2787595

New user

Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN

My stress fracture started as an achy pain after a long run, then progressed to achy pain while running, and eventually even while walking.   If you are having pain in both hips, I would think that would be pretty rare to have a fracture on both sides, but I would be careful.  A Chiropractor finally correctly diagnosed me (I went to an Orthopod and got an incorrect bursitis diagnosis so far. 

On the TI swimming front, I "skimmed" the book first but soon after started with a class from a coach who works with Terry Laughlin.  And I have to say even with a class it took me 2, eight week sessions for me to really start "getting the feel" (but I might just be slow on the uptake). 

I'd highly recommend doing something in person.  It's been great for me, I just feel like I have some techniques to fall back on.  (And the hip rotation was the hardest thing for me to get and makes a big difference in my propulsion). 

I have a little lap counter that I hear on my finger to count laps and it also give's lap times which is great feedback.  I'd recommend that as well, who can keep track otherwise.  I still take a "class" every week but now it's less about drills and more a good endurance swim with difference focus points.  We are up to 1.5 Miles for our long swim. 

2010-04-13 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
Allright here is my bio:

Charlie Moore

35 years old and training for my first triathlon on July 10th.  I have been into teams sports for most of my High School and college years playing baseball, Soccer and Wrestling.  I was playing competitively until about 10 yeasr ago when I hurt my neck and required surgery to repair herniated disk.   Really sat on my behind since then and put on a ton of weight. Looking to train for Triathlons as a way to keep me motivated and a way to measure progress.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a beautiful women with 2 kids age 6 and 8.

  I have been working out pretty consistently since January and just started to follow the 2X Balanced Plan on BT.  I am starting on week 5 since that will get me right to my race day.  Before I decided to do this I looked to see what I was able to do. I was able to run 3.3 miles with a pace of 12:12, and swam non-stop for 400 yards.  With that behind me I felt I could safely start with week 5 and progress to my race day.  Should I have used the 13 week beginner plan instead?  What is big difference between them?  Also do 2 strength training sessions a week.

Training for the Mini-Mussel triathlon on July 10, and looking at a couple of options for September.  I am also looking at a 5K run in May and another in June just to see what a race experience is like.

WEIGHTLOSS: Like I said above I put a ton of weight on in the past 10 years or so.  Last summer found myself weighing 280 lbs and a BF% of 42%.  Ouch I am only 5-7 so I was really unhealthy.  Through a medically supervised weight loss plan I am now down to 200 and BF of 23%.  I am hoping that doing tris will help me keep the weight off and maybe lose some more.  Now that I am down to a healthy weight again, I am starting to actually enjoy the training and exercise.

I am currently riding a Diamandback Hybrid that I bought a couple of years ago.  If I get into this big time I will be looking for something better but right now this will do.  Just bought my first real running shoes from a local specialty shop.  I also have started using an HRM for training.  I plan on renting a wetsuit for my tris this year. 

WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR: I am looking for advise, and motivation.  I am also looking for a place where I can ask some basic noob questions about race day and what type of equipment I will need.  I am also ofcourse hoping I can provide something to the group as I learn about the sport.
2010-04-13 7:21 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
Nice to have you aboard.
Congrats on the weight loss. That is a hug amount to lose and a major difference in health.

As to the difference in the plans, my suggestion for now would be to stick with what you are on. I liked the look of the 2x balanced. I think when you are starting out, consistency is much more important than anything else.

For the first few years when I took up running, I just went out and ran. I only had one speed.
It was only later that I managed to incorporate things like intervals and hills, etc.

I would think you will be fine on the diamondback. What kind of tires does it have? I rode my first 7 or so triathlons with a hybrid that I put road tires on. It worked fine.

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions, that is the point!


2010-04-14 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
Name: Dave

Story:  I am a pretty big, was kind of un-healthy, self competitive (I don't care if I beat you, I just want to beat me!) guy who tried a sprint triathlon last year in May, I weighed 260 in January of '09, and got down to 225 in May by training hard.  I lost my job, gained some weight back, but am back down below 225 again.  I do this to keep focused on my health and to have something to chase, a mountain to climb so to speak!

Family: Wife Sarah, Daughters Emmalee (5) Katie (3) and son Eli (2)

Current training:  I try to get in 6 days a week, 3 bikes, 3 swims, and 4 runs, but I have been lagging behind lately.  I am religious about logging my training, so just check it out.  I am trying to get faster at everything!

This Years Races:
Oceans of Hope 10K April 17
Bikesource sprint triathlon May 19
Topeka tin man olympic tri. June 16
Tribute triathlon July sometime
Dare to tri triathlon Olympic August 29th.

2009 races: my first Corazon de la montana sprint tri in Ruidoso NM.

Weightloss:  Weighed 258 in January of 10, down to 222 as of today.  I have a goal of being sub 200 for my August 29th race.  Experiencing a steady 2-2.5 per week of loss due to clean eating and getting after it in training.

I am looking forward to being a part of a supportive group with a great mentor!

2010-04-14 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
Welcome aboard!
Congrats with the weight loss, and the training. I got as high as 250 before, and and thrilled to be around 210 for the past 4 months.

I will look at your logs later, but it sounds like you will fit right in! 
2010-04-14 10:06 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
So, how is everyone doing?
Did a "field test" on a spin bike today. I am thinking about working on my cycling using the "time Crunched Cyclist" program from CTS/Chris Charmichael.
I am not sure I was able to go "ALL OUT" but I was sweating and panting up a storm.
Wish I had a power meter though, just to see the wattage.

What kind of plans are you all using right now? 
2010-04-15 6:39 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-OPEN
Welcome Dave! I saw you did a sprint in NM, I grew up in was the race?

Plans I am using right now - the half marathon plan (race is May 9), just finished Jorge's Winter Cycling Challenge (which I would strongly recommend to anyone doing bike sessions on a trainer) and will start up with the BT Olympic plan after the half marathon. My A race(s) this season are both Olympics (one Labor Day, and the other two weeks after that). The jump from Sprint to Olympic has me a bit spooked (that's a long friggin' way!)...but as part of my overall goal to eventually complete an IM, its a necessary progression.

How about you all?
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