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2009-12-13 8:49 AM

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McKinney, TX
Subject: Ken D's Group - Shut
NAME: KenD aka Ken
STORY:  Greetings, one and all.  I am a 40ish, Middle to Back of the Pack Triathlete.  The reasons I tri:  a)  overall health / weight-blood pressure control,  b)  I will NOT turn into my father, c)  I have young children and WILL be active with them throughout their lifes  d)  FUN!
FAMILY STATUS:  I am married with 4 children - 20 yr old son, 9 yr old son, 8 yr old daughter & 7 yr old daughter.  And two dogs.
CURRENT TRAINING: I generally train between 5 - 15 hours / week depending on where I am in my training plan.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2009, I participated in 2 races.  One a Sprint distance and the other an Olympic distance.
2010 RACES:  TexasMan Half-Iron distance in May, Sprint distance in Aug, Olympic distance in Oct.
WEIGHTLOSS: I have lost and kept off 25 pounds in 3 years.  I still eat cookies and ice cream. 
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I have been on BT for 3+ years now.  I am an active participant in the forums.  I do not know all of the answers but I generally know where to find them.  I am upbeat & positive.

Edited by KenD 2009-12-15 3:03 PM

2009-12-15 12:37 AM
in reply to: #2556282

New user

Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Open
I would like to join your group.

 Name: John,jbarr223

 I'm 23 I live in Ardmore,Ok.I work with my family in the oil industry mom and dad and my brother.My brother and i do most of the delivering which is not much exercise.I watched biggest loser and saw that i was head in that path so ive been trying to do any to get into shape.Ive always wanted to run a triathlon and have no experience in it so ive been trying to read and find out as much about it as i can. Ive competed in anything from golf to mma. 

Family:Ive been married for a little over a year now.

current training:I am not currently training for anything just trying to lose weight.

2010: Ive only signed up for a 3.5 mile obstacle course i would like to sign up for a short tri in 2010.

Weightloss: I was at 230 in april Im currently 6"1 207lbs.

I would mainly like advice where to start and encouragment. Everyone i know has made fun of me for wanting to try and you wonder why ive gained 50lbs

2009-12-15 1:16 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Open
Hey Jbarr... I see you posted in my mentor group thread as well.

Since I already have 10 people... I'll let Ken take you on his team. Only because I know Ken's a good guy and will take good care of you!

Good luck with achieving all your goals!

2009-12-15 5:57 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Open
JBarr223 - awesome and welcome aboard!  Have you started searching for a spring/summer triathlon yet?
2009-12-15 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Open
I stole this from TxMPGal & Smilford's group:

A couple of requirements for this group so we can meet the intent of accountability
- Use your BT logs! This is hugely important as consistency is hugely important to improvement! You don't have to blog about your day, what your dog did, or what you bought Aunt Sue for Christmas, BUT, do log your workouts, and if you have a training plan, BT or otherwise, try putting it in your log as well.
- Participation.  This whole thing is a two-way street.  Once we close up, we'll list links for everyone's logs so it's easy for you to pop in, encourage, and push each other. Also, be prepared to ask questions here, that drive's discussions and that gives us more knowledge.  GI Joe taught me that "knowing is half the battle!"
2009-12-15 12:19 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Open
Hi Ken, I'd like to join your group

Name: Corstan, aka Sandra

Story: I am 44 yrs old, and after a long time of indulgent living, I both decided it was time to get healthy and fit.  I enrol(led in a bootcamp and completely changed my diet, 16 months later, I have lost 100 lbs and now teach the bootcamps that helped me get fit.  I was looking for a new challenge in my life and enjoy swimming, biking and running, so why not Triathlon.  I will be doing my first one in May 2010(Olympic) and will be starting a half marathon clinic in January.  I'm very motivated, but still would like the support of a group to keep me on track and vice versa.

Location: British Columbia

Family: Happily married, with a wonderful Step-daughter who lives with us half time.  My husband who made the journey to get fit with me,  is also training for Tri's

Current training: averaging between 5-10 hrs per week

2010 races: BMO Half Mary May 2, UBC Olympic, in May 16 and Iron Mountain Triathlon in June 20
Weighloss:  100 lbs so far, would still like to lose another 10lbs

2009-12-15 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Open
Great, Corstan!  You've made some great progress in your fitness and have achievable goals.  I was fixin' (TX word) to say to use the BT logs so we can keep an eye on you, but you're already doing it.  Keep it up!

Question regarding long term goal - "recheck sanity level"?  Is the sanity level supposed to be in the "sane" area or the "insane" area?  And who determines the level of sanity?
2009-12-15 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2560135

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Open
KenD - 2009-12-15 10:26 AM Great, Corstan!  You've made some great progress in your fitness and have achievable goals.  I was fixin' (TX word) to say to use the BT logs so we can keep an eye on you, but you're already doing it.  Keep it up!

Question regarding long term goal - "recheck sanity level"?  Is the sanity level supposed to be in the "sane" area or the "insane" area?  And who determines the level of sanity?

haha..the sanity level has to be more in the insane area, because if sanity ever checked in, I'd realize that I couldn't possibly do everything I do(full time geek job + part time bootcamp instructor + family + dog + training + social life + maybe some sleep) on a weekly basis.  Crazy is where it is at!
2009-12-15 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Open
Hey I would like to join your group.

This will mt my frist Tri so I know nothing!!!!
2009-12-15 12:48 PM
in reply to: #2560185

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Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Open
I just posted here but i guess I should add some info

LOCATION.......... PG British Columbia ( right now it -30 )

FAMILY STATS....... Married for 9 years and we have 3 boys

TRAINING.......... I did my frist road race ever this past Sept 8.5m finished 13th out of the 26 females and 90 th overall.

GOALS FOR 2010................ run in a half marathon and a sprint tri in June

2009-12-15 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Open

I would like to join your group!

Name:  Meggan

  I swam competitively growing up.  I think I started when I was 7 and swam through high school.  I started really running last September when my trainer encouraged me to run.  I thought he was nuts!  Imagine my surprise when I fell in love with it!  Back in May a friend of my husband's put the thought of triathlons into my head.  When I was 27 I made a list of things I wanted to do before I was 30 and a sprint tri was on that list.  Well, I got married, had a couple of kids and just did not get to it.  I am proud to say I did my first triathlon in October, 2 months before I turn 32 tomorrow!

Family Status: Married with two boys ages 3 and 18 months

Current Training: Sigh...see above!  I work full time and can't really get to the gym or anything until after the youngest goes to bed at 7:30.  At that point, I usually hit the treadmill in my basement.  I am cancelling my gym membership because it is just not worth it at this point.  Don't bother checking out my training log.  I really need to start logging.  I did for a week or so and then just stopped.  I am trying to figure out the best plan of attack for the winter months!

2009 Races: I did a 10 mile run back in March.  I had signed up for the 5k and changed the day before to the 10 mile run.  I did a sprint tri in October.  Very very new to all of this!

2010:  No idea...trying to figure it out.  Definitely doing the 10 mile run again.  Also a sprint tri in August I want to do.  I need to check them out and make a plan.  I want to do an Olympic distance and a half marathon next year.

2009-12-15 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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Louisville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Open
I would love to join the group.  I've been training for 90 days and have seen tremendous changes in my life!  Any room for a Super Clydesdale en route to Clydesdale status?
Thanks so much!

NAME: bassandbike AKA Patrick
STORY:  I'm a 37 year old ex college football player forced into retirement by injury in the early 90's. My weight has yo-yo'd continuously ever since, anywhere from 240 pounds to 360 pounds.  I'm currently at 280lbs and dropping.  I love to ride, am falling in love with running, and have experience in the water, though none competitively since my teens.  I love to take self-supported bike tours and I'm a musician.  But music has to take a back seat to my fitness.  Oh, and I think I've got a goot start on keeping my "intake valve" under control, as far as the dinner table is concerned!
  I am married with 2 kids, a 6 year son and 9 year old daughter.  Two dogs.  I have the full support of my wife, who may join me in our first triathalon!
CURRENT TRAINING: I'm getting base miles on the bike 2 days a week, lifting weights and running 3 days a week.  Stretching like a madman.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: None.  I've never run or biked in a race ever. As I stated earlier, I used to be on the swim team as a teen.  None since.  This is new territory.
2010 RACES: Sawyer Park Sprint Triathalon (August), Triple Crown 5k, 10k, 10 mile races in March/April.  Perhaps another Sprint Triathalon....
WEIGHTLOSS: I've lost 40 pounds in the last 90 days.  I'm watching every single thing I put in my mouth, and keeping track of my exercize.  It can consume you!!
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have no experience in Triathalons or competitive racing. But I'm a coachable competitor for sure.  Open to input and highly maleable.  Easily self-motivated and supportive of others.  I'm so stoked to show myself, family and friends that I can accomplish what would have been considered by all to be impossible!!!
2009-12-15 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2556282

Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Open
I would like to join your group.

Name: Shauna

Story: I am 43. Started in Fall 2008 with a small 5 mile fun run and ride. I was hooked. In 2009, I did fun events plus a canoe-bike-run (6, 6, 18) event twice. In 2010, I am going to tackle the swim-bike-run. I registered for my first sprint tri in mid- April 2010. Holidays are crazy and I had to switch gyms because mine abruptly stopped daycare. I will be starting back the end of this month and pretty much make it a daily routine. I will try to keep up my training logs. I am going to start by using training programs from here. I do have a goal to lose weight. For this year, I just want to become more knowledgeable and have a clue about sprint tri's, I am not going to be competitive. I just want to have fun and accomplish some personal goals!
Family status: in a relationship- have a 2 year old son

2009-12-15 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2556282


Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Open
Hi Ken, I would like to join your group.

Name -- John Periatt

Story -- My goal is to do a triathalon by my 50th birthday in June, 2010.  Never trained for one but have always wanted to.  I tore my ACL a few years ago and have migrated to non-impact sports like biking, elliptical, etc...  I really miss basketball, racquetball and some running.  Since I have not trained my legs for running and its impact I need a good program that will slowly allow me to build up my running legs.  I have attempted to run again in the recent past but have had some serious soleous pain and backed off.  Another big bonus to reach this goal is that my 18 year old son has agreed to train and race with me.  I look forward to this time together.

Location -- Cincinnati, Ohio

Family -- Happily married for 25 years (this March), 18 year old son, 13 year old labrador

Current Training -- Since it is winter I spin 3 times a week, lift 2 times a week.  Two years ago I started tour biking, carrying everything needed on the road.  It's a good workout and a challenge.  Since my eating habits are sporadic, I need to lose about 10-15 lbs.  This carrot to run a triatholon will keep me focused to stay on the staight and narrow.
2009-12-15 2:56 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Open
This sounds like a good diverse group...mind if I join? 

: Tim

Story: Sports athlete until I graduated college at age 22 (about to turn 32 now).  Continued to do some running and working out intermittently for a few years and was usually 185-205lbs depending on what season it was.  After being an athlete for so long, I did not know what to do with myself with no sports to play after I left college.  I had a job where I worked at night and my schedule rotated so I didn't join any sports leagues.  From about age 24-28, my weight slowly crept up to 230.  I still ran a few 5k's every year but nothing serious.  At 230 I decided I had enough.  A friend got me into mountain biking which in turn lead to road biking.  I loved it so much (and knew I could already run) I decided to just go for a triathlon.  My biggest fear was the swim b/c I almost drowned in the ocean when I was about 16. 
I've now done 2 yrs (and about 8 races) of tris with all of them being sprints and one olympic.  I am generally in the middle of the pack.  I have my weight down to between 202-218.  I've decided that I really want to work hard this winter and get my weight down (with my ultimate goal being around 190).  I tend to slack off bad in the winter and then spend all season playing catch up.  I am going to focus on sprints this year and really want to get faster in all areas. 
If Ken is cool with it, I've got some experience and would be happy to help anyone out...but I only ask for some motivation to keep me going through the winter!

Location: Austin, TX

Family: Married for 4yrs, no kids...but 2 great cats that are my kids!

Current training: Really focusing on speeding up my runs.  Just did a 5k 2 days ago and set a PR of 24:30!  I would like to see that under 20min by next year. 

2010 races: Plan on doing 4-5 sprints and some scattered runs (5k, 10k, half-marys) and bike rides throughout the year
Weightloss:  230 at my highest.  Got it down to 202 2yrs ago.  Now I am at 216.  Tend to be in the 208-210 range during the season. This month (Dec) is my weakest month of the year when it comes to working out and eating badly!!
2009-12-15 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut.
Okay, I'm shuttin' the door.

Here's the list of people in the group (aka the Chosen Few):
jbarr223 - John
corstan - Sandra
achaterbox - ???
MrsChach - Meggan
bassandbike - Patrick
wisprunner - Shauna
jperiatt - John
chichitao - Tim

Couple of things:
-  I'm ex-Navy submariner.  Therefore, my humor may be different.  If I offend you, please let me know BEFORE you get mad or upset.  I don't intend to be offensive.
-  Triathlon is the correct spelling.  Yes, I know how it sounds.
-  Use your BT logs.  I'll be (and hopefully the rest of the group) checking those for harassment encouragement.
-  I expect all of you to participate and talk amongst yourselves here.  Ask questions, tell us about your goals, tells us about your obstacles/challenges.  I'll do my best to have a "topic of the week".
-  Remember, this is supposed to be about fun & a lifestyle.  Have fun!

Edited by KenD 2009-12-15 3:02 PM

2009-12-15 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Looks like a nice diverse group, with similar aspirations,   my day job is 80% male and they are all offensive and I like them all despite it.  Not much can shock me.

Here is to a great 2010 season! Thanks for taking me on
2009-12-15 3:21 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
Topic of the Week:  2009 is almost done.  What are your Tri-Related goals for the rest of the year?
2009-12-15 3:25 PM
in reply to: #2560644

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2009-12-15 3:21 PM Topic of the Week:  2009 is almost done.  What are your Tri-Related goals for the rest of the year?

At this point, I really need to figure out my direction for the winter months.  I just had to break up with my trainer after a year and a half.  I feel like I have no idea what I am doing on my own right now.  Starting January, I also get into my busy months at work so I really need to figure it out now!
2009-12-15 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2560644

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2009-12-15 3:21 PM Topic of the Week:  2009 is almost done.  What are your Tri-Related goals for the rest of the year?

run, run, RUN!  And lose a few lbs while going to all sorts of holiday parties, including two birthdays (one of which is mine!).  Oh boy, no wonder this month is so tough!  At least it is a nice warm 45 degrees and not -30 like in BC!! Sheesh!  I feel for ya achaterbox!
2009-12-15 3:36 PM
in reply to: #2560644

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Louisville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut

New territory for me.  I'm used to eating myself silly over the holidays and feeling let down after the new year hits.  I've made up my mind to break the cycle for the first time in my 37 years, and come out ahead in January.  My goal is to lose 5 more pounds by January 1 and stick to my food, exercize and rest plan.  Oh, and to ride bike all the way through the Louisville, Kentucky "winter".  Having moved here from Minneapolis a year ago, I've earned the right to put winter in quotes. 

I'm stoked!!!

2009-12-15 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2560644

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
KenD - 2009-12-15 1:21 PM Topic of the Week:  2009 is almost done.  What are your Tri-Related goals for the rest of the year?

I plan on finishing out 2009 winning the du-december challenge with my team the Vixens, my goals were 10 hrs running and 14 hrs biking for the month of december, and I believe I will meet those goals.

I have a very relaxed Christmas this year, not going anywhere, not having anyone in, just me, my husband, our daughter and my father who lives in our basement suite.  I hope to do lots of training and lose a few pounds instead of gain them like normal at Christmas. 
2009-12-15 4:04 PM
in reply to: #2560692

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
bassandbike - 2009-12-15 1:36 PM

New territory for me.  I'm used to eating myself silly over the holidays and feeling let down after the new year hits.  I've made up my mind to break the cycle for the first time in my 37 years, and come out ahead in January.  My goal is to lose 5 more pounds by January 1 and stick to my food, exercize and rest plan.  Oh, and to ride bike all the way through the Louisville, Kentucky "winter".  Having moved here from Minneapolis a year ago, I've earned the right to put winter in quotes. 

I'm stoked!!!

I like your enthusiasm and what a great attitude to finish out and begin a new year with!

Edited by corstan 2009-12-15 5:10 PM
2009-12-15 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2556282

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
I completely understand regarding the holiday weight gain.  My weight is inching back up - 1/2 pound here, 1/2 pound there and then WHAM!  5 pounds! 

Goals for the rest of the year are:
- to finish <170 lbs,
- get back in the pool regularly (defined as 3x or more/week)
- ride (either outside or on the trainer 3x / week.
2009-12-15 4:31 PM
in reply to: #2560662

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Ken D's Group - Shut
chichitao - 2009-12-15 3:28 PM
KenD - 2009-12-15 3:21 PM Topic of the Week:  2009 is almost done.  What are your Tri-Related goals for the rest of the year?

run, run, RUN!  And lose a few lbs while going to all sorts of holiday parties, including two birthdays (one of which is mine!).  Oh boy, no wonder this month is so tough!  At least it is a nice warm 45 degrees and not -30 like in BC!! Sheesh!  I feel for ya achaterbox!

run, run, run?  Lose a few lbs?  How much running?  How many pounds?  We want details and quantifiable measures.
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