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Moderators: IndoIronYanti, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2004-03-22 4:16 PM


Subject: Need wetsuit help
Hi, My name is Roxanne. I am a 41 yr old accountant

After being inspired by a friend last year, on Dec 23, 2003 I decided I was going to swim across the Churchill River. by Jan 1/04 I decided I would also do a 40km bike ride and 10km run at the same time. You have to realize - I am not an athlete, nor have I ever been. I never even knew what a triathlon was until late last fall.

I started swimming and cycling last summer (I learned to swim about 15 yrs ago and swam for about 1 yr) because i was going on a 200 mile wilderness river trip and figured it would be good to be able to swim and walk out if necessary. In summer (weather permitting) I cycle 20 km about 4-5 days a week and i swim 3 days a week slowly (64 laps in an hour on a GOOD day)
I have downloaded a 10 k Vancouver Sun Run program - but found it a bit too agressive - never quite recovered between run days - so i cut my time back to about 40min (3x per week). Budget meetings are also a good excuse to put off exercise plan.

Churchill, Manitoba is north of 56 parallel on the west shore of Hudson Bay. I have been told the avereage water temp is about 10 celsius (50F). I am concerned about the temp, current and tides. Unfortunately, the shortest distance (about 1 mile) is right at the mouth of the river.

I only know of 3 people that have swam across the river. The last guy rubbed his body in Tenderflake lard and wore 2 swim caps - he was so cold he was disoriented in the water and when he came out. I thought I would buy a triathlete wetsuit. I called a store in Wpg and the lady is concerned about the water temp and says I probably need a dive suit and a neoprene Hat. I am roughtly estimating I will be in the 10C water for about 1 hr

i will be emerging somewhere along the coast (not sure where i will end up because of river current and tide) so I may be crawling back to my bike along rocky, seaweed covered, and uneven bottom.

I know nothing about wet suits or triathlons for that matter.

what kind of wet suit should I get (triathlon or dive suit)
do you wear "booties" on your feet?
do you wear neoprene gloves?
and if not - don't the hands and feet get cold?

Will I look silly stopping for hot chocolate and trying to warm up before taking off on my bike?

Physically, I am not sure if i can do this, but i am going to try. I have no idea what condition I will be in once I emerge from the water - I might just curl into a little ball and go into hypothermic shock. All I know is that I have to do this on a slack tide preferably outgoing and that I will have a boat with me with 3 strong people that can haul my butt into the boat because if this is necessary, i will be unable to move because of cold.

I welcome any advice on swimming in open extremely cold water, tides, and currents



ps - my friends think I am crazy!

2004-03-22 9:56 PM
in reply to: #13748

Keller, TX
Subject: RE: Need wetsuit help

wow.  not sure what to say to all of that . . .on the plus side, your goals are ambitious!  it's always good to have ambitious goals.  on the down side, your friends may have a point . . .

Sorry, but I live in Texas, so I'm  no help on cold water and wet suits.  Not too much call for that down here.

I did enjoy your post though and wish you best of luck.  It's ambitious as hell!  Sounds like you are taking precautions, so give it your best shot, but be careful out there.


2004-03-22 10:16 PM
in reply to: #13748


Subject: RE: Need wetsuit help
Thanks for the encouragement

I am pretty sure that if I survive the River swim I can probably do the 40k ride in 2hrs or less (mountain bike only has 2 of the 3 sets of gears that work) and even though I have only started "jogging" if I have to, I am pretty sure I can always run 10 hwy markers, walk 1 if necessary.

The big fear is the COLD water. Being blind as a bat without my glasses and not having pool lines to guide direction is not a comorting thought either - i will really be depending on that boat to keep me going in the right direction.

I hope the beluga whales come close enough for me to see them while I am swimming. We have thousands in the summer and they come right up to boats and swim by looking up at people. I heard you can feel their echo location sonar when they locate a person, but as long as it doesn't hurt or startle me and cause me to gulp water, I don't care if they echo locate offf my body.

Others have also told me you can do permanent damage by swimming in such cold water. They said some scientist that was swimming in Antartica has permanent nerve damage - does anyone know if this is true?????

triathlons down south - is the swimming section usually open water or a pool? (I am totally new to triathlon, so I have a lot of strange questions)

It is horrible doing laps in the school gym, turning corners is driving me crazy. Wish I could run outside (today was a blizzard , winds gusting 60-80km and -49 windchill).

Needless to say - cycle practice is also out of the question till maybe May/June

2004-03-23 11:22 AM
in reply to: #13748

Subject: RE: Need wetsuit help
I would suggest using a tri-suit rather than any sort of dive or surfing wetsuit. The latter are more restrictive and will inhibit arm movement enough that swimming a long distance will be much more difficult. Make sure you have a good cap, maybe even 2 of them, since so much body heat is lost through the head. Booties are available if you feel you need them, not sure about gloves.


Edited by max 2004-03-23 11:22 AM
2004-03-28 6:55 PM
in reply to: #13748

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Subject: RE: Need wetsuit help
WElcome.... Roxanne= what a great goal you've set.... lots of luck to you! I love how well you've started thinking this through.

The only thing i can tell you from personal experience is to avoid a surfing suit! I accidentally bought one for my first Tri and couldn't figure out why my stroke was impossible to get. Avoid a surf suit! if you still want to try one, i'll sell the one that's been worn once and retired. The arms are seriously retricted. I can't offer any other advice, except the above 2 cents.

Good Luck on finding the right suit!

2004-03-28 8:52 PM
in reply to: #13748

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Extreme Veteran
Epworth. Iowa
Subject: RE: Need wetsuit help
Great goals - ambitious, but great and you sound like you are on the way. Here's alink to "Top 10 Wetsuits" at About.Com

2004-03-28 9:38 PM
in reply to: #13748

, Alabama
Subject: RE: Need wetsuit help

Roxanne, welcome to the boards.  WOW!  I got cold just reading your post!!  Can't help you much with wetsuits, although a triathlon-specific suit is best (there are a variety of them, based on water temp).  Not much call for them in south Florida!  I have one that I use only when I travel for a race.  Anyway, best of luck with your goals.


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