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2009-08-03 1:29 PM

Petaluma, CA
Subject: Third Week on Nike Free
Just an update on my progress with minimalist shoes and forefoot running...

As I mentioned in another thread, I am a flat-footed, severe over-pronator over 185 pounds.  The establishment says I need 'motion control plus shoes' with heavy cushioning.  After resuming training after a 4 month break, I found myself with debilitating shin splints.  Four pairs of shoes later, I decided to buck the establishment and go with something more minimalist (Nike Free).

After three weeks, I remain injury free.  initially, my 10K dropped 10 minutes from 57 to 47 min and continues to improve.  I've increased my 'standard' run distance to 10 miles, which I'm doing far faster than my previous 10k pace.  All of this with no injuries.  My gains might sound ridiculous, but you'd be amazed at what can be done with legs that aren't in constant agony. 

There are some significant advantages that I'm finding with these shoes:

  1. The sole isn't rigid, allowing my foot to flex completely and spring.
  2. Wearing shoes like this has forced me to change my form, improving my efficiency and safety.
  3. I'm developing new muscles around my ankles and shins that I had never used. 
  4. Freeing my feet from rigid running "boots" is allowing me to develop my stabilizer muscles and allowing my feet to move unhindered.
  5. These things weigh like 6lbs less than my running "boots".  OK, not 6lbs, but they're a lot lighter.
  6. I'm more in touch with the ground.  I feel like I'm riding in a high performance sports car rather than a heavy luxury car.

I think anyone struggling with shin splints should have a look at this e-book and consider whether their shoes are helping them or hurting them.

For the first time in a long time I'm able to finish 10 miles at a decent pace and feel like I could turn around and do it again.  I'm aware of all of the "benefits" that support can provide and I think it's all horse crap.  I now believe that the bio mechanics of the foot were designed far better than any running shoe, and all those shoes attempt to do is hinder your movement in a way that makes you run unnaturally.

The result of all this is that I'm now very excited about my running.  While I used to dread going out and beating my shins up, I can't wait for my next run.

Edited by DaveyG 2009-08-03 1:30 PM

2009-08-03 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2324535

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Alpharetta (until we find a home)
Subject: RE: Third Week on Nike Free
I have moved to a lighter training shoe and my racing flats ( saucony fast twitch ) are very light with minimal cushion. I would train with the fast twitch except they have a mesh top and a vented (holes) in the sole. My preferred training is trail running and any sort or wetness or mud gets right into my sock. I also can get stones wedged in the holes in the sole. Have you used the Free on trails or pavement only? I would like to try them but only if I could use them on trails (stones,water,roots) without discomfort. Your thoughts?
2009-08-03 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2324535

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Third Week on Nike Free
Sounds like you're doing good. There's a few other threads here on VFF's and Born to Run which is another -great- book on barefoot running. My wife and I have recently purchased the VFF shoes and are really happy with them. I haven't started full on running with them yet, just short jaunts. My wife has already switched over to them for every run.  After this morning's run she indicated how much better her stride/form felt.

I've also started seeing more and more news media stories surrounding barefoot running / Nike Free / Vibrams. I think within the next 6 months it's going to really take off in popularity.
2009-08-03 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2324535

Subject: RE: Third Week on Nike Free
I wish you would have posted this last Friday!  I am a newbie that was never really into running at all.  I played soccer all four years of high school and two years of middle school.  I went to a specialized running store for someone to put me on a treadmill and get fitted for a correct shoe.  I just turned 30 last Wednesday, 5'10" and 200lbs. when I started on June 1st.  an 18 year old boy handed me a pair of Asics 2410s and told me these will be best for me then bagged them up.  He didn't have me get back on the treadmill or anything.  After running for a month in them my shins started really hurting, not to a point where I needed to quit or where I couldn't recover in a day, but enough pain to rethink my shoes.  I read an article on barefoot running and the benefits towards injury free running.  The article was very convincing and I went out and bought a pair of Nike Free Everyday 2.  I am supremely over pronated and flat footed!  I loved them!  I thought they were the best shoe ever!  BUT, just the other week my ancle started to give me a little problem.  I thought maybe it was because I stepped up my distance (did my first 4 mile in under 10min/mile), my wife thought it was because the way I was running.  So, I decided to go to a store this past weekend and get fitted again, not only did the lady tell me she didn't like the Free, she told my wife I should never where them AGAIN!  I walked out of that store with another pair of shoes and TWO sets on insoles as well.  I think it is all bull$#*! if you ask me!

Edited by kmeisman 2009-08-03 4:00 PM
2009-08-03 4:47 PM
in reply to: #2324535

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Third Week on Nike Free
I bought my Frees about a month ago and just 10k PR'd yesterday by 4 minutes over last year on the same course.  I'm sure there were several variables involved, but I love my Frees!  I run dirt trails in them and altho rocks get stuck in the sole it doesn't bother me.  The sole is thick enough to protect my feet from bruising on rocks and roots.  And best of all I'm developing calves -- no more chicken legs!!  And the knee issues I was having have not recurred since I gave up my stabilizing trainers.  I like that I can go sockless in them as well.
2009-08-03 5:28 PM
in reply to: #2324535

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Subject: RE: Third Week on Nike Free
what are the nike frees?


2009-08-03 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2324535

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Riverside, IL
Subject: RE: Third Week on Nike Free
I SO want to jump onto the "minimalist shoe" bandwagon, yet I'm also SO terrified to do so. I have a myriad of foot problems (PF in left foot only, toe numbing/pain in right foot only, underlapping toes on both feet which may or may not be contributing to the toe pain) so I'm very hesitant to move away from my stability trainers. I currently wear the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9, with a custom orthotic. They felt pretty good for the first few months, but now, they're not feeling so great. Been wearing these shoes since early February, so they DO need to be replaced...which may be the problem. BUT...I would love to try something with less stability, just to see how my feet react...and if it improves my running. I know I have some form issues which I am trying to work on. I used to be a heavy heel striker. While I'm not a full-on mid/forefoot striker yet, I do think I have lessened the heel striking somewhat (still room for lots of improvement there). I'm just so afraid that if I try something like the Nike Free or LunarGlide, my feet will hurt so badly that I'll never want to run again. I also do a fair amount of my running on a treadmill...would the Nike Free or any other minimalist type of shoe work in that situation? Or would I be inviting a host of other problems by wearing that type of shoe on a treadmill?
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